Truthers, how was this engine planted?

The only moron here is the one who thinks the FBI would plant an engine and also take and release to the public closeup photos them bringing in that engine that they are about to plant.

Talk about :cuckoo:

hahahahahaha!!!! so your proof that the engine was planted is that the FBI didnt release pictures of them planting the engine?!!!!

HAHAHAHAHAHahahahahahahaha!!! :lol:
This is the second time you didn't read what I said very well, but if you like to look ignorant, so be it.

The FBI did release one photo of them planting the engine, the one in the OP, just not any photos of them bringing the engine in by truck that they were about to plane, like you asked of.

Next time, READ.

You are a moron, there are dozens if not hundreds of pictures of the debris from flt 93. There was no way it could have been planted. Plus the DNA evidence was all there.

Who are you really?

this one?
No, [ame=]this one[/ame], but thanks for that other one. A 64 ton plane buried itself, but only one photo show any proof of something being dug out. Classic.

YouTube - Only 1 photo shows 'plane debris' coming out of Shanksville hole

the one that falsely claims the plane hit a mine SHAFT instead of a strip mine?
One of them said that, the other guy didn't. Maybe he was mocking the official story.

the one that claims a 64 ton aircraft weighs 100 tons?
I didn't hear a claim of the weight. Where was that said?

the one shows the plane crashing in the wrong direction?
Looked like the right direction to me.

the one that claims the engine was planted solely based on the basic fact that what is visible of the engine would have fit in the backhoe bucket next to it??
All of that engine part was visible. You can tell it's not submerged in ground. Just laid down on top. The other video is more detailed about that.

how many errors can you fit into one minute 48 seconds??
Technically I saw only one and that's if the first guy wasn't mocking the official story.

let me ask you a real basic question. do you think if they didnt think the backhoe would be able to handle the job of removing the engine they would have simply GOT A BIGGER BACKHOE?
How would they know how big the plane part was until after they unearthed it?

so now matter how big the engine is there is going to be a bucket next to it that can handle the job.
There only looked to be excavators with that same size backhoe. Are you really suggesting if they started unearthing a part that was bigger than the backhoes on scene, they were going to stop everything and wait hours, maybe a day, until the brought in a excavator with a larger backhoe? I don't see the logic in that.

Before I forget, this new video you posted debunks that other guy on here who said how would they be able to plant that engine with the 100's of responders there. If you look at the photo at 1:10 in that video, it shows from afar the excavator digging in the hole. There's only about a dozen people at the crater, not 100's.
the picture of the engine is of them RECOVERING the engine. not planting it.
Recovering it after they just planted it. You guys are saying they had to dig 45 feet down to dig out the plane. Weren't the black boxes allegedly retrieved at around 20 feet? The engine looks only a couple feet below the surface. Sure didn't travel very far down! But far enough for an FBI photo op.

the picture is from the moussoui (or however you spell that) trial. it was evidence admissible in a court of law that the wreckage was that of flight 93. you got any evidence that trumps that and proves it was planted?
I don't believe that photo was on trial, was it? Did his defense lawyer even question the authenticity of that photo? They probably assumed it was legit.
the picture of the engine is of them RECOVERING the engine. not planting it.
Recovering it after they just planted it. You guys are saying they had to dig 45 feet down to dig out the plane. Weren't the black boxes allegedly retrieved at around 20 feet? The engine looks only a couple feet below the surface. Sure didn't travel very far down! But far enough for an FBI photo op.

the picture is from the moussoui (or however you spell that) trial. it was evidence admissible in a court of law that the wreckage was that of flight 93. you got any evidence that trumps that and proves it was planted?
I don't believe that photo was on trial, was it? Did his defense lawyer even question the authenticity of that photo? They probably assumed it was legit.

let me get this straight. your entire evidence consists of you claiming the engine and the bucket of the backhoe are relatively the same size. and this is your proof it was planted??

i'm sorry but you dont find this even the least bit fucking ridiculous?

imagine if it was the other way around and the FBI was claiming the engine was planted and their sole evidence was your claim that the bucket and the engine part were about the same size. you'd be all over that conspiracy shit saying how ridiculous it was.
hahahahahaha!!!! so your proof that the engine was planted is that the FBI didnt release pictures of them planting the engine?!!!!

