Trump Voters Driven by Fear of Losing Status, Not Economic Anxiety, Study Finds

Of course people vote to protect their status, as the report states.
Right, exactly. The point is that the stated reason (by polling) were, at the time, kind of bullshit. people lied.
I'm not sure people lied. There's no way of knowing the differences in support between evangelical and economically oriented voters. But, Hillary's support was slipping. She ran a shitty campaign, Comey at least caused her voters to lose enthusiasm ... and of course the Ruskies. But it could simply be that some voters stayed home.

I doubt evangelical voters lied. And she has no one but herself to blame for losing college educated women.

but imo Trump's support among groups is very interesting. At least it shows the weakness of liberal elitism.
Of course people vote to protect their status, as the report states.
Right, exactly. The point is that the stated reason (by polling) were, at the time, kind of bullshit. people lied.
Is that ebonics? I really don't understand.
...and? So this is a day that ends in 'y'?
English is not a difficult language.. II does have some grammatic rules which need to be followed and declination of verbs in the absence of cases and to make it clear. I am not aware of how ebonics works even if the words are in English.
Of course people vote to protect their status, as the report states.
Right, exactly. The point is that the stated reason (by polling) were, at the time, kind of bullshit. people lied.
Is that ebonics? I really don't understand.
...and? So this is a day that ends in 'y'?
English is not a difficult language.. II does have some grammatic rules which need to be followed and declination of verbs in the absence of cases and to make it clear. I am not aware of how ebonics works even if the words are in English.

English the THE most difficult language to learn. It has a lot a grammatical rules and words which are confusing to say the least.

There are their different spellings and meanings which they’re going to run into. Who’s smart enough to know what difficulties students whose first language isn’t English may run into.

Then there’s contractions, possessives and all manner of plurals. There’s one bear and two bears, but one deer and two deer, and one leaf and two leaves.

I can say “a panda eats shoots and leaves” and “a man eats, shoots, and leaves” and the meaning is complete different.
Of course people vote to protect their status, as the report states.
Right, exactly. The point is that the stated reason (by polling) were, at the time, kind of bullshit. people lied.
Is that ebonics? I really don't understand.
...and? So this is a day that ends in 'y'?
English is not a difficult language.. II does have some grammatic rules which need to be followed and declination of verbs in the absence of cases and to make it clear. I am not aware of how ebonics works even if the words are in English.

English the THE most difficult language to learn. It has a lot a grammatical rules and words which are confusing to say the least.

There are their different spellings and meanings which they’re going to run into. Who’s smart enough to know what difficulties students whose first language isn’t English may run into.

Then there’s contractions, possessives and all manner of plurals. There’s one bear and two bears, but one deer and two deer, and one leaf and two leaves.

I can say “a panda eats shoots and leaves” and “a man eats, shoots, and leaves” and the meaning is complete different.
You simply have no idea.

I you would like to inform yourself.

Czech conjugation - Wikipedia

I am not even going to get into the 7 cases for verbs and adjectives.
I'm a Trump supporter and I'm very scared
scared of losing my status
EvilEye you are a G****N genius
same old ''WHITE'' crap
white white white etc etc to infinity and beyond
I see the article uses ''WHITE'' a lot
ridiculous --plain and simple
let the marketplace decide it is is abnormal or not.
In other words, replay the years -100,000 to 1985. I wonder if it will turn out different this time?

Not exactly a ground-breaking idea, there, Peabody.

According to you such ideas are viewed as abnormal. If this is truly the case then why would it not be different this time?

Let me ask you this, would you or anyone you are friends with go to a business that had a sign that said "no blacks" or "no white people" or "no women" etc...
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SCOTUS’s decisions had the same effect as an amendment but instead of changing the Constitution they just ignored parts of it.
Again, not an argument, much less a compelling argument. You are merely reiterating your dislike of their decision, and cloaking it in an unsupported statement that really is more of a distraction from your actual reasons for the dislike.

I have given you the logic why it is wrong, logic you still can not refute

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Dude, you seriously need to settle down. Of course I can refute it. Anyone who can read a history book can simply recall the arguments that defeated your "logic" in actual court rooms, and then use them to refute the logic you presented. You keep forgetting that the simple argument you wield has been defeated at EVERY turn, so you might want to keep the champagne on ice.

