Trump's former Director of National Intelligence Dan Coats calls on Congress to create bipartisan election oversight commission in NYT op-ed


Diamond Member
Nov 26, 2015

Sure sounds like Coats is calling out his former boss, Trump, though not by name.

Not normal for such a high level appointee to call out the president he served as a threat to democracy. This is a klaxon sounding in the night.

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from Woodward's book:

One of the passages that stood out the most to me- Dan Coats and his wife saw Trump at golf course club house one Sunday. Coats’ Chief Of Staff caught up with him on course later to tell him Trump has fired him by tweet.

This disgruntled neocon was removed after he proved himself to be untrustworthy to the Trump administration.

Many disgruntled neocons are unhappy.

Not so strangely enough, I'm pleased.

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"i'm not working for this president. i'm working for the integrity of the intelligence community" - Dan Coats, upon taking the DNI job
Why do these former politicians insist that their only prerogative is to submit appeals to newspaper editorial boards??? Why did he wait so long to make this appeal in the New York Times, when he should have the clout to go directly to the almighty United States Senate. He was a senator for twenty years - much longer than the greatest President in the history of the United States, Barack Obama, was in the federal government.

Why doesn't he submit a rendering of the legislation to his senator???
Our democracy’s enemies, foreign and domestic, want us to concede in advance that our voting systems are faulty or fraudulent; that sinister conspiracies have distorted the political will of the people; that our public discourse has been perverted by the news media and social networks riddled with prejudice, lies and ill will; that judicial institutions, law enforcement and even national security have been twisted, misused and misdirected to create anxiety and conflict, not justice and social peace.

If those are the results of this tumultuous election year, we are lost, no matter which candidate wins. No American, and certainly no American leader, should want such an outcome. Total destruction and sowing salt in the earth of American democracy is a catastrophe well beyond simple defeat and a poison for generations. An electoral victory on these terms would be no victory at all. The judgment of history, reflecting on the death of enlightened democracy, would be harsh. . .

. . . If we fail to take every conceivable effort to ensure the integrity of our election, the winners will not be Donald Trump or Joe Biden, Republicans or Democrats. The only winners will be Vladimir Putin, Xi Jinping and Ali Khamenei. No one who supports a healthy democracy could want that.
We are not a democracy - we are a republic. Remember: I pledge allegiance to the Flag, of the United States of America, and to the republic . . .

Beyond that it sounds like he knows that the elections are not secure and can be tampered with. Why would he care - why would he describe it democracy when he knows better???
I propose that Congress creates a new mechanism to help accomplish this purpose. It should create a supremely high-level bipartisan and nonpartisan commission to oversee the election. This commission would not circumvent existing electoral reporting systems or those that tabulate, evaluate or certify the results.
Who the fuck are you going to get to do that???
All commissions start off being "bipartisan," but something happens to the integrity of the generational ambition after a cycle or two - it gets corrupted, because it is used to payback campaign managers and whatnot.
You arrogant piece of shit.

This commission would be created by emergency legislative action. During that process, its precise mandate, composition, powers and resources would be defined. Among other aspects, the legislation would define the relationship between the commission and the intelligence and law enforcement communities with the capability necessary for the commission’s work. And it would define how the commission would work with all the individual states.

Ha, ha, ha - there's just not enough time to do it.
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Trump has a visceral hatred for the intelligence agencies, which neither Pompeo nor Coats managed to manage
it's the Trump White House, not the CIA or DNI, that's asleep at the switch

how i fear for America! HOW I FEAR FOR AMERICA!
there are only policy successes, and intelligence failures...and intelligence scandals

intelligence was blamed for Iraq. nobody blamed Bush. NOBODY!
Trump has no grasp about what the CIA and DNI can and can't do

he can't produce like William Wild Bill Donovan, who sent folks to spy on Nazi Germany
Democrats, the dears, are still pretending this is going to be a close election.

It won't be close. Trump will lose in a landslide
No need to taz you, you are self-tazered.

And the Fed --> Treasury --> have just released the Kraken. (blockchain)

Coats was too honest and not "loyal" enough for the Mango Menace.
He was one of the last adults to leave the day care facility at 1600 Pennsylvania Ave.


Sure sounds like Coats is calling out his former boss, Trump, though not by name.

Not normal for such a high level appointee to call out the president he served as a threat to democracy. This is a klaxon sounding in the night.


The ChiComs are sending hundreds of millions to the Xi/Harris campaign!

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