Trump The Playboy President and Shameless Misogynist


Platinum Member
Jun 11, 2015
The commie infested, queer loving liberal NE USA
The history of Trumps disdain for women is well documented, but nowhere is it more evident than in his approach to and attitude about women's health and reproductive rights.

Opinion | The Playboy President and Women’s Health

The lack of a moral compas is simply breathtaking:

Donald Trump’s name adorned the first casino in America to have an in-house strip club. He is the first American president to have made a cameo appearance in a soft-core pornography film, and he has called his struggle to avoid sexually transmitted diseases while sleeping around his “personal Vietnam.” When Trump the candidate was asked last year whether any of his paramours had had an abortion, he refused to answer.

This is not a man who shares the longtime Republican goal of rolling back the sexual revolution. Nevertheless, after nearly six months in office, Mr. Trump has already surpassed George W. Bush as the American president most hostile to reproductive rights and measures to promote sexual health. There is a deeply insulting irony in this: American women are being stripped of their sexual and reproductive autonomy not by a moralizing puritan but by an erotically incontinent libertine.

It gets worse:

That assault includes blocking Planned Parenthood from collecting Medicaid reimbursements for a year. This would force the more than half of Planned Parenthood clients who rely on the program to seek care elsewhere, whether or not alternatives exist. (In many places, they don’t.) Medicaid itself, which pays for half of American births, would be severely cut. States would be allowed to let insurers opt out of guaranteeing coverage for maternity care. Tax penalties would restrict individuals and small businesses from buying private insurance plans that cover abortion. And the Senate bill, which would free some insurance plans to charge co-pays for preventive care, would end Obamacare’s guarantee of no-cost birth control.

And the hypocrissy is astounding:

No one thinks that Mr. Trump personally disapproves of Planned Parenthood. During the presidential campaign, he defended the organization, even though he also promised to cut off its federal funding.

“Millions and millions of women — cervical cancer, breast cancer — are helped by Planned Parenthood,” he said at a Republican debate in February. “I would defund it because I’m pro-life, but millions of women are helped by Planned Parenthood.

That statement, combined with his evident acceptance of non-procreative sex, made it possible to imagine that he might be marginally better on issues of sexual and reproductive health than other Republicans. Instead, his presidency is proving that cynicism and indifference can be as damaging as fanaticism..

And for someone who was concerned about contracting HIV/AIDS......

The first sign of how bad Mr. Trump would be on reproductive health came three days after he was sworn in, when he signed a new, souped-up version of the global gag rule. It was inevitable that a Republican president would reinstate this policy, first enacted by Ronald Reagan, prohibiting foreign aid organizations receiving family planning funding from making abortion referrals or lobbying for abortion law reform.

Mr. Trump, however, dramatically expanded the gag rule’s scope, so that it now applies to all foreign health assistance programs — affecting more than $8.8 billion in funding, instead of just $600 million. As Scott Evertz, Mr. Bush’s former AIDS czar, told me in January, Mr. Bush didn’t do that because he knew it would hamstring Pepfar, the president’s signature H.I.V./AIDS initiative.

[QUOTE]It would have been impossible to treat H.I.V./AIDS in the developing world,” Mr. Evertz said, “if the global gag rule were to be applied to the thousands of organizations with which those of us involved in Pepfar would be working.”

Mr. Trump, however, shows no sign of caring about Pepfar. Indeed, his draft budget would cut the program by more than $1 billion, which experts say could lead to a million deaths. The president appears similarly indifferent to H.I.V./AIDS in the United States. [/QUOTE]

There is much more but you get the idea. Read the whole article for the true flavor of this mans insanity and contempt for women world wide.
Disdain for women? An opinion piece?
His organization hired almost as many women as men and has had more women in executive positions than men, and their pay has been higher than the men.
Trump calls for more women's health care, paid family leave options

"First introduced in 1984, by President Ronald Reagan, the policy allows for exceptions in the cases of rape, incest, and life endangerment."

Now, if this is your feeling, then welcome to the world of eugenics, just as Margaret Sanger was for with the help of pp.

"the policy restricts a basic right to speech and the right to make informed health decisions, as well as harms the health and lives of poor women "

Why should our US tax dollars be used for women to abort upon demand in foreign countries.
The history of Trumps disdain for women is well documented, but nowhere is it more evident than in his approach to and attitude about women's health and reproductive rights.

Opinion | The Playboy President and Women’s Health

The lack of a moral compas is simply breathtaking:

Donald Trump’s name adorned the first casino in America to have an in-house strip club. He is the first American president to have made a cameo appearance in a soft-core pornography film, and he has called his struggle to avoid sexually transmitted diseases while sleeping around his “personal Vietnam.” When Trump the candidate was asked last year whether any of his paramours had had an abortion, he refused to answer.

This is not a man who shares the longtime Republican goal of rolling back the sexual revolution. Nevertheless, after nearly six months in office, Mr. Trump has already surpassed George W. Bush as the American president most hostile to reproductive rights and measures to promote sexual health. There is a deeply insulting irony in this: American women are being stripped of their sexual and reproductive autonomy not by a moralizing puritan but by an erotically incontinent libertine.

It gets worse:

That assault includes blocking Planned Parenthood from collecting Medicaid reimbursements for a year. This would force the more than half of Planned Parenthood clients who rely on the program to seek care elsewhere, whether or not alternatives exist. (In many places, they don’t.) Medicaid itself, which pays for half of American births, would be severely cut. States would be allowed to let insurers opt out of guaranteeing coverage for maternity care. Tax penalties would restrict individuals and small businesses from buying private insurance plans that cover abortion. And the Senate bill, which would free some insurance plans to charge co-pays for preventive care, would end Obamacare’s guarantee of no-cost birth control.

