Trump twists stats on police brutality: 'more white people' are killed

Tommy Tainant

Diamond Member
Jan 20, 2016
Y Cae Ras

Seems like his reb statue obsession is forming his campaign messages.
No doubt his trashy fans on here will cheer like the braying jackasses that they are but decent folk will just shake their heads.
America needs a fresh start.

Seems like his reb statue obsession is forming his campaign messages.
No doubt his trashy fans on here will cheer like the braying jackasses that they are but decent folk will just shake their heads.
America needs a fresh start.
Just for the record, Trump doesn't always twist the news. All he does is regurgitate what is said on talk radio, Fox News and now AON.

Plus, throw some Q-Anon in there. He likes to re-tweet their stuff. Yikes. True story.

So I guess you could say that he gets his news "pre-twisted" and just repeats it like a trained parrot. He may actually think it's real.

Seems like his reb statue obsession is forming his campaign messages.
No doubt his trashy fans on here will cheer like the braying jackasses that they are but decent folk will just shake their heads.
America needs a fresh start.
What our magnificent white president said is true.


White Power Matters

Seems like his reb statue obsession is forming his campaign messages.
No doubt his trashy fans on here will cheer like the braying jackasses that they are but decent folk will just shake their heads.
America needs a fresh start.
Fake news.

Seems like his reb statue obsession is forming his campaign messages.
No doubt his trashy fans on here will cheer like the braying jackasses that they are but decent folk will just shake their heads.
America needs a fresh start.
Just for the record, Trump doesn't always twist the news. All he does is regurgitate what is said on talk radio, Fox News and now AON.

Plus, throw some Q-Anon in there. He likes to re-tweet their stuff. Yikes. True story.

So I guess you could say that he gets his news "pre-twisted" and just repeats it like a trained parrot. He may actually think it's real.
There should be an adult with him giving advice. Its not a good look and its not going to get him votes. He already has the racist trash in the bag. He should be reaching out to decent people.

Seems like his reb statue obsession is forming his campaign messages.
No doubt his trashy fans on here will cheer like the braying jackasses that they are but decent folk will just shake their heads.
America needs a fresh start.
Just for the record, Trump doesn't always twist the news. All he does is regurgitate what is said on talk radio, Fox News and now AON.

Plus, throw some Q-Anon in there. He likes to re-tweet their stuff. Yikes. True story.

So I guess you could say that he gets his news "pre-twisted" and just repeats it like a trained parrot. He may actually think it's real.
There should be an adult with him giving advice. Its not a good look and its not going to get him votes. He already has the racist trash in the bag. He should be reaching out to decent people.
Well, that's the problem. We have a damaged man-child in the White House, and the only group he appears to trust is a relatively small cadre of media personalities.

The only thing saving this country right now is its Constitution. This buffoon can only do so much damage unilaterally. But he can still do plenty.

Seems like his reb statue obsession is forming his campaign messages.
No doubt his trashy fans on here will cheer like the braying jackasses that they are but decent folk will just shake their heads.
America needs a fresh start.

Were are you when the black racists on this site, pretend to not understand proportions?

Seems like his reb statue obsession is forming his campaign messages.
No doubt his trashy fans on here will cheer like the braying jackasses that they are but decent folk will just shake their heads.
America needs a fresh start.
Just for the record, Trump doesn't always twist the news. All he does is regurgitate what is said on talk radio, Fox News and now AON.

Plus, throw some Q-Anon in there. He likes to re-tweet their stuff. Yikes. True story.

So I guess you could say that he gets his news "pre-twisted" and just repeats it like a trained parrot. He may actually think it's real.
There should be an adult with him giving advice. Its not a good look and its not going to get him votes. He already has the racist trash in the bag. He should be reaching out to decent people.
Well, that's the problem. We have a damaged man-child in the White House, and the only group he appears to trust is a relatively small cadre of media personalities.

The only thing saving this country right now is its Constitution. This buffoon can only do so much damage unilaterally. But he can still do plenty.

We are being racially divided. He is trying to settle things down. People are dying in the streets and the people doing the killing, are blacks riled up by people like you.

Seems like his reb statue obsession is forming his campaign messages.
No doubt his trashy fans on here will cheer like the braying jackasses that they are but decent folk will just shake their heads.
America needs a fresh start.
Your article confuses percentages with raw numbers. Utter Fail

Seems like his reb statue obsession is forming his campaign messages.
No doubt his trashy fans on here will cheer like the braying jackasses that they are but decent folk will just shake their heads.
America needs a fresh start.
Just for the record, Trump doesn't always twist the news. All he does is regurgitate what is said on talk radio, Fox News and now AON.

Plus, throw some Q-Anon in there. He likes to re-tweet their stuff. Yikes. True story.

So I guess you could say that he gets his news "pre-twisted" and just repeats it like a trained parrot. He may actually think it's real.
There should be an adult with him giving advice. Its not a good look and its not going to get him votes. He already has the racist trash in the bag. He should be reaching out to decent people.
Well, that's the problem. We have a damaged man-child in the White House, and the only group he appears to trust is a relatively small cadre of media personalities.

The only thing saving this country right now is its Constitution. This buffoon can only do so much damage unilaterally. But he can still do plenty.

We are being racially divided. He is trying to settle things down. People are dying in the streets and the people doing the killing, are blacks riled up by people like you.

