Tsunami of fake news media sewage, day after Trump's speech


Diamond Member
Mar 16, 2012
Yup, that's the Left's patheic tactic to derail Trump's presidency. Repeating the failed strategy of the past. Democrats are now rudderless, leaderless, and clueless, running around like chicken with their heads cut off, from one fake news story to another, thinking they're going to somehow stop Trump. It's going to be fun watching them squirm, moan and groan while Trump plans their total destruction in the 2018 elections, and then in 2020!
They're butthurt over the way he has pushed them to the side because of their previous reporting, and in their vindictiveness, they are making mountains out of molehills.
They have nothing but molehills from which to create fake news stories. Neither do they have a leader who can guide them out from the humiliating defeat they suffered. Their party has been hijacked by crooked corrupt establishment types and radical leftists.

At some point people will get sick of all these meaningless distractions and tune off anything the media has to say.

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