And the hypocrissy is astounding:

No one thinks that Mr. Trump personally disapproves of Planned Parenthood. During the presidential campaign, he defended the organization, even though he also promised to cut off its federal funding.

“Millions and millions of women — cervical cancer, breast cancer — are helped by Planned Parenthood,” he said at a Republican debate in February. “I would defund it because I’m pro-life, but millions of women are helped by Planned Parenthood.

That statement, combined with his evident acceptance of non-procreative sex, made it possible to imagine that he might be marginally better on issues of sexual and reproductive health than other Republicans. Instead, his presidency is proving that cynicism and indifference can be as damaging as fanaticism..

And for someone who was concerned about contracting HIV/AIDS......

The first sign of how bad Mr. Trump would be on reproductive health came three days after he was sworn in, when he signed a new, souped-up version of the global gag rule. It was inevitable that a Republican president would reinstate this policy, first enacted by Ronald Reagan, prohibiting foreign aid organizations receiving family planning funding from making abortion referrals or lobbying for abortion law reform.

Mr. Trump, however, dramatically expanded the gag rule’s scope, so that it now applies to all foreign health assistance programs — affecting more than $8.8 billion in funding, instead of just $600 million. As Scott Evertz, Mr. Bush’s former AIDS czar, told me in January, Mr. Bush didn’t do that because he knew it would hamstring Pepfar, the president’s signature H.I.V./AIDS initiative.

[QUOTE]It would have been impossible to treat H.I.V./AIDS in the developing world,” Mr. Evertz said, “if the global gag rule were to be applied to the thousands of organizations with which those of us involved in Pepfar would be working.”

Mr. Trump, however, shows no sign of caring about Pepfar. Indeed, his draft budget would cut the program by more than $1 billion, which experts say could lead to a million deaths. The president appears similarly indifferent to H.I.V./AIDS in the United States.

There is much more but you get the idea. Read the whole article for the true flavor of this mans insanity and contempt for women world wide.[/QUOTE]
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Another far left hit piece from the nutters that are all upset because their person didn't win. Boohoo, these threads are repetitive and boring.

Tomorrow we will get more of these silly threads.
Disdain for women? An opinion piece?
His organization hired almost as many women as men and has had more women in executive positions than men, and their pay has been higher than the men.
Trump calls for more women's health care, paid family leave options

"First introduced in 1984, by President Ronald Reagan, the policy allows for exceptions in the cases of rape, incest, and life endangerment."

Now, if this is your feeling, then welcome to the world of eugenics, just as Margaret Sanger was for with the help of pp.

"the policy restricts a basic right to speech and the right to make informed health decisions, as well as harms the health and lives of poor women "

Why should our US tax dollars be used for women to abort upon demand in foreign countries.
The history of Trumps disdain for women is well documented, but nowhere is it more evident than in his approach to and attitude about women's health and reproductive rights.

Opinion | The Playboy President and Women’s Health

The lack of a moral compas is simply breathtaking:

Donald Trump’s name adorned the first casino in America to have an in-house strip club. He is the first American president to have made a cameo appearance in a soft-core pornography film, and he has called his struggle to avoid sexually transmitted diseases while sleeping around his “personal Vietnam.” When Trump the candidate was asked last year whether any of his paramours had had an abortion, he refused to answer.

This is not a man who shares the longtime Republican goal of rolling back the sexual revolution. Nevertheless, after nearly six months in office, Mr. Trump has already surpassed George W. Bush as the American president most hostile to reproductive rights and measures to promote sexual health. There is a deeply insulting irony in this: American women are being stripped of their sexual and reproductive autonomy not by a moralizing puritan but by an erotically incontinent libertine.

It gets worse:

That assault includes blocking Planned Parenthood from collecting Medicaid reimbursements for a year. This would force the more than half of Planned Parenthood clients who rely on the program to seek care elsewhere, whether or not alternatives exist. (In many places, they don’t.) Medicaid itself, which pays for half of American births, would be severely cut. States would be allowed to let insurers opt out of guaranteeing coverage for maternity care. Tax penalties would restrict individuals and small businesses from buying private insurance plans that cover abortion. And the Senate bill, which would free some insurance plans to charge co-pays for preventive care, would end Obamacare’s guarantee of no-cost birth control.

And the hypocrissy is astounding:

No one thinks that Mr. Trump personally disapproves of Planned Parenthood. During the presidential campaign, he defended the organization, even though he also promised to cut off its federal funding.

“Millions and millions of women — cervical cancer, breast cancer — are helped by Planned Parenthood,” he said at a Republican debate in February. “I would defund it because I’m pro-life, but millions of women are helped by Planned Parenthood.

That statement, combined with his evident acceptance of non-procreative sex, made it possible to imagine that he might be marginally better on issues of sexual and reproductive health than other Republicans. Instead, his presidency is proving that cynicism and indifference can be as damaging as fanaticism..

And for someone who was concerned about contracting HIV/AIDS......

The first sign of how bad Mr. Trump would be on reproductive health came three days after he was sworn in, when he signed a new, souped-up version of the global gag rule. It was inevitable that a Republican president would reinstate this policy, first enacted by Ronald Reagan, prohibiting foreign aid organizations receiving family planning funding from making abortion referrals or lobbying for abortion law reform.

Mr. Trump, however, dramatically expanded the gag rule’s scope, so that it now applies to all foreign health assistance programs — affecting more than $8.8 billion in funding, instead of just $600 million. As Scott Evertz, Mr. Bush’s former AIDS czar, told me in January, Mr. Bush didn’t do that because he knew it would hamstring Pepfar, the president’s signature H.I.V./AIDS initiative.

