Trump's EPA Just Greenlighted a Pesticide Known to Damage Kids’ Brains


Gold Member
Feb 9, 2017
Now we know why Trump picked Scott Pruitt to do his dirty work for him.

Oh... dig this;

EPA chief Scott Pruitt hails the move as a return to “using sound science in decision-making.”

This happened back at the end of March but got lost in the shuffle of Trump sucking all the oxygen out of the room with his daily screw ups.

EPA director Scott Pruitt signed an order denying the agency’s own proposal to ban chlorpyrifos, according to a Wednesday afternoon press release. “We need to provide regulatory certainty to the thousands of American farms that rely on chlorpyrifos, while still protecting human health and the environment,” Pruitt said in a written statement. “By reversing the previous Administration’s steps to ban one of the most widely used pesticides in the world, we are returning to using sound science in decision-making – rather than predetermined results.”

So Obama banned this pesticide that gives children brain cancer. Trump is reversing it.

UPDATED: Trump’s EPA Just Greenlighted a Pesticide Known to Damage Kids’ Brains – Mother Jones
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Major studies have found strong evidence that low doses of chlorpyrifos inhibits kids’ brain development, with effects ranging from lower IQ to higher rates of autism.

There you go. Trump is grooming another generation of republicans by approving a pesticide that lowers kids IQ.
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Just Trump making America great again:

Many public health experts, scientists, and environmentalists have for years been pushing for a ban on chlorpyrifos, and last year it was looking like the Environmental Protection Agency intended to instate one. According to the National Pesticide Information Center, exposure to the chemical through inhalation can cause initial symptoms like “tearing of the eyes, runny nose, increased saliva and sweat production, nausea, dizziness and headache,” followed by possible “muscle twitching, weakness or tremors, lack of coordination, vomiting, abdominal cramps, diarrhea, and pupil constriction with blurred or darkened vision.” Chlorpyrifos is an endocrine disrupter, and major studies (here, here, and here) have found strong evidence to suggest that even at very low doses, the chemical triggers effects among children ranging from lower IQ to higher rates of autism. More here.
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Oh by the way..,, when you saw that group of CEO's in the Oval Office a few months ago, the Dow Chemical CEO, creator of this pesticide, was right in front applauding Trump signing the EO to get rid of the regulations like the one that banned this pesticide..
Would it be heartless for me to hope that this pesticide will be used in bright RED states that voted in this catastrophe???
Trump’s EPA Greenlights a Nasty Chemical. A Month Later, It Poisons a Bunch of Farmworkers.
“Anybody that was exposed, we encourage them to seek medical attention immediately,” a California public health official stated.

Trump’s EPA Greenlights a Nasty Chemical. A Month Later, It Poisons a Bunch of Farmworkers. – Mother Jones

From the link..

According to the news report, the poisoning was caused by a chemical called chlorpyrifos. A spokeswoman for the Kern County Department of Public Health said the department assumes chlorpyrifos was the active ingredient in the pesticide in question, but the matter is still under investigation by the Kern County Department of Agriculture and Measurement Standards. A spokesman for that office said test results pinpointing the chemical are pending but would not be done for at least a week.

Keep your panties on. This is what science and investigation will figure out.
Children are estimated to consume a greater quantity of chlorpyrifos per unit of body weight from food residue, with toddlers the highest at 0.025 micrograms of chlorpyrifos per kilogram of their body weight per day. The EPA’s acceptable daily dose is 0.3 micrograms/kg/day. Twelve times the highest quantity found in any study.

U.S. EPA (2011-06-30). Chlorpyrifos Preliminary Human Health Risk Assessment for Registration Review

That's Obama's EPA
Glad to know the Trumpies approve of Trump green lighting a pesticide that gives kids brain damage.
Wonder if you'd feel the same if it gave your kid brain cancer..
He didn't green light it. It has been used since '65.
Glad to know the Trumpies approve of Trump green lighting a pesticide that gives kids brain damage.
Wonder if you'd feel the same if it gave your kid brain cancer..
And you continue to ignore the facts. Another one of the smear Trump with any ole crap we can makeup stories again. Have fun.
Here's your "science"....



The EPA has established a 24-hour reentry interval for entering crop areas treated with emulsifiable concentrate or wettable powder formualtions of chlorpyrifos without protective clothing (40). Products containing chlorpyrifos must bear the signal word "Warning" or "Caution," depending on the toxicity of the formulation (46). Check specific state regulations for local restrictions which may apply.


