Trump to Deport Criminal Illegals, Make Determination About Rest

Dont Taz Me Bro

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Nov 17, 2009
Las Vegas, Nevada
Trump is claiming is he will deport roughly two to three million illegal aliens with criminal records, something I agree with and is common sense.

In his first extensive interview since he won the White House, Trump is reassuring his supporters that he will deport or incarcerate up to three millions 'gang members' and 'drug dealers.'

Trump says he will 'immediately' deport two to three million illegal immigrants with criminal records - and insists he WILL build a wall (but part of it could be a fence) | Daily Mail Online

As for the remain 10 million or so, he is already making indications he is open to other alternatives. I told you tards he's not going to be deporting 12 million people. The reality of the situation is going to set in very quickly I predict he will try to handle this in much the same way Bush tried to ten years ago.

Trump didn't specify what he would seek to do with the remaining estimated 9-10 million undocumented immigrants.

'After the border is secure and after everything gets normalized, we're going to make a determination on the people that they're talking about who are terrific people, they're terrific people but we are gonna make a determination at that,' Trump said.

'But before we make that's very important, we are going to secure our border.'
Trump is claiming is he will deport roughly two to three million illegal aliens with criminal records, something I agree with and is common sense.

In his first extensive interview since he won the White House, Trump is reassuring his supporters that he will deport or incarcerate up to three millions 'gang members' and 'drug dealers.'

Trump says he will 'immediately' deport two to three million illegal immigrants with criminal records - and insists he WILL build a wall (but part of it could be a fence) | Daily Mail Online

As for the remain 10 million or so, he is already making indications he is open to other alternatives. I told you tards he's not going to be deporting 12 million people. The reality of the situation is going to set in very quickly I predict he will try to handle this in much the same way Bush tried to ten years ago.

Trump didn't specify what he would seek to do with the remaining estimated 9-10 million undocumented immigrants.

'After the border is secure and after everything gets normalized, we're going to make a determination on the people that they're talking about who are terrific people, they're terrific people but we are gonna make a determination at that,' Trump said.

'But before we make that's very important, we are going to secure our border.'

That's exactly right. He back-pedaled on deporting all illegals during his campaign. He only wants to deport the criminals. Trump is going to be reasonable about it.
It's simple, there is gasoline on the ground everywhere in the country and these neanderthals are frantically striking matches. Have no illusions there will be blood and this isn't going to be a something that goes away after a few months. Americans reject fascists with great hostility. It will do one thing, it will ensure Congress goes back to the Democrats in 2016 so have at it. p.o.shit trump will do enough things in the next two years to warrant impeachment and he won't see all the gleeful faces in Congress anymore. Bitch.
Trump is claiming is he will deport roughly two to three million illegal aliens with criminal records, something I agree with and is common sense.

In his first extensive interview since he won the White House, Trump is reassuring his supporters that he will deport or incarcerate up to three millions 'gang members' and 'drug dealers.'

Trump says he will 'immediately' deport two to three million illegal immigrants with criminal records - and insists he WILL build a wall (but part of it could be a fence) | Daily Mail Online

As for the remain 10 million or so, he is already making indications he is open to other alternatives. I told you tards he's not going to be deporting 12 million people. The reality of the situation is going to set in very quickly I predict he will try to handle this in much the same way Bush tried to ten years ago.

Trump didn't specify what he would seek to do with the remaining estimated 9-10 million undocumented immigrants.

'After the border is secure and after everything gets normalized, we're going to make a determination on the people that they're talking about who are terrific people, they're terrific people but we are gonna make a determination at that,' Trump said.

'But before we make that's very important, we are going to secure our border.'

That's exactly right. He back-pedaled on deporting all illegals during his campaign. He only wants to deport the criminals. Trump is going to be reasonable about it.

So all the Trumptards who cheered his original proclamations were unreasonable?

Yeah, I think that's putting it mildly.
Trump is claiming is he will deport roughly two to three million illegal aliens with criminal records, something I agree with and is common sense.

In his first extensive interview since he won the White House, Trump is reassuring his supporters that he will deport or incarcerate up to three millions 'gang members' and 'drug dealers.'

Trump says he will 'immediately' deport two to three million illegal immigrants with criminal records - and insists he WILL build a wall (but part of it could be a fence) | Daily Mail Online

As for the remain 10 million or so, he is already making indications he is open to other alternatives. I told you tards he's not going to be deporting 12 million people. The reality of the situation is going to set in very quickly I predict he will try to handle this in much the same way Bush tried to ten years ago.

Trump didn't specify what he would seek to do with the remaining estimated 9-10 million undocumented immigrants.

'After the border is secure and after everything gets normalized, we're going to make a determination on the people that they're talking about who are terrific people, they're terrific people but we are gonna make a determination at that,' Trump said.