[QUOTE]It would have been impossible to treat H.I.V./AIDS in the developing world,” Mr. Evertz said, “if the global gag rule were to be applied to the thousands of organizations with which those of us involved in Pepfar would be working.”

Mr. Trump, however, shows no sign of caring about Pepfar. Indeed, his draft budget would cut the program by more than $1 billion, which experts say could lead to a million deaths. The president appears similarly indifferent to H.I.V./AIDS in the United States.

Just a few points in response to this boatload of bizarre bovine excrement....
1. I don't give a rats hind parts what he "said in a statement" It's been proven time and again that his words don't mean shit.

2. It is his actions and policies that effect women that matter, and his damage to women's health is well documented

3.I don't know what the makeup of his organization is or what he pays women. If he hired a lot of women it was for more opportunities to grab pussy. I do know what the composition of the administration is and it is mostly old, rich white men, many of which have an equally dismal track record on women.

4. US tax dollars do not fund abortions at home or abroad. We are talking about family planning, reproductive healthcare and HIV prevention
Another far left hit piece from the nutters that are all upset because their person didn't win. Boohoo, these threads are repetitive and boring.

Tomorrow we will get more of these silly threads.
Can you refute anything in that piece?

Refute an opinion? Lol! You nut jobs have how many threads on this issue and so far nothing has happened. Remember your thread on how badly gays have it with Trump as President? None of that is true.

Maybe if there weren't threads everyday whining and crying about Trump I take them seriously but when the left from Election Day forward have been crying over Trump, it is tough to take seriously.
His only negative action, as you see it and half of America doesn't either, has been to remove funding for abortion services out of country.
Now care to discuss his positive actions? He has stated he wants Congress to work on childcare and leave for women.
He has also committed $50 million to help women entrepreneurs.
Trump pledges $50 million to help women entrepreneurs
He has signed the Promoting Women in Entrepreneurship Act, and the Inspire Act for women
H.R.255 - 115th Congress (2017-2018): Promoting Women in Entrepreneurship Act
Trump signs laws to promote women in STEM

Disdain for women? An opinion piece?
His organization hired almost as many women as men and has had more women in executive positions than men, and their pay has been higher than the men.
Trump calls for more women's health care, paid family leave options

"First introduced in 1984, by President Ronald Reagan, the policy allows for exceptions in the cases of rape, incest, and life endangerment."

Now, if this is your feeling, then welcome to the world of eugenics, just as Margaret Sanger was for with the help of pp.

"the policy restricts a basic right to speech and the right to make informed health decisions, as well as harms the health and lives of poor women "

Why should our US tax dollars be used for women to abort upon demand in foreign countries.
The history of Trumps disdain for women is well documented, but nowhere is it more evident than in his approach to and attitude about women's health and reproductive rights.

Opinion | The Playboy President and Women’s Health

The lack of a moral compas is simply breathtaking:

Donald Trump’s name adorned the first casino in America to have an in-house strip club. He is the first American president to have made a cameo appearance in a soft-core pornography film, and he has called his struggle to avoid sexually transmitted diseases while sleeping around his “personal Vietnam.” When Trump the candidate was asked last year whether any of his paramours had had an abortion, he refused to answer.

This is not a man who shares the longtime Republican goal of rolling back the sexual revolution. Nevertheless, after nearly six months in office, Mr. Trump has already surpassed George W. Bush as the American president most hostile to reproductive rights and measures to promote sexual health. There is a deeply insulting irony in this: American women are being stripped of their sexual and reproductive autonomy not by a moralizing puritan but by an erotically incontinent libertine.

It gets worse:

That assault includes blocking Planned Parenthood from collecting Medicaid reimbursements for a year. This would force the more than half of Planned Parenthood clients who rely on the program to seek care elsewhere, whether or not alternatives exist. (In many places, they don’t.) Medicaid itself, which pays for half of American births, would be severely cut. States would be allowed to let insurers opt out of guaranteeing coverage for maternity care. Tax penalties would restrict individuals and small businesses from buying private insurance plans that cover abortion. And the Senate bill, which would free some insurance plans to charge co-pays for preventive care, would end Obamacare’s guarantee of no-cost birth control.

And the hypocrissy is astounding:

No one thinks that Mr. Trump personally disapproves of Planned Parenthood. During the presidential campaign, he defended the organization, even though he also promised to cut off its federal funding.

“Millions and millions of women — cervical cancer, breast cancer — are helped by Planned Parenthood,” he said at a Republican debate in February. “I would defund it because I’m pro-life, but millions of women are helped by Planned Parenthood.

That statement, combined with his evident acceptance of non-procreative sex, made it possible to imagine that he might be marginally better on issues of sexual and reproductive health than other Republicans. Instead, his presidency is proving that cynicism and indifference can be as damaging as fanaticism..

And for someone who was concerned about contracting HIV/AIDS......

The first sign of how bad Mr. Trump would be on reproductive health came three days after he was sworn in, when he signed a new, souped-up version of the global gag rule. It was inevitable that a Republican president would reinstate this policy, first enacted by Ronald Reagan, prohibiting foreign aid organizations receiving family planning funding from making abortion referrals or lobbying for abortion law reform.

Mr. Trump, however, dramatically expanded the gag rule’s scope, so that it now applies to all foreign health assistance programs — affecting more than $8.8 billion in funding, instead of just $600 million. As Scott Evertz, Mr. Bush’s former AIDS czar, told me in January, Mr. Bush didn’t do that because he knew it would hamstring Pepfar, the president’s signature H.I.V./AIDS initiative.

