Trump tells the Boy Scouts that the Country needs more "Loyalty."

I follow the laws and reported for work until I retired. That's the extent of my loyalty outside of God and family....what more do you believe I should do? we've get white and blue pin poms? will never happen.
Regardless of the broader argument and discussion, he absolutely has a very important point with that comment in that there is a clear and concerted effort to undermine America by some who claim to be patriots and members of the resistance.

Just what in the hell does that mean? Could there possibly be anyone more arrogant than a self important, entitled, wealthy politician who earned their money giving speeches and selling influence; who, attacks the very system they claim to defend? Attacking the same people who are struggling, suffering to find a career and provide for their children while these fools and their followers worry about trans gender bathrooms? These are the same voters who voted in Obama, twice, and who supported Bill Clinton. The Dems have lost them, you don't care for them and your next PR campaign to win them back is going to face some serious resistance of ts own.

Look, I am quite a social libertarian. I have an absolute support of all peoples and their pursuits, the liberty and equality for all exists and one cannot choose how God designed you, but, in the grand scheme of things, this wasn't an issue. It was manufactured. Illustration to the American people just how out of touch some are and showing that the media is clueless as to what the average, struggling American is dealing with. we now have the leakers and those in media trying the same anti-American tactics because of the simple reason they lost the election. They don't run the country but believe they DO in some self entitled, God ordained manner.

So, with all of this going on, who comes out of the shadow The very same people who were either in power, or wanted to gain power and pursue these same domestic policies. These policies were broadly voted down. Former democrats and independents.

I say this to Obama, as I have more respect for him than some of the other politicians encouraging these tactics. Salvage your honor and chraracter and do the right thing, as Bush did for you. You said what needed to be said, now stay in the background and let the current administrations battle for the hearts and minds of Americans. Now if this president seeks some advice, offer it if you feel it can help, otherwise, show you are proud to be American by living your life and hoping the country succeeds.

God bless fast typing :)
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What he really wants is loyalty to him. Which isn't going to happen. You can be loyal to the country without being loyal to the leaders.
Conservatives are loyal only to hatemongers like the Big Orange Idiot. Not to America.



Says it all.

It's easy to ask for loyalty when you own a business. If your vision is wrong and you run the business into the ground, poof, that's it.

Trump's insistence on loyalty from those whose job it is to be independent and think for themselves is just another indication that he doesn't understand what he's doing.
Trump Tells Boy Scouts: ‘We Could Use Some More Loyalty’

View attachment 140715

First he trumpeted Made In America, while he and his daughter have all their products made in foreign countries. Then he asked for more visas for foreign workers at his Florida resorts. BUT, not to leave any doubt to his ego being the size of Mount Everest, he speaks to the Boy Scouts about being loyal while he turns 180 degrees on the only US Senator who supported him for nomination as the Repub candidate before the GOP chose him. He stabs in the back the man who swooned over his every word.

This man should be given the "Hypocrite of the Year" award. And those who still support him should be given the "Mindless Cult Members" of the year merit badges.

It is amazing that we have so many people in this country who seem to be following him, no matter how many acts of pure hypocrisy and lunacy he commits. I think the last person who was able to fool so many people was a small, mustached man in 1930's Germany. The country needs to wake up before we end up with "America's First Royal Family."

He's talking about loyalty to America.

For Made In America, yes, his products were made in foreign countries. He used the system to grow his success. That doesn't mean he doesn't want to change it to be a better system, where more businesses create things here at home. About his ego, yes, he has a huge one. So what? At least he loves his country. About his "feud" with Sessions, he's just pissed that Sessions won't investigate the Russia matter and it's in the hands of untrustworthy Mueller. He's worried Mueller is gonna make up some crazy shit that'll get him impeached over false evidence.

The man's not perfect, but he's no hypocrite. Also, just because we still support him doesn't mean we agree with 100% of everything he does and says. We all have our own opinions.

Comparing Trump to Hitler gets you nowhere. Trump's not about to gas a whole religious group. He's not racist or sexist, etc.

The Comrade is the King of Hypocrites. And you slow witted gobble up his lies. YOU ELECTED A WANNABE KING!
Trump Tells Boy Scouts: ‘We Could Use Some More Loyalty’

View attachment 140715

First he trumpeted Made In America, while he and his daughter have all their products made in foreign countries. Then he asked for more visas for foreign workers at his Florida resorts. BUT, not to leave any doubt to his ego being the size of Mount Everest, he speaks to the Boy Scouts about being loyal while he turns 180 degrees on the only US Senator who supported him for nomination as the Repub candidate before the GOP chose him. He stabs in the back the man who swooned over his every word.

This man should be given the "Hypocrite of the Year" award. And those who still support him should be given the "Mindless Cult Members" of the year merit badges.

It is amazing that we have so many people in this country who seem to be following him, no matter how many acts of pure hypocrisy and lunacy he commits. I think the last person who was able to fool so many people was a small, mustached man in 1930's Germany. The country needs to wake up before we end up with "America's First Royal Family."

He's talking about loyalty to America.

For Made In America, yes, his products were made in foreign countries. He used the system to grow his success. That doesn't mean he doesn't want to change it to be a better system, where more businesses create things here at home. About his ego, yes, he has a huge one. So what? At least he loves his country. About his "feud" with Sessions, he's just pissed that Sessions won't investigate the Russia matter and it's in the hands of untrustworthy Mueller. He's worried Mueller is gonna make up some crazy shit that'll get him impeached over false evidence.

The man's not perfect, but he's no hypocrite. Also, just because we still support him doesn't mean we agree with 100% of everything he does and says. We all have our own opinions.

Comparing Trump to Hitler gets you nowhere. Trump's not about to gas a whole religious group. He's not racist or sexist, etc.

The Comrade is the King of Hypocrites. And you slow witted gobble up his lies. YOU ELECTED A WANNABE KING!

This isn't even a rebuttal of my argument. You're just throwing out buzzwords. Better luck next time.
The chief boy scout apologized to any one alarmed or offended by president Trumps speech to the scouts. we are Non Partisan , we regret that that Politics were inserted into the Scout program.

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