Trump's unwelcome support: White supremacists

Trump's unwelcome support: White supremacists

That's funny! He sounds like a supremacist of some sort.

He's definitely superior to you or I. Just ask him!
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Trump's unwelcome support: White supremacists
By Scott Bronstein and Drew Griffin, CNN Investigations
Trump's unwelcome support: White supremacists -

(CNN)New Hampshire voters may be stunned to hear the latest robocall asking for their vote; it's from white nationalists with a simple, disturbing message.

"We don't need Muslims. We need smart, educated, white people," according to the male voice on the calls, which began Thursday night and urge voters in New Hampshire to vote for Donald Trump.

Three white nationalist leaders have banded together to form their own super PAC in support of Trump, even though Trump doesn't want their support.

The American National Super PAC is funding the robocall effort, which is organized under a separate group called the American Freedom Party.

The fuehrer is back!!!!!

"The fuehrer is back!!!!!"

Führer means Leader is all, the word means Leader.
Not since Hitler has it meant just that .
It's a pejorative, own it.

You are wrong, which isn't surprising. For instance, we have Summer Camps for children, each Camp has a Camp Leader who's actual title would be Lagerführer - Camp Leader. Lager the word for Camp.
Cruz, Rubio, Bush and the rest of the Rethugs are mobbed up with Wall Street. The White supremacists do a lot less damage than the Wall Street banksters do.

You do know that Dems are in bed with Wall Street, right? The Dems' Cap and Trade would have helped Goldman Sachs hoard the lion's share of money in the world.

Sure they are.




Trump's unwelcome support: White supremacists
By Scott Bronstein and Drew Griffin, CNN Investigations
Trump's unwelcome support: White supremacists -

(CNN)New Hampshire voters may be stunned to hear the latest robocall asking for their vote; it's from white nationalists with a simple, disturbing message.

"We don't need Muslims. We need smart, educated, white people," according to the male voice on the calls, which began Thursday night and urge voters in New Hampshire to vote for Donald Trump.

Three white nationalist leaders have banded together to form their own super PAC in support of Trump, even though Trump doesn't want their support.

The American National Super PAC is funding the robocall effort, which is organized under a separate group called the American Freedom Party.

The fuehrer is back!!!!!

"The fuehrer is back!!!!!"

Führer means Leader is all, the word means Leader.
Not since Hitler has it meant just that .
It's a pejorative, own it.

You are wrong, which isn't surprising. For instance, we have Summer Camps for children, each Camp has a Camp Leader who's actual title would be Lagerführer - Camp Leader. Lager the word for Camp.
Can you rationalize any harder?
You know the old saying, a broken clock is right twice a day. Trump's stance on illegal immigration in my view is not all that radical nor is his call for a moratorium on Muslims entering the US. Trump maybe a lot of things but racist is not one of them. Cruz and Rubio on the other hand are soft on illegals so that terrorist Muslims can get in.

White supremacists believe that simply have white skin makes one superior and that is racism but the criticism of African American culture is not racist and often valid.

Criticism of Islam is not racist because race is a function of birth and Islam is a choice. The racists are probably OK with Islam. What they don't like are Arabs and other brown skinned people.


Well, the Democrats used the Black Panthers to intimidate voters in the last election. What goes around , . .

Who did they intimidate? I want a name. It was thrown out of court, you know.

New Black Panther Party voter intimidation case - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

I asked you to name one person who was too intimidated to vote, and you couldn't do it. The charges were dropped, but that didn't stop Fox News from parading these guys on TV for 2 years.

Media Matters also found no evidence that any voters in the predominantly-black voting district had been prevented from voting.

A Bush appointee to the U.S. Commission on Civil Rights denounced allegations by some pundits that the Justice Department is refusing to pursue a voting rights case against members of the New Black Panther Party because of race, and suggested that the charges being made by right-wing figures are politically motivated.

No Proof in New Black Panther Case: Official
Trump's unwelcome support: White supremacists
By Scott Bronstein and Drew Griffin, CNN Investigations
Trump's unwelcome support: White supremacists -

(CNN)New Hampshire voters may be stunned to hear the latest robocall asking for their vote; it's from white nationalists with a simple, disturbing message.

"We don't need Muslims. We need smart, educated, white people," according to the male voice on the calls, which began Thursday night and urge voters in New Hampshire to vote for Donald Trump.

Three white nationalist leaders have banded together to form their own super PAC in support of Trump, even though Trump doesn't want their support.

The American National Super PAC is funding the robocall effort, which is organized under a separate group called the American Freedom Party.

The fuehrer is back!!!!!

"The fuehrer is back!!!!!"

Führer means Leader is all, the word means Leader.
Not since Hitler has it meant just that .
It's a pejorative, own it.

You are wrong, which isn't surprising. For instance, we have Summer Camps for children, each Camp has a Camp Leader who's actual title would be Lagerführer - Camp Leader. Lager the word for Camp.
Can you rationalize any harder?

I could darling, but your one brain cell wouldn't be able to handle it.