Your argument loses when tested, precisely because equal protection is violated WITHOUT the special protections for groups. They meet the criteria (supported by all the available evidence) that, without laws explicitly protecting them, they are victims of discrimination.

You are confused by logic vs legal reasoning, they are not one in the same.

Let's try some simple logic...

If you have 3 oranges and I have 2 oranges, you have more than me and our oranges are not you agree?

5 apples is more than 3 apples, thus they are not you agree?

If one group has more protections than another group, then there is no logical way the can have equal protection any more than we can have equal number of oranges when you have more than me. it has to be one of the other.

More than and equal to are mutually exclusive, it has to be one or the other.

The courts have ruled that these groups need more protection, thus overriding the equal protection clause of the Constitution,.
implements MAGA!

MAGA?????....Does that stand for "My Attorney's Getting Arrested"???..........LOL

I think it's "Making Anglos Great Again".

Thinking is not something you excel at.

They make a salve for butt-hurt. I recommend you seeing a doctor, because you will need prescription strength.

When are you libs going to stop getting your ass whooped in elections? :auiqs.jpg:
So where the fuck did this insane hatred of whites and Christians come from?
Huh! I don't see any 'insane hatred' so I guess one of us is deluded. But...just to speculate...if my family had been on the bottom in this country..for 200 years...I can see some resentment and, yes, even hatred..of the class that I thought was responsible. I'm not saying it should be that way..but human nature being what it is.....

Christians?? I don't see any hate at my little world, religious choice is personal....and unchallenged.

I think that many on the extreme Right have an investment in being seen as victims--especially some of the young White males. I also see a lot of identity politics from both sides--and many weak-minded people..of both into them.
Horseshit! You butt hurt libtards have done nothing but bash the fuck out of Trump voters because you bitches lost the election. You are indeed miserable irrational fucks.
And there you have it.....idiocy in its full flower. I'm not a lib....have yet to bash a Trump voter for exercising their choice. Now I've been known to bash on Trump--and the antics of some of his followers....but to me..every vote counts. I get why many turned to Trump..the reasons are valid--its thinking that Trump would ever make things better that is flawed.

Nope...I wish for Trump to pull his head out of his ass. Sometimes he shows some promise...but then...he tweets..and it all falls apart.

We need better......and we need to firmly renounce the fringes--on both sides.
Trump Voters Driven by Fear of Losing Status, Not Economic Anxiety, Study Finds

I found this to affirm my personal observations....A lot of Trump voters feel that they are being replaced and disenfranchised in America--after all, isn't that what MAGA really means?

Many believe it is/was about economics--This article makes the case that it's about social displacement and a fear of being moved from the top of the pecking order:

"Ever since Donald J. Trump began his improbable political rise, many pundits have credited his appeal among white, Christian and male voters to “economic anxiety.” Hobbled by unemployment and locked out of the recovery, those voters turned out in force to send Mr. Trump, and a message, to Washington.

Or so that narrative goes.

A study published on Monday in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences questions that explanation, the latest to suggest that Trump voters weren’t driven by anger over the past, but rather fear of what may come. White, Christian and male voters, the study suggests, turned to Mr. Trump because they felt their status was at risk.

“It’s much more of a symbolic threat that people feel,’’ said Diana C. Mutz, the author of the study and a political science and communications professor at the University of Pennsylvania, where she directs the Institute for the Study of Citizens and Politics. “It’s not a threat to their own economic well-being; it’s a threat to their group’s dominance in our country over all.”"

Her survey also assessed “social dominance orientation,” a common psychological measure of a person’s belief in hierarchy as necessary and inherent to a society. People who exhibited a growing belief in such group dominance were also more likely to move toward Mr. Trump, Dr. Mutz found, reflecting their hope that the status quo be protected.

“It used to be a pretty good deal to be a white, Christian male in America, but things have changed and I think they do feel threatened,” Dr. Mutz said.

The other surveys supported the cultural anxiety explanation, too.

