Trump Trolls Dems on DACA


Old Fogey
Sep 25, 2011
Trump is a genius in regard to his skill at Trolling if nothing else.

Donald Trump Urges Democrats to Support 'Something Great for DACA'

President Donald Trump urged Democrats to support his plan to extend amnesty for DACA recipients in exchange for border security and chain migration reform.
“Hopefully the Democrats will join us, or enough of them will join us so we can really do something great for DACA and for immigration in general,” Trump told reporters at the White House on Monday.

The president appeared eager to achieve something on immigration, noting that the problem had vexed politicians for decades.

“For many, many years, they’ve been talking immigration, they never got anything done,” he said. “We’re going to get something done, we hope.”​

Trump has from his own negotiating experience learned how to break his opponents that refuse to come to negotiating table. You analyze their base of support and then drive a wedge along the biggest 'self interest' crack you can find.

In this case the Democrats have this huge base of agitated Latinos (that THEY agitated for years) and that are demanding that DACA get passed NOW. Trump knows this and is increasing the number of 'amnesties' that he is offering to build the heat on Schumer and Pelosi to come back to the table by enraging the DACAs that he is ready to give them far more than they ever thought even plausible even under Obama.

OF course, as soon as Schumer goes back, Trump will deflate the number by saying that his offer was under 'certain conditions' that will drive Schumer insane.

Meanwhile I am laughing my ass off and enjoying the show.

The Democrats have finally met their match in a Republican President who has a spine AND a brain, lol
First build the wall and then kick all the dreamers out
Chain migration isn't a thing.

they'd have to know what it is to know that.

I'm pretty sure Donald is clueless about what it is too.

and he sure as heck didn't know what the "lottery" is.
Funny how a guy who is such an ignoramus beat you guys in the last general election.

Why dont you get some people smarter than Trump to run your fuck up of a party?

Sounds like it should be an easy thing to do, and yet you obviously have not done that.

Why is that, dear?
First build the wall and then kick all the dreamers out

I would be more than happy to keep the Dreamers as we need all the good hard working law abiding people we can get.

But if we can also leverage concessions from the Criminalcrats, that makes it even sweeter.
He knows to get rid of the 3rd world people
Define Third World people?
Did you notice that all the countries bordering the Persian Gulf are also listed as third world? I've actually been to Dubai, U.A.E. and it is definitely not a third world country. Neither is Qatar or Saudi Arabia.
Third World is an outdated phrase from the Cold war era.

First World is the West and its allies, the Second world is the communist block nations and the Third world is those countries not tied to either block.

It has taken a new and dismissive meaning though as substandard which is definitely not true.

Singapore is supposedly Third World, but I would rather live there than in any US city for damned sure.
He knows to get rid of the 3rd world people
Define Third World people?

Wait....Greenland is third world?

Did you notice that all the countries bordering the Persian Gulf are also listed as third world? I've actually been to Dubai, U.A.E. and it is definitely not a third world country. Neither is Qatar or Saudi Arabia.

I’d agree with that. But they are still oppressive Muslim hellholes.
He knows to get rid of the 3rd world people
Define Third World people?

Wait....Greenland is third world?

Did you notice that all the countries bordering the Persian Gulf are also listed as third world? I've actually been to Dubai, U.A.E. and it is definitely not a third world country. Neither is Qatar or Saudi Arabia.
You stayed in the tourist areas then. Arab ME nations are a caste society, the haves and have nots. And the have nots know their place, they better not venture outside of their areas unless they are going to work as servants for the haves.




He knows to get rid of the 3rd world people
Define Third World people?

Wait....Greenland is third world?

Did you notice that all the countries bordering the Persian Gulf are also listed as third world? I've actually been to Dubai, U.A.E. and it is definitely not a third world country. Neither is Qatar or Saudi Arabia.
You stayed in the tourist areas then. Arab ME nations are a caste society, the haves and have nots. And the have nots know their place, they better not venture outside of their areas unless they are going to work as servants for the haves.




Wrong. I traveled over most of the city, just to take a look around. And yeah, in places like where the souks (marketplaces) are, the buildings are made of stone and are old, but that is because they have been there so long.

But by and large, most of the city is pretty clean and nice. If you ever get to Dubai, I recommend running around the souks, especially the gold souk. Its about 2 blocks long, and there are gold shops on both sides of the street for the entire length. They are only about as big as a large living room each, but they have more gold in each shop than I've ever seen in a major jewelry store that is 5 times their size.

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