Trumps Advocates Abolishing Trials for Illegal Alien "Invaders"


Diamond Member
Oct 20, 2013
President Trump is now advocating that people who cross the border into the United States illegally, must immediately be deported without trial — and sowing more confusion among Republicans ahead of a planned immigration vote this week.

In a pair of tweets sent during his drive to his Virginia golf course, Trump described immigrants as invaders and wrote that U.S. immigration laws are “a mockery” and must be changed to take away trial rights from undocumented migrants.

“We cannot allow all of these people to invade our Country,” Trump wrote. “When somebody comes in, we must immediately, with no Judges or Court Cases, bring them back from where they came. Our system is a mockery to good immigration policy and Law and Order. Most children come without parents.”

The president continued in a second tweet, “Our Immigration policy, laughed at all over the world, is very unfair to all of those people who have gone through the system legally and are waiting on line for years! Immigration must be based on merit — we need people who will help to Make America Great Again!”

The president is 100% right. All this ludicrous blabbering about Flores, and 20 days, and court hearings, bla, bla, bla, is doing no good for the country. It is only serving the interests of the invaders trying to push their way into our country, the countries who want to get rid of them, and the Democrats who play the game of welcoming any foreigners coming to our border, and then seeking their VOTES in return.

The whole idea of due process for foreign invaders is absurd. It's about like being in a war, wounding an enemy soldier, and then reading him Miranda rights, as if he was holding up a convenience store) and then giving him a trial in a civilian court.

All of this total :bsflag:is nothing but Democrat gamesmanship to gin up VOTES for themselves.

Anyone coming to the border in any way other going through the strict legal process, should be turned away at the border, and sent back immediately. Forget courts, forget detention facilities, forget judges. Just build the wall, and man it with thousands of border patrol agents, who will immediately deport whoever they catch.

Trump advocates depriving undocumented immigrants of due-process rights

Yes, Washington Post, that's right. He's advocating depriving illegal aliens the right (which they don't have) to invade our country. Trump making America great again.
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I could not agree more! They are invaders and have no right to due process.
It's about time to stop all the bullshit and get this country on its feet. We've got important things to deal with like North Korea, trade relations with China et al, and all our own internal problems like infrastructure, environment, energy, etc, and don't have time to be dealing with all this STUPID NONSENSE.

Trump should pass EOs nullifying Flores, and just get all the illegals OUT OF HERE, without a trial. Any who arrive here, should be turned back immediately. When the word gets around, they'll stop coming. All these invaders should be treated about equivalent to Hitler invading Poland. An enemy force of foreign invaders, with no rights but to be stopped by force.
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Trump snowflakes are occupied with immigrants in a nation of immigrants and a time when immigration is at its lowest. It demonstrates the power hate of the other has on the Trumpettes. No wage increases for the working American, no healthcare for the needy American, tax benefits only for the rich Americans, but have people trying to better their lives in a land of immigrants and the snowflakes are on board and ready to give up American constitutional values of due process etc. You people are sad, you should voluntarily deport yourself to some country where dictators like Donnie John rule.

"The art of leadership ... consists in consolidating the attention of the people against a single adversary and taking care that nothing will split up that attention ... The leader of genius must have the ability to make different opponents appear as if they belong to one category." Adolf Hitler
Why do Republicans want to ruin our country. It's done so well for a couple of hundred years. Now they want to turn it into a basket case. Destroy everything that made America great.
They must be defeated.
Trump snowflakes are occupied with immigrants in a nation of immigrants and a time when immigration is at its lowest. It demonstrates the power hate of the other has on the Trumpettes. No wage increases for the working American, no healthcare for the needy American, tax benefits only for the rich Americans, but have people trying to better their lives in a land of immigrants and the snowflakes are on board and ready to give up American constitutional values of due process etc. You people are sad, you should voluntarily deport yourself to some country where dictators like Donnie John rule.

"The art of leadership ... consists in consolidating the attention of the people against a single adversary and taking care that nothing will split up that attention ... The leader of genius must have the ability to make different opponents appear as if they belong to one category." Adolf Hitler

Why do Republicans want to ruin our country. It's done so well for a couple of hundred years. Now they want to turn it into a basket case. Destroy everything that made America great.
They must be defeated.

