Trump to a tiny crowd of a couple hundred - So have a good life, see you soon!

The Nazi crowd in DC is tiny in comparison to past Inauguration crowds. The main reason the patriot crowd in Palm Beach County is so much smaller than Trump's usual crowds is because that county is under shut-down orders.

Palm Beach is solidly Democratic, but the Republicans there and in West Palm don't like Trump either.

That's one of HUNDREDS of lawsuits and legal perils he's gonna have to deal with :)
You're a glittering idiot.

Coming from you? A complement! :cool-45:
If Hitler wasn't a socialist, then what was he?

He was a Fascist - Like Trumpy Bear. Your "socialism" claim was buried by surada.
So when did Hitler cease being a National socialist (Nazi)?

Socialism has gone through a number of morphs over the decades.
Most recently you have the contrast of Bernie's "Democratic Socialism" and the socialism of murderous authoritarians like Maduro and Ortega.
You didn't answer my question. If Hitler wasn't a socialist, when did he change?

I thought I kinda did actually answer your question. Just because the word "socialist" appears in the name "National Socialist German Workers Party" doesn't make Hitler a socialist by any current definition.
So Democrats aren't really Democrats, huh.

We see that you are not a fan of NUANCE ;)

I'm not a fan of bullshit. Hitler was a Nazi until his death, National Socialist. Sorry, but you socialists aren't the purest creatures on the planet that you want everyone to believe you are.

If you don't like socialism, you are free to pass on Medicare and Social Security. We are - in part - a socialist country.
I paid for my medicare and Social Security. Idiot.

If you live a long time, probably not.
Count the interest starting in 1965. Idiot.

Hey, I rather like you. No need to call me an idiot.
Btw - is this you? Snappy!

Thank you. Idiot.
Making America great again was always a threat to the filthy Left Wingers. They thrive on misery. "Great" sucks to them.
The left hates their own country. Sick pitiful creatures.

It is not that they hate the country it is just that the hate the idea of individual Liberty and also the possibility that their welfare check may be reduced.
BS Filter

  • Adolf Hitler Was Not a Socialist | Drudge Retort
    "But despite joining what would be called the "National Socialist" German workers party, Adolf Hitler was not a socialist. Far from it. In fact, in July 1921, Hitler briefly left the NSDAP because an affiliate of the party in Augsburg signed an agreement with the German Socialist Party in that city, only returning when he had been largely given control of the party itself."
  • Was Adolf Hitler a Socialist? - ThoughtCo
    Not only was Hitler not a socialist himself, nor a communist, but he actually hated these ideologies and did his utmost to eradicate them. At first this involved organizing bands of thugs to attack socialists in the street, but grew into invading Russia, in part to enslave the population and earn ‘living‘ room for Germans, and in part to wipe out communism and ‘Bolshevism’.
  • No, the Nazis Were Not Socialists
    But no. Senator Rand Paul (R-KY), in his 2019 book The Case Against Socialism, declares, “Hitler was a Socialist.”. It’s tempting to just roll your eyes and move on. But the idea that Nazis were socialists infects the thoughts of many otherwise reasonable people, so it is good to know exactly how to respond.

You morons with your big lie.
You should see the Biden UnAuguration crowd.....he WISHES it was as big as Trumps send off crowd.

NO ONE is at Biden's inauguration that wasn't paid to be there or will be paid off later.


By design. But you wouldn't understand that.

Oh sure I do.

No one attended his campaign rallies.

You are the only fool excited by a rich old white senile fool child sniffer

The design was to fool YOU into believing there was a legitimate reason for no one showing up.

You're not smart enough to figure out 2 + 2

Biden didn't need any campaign rallies.. They are superspreaders.. Biden's ego isn't like Trump's .. He's not needy like Trump.


Biden is so immensely popular. I forgot.

Must be .. Biden won the popular vote by 8 million and the EC by more than 50.
Palm Beach is solidly Democratic, but the Republicans there and in West Palm don't like Trump either.

You know this because the hate sites said so?

Xi's man turned the white house into an armed camp - the ugly direction we are turning under the new Nazi regime is obvious.

Biden didn't do that.. Trump's lies and radicalizing the goons among his more rabid followers did that.. He sicced them on the Capitol in the belief that they could overturn the election.
Joe Biden would NOT promote a superspreader during a pandemic that has killed nearly 400,000 Americans, you moron.

This was as close to hiding in the basement as he could get and still be inaugurated.