HAHAHAHAHAHahahahahahahaha!!! :lol:
This is the second time you didn't read what I said very well, but if you like to look ignorant, so be it.

The FBI did release one photo of them planting the engine, the one in the OP, just not any photos of them bringing the engine in by truck that they were about to plane, like you asked of.

Next time, READ.

the picture of the engine is of them RECOVERING the engine. not planting it. dont get ahead of yourself there, waldo. first things first. the picture is from the moussoui (or however you spell that) trial. it was evidence admissible in a court of law that the wreckage was that of flight 93. you got any evidence that trumps that and proves it was planted?

i didnt think so. :cuckoo:

The M trial exhibit didn't say it was an engine nor did it say it came from flight 93. Thanks for proving again how you lie at will.
A couple of doesn't make sense they would use a backhoe to unearth a crash site because it would easily damage evidence. Since there was a crater they wouldn't need a backhoe to dig down. Were they using the backhoe before the black boxes were recovered? As for the op pic....there is no way in hell a backhoe would dig up that part and have so much of it exposed. At first I thought the pic was showing the part after the backhoe dug it out of the ground then set it back on the crater to take a picture. The only way it would be in that position is if the backhoe hit the part then moved the bucket away so people could go in the crater and remove all the dirt by hand and/or with small shovels.
The M trial exhibit didn't say it was an engine nor did it say it came from flight 93. Thanks for proving again how you lie at will.

no, it calls it an "airplane part" recovered from where flight 93 crashed. if you want to split hairs over that then be my guest. it just goes to show what an ignorant jackass you are.:cuckoo:
The M trial exhibit didn't say it was an engine nor did it say it came from flight 93. Thanks for proving again how you lie at will.

no, it calls it an "airplane part" recovered from where flight 93 crashed. if you want to split hairs over that then be my guest. it just goes to show what an ignorant jackass you are.:cuckoo:
thats the typical minutia troofers grasp onto
A couple of doesn't make sense they would use a backhoe to unearth a crash site because it would easily damage evidence. Since there was a crater they wouldn't need a backhoe to dig down. Were they using the backhoe before the black boxes were recovered? As for the op pic....there is no way in hell a backhoe would dig up that part and have so much of it exposed. At first I thought the pic was showing the part after the backhoe dug it out of the ground then set it back on the crater to take a picture. The only way it would be in that position is if the backhoe hit the part then moved the bucket away so people could go in the crater and remove all the dirt by hand and/or with small shovels.

i'm kinda guessing here but i would think that the digging was done by hand and the backhoe was used for pieces that were too heavy for people to lift.

sorry if something that logical is too difficult for a twoofer to grasp.
The M trial exhibit didn't say it was an engine nor did it say it came from flight 93. Thanks for proving again how you lie at will.

no, it calls it an "airplane part" recovered from where flight 93 crashed. if you want to split hairs over that then be my guest. it just goes to show what an ignorant jackass you are.:cuckoo:

Thank you for proving your hostility regarding accurate facts. Again.
A couple of doesn't make sense they would use a backhoe to unearth a crash site because it would easily damage evidence. Since there was a crater they wouldn't need a backhoe to dig down. Were they using the backhoe before the black boxes were recovered? As for the op pic....there is no way in hell a backhoe would dig up that part and have so much of it exposed. At first I thought the pic was showing the part after the backhoe dug it out of the ground then set it back on the crater to take a picture. The only way it would be in that position is if the backhoe hit the part then moved the bucket away so people could go in the crater and remove all the dirt by hand and/or with small shovels.

i'm kinda guessing here but i would think that the digging was done by hand and the backhoe was used for pieces that were too heavy for people to lift.

sorry if something that logical is too difficult for a twoofer to grasp.

