Trump To Snub WHCD . . . Again

Poor Donnie. The star pitcher who can't throw out the first pitch at a big league game because he'd get boo'd off the mound by REAL AMERICANS.

Sad, believe me.
I see you have no point, just a gut full hate and envy.

Trump's rally of Real Americans will be several 1000, who will stand in line for hours hoping there are seats left when they finally get to the front of the line.

View attachment 254296

Yes. He will have several thousand supporters attend his next rally. And he will lie to you about how many thousand.

Why doesn't he just head over to the National's next home game and greet a crowd that isn't made up of MAGA morons?

Thin skin?
Trumps popularity with normal people really triggers your inner troll, doesn't it?

Grow up

You need your safe spaces.
Like being in a crowd of 1000s of American's.

Did you have another point?
Speaking of 1000s, has Trump reached the 1,000 lie mark yet?
Speaking of 100s of 1000s, Americans are moving from welfare to working for a living... Seriously threatening the Democrat Party's hold on power.
Poor Donnie. The star pitcher who can't throw out the first pitch at a big league game because he'd get boo'd off the mound by REAL AMERICANS.

Sad, believe me.
I see you have no point, just a gut full hate and envy.

Trump's rally of Real Americans will be several 1000, who will stand in line for hours hoping there are seats left when they finally get to the front of the line.

View attachment 254296

Yes. He will have several thousand supporters attend his next rally. And he will lie to you about how many thousand.

Why doesn't he just head over to the National's next home game and greet a crowd that isn't made up of MAGA morons?

Thin skin?
Trumps popularity with normal people really triggers your inner troll, doesn't it?

Grow up

He's not popular with normal people.

You need your safe spaces.
Like being in a crowd of 1000s of American's.

Did you have another point?
Speaking of 1000s, has Trump reached the 1,000 lie mark yet?
Speaking of 100s of 1000s, Americans are moving from welfare to working for a living... Seriously threatening the Democrat Party's hold on power.

You have trouble with logic, don't ya?
Poor Donnie. The star pitcher who can't throw out the first pitch at a big league game because he'd get boo'd off the mound by REAL AMERICANS.

Sad, believe me.
I see you have no point, just a gut full hate and envy.

Trump's rally of Real Americans will be several 1000, who will stand in line for hours hoping there are seats left when they finally get to the front of the line.

View attachment 254296

Yes. He will have several thousand supporters attend his next rally. And he will lie to you about how many thousand.

Why doesn't he just head over to the National's next home game and greet a crowd that isn't made up of MAGA morons?

Thin skin?
Trumps popularity with normal people really triggers your inner troll, doesn't it?

Grow up

He's not popular with normal people.
Your trolling is getting increasingly desperate.
Trump. You gotta love the guy. There just is no give in this guy.

Once you screw him over, he's got it in for you for life.

Trump to snub White House Correspondents Dinner for third year in a row
Once he attacked the free press (1st amendment) it`s Trump who has a problem for life.
Didn’t the free press attack him? Yes, by golly they did. So in your fucked up head Trump has no right to the first amendment?
A link to this alleged attack on Trump? Show me.
Trump. You gotta love the guy. There just is no give in this guy.

Once you screw him over, he's got it in for you for life.

Trump to snub White House Correspondents Dinner for third year in a row
Once he attacked the free press (1st amendment) it`s Trump who has a problem for life.
Didn’t the free press attack him? Yes, by golly they did. So in your fucked up head Trump has no right to the first amendment?
A link to this alleged attack on Trump? Show me.
Just come out of your fucking cave and pay attention. Moron.

You need your safe spaces.
Like being in a crowd of 1000s of American's.

Did you have another point?
Speaking of 1000s, has Trump reached the 1,000 lie mark yet?
Speaking of 100s of 1000s, Americans are moving from welfare to working for a living... Seriously threatening the Democrat Party's hold on power.
I hate to burst your little snot bubble but it`s Trump`s base that collects the most free stuff. How stupid do you feel now?
Federal Anti-Poverty Programs Primarily Help the GOP's Base
Trump. You gotta love the guy. There just is no give in this guy.

Once you screw him over, he's got it in for you for life.