Seems like his reb statue obsession is forming his campaign messages.
No doubt his trashy fans on here will cheer like the braying jackasses that they are but decent folk will just shake their heads.
America needs a fresh start.
Your article confuses percentages with raw numbers. Utter Fail
The confusion is all on dopey donnys shoulders. The truth is that the police kill black folk a lot more than they kill white folk. You have no coherent argument against that so you spout fake stats to deflect from the problem. Its all you have.

Seems like his reb statue obsession is forming his campaign messages.
No doubt his trashy fans on here will cheer like the braying jackasses that they are but decent folk will just shake their heads.
America needs a fresh start.
Just for the record, Trump doesn't always twist the news. All he does is regurgitate what is said on talk radio, Fox News and now AON.

Plus, throw some Q-Anon in there. He likes to re-tweet their stuff. Yikes. True story.

So I guess you could say that he gets his news "pre-twisted" and just repeats it like a trained parrot. He may actually think it's real.
There should be an adult with him giving advice. Its not a good look and its not going to get him votes. He already has the racist trash in the bag. He should be reaching out to decent people.
Well, that's the problem. We have a damaged man-child in the White House, and the only group he appears to trust is a relatively small cadre of media personalities.

The only thing saving this country right now is its Constitution. This buffoon can only do so much damage unilaterally. But he can still do plenty.

We are being racially divided. He is trying to settle things down. People are dying in the streets and the people doing the killing, are blacks riled up by people like you.

Seems like his reb statue obsession is forming his campaign messages.
No doubt his trashy fans on here will cheer like the braying jackasses that they are but decent folk will just shake their heads.
America needs a fresh start.
Your article confuses percentages with raw numbers. Utter Fail
The confusion is all on dopey donnys shoulders. The truth is that the police kill black folk a lot more than they kill white folk. You have no coherent argument against that so you spout fake stats to deflect from the problem. Its all you have.
Maths are hard. Try again

Seems like his reb statue obsession is forming his campaign messages.
No doubt his trashy fans on here will cheer like the braying jackasses that they are but decent folk will just shake their heads.
America needs a fresh start.

First, the facts:

And now, this interesting fact which explains the above.

In Brownsville, Brooklyn, the per capita shooting rate is 81 times higher than in nearby Bay Ridge, Brooklyn—the first neighborhood predominantly black, the second neighborhood predominantly white and Asian. As a result, police presence and use of proactive tactics are much higher in Brownsville than in Bay Ridge.

This incidence of crime means that innocent black men have a much higher chance than innocent white men of being stopped by the police because they match the description of a suspect. This is not something the police choose. It is a reality..." The Danger of the “Black Lives Matter” Movement


'In Brownsville, Brooklyn, the per capita shooting rate is 81 times higher than in nearby Bay Ridge, Brooklyn
—the first neighborhood predominantly black, the second neighborhood predominantly white and Asian.'

Brownsville population, ......60,000

Bay Ridge population.......70,000

Seems like his reb statue obsession is forming his campaign messages.
No doubt his trashy fans on here will cheer like the braying jackasses that they are but decent folk will just shake their heads.
America needs a fresh start.
Just for the record, Trump doesn't always twist the news. All he does is regurgitate what is said on talk radio, Fox News and now AON.

Plus, throw some Q-Anon in there. He likes to re-tweet their stuff. Yikes. True story.

So I guess you could say that he gets his news "pre-twisted" and just repeats it like a trained parrot. He may actually think it's real.
There should be an adult with him giving advice. Its not a good look and its not going to get him votes. He already has the racist trash in the bag. He should be reaching out to decent people.
Well, that's the problem. We have a damaged man-child in the White House, and the only group he appears to trust is a relatively small cadre of media personalities.

The only thing saving this country right now is its Constitution. This buffoon can only do so much damage unilaterally. But he can still do plenty.

We are being racially divided. He is trying to settle things down. People are dying in the streets and the people doing the killing, are blacks riled up by people like you.

We constantly hear the Liberals/Democrats demanding a 'national conversation' on race......but they lie about reality and run from any real exposing of the facts.

Seems like his reb statue obsession is forming his campaign messages.
No doubt his trashy fans on here will cheer like the braying jackasses that they are but decent folk will just shake their heads.
America needs a fresh start.

First, the facts:
View attachment 363538

And now, this interesting fact which explains the above.

In Brownsville, Brooklyn, the per capita shooting rate is 81 times higher than in nearby Bay Ridge, Brooklyn—the first neighborhood predominantly black, the second neighborhood predominantly white and Asian. As a result, police presence and use of proactive tactics are much higher in Brownsville than in Bay Ridge.

This incidence of crime means that innocent black men have a much higher chance than innocent white men of being stopped by the police because they match the description of a suspect. This is not something the police choose. It is a reality..." The Danger of the “Black Lives Matter” Movement


'In Brownsville, Brooklyn, the per capita shooting rate is 81 times higher than in nearby Bay Ridge, Brooklyn
—the first neighborhood predominantly black, the second neighborhood predominantly white and Asian.'

Brownsville population, ......60,000

Bay Ridge population.......70,000
Another survey that reinforces the OP.
Blacks are 12.3 % of the US population but comprise 25% of police victims. Even rightwing home schooled trash should understand that.

Seems like his reb statue obsession is forming his campaign messages.
No doubt his trashy fans on here will cheer like the braying jackasses that they are but decent folk will just shake their heads.
America needs a fresh start.

Trump was 100% correct
More White people are killed
Not even in question.

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