Trump Voters Already Saying they will Vote for him in 2020

I noticed on Facebook political posts that Trump voters are already saying they are going to vote for him again in 2020.

This proves how close-minded they are, and how their vote is mostly based on name recognition.

They don't even know who he is going to be running against, but they have already decided to vote for Trump again.

They just support Trump because they belong to Trump's cult of personality. They really love this dumb bigoted celebrity.

The only thing Trump has done so far is sign dumb executive orders that harass brown-skinned people and let coal companies poison water.

The economy could be in a depression in a few years and Trump may get us into a couple stupid wars by 2020, but Trump voters are still planning on voting for him, no matter what.

35% (Trump's core of support) of the country are mindless rednecks, easily duped. No wonder they are all such losers. Meanwhile, the billionaires who will benefit from the Trump presidency are laughing at all the loser chumps who voted against their own economic interests to elect this wannabe dictator.
Well I rather belong to his cult rather than being in her cult.

Definition of Armageddon
  1. 1a : the site or time of a final and conclusive battle between the forces of good and evil

  2. b : the battle taking place at Armageddon

  3. 2: a usually vast decisive conflict or confrontation
I am going to vote for Trump again for the same reason I voted for him the first time:

To make liberals miserable

So you will vote for him, even if his economic policies make YOU miserable?

Yeah--posters like you prove my point.

Policies like Obamacare that have made having health insurance a burden to have?

Which made it hard for myself and many people to find full time employment?

Oh I know what policies you are talking about the ones that gut the good jobs and leave us crappy service jobs.
The liberal mind cannot fathom why anyone would vote for Trump, they are that intolerant.

You obviously didn't read the post that started this thread. We do know why they voted for him. Because of name recognition...Trumpanzees love this dumb bigoted celebrity. It's a cult of personality.
Hell I'd vote for Trump just to piss off the liberals.

Good for you.....Please DO stay fucked up and dumb......We need idiots like you as an example to our children as to why they should get an education....otherwise they'd wind up as stupid as you are......Thanks.......

I would vote for Trump even if the Dem candidate was my father, brother, mother, sister, etc.
I can't think of a single Dem policy that would benefit me.

You don't think much do you.

How about fair wages, protecting us from being poisoned and injured by big business criminals, and preserving Social Security and Medicare?
5th post
The liberal mind cannot fathom why anyone would vote for Trump, they are that intolerant.

You obviously didn't read the post that started this thread. We do know why they voted for him. Because of name recognition...Trumpanzees love this dumb bigoted celebrity. It's a cult of personality.

Lets score your post, wrong, wrong, wrong, idiocy, and wrong. Just another triggered liberal in denial ^^^
We are not going to vote for the lying filth liberals in the Dem party, shocker. This fool OP has not explained why Dem voters in PA, MI, and WI gave Trump the win, why couldn't you people carry those states OP? Did your head just explode? LOL

There are plenty of stupid losers in the states you listed. Democratic voters can be losers too, just like the stupid working class whites who refuse to vote for democratic candidates.
Lol, Obama killed the middle class and you still supported him.

Obama didn't kill the middle class. Where do you invent this crazy bullshit?
I noticed on Facebook political posts that Trump voters are already saying they are going to vote for him again in 2020.

This proves how close-minded they are, and how their vote is mostly based on name recognition.

They don't even know who he is going to be running against, but they have already decided to vote for Trump again.

They just support Trump because they belong to Trump's cult of personality. They really love this dumb bigoted celebrity.

The only thing Trump has done so far is sign dumb executive orders that harass brown-skinned people and let coal companies poison water.

The economy could be in a depression in a few years and Trump may get us into a couple stupid wars by 2020, but Trump voters are still planning on voting for him, no matter what.

35% (Trump's core of support) of the country are mindless rednecks, easily duped. No wonder they are all such losers. Meanwhile, the billionaires who will benefit from the Trump presidency are laughing at all the loser chumps who voted against their own economic interests to elect this wannabe dictator.
Most of the country probably votes dem or GOP no matter what so why is this a shock?

I noticed on Facebook political posts that Trump voters are already saying they are going to vote for him again in 2020.

This proves how close-minded they are, and how their vote is mostly based on name recognition.

They don't even know who he is going to be running against, but they have already decided to vote for Trump again.