Trump to snub White House Correspondents Dinner for third year in a row
Once he attacked the free press (1st amendment) it`s Trump who has a problem for life.
Didn’t the free press attack him? Yes, by golly they did. So in your fucked up head Trump has no right to the first amendment?
A link to this alleged attack on Trump? Show me.
Just come out of your fucking cave and pay attention. Moron.
So you have no evidence of this "attack" on the president by the free press. Dismissed!
Trump. You gotta love the guy. There just is no give in this guy.

Once you screw him over, he's got it in for you for life.

Trump to snub White House Correspondents Dinner for third year in a row

Only until he gets even: and then he forgets about it.

I dont think he ever feels like he gets even.

Donald has said it. He's a counter-puncher. You hit him in the gut once and he will punch you back hard in the head ten times.
Trump will never speak at an event where the audience does not consist of people who support him or work for him.
That should concern his loyal fans.

I've been to two of his events. I didn't work for him. He had no way of knowing if I supported him. No one asked me going in. There were plenty of people there who obviously didn't support him and protested.

  • Hillary Clinton will not speak at a debate unless she already has the questions in advance.
  • Hillary Clinton will not come on Fox News because she can't control the interview.
  • Hillary Clinton will only go to interviews with "friendly" journalists when she has a copy of the interview first and it must not deviate from the script.
  • Hillary Clinton insists on a teleprompter at any public event she's at.

Apparently that and much more concerned about a 150 million deplorables.

Sorry, pal. The world knows that this fucker only shows up for friendly crowds.

That's why he takes ANY interview? That's why they need mob control outside his rallies? That's why he's had many protesters disrupt rallies needing ejected? Do yourself a favor asshole and go get a refill of your meds.
Trump. You gotta love the guy. There just is no give in this guy.

Once you screw him over, he's got it in for you for life.

Trump to snub White House Correspondents Dinner for third year in a row
Once he attacked the free press (1st amendment) it`s Trump who has a problem for life.
Didn’t the free press attack him? Yes, by golly they did. So in your fucked up head Trump has no right to the first amendment?
A link to this alleged attack on Trump? Show me.
Just come out of your fucking cave and pay attention. Moron.
So you have no evidence of this "attack" on the president by the free press. Dismissed!
Fine with me! You have stupid stamped on your forehead!
Trump. You gotta love the guy. There just is no give in this guy.

Once you screw him over, he's got it in for you for life.

Trump to snub White House Correspondents Dinner for third year in a row
Once he attacked the free press (1st amendment) it`s Trump who has a problem for life.

Trump has NEVER attacked the 1st amendment or freedom of speech. He attacked rampant, lying, unvetted journalism spewing hate-propaganda as libelous fact with no checks, no balances and no accountability used as a weapon for leftist political control. You know, like Pravda in the USSR. That was never the intent of the Founders. Keep it up, Donald!
Once he attacked the free press (1st amendment) it`s Trump who has a problem for life.
Didn’t the free press attack him? Yes, by golly they did. So in your fucked up head Trump has no right to the first amendment?
A link to this alleged attack on Trump? Show me.
Just come out of your fucking cave and pay attention. Moron.
So you have no evidence of this "attack" on the president by the free press. Dismissed!
Fine with me! You have stupid stamped on your forehead!
Stamp what you want but it was YOU who I nailed for lying.
Didn’t the free press attack him? Yes, by golly they did. So in your fucked up head Trump has no right to the first amendment?
A link to this alleged attack on Trump? Show me.
Just come out of your fucking cave and pay attention. Moron.
So you have no evidence of this "attack" on the president by the free press. Dismissed!
Fine with me! You have stupid stamped on your forehead!
Stamp what you want but it was YOU who I nailed for lying.
I didn’t lie! Why don’t you provide examples of positive press! If you aren’t stamped with stupid it should be easy! Dumbass!
Trump. You gotta love the guy. There just is no give in this guy.

Once you screw him over, he's got it in for you for life.

Trump to snub White House Correspondents Dinner for third year in a row
Once he attacked the free press (1st amendment) it`s Trump who has a problem for life.
Didn’t the free press attack him? Yes, by golly they did. So in your fucked up head Trump has no right to the first amendment?

The Press is free -- -- -- -- to print the truth. Not to make shit up. All of our freedoms end where we start infringing on other's rights.
Let’s see some positive press!

Even things that are UNDOUBTABLY positive, like President Trump being cleared of all treason by Mueller is greeted as bad news by the lame stream media. Why is it "bad news" that the President is NOT a traitor?

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