Tucker lays down the truth... Will you be able to pick it up?


'Ole Wise One'
Apr 20, 2016
Honolulu, Hawaii
You can read or listen... It is fairly lengthy so I suspect some of you will lose interest because if it longer than your average bowel movement, Que Sera, Sera... :dunno:

For those who take the time, I hope we all learn something...

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Well I've never seen a bowl have a movement but anything's possible. Tucker as always, misses the point entirely. But that's not a surprise. As for the article, it reads like a long whiny laundry list of bitching. And I have to say, it's a bit late in the game to be crying about the state of political discourse in this country. Especially when your side (right wing) largely made it that way. What you're seeing now (and what Tucker misses in his bitchfest) is simply people of color not taking the abuse anymore.
You can read or listen... It is fairly lengthy so I suspect some of you will lose interest because if it longer than your average bowl movement, Que Sera, Sera... :dunno:

For those who take the time, I hope we all learn something...

True. But if you haven't learned it by now, 98% never will. But never give up.
Well I've never seen a bowl have a movement but anything's possible. Tucker as always, misses the point entirely. But that's not a surprise. As for the article, it reads like a long whiny laundry list of bitching. And I have to say, it's a bit late in the game to be crying about the state of political discourse in this country. Especially when your side (right wing) largely made it that way. What you're seeing now (and what Tucker misses in his bitchfest) is simply people of color not taking the abuse anymore.
What abuse?
Well I've never seen a bowl have a movement but anything's possible. Tucker as always, misses the point entirely. But that's not a surprise. As for the article, it reads like a long whiny laundry list of bitching. And I have to say, it's a bit late in the game to be crying about the state of political discourse in this country. Especially when your side (right wing) largely made it that way. What you're seeing now (and what Tucker misses in his bitchfest) is simply people of color not taking the abuse anymore.
What abuse?

Ya got to remember this guy is talking about "bowl" movements.
So who the fuck knows what he's thinking.
#6's problem is that BLM, in true marxist form, reverse discriminates and projects onto the same white people who should also not be taking it anymore. This shows that BLM is looking for scapegoats for their inconsiderate demand for recognition, especially whilst Americans go through the COVID trauma. Lasting boycott is what they'll get, because this supposedly 'modern' BLM is infested with specters, such as recent information-compromised genuflections at Bethesda.

'....the more that confrontation with our limits obliges us to become authors of a history that nothing nor anyone determines from a point outside of it and that only comprises one enigma: our own. That is a sure sign that we are moving henceforth against the grain of the religious logic of origins: here the ordeal of otherness, eternal matrix of dependency, has become the compelling benchmark of freedom.'
(Gauchet, Desenchantement du monde, 267-8)

'In the past and in some present cultures, the sovereign sway of evil among people is attributed to demonic agency. Although secular states are no longer captive to this idea, the control of violence continues to elude them; our relation to violence is one that largely escapes us, and never more effectively than when we hypostasize it, whether as ill will or instinct. This indirection is the blind spot in our relation to violence, but it is no longer as opaque or inaccessible as it used to be. Rather, it grows less inscrutable with the passage of time, whose Latinized translation is what we call secularization and which is likewise translatable as deritualization or desacralization.'
(McKenna, Violence and Difference: Girard, Derrida, and Deconstruction, p. 142-3 State Secrets)
Ya got to remember this guy is talking about "bowl" movements.
So who the fuck knows what he's thinking.


He can not "think".

He just hates Carlson because he was told too. Just like every other moonbat "friend" I ever had. They loathed Rush, never listened to a word he said, would make an effort to block out what he said when exposed to it in a car ride somewhere if they would even tolerate it being on. They can't discuss facts or argue logically for the most part, it's a never ending stream of straw men and deflection. It's best to keep discussions with liberal "friends" limited to something they may "know" about.

Which is pretty much limited to weed and music.

Well I've never seen a bowl have a movement but anything's possible. Tucker as always, misses the point entirely. But that's not a surprise. As for the article, it reads like a long whiny laundry list of bitching. And I have to say, it's a bit late in the game to be crying about the state of political discourse in this country. Especially when your side (right wing) largely made it that way. What you're seeing now (and what Tucker misses in his bitchfest) is simply people of color not taking the abuse anymore.
What abuse?

Ya got to remember this guy is talking about "bowl" movements.
So who the fuck knows what he's thinking.

The OP corrected it, genius.
And abuse? Well, jeez, I would say that unarmed people of color getting shot and killed for no reason by people who are supposed to uphold the law constitutes abuse.
Ya got to remember this guy is talking about "bowl" movements.
So who the fuck knows what he's thinking.


He can not "think".

He just hates Carlson because he was told too. Just like every other moonbat "friend" I ever had. They loathed Rush, never listened to a word he said, would make an effort to block out what he said when exposed to it in a car ride somewhere if they would even tolerate it being on. They can't discuss facts or argue logically for the most part, it's a never ending stream of straw men and deflection. It's best to keep discussions with liberal "friends" limited to something they may "know" about.

Which is pretty much limited to weed and music.


You've described just about every (with few exceptions) conservative I've ever talked to. When I point out that their belief system has no policy successes in the last four decades, they deflect, deride, and most of them just run back to the "whatabout" defense. I don't think I've talked to a conservative that could pitch a new policy idea and convince me it would work. It's always the same old recycled failures.

On another note, bring back the bright blue font you used to use. The washed out font just makes me focus on the bile that drips from them.

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