Trump’s The Choice For Voters Who’ve Experienced Violent Protests


Platinum Member
Jul 30, 2010
To Democrat Mayors and Govs that encouraged and enabled the rioting and looting and destruction of their neighborhoods...I THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!!! To BLM and Antifa scum I THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!!!

You WOKE normal americans to what it would be like if the drooling buffoon biden wins

Three-out-of-four voters who’ve had violent anti-police protests in their community rate those protests important to their vote in the presidential election. Among these voters, a sizable majority like the job President Trump is doing.

The latest Rasmussen Reports national telephone and online survey finds that 42% of Likely U.S. Voters have had anti-police protests in their community this summer. (To see survey question wording, click here.)

Nearly half (48%) of these voters say the protests in their community have turned violent.

Among all voters, 65% say the violent protests are important to their vote in the presidential election this fall, with 41% who say it’s Very Important.

Among those who have had violent protests in their community, even more (76%) rate them important to their vote, including 54% who say they are Very Important. Sixty-three percent (63%) of these voters Strongly Approve of the job Trump is doing versus 35% who Strongly Disapprove.


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