'But before we make that's very important, we are going to secure our border.'
Did you hear this morning that they have had to relocate a bunch of border security personnel due to an unmanageable wave of illegals crossing the border in the Rio Grande Valley, including unaccompanied youth and families?
He'd better get crackin on that Wall.
I completely agree with him sending home the criminals.
It's simple, there is gasoline on the ground everywhere in the country and these neanderthals are frantically striking matches. Have no illusions there will be blood and this isn't going to be a something that goes away after a few months. Americans reject fascists with great hostility. It will do one thing, it will ensure Congress goes back to the Democrats in 2016 so have at it. p.o.shit trump will do enough things in the next two years to warrant impeachment and he won't see all the gleeful faces in Congress anymore. Bitch.

More predictio0ns from a man who has lost all credibility by being so consistently wrong in all his previous predictions. LOL!!
It's simple, there is gasoline on the ground everywhere in the country and these neanderthals are frantically striking matches. Have no illusions there will be blood and this isn't going to be a something that goes away after a few months. Americans reject fascists with great hostility. It will do one thing, it will ensure Congress goes back to the Democrats in 2016 so have at it. p.o.shit trump will do enough things in the next two years to warrant impeachment and he won't see all the gleeful faces in Congress anymore. Bitch.

The neanderthals? You mean the anti Trumpers who would lay waste to this country they despise? Don't insult neanderthals. As far as fascists go... all fascists grab guns as soon as they get in power, and what's her name would have went after the 2nd Amendment on day one if she hadn't lost the election. TGIT. Thank God it's Trump.
Get rid of the violent ones. I'm cool with the ones just trying to work and earn a living, so let's tax the shit out of their Western Union transfers and make those fuckers "pay their fair share!"
".it's very important, we are going to secure our border.'"


I have no doubt border security will increase and it should, but the wall you think you're getting is not coming.

I always figured that the Wall would end up being more of an eye in the sky type of thing. Satellite surveillance, drones and such, directing agents to pick up the human traffic.
".it's very important, we are going to secure our border.'"


I have no doubt border security will increase and it should, but the wall you think you're getting is not coming.
Already discussions on the as usual you are wrong. Trump knows damn well Wall doesn't happen we make him 1 term president and he can't exactly go back to being a businessman his campaign talk has destroyed his business name. Oh and no this will be NOTHING like Bush. Bush was a neo con cuckservative who caved to Amnesty.
Trump is claiming is he will deport roughly two to three million illegal aliens with criminal records, something I agree with and is common sense.

In his first extensive interview since he won the White House, Trump is reassuring his supporters that he will deport or incarcerate up to three millions 'gang members' and 'drug dealers.'

Trump says he will 'immediately' deport two to three million illegal immigrants with criminal records - and insists he WILL build a wall (but part of it could be a fence) | Daily Mail Online

As for the remain 10 million or so, he is already making indications he is open to other alternatives. I told you tards he's not going to be deporting 12 million people. The reality of the situation is going to set in very quickly I predict he will try to handle this in much the same way Bush tried to ten years ago.

Trump didn't specify what he would seek to do with the remaining estimated 9-10 million undocumented immigrants.

'After the border is secure and after everything gets normalized, we're going to make a determination on the people that they're talking about who are terrific people, they're terrific people but we are gonna make a determination at that,' Trump said.

'But before we make that's very important, we are going to secure our border.'
Did you hear this morning that they have had to relocate a bunch of border security personnel due to an unmanageable wave of illegals crossing the border in the Rio Grande Valley, including unaccompanied youth and families?
He'd better get crackin on that Wall.
I completely agree with him sending home the criminals.
Wouldn't surprise me to see a LOT of illegals going back across the border....happened in Alabama when they passed a tough immigration law and I hope it happens now that its going to be NATIONAL.
It's simple, there is gasoline on the ground everywhere in the country and these neanderthals are frantically striking matches. Have no illusions there will be blood and this isn't going to be a something that goes away after a few months. Americans reject fascists with great hostility. It will do one thing, it will ensure Congress goes back to the Democrats in 2016 so have at it. p.o.shit trump will do enough things in the next two years to warrant impeachment and he won't see all the gleeful faces in Congress anymore. Bitch.

You have a problem deporting Illegal residents who have criminal records? why does that seem radical?
Criminal illegals get deported now !

Geez! The ins focuses on real criminals . Not the dui or having no insurance guys .
deport the criminals, and work out the details for the remaining 11 million ..

son of a bitch, A page right out of Bush/Obama immigration policy.

Based on statements so far, Trump's plan to remove the undocumented immigrants who have committed crimes is similar to what President Obama declared in 2014. Here's a look at some of the numbers:

President Barack Obama has often been referred to by immigration groups as the "Deporter in Chief."

Between 2009 and 2015 his administration has removed more than 2.5 million people through immigration orders, which doesn’t include the number of people who "self-deported" or were turned away and/or returned to their home country at the border by U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP).

who knew?

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