[QUOTE]It would have been impossible to treat H.I.V./AIDS in the developing world,” Mr. Evertz said, “if the global gag rule were to be applied to the thousands of organizations with which those of us involved in Pepfar would be working.”

Mr. Trump, however, shows no sign of caring about Pepfar. Indeed, his draft budget would cut the program by more than $1 billion, which experts say could lead to a million deaths. The president appears similarly indifferent to H.I.V./AIDS in the United States.

Just a few points in response to this boatload of bizarre bovine excrement....
1. I don't give a rats hind parts what he "said in a statement" It's been proven time and again that his words don't mean shit.

2. It is his actions and policies that effect women that matter, and his damage to women's health is well documented

3.I don't know what the makeup of his organization is or what he pays women. If he hired a lot of women it was for more opportunities to grab pussy. I do know what the composition of the administration is and it is mostly old, rich white men, many of which have an equally dismal track record on women.

4. US tax dollars do not fund abortions at home or abroad. We are talking about family planning, reproductive healthcare and HIV prevention
His only negative action, as you see it and half of America doesn't either, has been to remove funding for abortion services out of country.
Now care to discuss his positive actions? He has stated he wants Congress to work on childcare and leave for women.
He has also committed $50 million to help women entrepreneurs.
Trump pledges $50 million to help women entrepreneurs
He has signed the Promoting Women in Entrepreneurship Act, and the Inspire Act for women
H.R.255 - 115th Congress (2017-2018): Promoting Women in Entrepreneurship Act
Trump signs laws to promote women in STEM

Disdain for women? An opinion piece?
His organization hired almost as many women as men and has had more women in executive positions than men, and their pay has been higher than the men.
Trump calls for more women's health care, paid family leave options

"First introduced in 1984, by President Ronald Reagan, the policy allows for exceptions in the cases of rape, incest, and life endangerment."

Now, if this is your feeling, then welcome to the world of eugenics, just as Margaret Sanger was for with the help of pp.

"the policy restricts a basic right to speech and the right to make informed health decisions, as well as harms the health and lives of poor women "

Why should our US tax dollars be used for women to abort upon demand in foreign countries.
The history of Trumps disdain for women is well documented, but nowhere is it more evident than in his approach to and attitude about women's health and reproductive rights.

Opinion | The Playboy President and Women’s Health

The lack of a moral compas is simply breathtaking:

Donald Trump’s name adorned the first casino in America to have an in-house strip club. He is the first American president to have made a cameo appearance in a soft-core pornography film, and he has called his struggle to avoid sexually transmitted diseases while sleeping around his “personal Vietnam.” When Trump the candidate was asked last year whether any of his paramours had had an abortion, he refused to answer.

This is not a man who shares the longtime Republican goal of rolling back the sexual revolution. Nevertheless, after nearly six months in office, Mr. Trump has already surpassed George W. Bush as the American president most hostile to reproductive rights and measures to promote sexual health. There is a deeply insulting irony in this: American women are being stripped of their sexual and reproductive autonomy not by a moralizing puritan but by an erotically incontinent libertine.

It gets worse:

That assault includes blocking Planned Parenthood from collecting Medicaid reimbursements for a year. This would force the more than half of Planned Parenthood clients who rely on the program to seek care elsewhere, whether or not alternatives exist. (In many places, they don’t.) Medicaid itself, which pays for half of American births, would be severely cut. States would be allowed to let insurers opt out of guaranteeing coverage for maternity care. Tax penalties would restrict individuals and small businesses from buying private insurance plans that cover abortion. And the Senate bill, which would free some insurance plans to charge co-pays for preventive care, would end Obamacare’s guarantee of no-cost birth control.

And the hypocrissy is astounding:

No one thinks that Mr. Trump personally disapproves of Planned Parenthood. During the presidential campaign, he defended the organization, even though he also promised to cut off its federal funding.

“Millions and millions of women — cervical cancer, breast cancer — are helped by Planned Parenthood,” he said at a Republican debate in February. “I would defund it because I’m pro-life, but millions of women are helped by Planned Parenthood.

That statement, combined with his evident acceptance of non-procreative sex, made it possible to imagine that he might be marginally better on issues of sexual and reproductive health than other Republicans. Instead, his presidency is proving that cynicism and indifference can be as damaging as fanaticism..

And for someone who was concerned about contracting HIV/AIDS......

The first sign of how bad Mr. Trump would be on reproductive health came three days after he was sworn in, when he signed a new, souped-up version of the global gag rule. It was inevitable that a Republican president would reinstate this policy, first enacted by Ronald Reagan, prohibiting foreign aid organizations receiving family planning funding from making abortion referrals or lobbying for abortion law reform.

Mr. Trump, however, dramatically expanded the gag rule’s scope, so that it now applies to all foreign health assistance programs — affecting more than $8.8 billion in funding, instead of just $600 million. As Scott Evertz, Mr. Bush’s former AIDS czar, told me in January, Mr. Bush didn’t do that because he knew it would hamstring Pepfar, the president’s signature H.I.V./AIDS initiative.

[QUOTE]It would have been impossible to treat H.I.V./AIDS in the developing world,” Mr. Evertz said, “if the global gag rule were to be applied to the thousands of organizations with which those of us involved in Pepfar would be working.”

Mr. Trump, however, shows no sign of caring about Pepfar. Indeed, his draft budget would cut the program by more than $1 billion, which experts say could lead to a million deaths. The president appears similarly indifferent to H.I.V./AIDS in the United States.

Just a few points in response to this boatload of bizarre bovine excrement....
1. I don't give a rats hind parts what he "said in a statement" It's been proven time and again that his words don't mean shit.

