Trump Trying to Incite another Insurrection/riot?

No you are a liar. You are anti-American. You’re also scared and extremely weak. You are very weak person. So if you just keep on insulting people and making things up. It’s not gonna get you anything. I hope you get the help you need. Have a nice day my friend
ROFL. This is satire, right?

In the same paragraph even?

You made my day. Funniest thing I have read in a while.
Spanker I wish I could be there when you realize a kangaroo court arrest warrant for DT has reinvigorated his base & even brought others over to his side. Nobody wants the banana republic you are cheering for.

It's going to backfire spectacularly but it doesn't even matter does it?
We don't have real elections so no matter how many more votes he wins by this time, the Dem cheating machine will just manufacture even more for weeks after the election is over.
This should be obvious by now if your brain wasn't clogged with TDS & soft serve

You really are rather slow witted aren't you?

Soros wants a banana republic.
Soros backed politicians want it.
Remember this won't be the first country that he has destroyed.
The subhumans that soros had on a leash burning down cities want it.
The Cartels want it
The Russians want it.
The Chinese want it.
The Iranians want it
North Korea wants it.

They have all formed a symbiotic relationship to take the USA down.

The Mac's of the country will try to distract and run interference for them.

The 100 million that don't want a banana republic had better stand up this time with more that tailgating utentils.
It's the alternate universe.

Tucker told them that selected video of nothing happening means that nothing happened.

Imagine falling for that.
Hay Father Doofus. You gots like a quote that - Tucker - said what
you wrote " Tucker told them that selected videos of nothing
happening ". Tucker dint have time Immemorialto show his hour
long audience over 41,ooo hrs of videotape.
Tucker made it clear ... that Violence by Hooligans did take
place.But that also peacefull protestors walking inside the capitol
most of whom were let in just strolled around admiring the
inside of the Capitol bldg.
For that ... You get No Lunch..
Tucker told them that selected video of nothing happening means that nothing happened.
You're lying. He showed suppressed video that undermined the J6 committee's propaganda narrative.
He opened the segment with an admission of the violent acts that happened.
Inform yourself instead of being a useful idiot next time.
Post a laughing emoji to confirm you're an idiot.
Trump needs thousands to come out to support him this time. Anything else will signal his last hurrah.

Antiwar support won't add to his crowd much on account of it not developed in time. The DOJ has to be aware of that issue too, that could add to Trump's numbers.

I suspect that the protests are going to be very big and very violent this time. The militarly will be called upon early on in the interests of Biden's war not being influenced or defused.

The center of the action should be close to where Trump is bunkered down, with his armed lieutenants present in large numbers to challenge the FBI agents there to take him in.

This is how a revolution is either succeeds or fails. The only difference is that Trump is being given a second chance by US government.
ROFL. This is satire, right?

In the same paragraph even?

You made my day. Funniest thing I have read in a while.
Um Satire if done right would be Joe Biden and Kamala,his
sidekick dressed up in their Cowboy best outfits learning
or practicing how to whip horses at a border crossing
as if Slaves during the Civil War who were taught bad
Minstrel micmicking.As in ....
Mammy ... Mammy ... How I loves ya.
Hey, you anti-White Jew loving dumbass! Think of this: Protests don’t always mean in person. Strikes are just as effective!
You represent everything wrong and disgraceful about the modern MAGA trash GOP

You are little children that can't man up and admit Trump lost the election and lied about fraud because he couldn't admit he lost.

Deal with it loser, obviously you haven't been laid in a long time.
Um Satire if done right would be Joe Biden and Kamala,his
sidekick dressed up in their Cowboy best outfits learning
or practicing how to whip horses at a border crossing
as if Slaves during the Civil War who were taught bad
Minstrel micmicking.As in ....
Mammy ... Mammy ... How I loves ya.
Wow. Quite a disjointed rant. What the heck are you blabbering about?
Trump is about to be arrested for crimes he committed. Trump has let it be known that he thinks people should "protest" (riot cough cough).