They just support Trump because they belong to Trump's cult of personality. They really love this dumb bigoted celebrity.

The only thing Trump has done so far is sign dumb executive orders that harass brown-skinned people and let coal companies poison water.

The economy could be in a depression in a few years and Trump may get us into a couple stupid wars by 2020, but Trump voters are still planning on voting for him, no matter what.

35% (Trump's core of support) of the country are mindless rednecks, easily duped. No wonder they are all such losers. Meanwhile, the billionaires who will benefit from the Trump presidency are laughing at all the loser chumps who voted against their own economic interests to elect this wannabe dictator.

Since you are clearly new to politics in the USA, I will explain some things for you. First, Trump voters declaring they are going to vote for him in 2020 proves NOTHING. The people making those declarations would never vote for a democrat for president, period. So it doesn't matter who the Dems put up. Second, the orange clown won 50 % more states than your Bulldyke. His support was broad and deep, not just isolated pockets as her's was. 35% of Hildo supporters want her to run again too. Let's hope those folks get their way.

I am 55 years old and have been following politics since about 1974. Chances are I know more than you.
I am going to vote for Trump again for the same reason I voted for him the first time:

To make liberals miserable

So you will vote for him, even if his economic policies make YOU miserable?

Yeah--posters like you prove my point.

What economic policies would those be? I think you are either confused or misinformed.

Colossal tax cuts for the rich that would increase the tax burden on the middle class. Letting industries poison us with unregulated pollution. Letting Russia rig our elections. Starting trade wars that would devastate our economy and cause a Great Depression. Blowing a big hole in the budget deficit with aforementioned tax cuts while increasing the defense budget for a bunch of ultra-expensive weapon systems we don't need. Destroying our health care system by removing millions of people from health insurance, while letting health insurance companies increase premiums exponentially. Destroying government infrastructure through sheer incompetence. I could go on.
10th post
So Trump is going to get all the votes he got in 2016?

lol, so that means the Democratic candidate will only need to outperform Hillary Clinton, the worst Democratic candidate in history,

by a few hundred thousand votes in the right places to win easily.

Sounds good to me.
I am going to vote for Trump again for the same reason I voted for him the first time:

To make liberals miserable

So you will vote for him, even if his economic policies make YOU miserable?

Yeah--posters like you prove my point.

What economic policies would those be? I think you are either confused or misinformed.

Colossal tax cuts for the rich that would increase the tax burden on the middle class. Letting industries poison us with unregulated pollution. Letting Russia rig our elections. Starting trade wars that would devastate our economy and cause a Great Depression. Blowing a big hole in the budget deficit with aforementioned tax cuts while increasing the defense budget for a bunch of ultra-expensive weapon systems we don't need. Destroying our health care system by removing millions of people from health insurance, while letting health insurance companies increase premiums exponentially. Destroying government infrastructure through sheer incompetence. I could go on.

Wow! That was amazing! That might just be a record! How on earth did you manage to shove so much bullshit in that one post! I am impressed!

I would take the time to dispute each and every one of your colossal tales of woe, but like a true liberal airhead, you wouldn't dare read it because you might learn how truly big of an ignoramus you are!
We are not going to vote for the lying filth liberals in the Dem party, shocker. This fool OP has not explained why Dem voters in PA, MI, and WI gave Trump the win, why couldn't you people carry those states OP? Did your head just explode? LOL

There are plenty of stupid losers in the states you listed. Democratic voters can be losers too, just like the stupid working class whites who refuse to vote for democratic candidates.
Lol, Obama killed the middle class and you still supported him.

Obama didn't kill the middle class. Where do you invent this crazy bullshit?
You really didn't pay attention during the Obama years, did you?
Hell I'd vote for Trump just to piss off the liberals.

Good for you.....Please DO stay fucked up and dumb......We need idiots like you as an example to our children as to why they should get an education....otherwise they'd wind up as stupid as you are......Thanks.......

I would vote for Trump even if the Dem candidate was my father, brother, mother, sister, etc.
I can't think of a single Dem policy that would benefit me.

You don't think much do you.

How about fair wages, protecting us from being poisoned and injured by big business criminals, and preserving Social Security and Medicare?

I can negotiate my own wages, thank you very much.

Caveat emptor.

The Federal govt should not be involved in any social programs.
If a state wants to bear the costs of socialism, then it's up to the voters in that state.
15th post

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