2. It is his actions and policies that effect women that matter, and his damage to women's health is well documented

3.I don't know what the makeup of his organization is or what he pays women. If he hired a lot of women it was for more opportunities to grab pussy. I do know what the composition of the administration is and it is mostly old, rich white men, many of which have an equally dismal track record on women.

4. US tax dollars do not fund abortions at home or abroad. We are talking about family planning, reproductive healthcare and HIV prevention
Fine, so he is not total scum. But this thread is about women's health and reproductive rights. None of this minimized the harm that he's doing to them.
His only negative action, as you see it and half of America doesn't either, has been to remove funding for abortion services out of country.
Now care to discuss his positive actions? He has stated he wants Congress to work on childcare and leave for women.
He has also committed $50 million to help women entrepreneurs.
Trump pledges $50 million to help women entrepreneurs
He has signed the Promoting Women in Entrepreneurship Act, and the Inspire Act for women
H.R.255 - 115th Congress (2017-2018): Promoting Women in Entrepreneurship Act
Trump signs laws to promote women in STEM

Disdain for women? An opinion piece?
His organization hired almost as many women as men and has had more women in executive positions than men, and their pay has been higher than the men.
Trump calls for more women's health care, paid family leave options

"First introduced in 1984, by President Ronald Reagan, the policy allows for exceptions in the cases of rape, incest, and life endangerment."

Now, if this is your feeling, then welcome to the world of eugenics, just as Margaret Sanger was for with the help of pp.

"the policy restricts a basic right to speech and the right to make informed health decisions, as well as harms the health and lives of poor women "

Why should our US tax dollars be used for women to abort upon demand in foreign countries.
The history of Trumps disdain for women is well documented, but nowhere is it more evident than in his approach to and attitude about women's health and reproductive rights.

Opinion | The Playboy President and Women’s Health

The lack of a moral compas is simply breathtaking:

Donald Trump’s name adorned the first casino in America to have an in-house strip club. He is the first American president to have made a cameo appearance in a soft-core pornography film, and he has called his struggle to avoid sexually transmitted diseases while sleeping around his “personal Vietnam.” When Trump the candidate was asked last year whether any of his paramours had had an abortion, he refused to answer.

This is not a man who shares the longtime Republican goal of rolling back the sexual revolution. Nevertheless, after nearly six months in office, Mr. Trump has already surpassed George W. Bush as the American president most hostile to reproductive rights and measures to promote sexual health. There is a deeply insulting irony in this: American women are being stripped of their sexual and reproductive autonomy not by a moralizing puritan but by an erotically incontinent libertine.

It gets worse:

That assault includes blocking Planned Parenthood from collecting Medicaid reimbursements for a year. This would force the more than half of Planned Parenthood clients who rely on the program to seek care elsewhere, whether or not alternatives exist. (In many places, they don’t.) Medicaid itself, which pays for half of American births, would be severely cut. States would be allowed to let insurers opt out of guaranteeing coverage for maternity care. Tax penalties would restrict individuals and small businesses from buying private insurance plans that cover abortion. And the Senate bill, which would free some insurance plans to charge co-pays for preventive care, would end Obamacare’s guarantee of no-cost birth control.

And the hypocrissy is astounding:

No one thinks that Mr. Trump personally disapproves of Planned Parenthood. During the presidential campaign, he defended the organization, even though he also promised to cut off its federal funding.

“Millions and millions of women — cervical cancer, breast cancer — are helped by Planned Parenthood,” he said at a Republican debate in February. “I would defund it because I’m pro-life, but millions of women are helped by Planned Parenthood.

That statement, combined with his evident acceptance of non-procreative sex, made it possible to imagine that he might be marginally better on issues of sexual and reproductive health than other Republicans. Instead, his presidency is proving that cynicism and indifference can be as damaging as fanaticism..

And for someone who was concerned about contracting HIV/AIDS......

The first sign of how bad Mr. Trump would be on reproductive health came three days after he was sworn in, when he signed a new, souped-up version of the global gag rule. It was inevitable that a Republican president would reinstate this policy, first enacted by Ronald Reagan, prohibiting foreign aid organizations receiving family planning funding from making abortion referrals or lobbying for abortion law reform.

Mr. Trump, however, dramatically expanded the gag rule’s scope, so that it now applies to all foreign health assistance programs — affecting more than $8.8 billion in funding, instead of just $600 million. As Scott Evertz, Mr. Bush’s former AIDS czar, told me in January, Mr. Bush didn’t do that because he knew it would hamstring Pepfar, the president’s signature H.I.V./AIDS initiative.

[QUOTE]It would have been impossible to treat H.I.V./AIDS in the developing world,” Mr. Evertz said, “if the global gag rule were to be applied to the thousands of organizations with which those of us involved in Pepfar would be working.”

Mr. Trump, however, shows no sign of caring about Pepfar. Indeed, his draft budget would cut the program by more than $1 billion, which experts say could lead to a million deaths. The president appears similarly indifferent to H.I.V./AIDS in the United States.

Just a few points in response to this boatload of bizarre bovine excrement....
1. I don't give a rats hind parts what he "said in a statement" It's been proven time and again that his words don't mean shit.

2. It is his actions and policies that effect women that matter, and his damage to women's health is well documented

3.I don't know what the makeup of his organization is or what he pays women. If he hired a lot of women it was for more opportunities to grab pussy. I do know what the composition of the administration is and it is mostly old, rich white men, many of which have an equally dismal track record on women.