Trump has already incited 1 Insurrection based on total lies, now he is pushing the limits again. Trump commited crimes and he will be arrested for these crimes, the same way other criminals are arrested for crimes.

If Trump tries to incite another riot/Insurrection after what he did on Jan 6th, he should be arrested and charged with yet another crime. If Trump makes increasingly incendiary tweets he should be arrested preemptively before the riot starts.

If you let criminals keep getting away with crime, they will never stop. Trump thinks he is above the law and has lived a life of crime and corruption and has never been held accountable for anything in life (even his numerous bankruptcies). Trump needs to be stopped before we have another Jan 6th (or a lessor Charlotsville that was still terrible).

Trump lied and people died.
and it will happen again.

if people protest the abuse of power by dems that’s hardly trumps fault

He has these poor souls thinking they're fighting for freedom and liberty and God and against commies and evil. This guy, of all people.

All he cares about is either promoting or saving his sorry, weak, needy ass. He won't think twice about ripping down this country to do it.

I still can't believe they fell for him. I try to understand it, but...
the most gullible people around, they'll believe any lie they are fed, including their favorite scandal of the month, which all turn out to be lies.

Its been going on since the Monica Lewinsky crap
Trump is about to be arrested for crimes he committed. Trump has let it be known that he thinks people should "protest" (riot cough cough).

Trump has already incited 1 Insurrection based on total lies, now he is pushing the limits again. Trump commited crimes and he will be arrested for these crimes, the same way other criminals are arrested for crimes.

If Trump tries to incite another riot/Insurrection after what he did on Jan 6th, he should be arrested and charged with yet another crime. If Trump makes increasingly incendiary tweets he should be arrested preemptively before the riot starts.

If you let criminals keep getting away with crime, they will never stop. Trump thinks he is above the law and has lived a life of crime and corruption and has never been held accountable for anything in life (even his numerous bankruptcies). Trump needs to be stopped before we have another Jan 6th (or a lessor Charlotsville that was still terrible).

Trump lied and people died.
and it will happen again.

:auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:

He has these poor souls thinking they're fighting for freedom and liberty and God and against commies and evil. This guy, of all people.

All he cares about is either promoting or saving his sorry, weak, needy ass. He won't think twice about ripping down this country to do it.

I still can't believe they fell for him. I try to understand it, but...
My God, are you a lowlife hack. So you know.
Is Trump too big to fail?

He and his moron base seem to think so! What do you think?
I think this is going down in flames, with Trump winning the nomination, then spending his presidential campaign crying about election fraud and other fake bull shit. The majority of America is so done with Trump, especially after we all know Trump lost the election and incited an Insurrection over lies.

I think Trump has no chance at winning because of that and he will bring down the whole party and there will be lots of fighting ! Its going to be a big massive blow up ! its going to be great
You're lying. He showed suppressed video that undermined the J6 committee's propaganda narrative.
He opened the segment with an admission of the violent acts that happened.
Inform yourself instead of being a useful idiot next time.
Post a laughing emoji to confirm you're an idiot.
Yer dealing with a verifiable nincompoop.
That probably wore a diaper into their high school years.
Plus lugging around a huge Lollipop for show.
Trump is about to be arrested for crimes he committed. Trump has let it be known that he thinks people should "protest" (riot cough cough).

Trump has already incited 1 Insurrection based on total lies, now he is pushing the limits again. Trump commited crimes and he will be arrested for these crimes, the same way other criminals are arrested for crimes.

If Trump tries to incite another riot/Insurrection after what he did on Jan 6th, he should be arrested and charged with yet another crime. If Trump makes increasingly incendiary tweets he should be arrested preemptively before the riot starts.

If you let criminals keep getting away with crime, they will never stop. Trump thinks he is above the law and has lived a life of crime and corruption and has never been held accountable for anything in life (even his numerous bankruptcies). Trump needs to be stopped before we have another Jan 6th (or a lessor Charlotsville that was still terrible).

Trump lied and people died.
and it will happen again.

trump wants people to riot for him. He is a slime ball.
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