Chlorpyrifos is moderately toxic to humans (50). Poisoning from chlorpyrifos may affect the central nervous system, the cardiovascular system, and the respiratory system (31). It is also a skin and eye irritant (49). While some organophosphates are readily absorbed through the skin, studies in humans suggest that skin absorption of chlorpyrifos is more limited (45). Skin which has come in contact with this material should be washed immediately with soap and water and all contaminated clothing should be removed. The acute dermal LD50 for chlorpyrifos in male and female rats is greater than 2,000 mg/kg (53).
Three hundred and nineteen human exposure incidents were reported by the Pesticide Incident Monitoring System (PIMS) from 1970 through 1981, most resulting from inhalation and dermal exposure. Three human deaths were caused by chlorpyrifos and/or chlorpyrifos combined with other active ingredients (41). Persons with respiratory ailments, recent exposure to cholinesterase inhibitors, cholinesterase impairment, or liver malfunction are at increased risk from exposure to chlorpyrifos.
From your link:,
EPA head Scott Pruitt rejected the green groups’ petition to ban the use of chlorpyrifos on food crops. The agency’s own research ( OBAMA's EPA) had found a link between neurological development problems and chlorpyrifos exposure in children and fetuses, but Pruitt questioned those findings and pointed to the cost of restricting the pesticide’s use.

Yup.,, it's about money. Children's health be damned.
So why didn't Obama's EPA? It's been used since 1965.

The Environmental Protection Agency has rejected a petition from environmental groups that sought to ban a pesticide widely used in Northwest fruit orchards, a decision that reversed an Obama administration proposal to end its use.
Op Cit ---

Reproductive Effects
EPA has determined that chlorpyrifos does not adversely affect reproduction (40, 50). In two studies reviewed by the EPA, no effects were seen in the animals tested at dose levels up to 1.2 mg/kg/day (40). No effects on reproduction occurred in a 3-generation study with rats fed dietary doses as high as 1 mg/kg/day (1, 50). In another study in which rats were fed 1.0 mg/kg/day for two generations, the only effect observed was a slight increase in the number of deaths of newborn offspring (18). Once in the bloodstream, chlorpyrifos may cross the placenta (49).
Teratogenic Effects
EPA has determined that chlorpyrifos is not teratogenic. No teratogenic or other adverse effects to offspring were found when pregnant rats were fed doses as high as 15 mg/kg/day for 10 days. When pregnant mice were given doses of 1, 10 or 25 mg/kg/day for 10 days, minor skeletal variations and a decrease in fetal length occurred at the highest dose tested. The developmental NOEL was 10 mg/kg/day (35, 40, 50). No birth defects were seen in the offspring of male and female rats fed 1.0 mg/kg per day during a three-generation reproduction and fertility study (18, 1).
Mutagenic Effects
EPA has determined that chlorpyrifos is not mutagenic. No evidence of mutagenicity was found in any of 4 tests reviewed by EPA (50). Mutagenic effects were observed in fruit flies given oral concentrations of 50 parts per billion (ppb) of chlorpyrifos for 3 days (27).
Carcinogenic Effects
EPA has determined that chlorpyrifos is not carcinogenic. There was no increase in the incidence of tumors when rats were fed 10 mg/kg/day for 104 weeks nor when mice were fed 2.25 mg/kg for 105 weeks (50).
Organ Toxicity
Chlorpyrifos primarily affects the nervous system through inhibition of cholinesterase, an enzyme required for proper nerve functioning.
Fate in Humans and Animals
In humans, chlorpyrifos and its principal metabolites are eliminated relatively rapidly following a single dose (30). It is readily absorbed into the bloodstream through the gastrointestinal tract if it is ingested, through the lungs if it is inhaled, or through the skin if there is dermal exposure (40).
After a single oral dose, its half-life in the blood appears to be about one day (29). Chlorpyrifos was found in its original form in the blood, brain and liver of a 61-year old man who lived only one day after accidentally eating this material (18).

Chlorpyrifos is eliminated primarily through the kidneys in urine (38). Following oral intake of chlorpyrifos by rats, 90% was removed in the urine and 10% was excreted in the feces (17). It is detoxified quickly in rats, dogs and other animals (44). The major metabolite found in rat urine after administration of a single oral dose of 0.5 or 25 mg/kg was TCP. TCP does not inhibit cholinesterase and it is not mutagenic (50). Following intake, some chlorpyrifos becomes stored in fat tissues. It is eventually moved out of the fat tissue and eliminated from the body, with a half-life of about 62 hours (18, 45).

Research indicates that chlorpyrifos does not build up or persist in body tissues. It does not have a significant bioaccumulation potential (29). When formulated chlorpyrifos (Dursban) was fed to cows, unchanged pesticide was found in the feces, but not in the urine or milk (37). Chlorpyrifos was detected in the milk of cows for 4 days following spray dipping with a 0.15% emulsion. The maximum concentration in the milk was 0.304 ppm. This concentration was decreased by 26 to 47% by pasteurization (45). In a rat study, chlorpyrifos did not accumulate in any tissue except fat (26). Residues of granular formulations of chlorpyrifos were found in salt marsh snails immediately after they were treated with the material and for up to five weeks after treatment. When an emulsion formulation was used, residues were found immediately following treatment, and for up to 3 weeks afterwards (23).

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