4. US tax dollars do not fund abortions at home or abroad. We are talking about family planning, reproductive healthcare and HIV prevention
If you really want to make it about issues other than reproductive rights and health, take a look at this:

5 things women need to know about Trump's first 100 days

. Women in the workplace

Trump revoked the 2014 Fair Pay and Safe Workplaces order in late March, which required wage transparency among federal contractors and banned forced arbitration clauses for sexual harassment, sexual assault or discrimination claims.

What does that mean? The law no longer requires companies to be transparent about employee pay, women and minorities have no way of knowing whether their wages are fair, and it also means the government has undercut progress in closing the gender wage gap.

Non-diverse cabinet
Regardless of the policy moves the Trump administration has made in its first 100 days, what's most telling is what the president hasn't done — and that's appoint women to positions of power.

"Trump’s cabinet has just four women," Phadke said. "It’s more white and more male than any cabinet since Ronald Reagan’s and the women have lower-ranking positions."
His only negative action, as you see it and half of America doesn't either, has been to remove funding for abortion services out of country.
Now care to discuss his positive actions? He has stated he wants Congress to work on childcare and leave for women.
He has also committed $50 million to help women entrepreneurs.
Trump pledges $50 million to help women entrepreneurs
He has signed the Promoting Women in Entrepreneurship Act, and the Inspire Act for women
H.R.255 - 115th Congress (2017-2018): Promoting Women in Entrepreneurship Act
Trump signs laws to promote women in STEM

Disdain for women? An opinion piece?
His organization hired almost as many women as men and has had more women in executive positions than men, and their pay has been higher than the men.
Trump calls for more women's health care, paid family leave options

"First introduced in 1984, by President Ronald Reagan, the policy allows for exceptions in the cases of rape, incest, and life endangerment."

Now, if this is your feeling, then welcome to the world of eugenics, just as Margaret Sanger was for with the help of pp.

"the policy restricts a basic right to speech and the right to make informed health decisions, as well as harms the health and lives of poor women "

Why should our US tax dollars be used for women to abort upon demand in foreign countries.
The history of Trumps disdain for women is well documented, but nowhere is it more evident than in his approach to and attitude about women's health and reproductive rights.

Opinion | The Playboy President and Women’s Health

The lack of a moral compas is simply breathtaking:

Donald Trump’s name adorned the first casino in America to have an in-house strip club. He is the first American president to have made a cameo appearance in a soft-core pornography film, and he has called his struggle to avoid sexually transmitted diseases while sleeping around his “personal Vietnam.” When Trump the candidate was asked last year whether any of his paramours had had an abortion, he refused to answer.

This is not a man who shares the longtime Republican goal of rolling back the sexual revolution. Nevertheless, after nearly six months in office, Mr. Trump has already surpassed George W. Bush as the American president most hostile to reproductive rights and measures to promote sexual health. There is a deeply insulting irony in this: American women are being stripped of their sexual and reproductive autonomy not by a moralizing puritan but by an erotically incontinent libertine.

It gets worse:

That assault includes blocking Planned Parenthood from collecting Medicaid reimbursements for a year. This would force the more than half of Planned Parenthood clients who rely on the program to seek care elsewhere, whether or not alternatives exist. (In many places, they don’t.) Medicaid itself, which pays for half of American births, would be severely cut. States would be allowed to let insurers opt out of guaranteeing coverage for maternity care. Tax penalties would restrict individuals and small businesses from buying private insurance plans that cover abortion. And the Senate bill, which would free some insurance plans to charge co-pays for preventive care, would end Obamacare’s guarantee of no-cost birth control.

And the hypocrissy is astounding:

No one thinks that Mr. Trump personally disapproves of Planned Parenthood. During the presidential campaign, he defended the organization, even though he also promised to cut off its federal funding.

“Millions and millions of women — cervical cancer, breast cancer — are helped by Planned Parenthood,” he said at a Republican debate in February. “I would defund it because I’m pro-life, but millions of women are helped by Planned Parenthood.

That statement, combined with his evident acceptance of non-procreative sex, made it possible to imagine that he might be marginally better on issues of sexual and reproductive health than other Republicans. Instead, his presidency is proving that cynicism and indifference can be as damaging as fanaticism..

And for someone who was concerned about contracting HIV/AIDS......

The first sign of how bad Mr. Trump would be on reproductive health came three days after he was sworn in, when he signed a new, souped-up version of the global gag rule. It was inevitable that a Republican president would reinstate this policy, first enacted by Ronald Reagan, prohibiting foreign aid organizations receiving family planning funding from making abortion referrals or lobbying for abortion law reform.

Mr. Trump, however, dramatically expanded the gag rule’s scope, so that it now applies to all foreign health assistance programs — affecting more than $8.8 billion in funding, instead of just $600 million. As Scott Evertz, Mr. Bush’s former AIDS czar, told me in January, Mr. Bush didn’t do that because he knew it would hamstring Pepfar, the president’s signature H.I.V./AIDS initiative.

[QUOTE]It would have been impossible to treat H.I.V./AIDS in the developing world,” Mr. Evertz said, “if the global gag rule were to be applied to the thousands of organizations with which those of us involved in Pepfar would be working.”

Mr. Trump, however, shows no sign of caring about Pepfar. Indeed, his draft budget would cut the program by more than $1 billion, which experts say could lead to a million deaths. The president appears similarly indifferent to H.I.V./AIDS in the United States.

Just a few points in response to this boatload of bizarre bovine excrement....
1. I don't give a rats hind parts what he "said in a statement" It's been proven time and again that his words don't mean shit.

2. It is his actions and policies that effect women that matter, and his damage to women's health is well documented

3.I don't know what the makeup of his organization is or what he pays women. If he hired a lot of women it was for more opportunities to grab pussy. I do know what the composition of the administration is and it is mostly old, rich white men, many of which have an equally dismal track record on women.