Basement Beijing Biden...the cowardly usurper selling out our country to the highest bidder.
BS Filter

  • Adolf Hitler Was Not a Socialist | Drudge Retort
    "But despite joining what would be called the "National Socialist" German workers party, Adolf Hitler was not a socialist. Far from it. In fact, in July 1921, Hitler briefly left the NSDAP because an affiliate of the party in Augsburg signed an agreement with the German Socialist Party in that city, only returning when he had been largely given control of the party itself."
  • Was Adolf Hitler a Socialist? - ThoughtCo
    Not only was Hitler not a socialist himself, nor a communist, but he actually hated these ideologies and did his utmost to eradicate them. At first this involved organizing bands of thugs to attack socialists in the street, but grew into invading Russia, in part to enslave the population and earn ‘living‘ room for Germans, and in part to wipe out communism and ‘Bolshevism’.
  • No, the Nazis Were Not Socialists
    But no. Senator Rand Paul (R-KY), in his 2019 book The Case Against Socialism, declares, “Hitler was a Socialist.”. It’s tempting to just roll your eyes and move on. But the idea that Nazis were socialists infects the thoughts of many otherwise reasonable people, so it is good to know exactly how to respond.

You morons with your big lie.

Did you even finish High school?

Joe Biden would NOT promote a superspreader during a pandemic that has killed nearly 400,000 Americans, you moron.

This was as close to hiding in the basement as he could get and still be inaugurated.


Basement Beijing Biden...the cowardly usurper selling out our country to the highest bidder.

Biden won the election, you nitwit.. and he did it without superspreder rallies.. 400,000 Americans are dead because of the epidemic.
The Nazi crowd in DC is tiny in comparison to past Inauguration crowds. The main reason the patriot crowd in Palm Beach County is so much smaller than Trump's usual crowds is because that county is under shut-down orders.

Palm Beach is solidly Democratic, but the Republicans there and in West Palm don't like Trump either.

That's one of HUNDREDS of lawsuits and legal perils he's gonna have to deal with :)
You're a glittering idiot.

Coming from you? A complement! :cool-45:
If Hitler wasn't a socialist, then what was he?

He was a Fascist - Like Trumpy Bear. Your "socialism" claim was buried by surada.
So when did Hitler cease being a National socialist (Nazi)?

Socialism has gone through a number of morphs over the decades.
Most recently you have the contrast of Bernie's "Democratic Socialism" and the socialism of murderous authoritarians like Maduro and Ortega.
You didn't answer my question. If Hitler wasn't a socialist, when did he change?

I thought I kinda did actually answer your question. Just because the word "socialist" appears in the name "National Socialist German Workers Party" doesn't make Hitler a socialist by any current definition.
So Democrats aren't really Democrats, huh.

We see that you are not a fan of NUANCE ;)

I'm not a fan of bullshit. Hitler was a Nazi until his death, National Socialist. Sorry, but you socialists aren't the purest creatures on the planet that you want everyone to believe you are.

If you don't like socialism, you are free to pass on Medicare and Social Security. We are - in part - a socialist country.
I paid for my medicare and Social Security. Idiot.

If you live a long time, probably not.
Count the interest starting in 1965. Idiot.

Hey, I rather like you. No need to call me an idiot.
Btw - is this you? Snappy!

Thank you. Idiot.

You wouldn't consider free K-12 education for all somewhat socialist-ick-y?
Public libraries and parks??
Maybe you would prefer Somalia? :cool-45:

Last edited:
The Nazi crowd in DC is tiny in comparison to past Inauguration crowds. The main reason the patriot crowd in Palm Beach County is so much smaller than Trump's usual crowds is because that county is under shut-down orders.

Palm Beach is solidly Democratic, but the Republicans there and in West Palm don't like Trump either.

That's one of HUNDREDS of lawsuits and legal perils he's gonna have to deal with :)
You're a glittering idiot.

Coming from you? A complement! :cool-45:
If Hitler wasn't a socialist, then what was he?

He was a Fascist - Like Trumpy Bear. Your "socialism" claim was buried by surada.
So when did Hitler cease being a National socialist (Nazi)?

Socialism has gone through a number of morphs over the decades.
Most recently you have the contrast of Bernie's "Democratic Socialism" and the socialism of murderous authoritarians like Maduro and Ortega.
You didn't answer my question. If Hitler wasn't a socialist, when did he change?

I thought I kinda did actually answer your question. Just because the word "socialist" appears in the name "National Socialist German Workers Party" doesn't make Hitler a socialist by any current definition.
So Democrats aren't really Democrats, huh.

We see that you are not a fan of NUANCE ;)

I'm not a fan of bullshit. Hitler was a Nazi until his death, National Socialist. Sorry, but you socialists aren't the purest creatures on the planet that you want everyone to believe you are.

If you don't like socialism, you are free to pass on Medicare and Social Security. We are - in part - a socialist country.
I paid for my medicare and Social Security. Idiot.

If you live a long time, probably not.
Count the interest starting in 1965. Idiot.

Hey, I rather like you. No need to call me an idiot.
Btw - is this you? Snappy!

Thank you. Idiot.