Guessing? So you don't know how the site was excavated. Nice. The bucket wouldn't be there to lift out the heavy pieces. If the it was done by hand they would have used a crane and sling to prevent damage.
Guessing? So you don't know how the site was excavated. Nice. The bucket wouldn't be there to lift out the heavy pieces. If the it was done by hand they would have used a crane and sling to prevent damage.

proof please. :cuckoo:
A more important question to me is why were the attacks of 9/11 not properly investigated and why are several military air crash investigators so sceptically of the official story and the evidence presented

And isn't it amazing that only in the United States, where no one can keep their mouth shut about even the most sensitive and most classified intelligence and all it takes for enemies to find out our secrets is to read our own newspapers, especially if leaking it will damage the US in ANY way -that this massive conspiracy involving our government to slaughter its OWN CITIZENS was carried off without a hitch, without a leak, plotted and carried out to perfection in a matter of mere months and even before the President was able to get his full administration in place and most importantly without a single person stepping forward and admitting any role in what would really be the most evil government plot in modern times. It actually took Al Qaeda more than 3 years to plot, plan and train for this but it only took mere WEEKS for our government. Even though it takes the better part of a year just for a new President to get his administration up and running but for the most evil plot in modern times for mass murder by government THAT is pulled off in mere weeks! And what you never mention is that it would mean it was carried out without the least bit reluctance, without any objections, without any moral compunction by the HUNDREDS of people who had to have been part of the plot to kill innocent fellow citizens! Assuming the ringleader of this plot already had no compunction about mass murder, finding just one other person who also had no moral compunction about mass murder of thousands of innocents would be difficult -but finding HUNDREDS who had no problem with slaughtering innocents was EASY! And no regrets or remorse since because not a single person has stepped forward to give their tearful confession about how they just didn't know what they were doing, or about how they were unwitting pawns in the plot, had believed it would result in good but now their eyes are open and they see how evil it really was, or didn't realize so many would be killed or about how they can't sleep at night because of their role in mass murder of their own fellow citizens or blah, blah, blah on any of the usual regrets by someone with even a rudimentary conscience.

And let's think about this one too. That would mean THE most evil plot in modern times was actually carried out by THE most transparent government on the planet and not by one of the least -which hey, would sure suggest that having one of the LEAST transparent governments, ones where its own citizens cannot see what their own government is doing and cannot see how it carries out its assigned job -is actually much better than having the most transparent after all, huh? Because now we all know that keeping the most evil plots and secrets in modern history is undoubtedly easier to do in the most transparent governments and not in the least transparent ones after all.........except that it is just one more thing that makes no sense in all this gibberish. On the same plane as insisting that Bush lied about WMD and did so because of his "evil genius" to get us into war -but was just too stupid to PLANT any -which not only would have required far fewer participants in THAT plot than would have been needed for 9/11 but had years to plant them and would still have been accepted by the world at face value -yet never did that. Even if you think Bush was just too stupid (while also having this Machiavellian evil genius) then surely at least one of the evil participants had enough on the ball to realize planting WMD was a no-brainer and much simpler plot to carry out than 9/11! LOL In fact it requires the total abandonment of all common sense, the ability to reason AND every shred of critical thinking skills to join ranks with you fruitcakes. And not only can't I do that, I have no perverted NEED to do so.

The only thing you nutjobs have EVER been able to prove is true -is that your perverted NEED to believe the absolute worst about your own government is much, much stronger than your ability to reason. I'm even willing to bet that in spite of your belief our own government did this, you were also in favor of that monstrosity of a "health care" bill that nearly doubles the size of government and massively expands its powers, one that stripped enough very real rights from its citizens that it resulted in the US being downgraded from a "free nation" to a "mostly free nation". I feel pretty safe in reaching that conclusion because I've been around for a while now and see that is exactly how life works for those with no critical thinking skills.

Go add another layer to your foil hat -they are stealing your brainwaves again.
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