4. US tax dollars do not fund abortions at home or abroad. We are talking about family planning, reproductive healthcare and HIV prevention
Donald Trump campaign pays women less than men - The Boston Globe

WASHINGTON — Donald Trump has paid men on his campaign staff one-third more than women, while Hillary Clinton has compensated men and women equally, according to a Globe analysis of payroll data for both campaigns.

Trump’s campaign staff is also far less diverse than that of his likely Democratic opponent. Only about 9 percent of his team are minorities, compared with nearly a third of Clinton’s staff.
Hillary Clinton’s ‘huge’ $112K gender pay gap at foundation exposed by WikiLeaks
‘Feminist’ Hillary Clinton Pays Women Staffers Less than Men

His only negative action, as you see it and half of America doesn't either, has been to remove funding for abortion services out of country.
Now care to discuss his positive actions? He has stated he wants Congress to work on childcare and leave for women.
He has also committed $50 million to help women entrepreneurs.
Trump pledges $50 million to help women entrepreneurs
He has signed the Promoting Women in Entrepreneurship Act, and the Inspire Act for women
H.R.255 - 115th Congress (2017-2018): Promoting Women in Entrepreneurship Act
Trump signs laws to promote women in STEM

Disdain for women? An opinion piece?
His organization hired almost as many women as men and has had more women in executive positions than men, and their pay has been higher than the men.
Trump calls for more women's health care, paid family leave options

"First introduced in 1984, by President Ronald Reagan, the policy allows for exceptions in the cases of rape, incest, and life endangerment."

Now, if this is your feeling, then welcome to the world of eugenics, just as Margaret Sanger was for with the help of pp.

"the policy restricts a basic right to speech and the right to make informed health decisions, as well as harms the health and lives of poor women "

Why should our US tax dollars be used for women to abort upon demand in foreign countries.
The history of Trumps disdain for women is well documented, but nowhere is it more evident than in his approach to and attitude about women's health and reproductive rights.

Opinion | The Playboy President and Women’s Health

The lack of a moral compas is simply breathtaking:

Donald Trump’s name adorned the first casino in America to have an in-house strip club. He is the first American president to have made a cameo appearance in a soft-core pornography film, and he has called his struggle to avoid sexually transmitted diseases while sleeping around his “personal Vietnam.” When Trump the candidate was asked last year whether any of his paramours had had an abortion, he refused to answer.

This is not a man who shares the longtime Republican goal of rolling back the sexual revolution. Nevertheless, after nearly six months in office, Mr. Trump has already surpassed George W. Bush as the American president most hostile to reproductive rights and measures to promote sexual health. There is a deeply insulting irony in this: American women are being stripped of their sexual and reproductive autonomy not by a moralizing puritan but by an erotically incontinent libertine.

It gets worse:

That assault includes blocking Planned Parenthood from collecting Medicaid reimbursements for a year. This would force the more than half of Planned Parenthood clients who rely on the program to seek care elsewhere, whether or not alternatives exist. (In many places, they don’t.) Medicaid itself, which pays for half of American births, would be severely cut. States would be allowed to let insurers opt out of guaranteeing coverage for maternity care. Tax penalties would restrict individuals and small businesses from buying private insurance plans that cover abortion. And the Senate bill, which would free some insurance plans to charge co-pays for preventive care, would end Obamacare’s guarantee of no-cost birth control.

And the hypocrissy is astounding:

No one thinks that Mr. Trump personally disapproves of Planned Parenthood. During the presidential campaign, he defended the organization, even though he also promised to cut off its federal funding.

“Millions and millions of women — cervical cancer, breast cancer — are helped by Planned Parenthood,” he said at a Republican debate in February. “I would defund it because I’m pro-life, but millions of women are helped by Planned Parenthood.

That statement, combined with his evident acceptance of non-procreative sex, made it possible to imagine that he might be marginally better on issues of sexual and reproductive health than other Republicans. Instead, his presidency is proving that cynicism and indifference can be as damaging as fanaticism..

And for someone who was concerned about contracting HIV/AIDS......

The first sign of how bad Mr. Trump would be on reproductive health came three days after he was sworn in, when he signed a new, souped-up version of the global gag rule. It was inevitable that a Republican president would reinstate this policy, first enacted by Ronald Reagan, prohibiting foreign aid organizations receiving family planning funding from making abortion referrals or lobbying for abortion law reform.

Mr. Trump, however, dramatically expanded the gag rule’s scope, so that it now applies to all foreign health assistance programs — affecting more than $8.8 billion in funding, instead of just $600 million. As Scott Evertz, Mr. Bush’s former AIDS czar, told me in January, Mr. Bush didn’t do that because he knew it would hamstring Pepfar, the president’s signature H.I.V./AIDS initiative.

[QUOTE]It would have been impossible to treat H.I.V./AIDS in the developing world,” Mr. Evertz said, “if the global gag rule were to be applied to the thousands of organizations with which those of us involved in Pepfar would be working.”

Mr. Trump, however, shows no sign of caring about Pepfar. Indeed, his draft budget would cut the program by more than $1 billion, which experts say could lead to a million deaths. The president appears similarly indifferent to H.I.V./AIDS in the United States.

Just a few points in response to this boatload of bizarre bovine excrement....
1. I don't give a rats hind parts what he "said in a statement" It's been proven time and again that his words don't mean shit.

2. It is his actions and policies that effect women that matter, and his damage to women's health is well documented

3.I don't know what the makeup of his organization is or what he pays women. If he hired a lot of women it was for more opportunities to grab pussy. I do know what the composition of the administration is and it is mostly old, rich white men, many of which have an equally dismal track record on women.