You wouldn't consider free K-12 education for all somewhat socialist-ick-y?
Maybe you would prefer Somalia? :cool-45:

A Democratic Republic won't work without a literate citizenry and a free press.
He was never a socialist. He actually rejected the push to make the Nazi party socialist. The means of production remained owned by private parties and attempts to absorb them into government were rejected by Hitler.

Fascism does stress nationalism above all else, so although these private industries are private, Hitler saw their first responsibility to that of the state.

You know, like maybe saying Ford should build a factor in Detroit and not Mexico because of their responsibility to the country.

Yeah, like Volkswagen and BMW - totally private... :eusa_whistle:

Socialism is CONTROL of the means of production and/or distribution by the state, sploogy.

In fact Hitler's Germany was a centrally planned and managed economy. The party decided what was to be produced, in what quantity and at what price point. The "corporations" were completely controlled by the party and directors appointed by the party.

To attempt to claim that the Reich had "private enterprise" is as ignorant as it it dishonest.
I thought I kinda did actually answer your question. Just because the word "socialist" appears in the name "National Socialist German Workers Party" doesn't make Hitler a socialist by any current definition.

That the Reich had a centrally planned and managed economy where the state controlled the means of production does, though.
Go fuck yourself. If Hitler wasn't a socialist, then what was he?

Well Hitler was a FASCIST, you know an advocate of the economics of Benito Mussolini, that dedicated advocate of free markets who published "Avanti" for dedicated Capitalist leader Vladimir Lenin, until Bennie decided he wanted the top spot.

Bennie devised a system where the state is supreme, where the means of production and distribution are controlled by the state and centrally planned to promote the goals of the state - which is so different than socialism.

Besides the big lie that surada chants says that Hitler wasn't a socialist because he killed other socialists, and remember;

"No socialist would ever kill a fellow socialist." - Leon Trotsky

Nope.. You are simply ignorant.

How Big Business Bailed Out the Nazis | Brennan Center for ...
May 20, 2016 · The Nazi Party was bailed out by German industrialists in early 1933. The industrialists who led the way were two huge German firms, I.G. Farben and Krupp. Leaders of both of companies were among the few civilians who were later charged with war …

Hey everyone - look at the Straw Man.

It may have utterly nothing to do with what I posted, but Surada is sure he can defeat his own fallacious argument.

I guess Lenin and Stalin weren't socialists either.

Biden won the election, you nitwit..
Not sure if you're a liar or just an imbecile...but honestly it doesn't really matter.

Biden is a fake President...a Usurper... took 25,000 National Guardsman for that coward to even show his face...

...and he didn't even trust them...

Does that sound like anyone but a fool believes he legitimately won the election?

Dachau wasn't open in 1921 when Hitler split from the German Socialists.

Dachau didn't open until Hitler came to power in 1933 .. That's when he imprisoned Socialists and Communists.

So you tossing it out is just another red herring fallacy as you flail desperately in your attempts to support the big lie.

Hitler's Reich had a centrally planned and managed economy where the state set the production, the quantities, and price points.

In many ways, Hitler had a more pure socialist economy than Stalin ever did.
Biden didn't do that.. Trump's lies and radicalizing the goons among his more rabid followers did that.. He sicced them on the Capitol in the belief that they could overturn the election.

It sure looked like Xi's man had National Guard troops taking loyalty oaths to him personally. democrats are building a Gestapo.

Go fuck yourself. If Hitler wasn't a socialist, then what was he?

Well Hitler was a FASCIST, you know an advocate of the economics of Benito Mussolini, that dedicated advocate of free markets who published "Avanti" for dedicated Capitalist leader Vladimir Lenin, until Bennie decided he wanted the top spot.

Bennie devised a system where the state is supreme, where the means of production and distribution are controlled by the state and centrally planned to promote the goals of the state - which is so different than socialism.

Besides the big lie that surada chants says that Hitler wasn't a socialist because he killed other socialists, and remember;

"No socialist would ever kill a fellow socialist." - Leon Trotsky

Nope.. You are simply ignorant.

How Big Business Bailed Out the Nazis | Brennan Center for ...
May 20, 2016 · The Nazi Party was bailed out by German industrialists in early 1933. The industrialists who led the way were two huge German firms, I.G. Farben and Krupp. Leaders of both of companies were among the few civilians who were later charged with war …

Hey everyone - look at the Straw Man.

It may have utterly nothing to do with what I posted, but Surada is sure he can defeat his own fallacious argument.

I guess Lenin and Stalin weren't socialists either.

Lenin and Stalin were Communists... Hitler hated Communists and Socialists.
Are you so ignorant you don't know that the Nazis were conservative Fascists and Nationalists as well as racists.
You are so ignorant you don't know that NAZI stands for National Socialism and yes, they were fascists responsible for millions of innocent deaths. The only one out pacing their kill count was another Socialist...Stalin. You should read up on history because you are an embarrassment to yourself.

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