For example, Trump support was linked to a belief that high-status groups, such as whites, Christians or men, faced more discrimination than low-status groups, like minorities, Muslims or women, according to Dr. Mutz’s analysis of the University of Chicago study.
First of all, Shlomo, that's what EVERYBODY is afraid of, and, second of all, yeah, just like you yids are afraid of losing Israel to the Palestinians out-fucking you.
Missed with that one--I think Israel has become the spiritual inheritors of their Nazi oppressors. I don't think that God gave them shit. Israel should be a true free state..with all citizens granted vote regardless of religion.
So where the fuck did this insane hatred of whites and Christians come from?
Huh! I don't see any 'insane hatred' so I guess one of us is deluded. But...just to speculate...if my family had been on the bottom in this country..for 200 years...I can see some resentment and, yes, even hatred..of the class that I thought was responsible. I'm not saying it should be that way..but human nature being what it is.....

Christians?? I don't see any hate at my little world, religious choice is personal....and unchallenged.

I think that many on the extreme Right have an investment in being seen as victims--especially some of the young White males. I also see a lot of identity politics from both sides--and many weak-minded people..of both into them.
Horseshit! You butt hurt libtards have done nothing but bash the fuck out of Trump voters because you bitches lost the election. You are indeed miserable irrational fucks.
And there you have it.....idiocy in its full flower. I'm not a lib....have yet to bash a Trump voter for exercising their choice. Now I've been known to bash on Trump--and the antics of some of his followers....but to me..every vote counts. I get why many turned to Trump..the reasons are valid--its thinking that Trump would ever make things better that is flawed.

Nope...I wish for Trump to pull his head out of his ass. Sometimes he shows some promise...but then...he tweets..and it all falls apart.

We need better......and we need to firmly renounce the fringes--on both sides.
A. You are a libtard

B. We voted for Trump because we were sick of Obama’s specifically and the mainstream Republicans in general.

C. Things are already better.
So where the fuck did this insane hatred of whites and Christians come from?
Huh! I don't see any 'insane hatred' so I guess one of us is deluded. But...just to speculate...if my family had been on the bottom in this country..for 200 years...I can see some resentment and, yes, even hatred..of the class that I thought was responsible. I'm not saying it should be that way..but human nature being what it is.....

Christians?? I don't see any hate at my little world, religious choice is personal....and unchallenged.

I think that many on the extreme Right have an investment in being seen as victims--especially some of the young White males. I also see a lot of identity politics from both sides--and many weak-minded people..of both into them.
":Christians?? I don't see any hate at my little world, religious choice is personal....and unchallenged."

Among the many reasons to hate you, Shlomo, is, I think, you sheer dishonesty.

Two great men, Luther and Hitler, both dealt with extensively.
LoL...perhaps you are wrong...and I'm right? Bigotry is a choice...I've seldom succumbed to it..and was always ashamed when I did. In a real world setting..I've seldom seen Americans challenge a person's religious choice--Those that do--are usually so lost..that all they really need is someone to talk them through their idiocy..and examine the core values that make up a good human being.

Good Christians are inclusive..bad ones exclusive.
So where the fuck did this insane hatred of whites and Christians come from?
Huh! I don't see any 'insane hatred' so I guess one of us is deluded. But...just to speculate...if my family had been on the bottom in this country..for 200 years...I can see some resentment and, yes, even hatred..of the class that I thought was responsible. I'm not saying it should be that way..but human nature being what it is.....

Christians?? I don't see any hate at my little world, religious choice is personal....and unchallenged.

I think that many on the extreme Right have an investment in being seen as victims--especially some of the young White males. I also see a lot of identity politics from both sides--and many weak-minded people..of both into them.
Horseshit! You butt hurt libtards have done nothing but bash the fuck out of Trump voters because you bitches lost the election. You are indeed miserable irrational fucks.
And there you have it.....idiocy in its full flower. I'm not a lib....have yet to bash a Trump voter for exercising their choice. Now I've been known to bash on Trump--and the antics of some of his followers....but to me..every vote counts. I get why many turned to Trump..the reasons are valid--its thinking that Trump would ever make things better that is flawed.

Nope...I wish for Trump to pull his head out of his ass. Sometimes he shows some promise...but then...he tweets..and it all falls apart.

We need better......and we need to firmly renounce the fringes--on both sides.

Okay tell us specifically what Trump policy or action you disagree with.
Trump voters driven by fear of democrats and other liberal scum allowing rapists, murderers and terrorists to flood in. Fear of no jobs, fear of no rights, fear of becoming a third world shithole useless democrat scum are trying to bring.
I tend to hold them in slightly higher regard than your view of below avg IQ folks shitting themselves over hysterical propaganda foisted by RW media
LIars lie. We are being over ran by just such people.

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