4. US tax dollars do not fund abortions at home or abroad. We are talking about family planning, reproductive healthcare and HIV prevention
Donald Trump campaign pays women less than men - The Boston Globe

WASHINGTON — Donald Trump has paid men on his campaign staff one-third more than women, while Hillary Clinton has compensated men and women equally, according to a Globe analysis of payroll data for both campaigns.

Trump’s campaign staff is also far less diverse than that of his likely Democratic opponent. Only about 9 percent of his team are minorities, compared with nearly a third of Clinton’s staff.
Hillary Clinton’s ‘huge’ $112K gender pay gap at foundation exposed by WikiLeaks
‘Feminist’ Hillary Clinton Pays Women Staffers Less than Men

His only negative action, as you see it and half of America doesn't either, has been to remove funding for abortion services out of country.
Now care to discuss his positive actions? He has stated he wants Congress to work on childcare and leave for women.
He has also committed $50 million to help women entrepreneurs.
Trump pledges $50 million to help women entrepreneurs
He has signed the Promoting Women in Entrepreneurship Act, and the Inspire Act for women
H.R.255 - 115th Congress (2017-2018): Promoting Women in Entrepreneurship Act
Trump signs laws to promote women in STEM

Disdain for women? An opinion piece?
His organization hired almost as many women as men and has had more women in executive positions than men, and their pay has been higher than the men.
Trump calls for more women's health care, paid family leave options

"First introduced in 1984, by President Ronald Reagan, the policy allows for exceptions in the cases of rape, incest, and life endangerment."

Now, if this is your feeling, then welcome to the world of eugenics, just as Margaret Sanger was for with the help of pp.

"the policy restricts a basic right to speech and the right to make informed health decisions, as well as harms the health and lives of poor women "

Why should our US tax dollars be used for women to abort upon demand in foreign countries.
The history of Trumps disdain for women is well documented, but nowhere is it more evident than in his approach to and attitude about women's health and reproductive rights.

Opinion | The Playboy President and Women’s Health

The lack of a moral compas is simply breathtaking:

It gets worse:

And the hypocrissy is astounding:

And for someone who was concerned about contracting HIV/AIDS......

[QUOTE]It would have been impossible to treat H.I.V./AIDS in the developing world,” Mr. Evertz said, “if the global gag rule were to be applied to the thousands of organizations with which those of us involved in Pepfar would be working.”

Mr. Trump, however, shows no sign of caring about Pepfar. Indeed, his draft budget would cut the program by more than $1 billion, which experts say could lead to a million deaths. The president appears similarly indifferent to H.I.V./AIDS in the United States.

Just a few points in response to this boatload of bizarre bovine excrement....
1. I don't give a rats hind parts what he "said in a statement" It's been proven time and again that his words don't mean shit.

2. It is his actions and policies that effect women that matter, and his damage to women's health is well documented

3.I don't know what the makeup of his organization is or what he pays women. If he hired a lot of women it was for more opportunities to grab pussy. I do know what the composition of the administration is and it is mostly old, rich white men, many of which have an equally dismal track record on women.

4. US tax dollars do not fund abortions at home or abroad. We are talking about family planning, reproductive healthcare and HIV prevention
Donald Trump campaign pays women less than men - The Boston Globe

WASHINGTON — Donald Trump has paid men on his campaign staff one-third more than women, while Hillary Clinton has compensated men and women equally, according to a Globe analysis of payroll data for both campaigns.

Trump’s campaign staff is also far less diverse than that of his likely Democratic opponent. Only about 9 percent of his team are minorities, compared with nearly a third of Clinton’s staff.

Add Obama's dismal record, I'm not sure why the left wants this to be an issue now? They didn't give a damn for eight years and now it's supposed to be a big deal.

Obama White House still pays women less than men
Another far left hit piece from the nutters that are all upset because their person didn't win. Boohoo, these threads are repetitive and boring.

Tomorrow we will get more of these silly threads.

Every single one of regressiveparasite's threads are nothing but cut and pasted leftist drivel. He is nothing more than a mindless fascist parrot.


His last asinine thread that I saw was even more ridiculous. He questioned the intellect of the people he is programmed to hate, and misspelled intelligence in the thread title.

Another far left hit piece from the nutters that are all upset because their person didn't win. Boohoo, these threads are repetitive and boring.

Tomorrow we will get more of these silly threads.

Every single one of regressiveparasite's threads are nothing but cut and pasted leftist drivel. He is nothing more than a mindless fascist parrot.

View attachment 138927

His last asinine thread that I saw was even more ridiculous. He questioned the intellect of the people he is programmed to hate, and misspelled intelligence in the thread title.

I call it prattle, propaganda chatter. No substance just opinions based on a narrow minded viewpoint.
You might want to read the cover story in USA Today, PP! The gist of it is that a poll taken recently shows that Americans overwhelmingly are tired of the non stop attacks on Trump...couldn't care less about collusion...and wish politicians in Washington would get to work on healthcare reform, tax reform, job creation and keeping us safe. Ignore that at your own peril...
You might want to read the cover story in USA Today, PP! The gist of it is that a poll taken recently shows that Americans overwhelmingly are tired of the non stop attacks on Trump...couldn't care less about collusion...and wish politicians in Washington would get to work on healthcare reform, tax reform, job creation and keeping us safe. Ignore that at your own peril...

Lets see exactly what it says.
It's ironic when someone who defends the “right” of creepy, “transgender” male perverts to invade the privacy and modesty of women in women's restrooms, dressing rooms, locker rooms, and such, accuses others of misogyny.

TheRegressivePervert's lack of self-awareness regarding his own deeply-rooted contempt and hatred toward women is astounding.

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