Reich means Realm/Empire. Here is the Reichstag in Berlin, which has been in use again since 1999:

Reichstag building - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Well, the Democrats used the Black Panthers to intimidate voters in the last election. What goes around , . .

Who did they intimidate? I want a name. It was thrown out of court, you know.

New Black Panther Party voter intimidation case - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

I asked you to name one person who was too intimidated to vote, and you couldn't do it. The charges were dropped, but that didn't stop Fox News from parading these guys on TV for 2 years.

Media Matters also found no evidence that any voters in the predominantly-black voting district had been prevented from voting.

A Bush appointee to the U.S. Commission on Civil Rights denounced allegations by some pundits that the Justice Department is refusing to pursue a voting rights case against members of the New Black Panther Party because of race, and suggested that the charges being made by right-wing figures are politically motivated.

No Proof in New Black Panther Case: Official

Well, I actually saw them on TV sitting outside the polling place with a club in their hands. Of course Eric Holder didn't prosecute them. It's just like he ran off to Missouri in hopes of finding that cop guilty for killing that Black thug. Eric Holder is a racist and everyone knows it.
I'd be willing to bet that CNN has a flock of "white supremacists" on call for situations that would propel otherwise idiot editorialists into the pop blogosphere to excite the low information base. Much ado about nothing.
Trump's unwelcome support: White supremacists
By Scott Bronstein and Drew Griffin, CNN Investigations
Trump's unwelcome support: White supremacists -

(CNN)New Hampshire voters may be stunned to hear the latest robocall asking for their vote; it's from white nationalists with a simple, disturbing message.

"We don't need Muslims. We need smart, educated, white people," according to the male voice on the calls, which began Thursday night and urge voters in New Hampshire to vote for Donald Trump.

Three white nationalist leaders have banded together to form their own super PAC in support of Trump, even though Trump doesn't want their support.

The American National Super PAC is funding the robocall effort, which is organized under a separate group called the American Freedom Party.

The fuehrer is back!!!!!

"The fuehrer is back!!!!!"

Führer means Leader is all, the word means Leader.
Not since Hitler has it meant just that .
It's a pejorative, own it.

You are wrong, which isn't surprising. For instance, we have Summer Camps for children, each Camp has a Camp Leader who's actual title would be Lagerführer - Camp Leader. Lager the word for Camp.
I notice you capitalize the first letter of Lagerführer in the middle of a sentence. Do you do the same with the word "führer?"That is an important distinction.
Trump's unwelcome support: White supremacists
By Scott Bronstein and Drew Griffin, CNN Investigations
Trump's unwelcome support: White supremacists -

The fuehrer is back!!!!!

"The fuehrer is back!!!!!"

Führer means Leader is all, the word means Leader.
Not since Hitler has it meant just that .
It's a pejorative, own it.

You are wrong, which isn't surprising. For instance, we have Summer Camps for children, each Camp has a Camp Leader who's actual title would be Lagerführer - Camp Leader. Lager the word for Camp.
Can you rationalize any harder?

I could darling, but your one brain cell wouldn't be able to handle it.

Reich means Realm/Empire. Here is the Reichstag in Berlin, which has been in use again since 1999:

Reichstag building - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Give it up Lucy. You're trying to deal with the Board's certified IDIOT here. Better to do what most of us have done and put him on IGNORE.
Trump's unwelcome support: White supremacists
By Scott Bronstein and Drew Griffin, CNN Investigations
Trump's unwelcome support: White supremacists -

(CNN)New Hampshire voters may be stunned to hear the latest robocall asking for their vote; it's from white nationalists with a simple, disturbing message.

"We don't need Muslims. We need smart, educated, white people," according to the male voice on the calls, which began Thursday night and urge voters in New Hampshire to vote for Donald Trump.

Three white nationalist leaders have banded together to form their own super PAC in support of Trump, even though Trump doesn't want their support.

The American National Super PAC is funding the robocall effort, which is organized under a separate group called the American Freedom Party.

The fuehrer is back!!!!!

"The fuehrer is back!!!!!"

Führer means Leader is all, the word means Leader.
Not since Hitler has it meant just that .
It's a pejorative, own it.

You are wrong, which isn't surprising. For instance, we have Summer Camps for children, each Camp has a Camp Leader who's actual title would be Lagerführer - Camp Leader. Lager the word for Camp.
I notice you capitalize the first letter of Lagerführer in the middle of a sentence. Do you do the same with the word "führer?"That is an important distinction.

Camp Leader = Lagerführer if male, if the Camp Leader is female then Lagerführerin.

We are not going to allow our words to be defined by outsiders, if some people don't like that we use these words, such as Camp Leader and the Bundestag in the Reichstag, as in the video I posted, then this is not our problem because it actually isn't anyone's business our usage of our own words.
Cruz, Rubio, Bush and the rest of the Rethugs are mobbed up with Wall Street. The White supremacists do a lot less damage than the Wall Street banksters do.

You do know that Dems are in bed with Wall Street, right? The Dems' Cap and Trade would have helped Goldman Sachs hoard the lion's share of money in the world.

Sure they are.





Be a cold day before you catch Hillary saying anything like that.

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