Trump's EPA Cleans Up Seven Toxic Sites (7x Last Year)


Gold Member
Jun 27, 2011
The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) partly or completely cleaned seven of the most toxic land sites, called Superfund sites, in the U.S. in 2017, according to the EPA.

Of the seven sites designated for cleanup, three were completely cleansed, while four others still require some work. The cleanup effort is a significant improvement over the year prior when the EPA completely cleaned one Superfund site and parts of another.

“We have made it a priority to get these sites cleaned up faster and in the right way,” EPA Administrator Scott Pruitt said in a statement. “By creating a streamlined task force and making major remedy decisions that hold potentially responsible parties accountable for cleanup, the Superfund program is carrying out the agency’s mission of protecting human health and the environment more every day.”

The gains Pruitt’s EPA made are part of a list of 21 contaminated sites that need “immediate and intense attention” out of more than 1,300 Superfund sites nationwide.

Pruitt has been criticized recently for rolling back environmental regulations and reducing his agency’s scope and reach. Undoing rules put in place by the Obama administration, Pruitt has reduced regulatory burdens on industries and put the environment and public health at risk, The Washington Post reports.

Pruitt says he is allowing more of a local voice when it comes to development and taking a stewardship-focused, rather than preventative, view of the relationship between the environment and industry.

“The last administration talked about putting up fences. [They said,] ‘Let’s not develop, we’re not going to use the natural resources to feed the world and power the world.’ I think that’s wrong,” Pruitt told WaPo. “I think our focus should be on using our natural resources — with environmental stewardship in mind. … We can be about jobs and growth and be good stewards of our environment. The last several years we’ve been told we can’t do both.”
Well, at the rate Trump is getting rid of regulations and dismantling the EPA, get ready for a lot more and don't expect them to be cleaned up anytime soon.
Good to see the EPA doing what their mandate requires of them...
Well, at the rate Trump is getting rid of regulations and dismantling the EPA, get ready for a lot more and don't expect them to be cleaned up anytime soon.
See? That's the problem with your position ...

We have PROOF of what Trump has accomplished.

You have only hysteria and histrionics .... haven't you noticed how all your posts start with "Just wait .... "??
You have no fucking proof of anything.

You have a piece of shit fake-news telling you "Trump did something". Did you go there? Did you see it with your own eyes?

You fucking gullible sot.
We already know Trump's government lies. They probably are lying about cleaning up anything.

Like the Republicans liked about that drinking Water in Flint.
The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) partly or completely cleaned seven of the most toxic land sites, called Superfund sites, in the U.S. in 2017, according to the EPA.

Of the seven sites designated for cleanup, three were completely cleansed, while four others still require some work. The cleanup effort is a significant improvement over the year prior when the EPA completely cleaned one Superfund site and parts of another.

“We have made it a priority to get these sites cleaned up faster and in the right way,” EPA Administrator Scott Pruitt said in a statement. “By creating a streamlined task force and making major remedy decisions that hold potentially responsible parties accountable for cleanup, the Superfund program is carrying out the agency’s mission of protecting human health and the environment more every day.”

The gains Pruitt’s EPA made are part of a list of 21 contaminated sites that need “immediate and intense attention” out of more than 1,300 Superfund sites nationwide.

Pruitt has been criticized recently for rolling back environmental regulations and reducing his agency’s scope and reach. Undoing rules put in place by the Obama administration, Pruitt has reduced regulatory burdens on industries and put the environment and public health at risk, The Washington Post reports.

Pruitt says he is allowing more of a local voice when it comes to development and taking a stewardship-focused, rather than preventative, view of the relationship between the environment and industry.

“The last administration talked about putting up fences. [They said,] ‘Let’s not develop, we’re not going to use the natural resources to feed the world and power the world.’ I think that’s wrong,” Pruitt told WaPo. “I think our focus should be on using our natural resources — with environmental stewardship in mind. … We can be about jobs and growth and be good stewards of our environment. The last several years we’ve been told we can’t do both.”
Waste of money. The EPA should be abolished.
It's nice to see the Trump admin making progress with cleaning up the mess Obama left behind.
You have no fucking proof of anything.

You have a piece of shit fake-news telling you "Trump did something". Did you go there? Did you see it with your own eyes?

You fucking gullible sot.

Interesting. People from America don't say "sot".
You have no fucking proof of anything.

You have a piece of shit fake-news telling you "Trump did something". Did you go there? Did you see it with your own eyes?

You fucking gullible sot.
Gee ---- when you don' have a viable counter-argument, you sure lose your cool, don't you?

Are you saying that because I (or you) didn't see it with our own little eyes, we shouldn't believe it? Do you apply that same standard to collusion evidence, for instance? How about tax cuts? You haven't seen those, have you? So, they didn't happen, either, huh?

Pretty childish response on your part. Sure you can't come up with something more ---oh, I don't know ---- intelligent?
You have no fucking proof of anything.

You have a piece of shit fake-news telling you "Trump did something". Did you go there? Did you see it with your own eyes?

You fucking gullible sot.

Interesting. People from America don't say "sot".

I was feeling pretty good about being called a SOT ---- (that's Sexy Old Timer, right?)
Good to see the EPA doing what their mandate requires of them...
Just getting them back inside the play pen and doing what they are Congressionally required to do by law is great progress. Then reinforcing the play pen walls with science demands and rules on making rules will keep the bureaucrats inside the play pen later.

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