Winners! First place deflection, second place lying.
Trump snowflakes are occupied with immigrants in a nation of immigrants and a time when immigration is at its lowest. It demonstrates the power hate of the other has on the Trumpettes. No wage increases for the working American, no healthcare for the needy American, tax benefits only for the rich Americans, but have people trying to better their lives in a land of immigrants and the snowflakes are on board and ready to give up American constitutional values of due process etc. You people are sad, you should voluntarily deport yourself to some country where dictators like Donnie John rule.

"The art of leadership ... consists in consolidating the attention of the people against a single adversary and taking care that nothing will split up that attention ... The leader of genius must have the ability to make different opponents appear as if they belong to one category." Adolf Hitler
Please post on topic, or go away.
Why do Republicans want to ruin our country. It's done so well for a couple of hundred years. Now they want to turn it into a basket case. Destroy everything that made America great.
They must be defeated.
All that is exactly the case with DEMOCRATS.
Trump snowflakes are occupied with immigrants in a nation of immigrants and a time when immigration is at its lowest. It demonstrates the power hate of the other has on the Trumpettes. No wage increases for the working American, no healthcare for the needy American, tax benefits only for the rich Americans, but have people trying to better their lives in a land of immigrants and the snowflakes are on board and ready to give up American constitutional values of due process etc. You people are sad, you should voluntarily deport yourself to some country where dictators like Donnie John rule.

"The art of leadership ... consists in consolidating the attention of the people against a single adversary and taking care that nothing will split up that attention ... The leader of genius must have the ability to make different opponents appear as if they belong to one category." Adolf Hitler
Trump snowflakes are occupied with immigrants in a nation of immigrants and a time when immigration is at its lowest. It demonstrates the power hate of the other has on the Trumpettes. No wage increases for the working American, no healthcare for the needy American, tax benefits only for the rich Americans, but have people trying to better their lives in a land of immigrants and the snowflakes are on board and ready to give up American constitutional values of due process etc. You people are sad, you should voluntarily deport yourself to some country where dictators like Donnie John rule.

"The art of leadership ... consists in consolidating the attention of the people against a single adversary and taking care that nothing will split up that attention ... The leader of genius must have the ability to make different opponents appear as if they belong to one category." Adolf Hitler
Stop Human Trafficking Now.
Its a great idea and I hope it becomes the way we deal with illegals in America.

These people are not Americans and have no rights.

Kick em all back to Mexico.
Its a great idea and I hope it becomes the way we deal with illegals in America.

These people are not Americans and have no rights.

Kick em all back to Mexico.
I think it is the way we're headed. Trump, Sessions ,and all their people have gotten fed up with leftist games, using the courts and lawyers, and the media to d=feed their VOTE counts. They play dirty. We play even dirtier.
Liberals do not differentiate between Legal Immigrants and trespassers.
Most importantly, Liberals never criticize the tyrants these trespassers are escaping from.
Liberals do not differentiate between Legal Immigrants and trespassers.
Most importantly, Liberals never criticize the tyrants these trespassers are escaping from.
I believe that will be one of the NEXT BIG THINGS.
Trump snowflakes are occupied with immigrants in a nation of immigrants and a time when immigration is at its lowest. It demonstrates the power hate of the other has on the Trumpettes. No wage increases for the working American, no healthcare for the needy American, tax benefits only for the rich Americans, but have people trying to better their lives in a land of immigrants and the snowflakes are on board and ready to give up American constitutional values of due process etc. You people are sad, you should voluntarily deport yourself to some country where dictators like Donnie John rule.

"The art of leadership ... consists in consolidating the attention of the people against a single adversary and taking care that nothing will split up that attention ... The leader of genius must have the ability to make different opponents appear as if they belong to one category." Adolf Hitler
Hey, propagated brain mush, we’re a land of assimilated legal immigrants concerned with culturally-usurping, self-segregating, invading illegal immigrants.

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