Trying to educate Canadians on Communist China is like talking to a wall


Diamond Member
Aug 6, 2012
Some of the least curious or informed citizens on the planet. No wonder the covert police are targeting their kids and are controlling their careers. I can only shake my head at the latest interactions I had. These stupid SOB's will be forcing Mandarin classes in schools soon.
Some of the least curious or informed citizens on the planet. No wonder the covert police are targeting their kids and are controlling their careers. I can only shake my head at the latest interactions I had. These stupid SOB's will be forcing Mandarin classes in schools soon.
Well... in Canada, there is a large population of Chinese people; the Na Dene. So Mandarin is an indigenous language. But... I think that the Latin alphabet is better than Chinese characters; so French and British are just fine. Now only if We could get the Canadian provincial states under illegal United States occupation to start teaching French in schools as the mandatory secondary language.
... I can only shake my head at the latest interactions I had. ...
What interactions were those?

In another forum. They seem hellbent on defending the communists in regards to the W.H.O and even as a reliable and honest trading partner to Canada. It's as if they lack the braincells to see what is going on around them.

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