TRUMP SUPPORTERS: we are at war right now.

During his 8 yrs, Dems lost:

11 Senate seats
60 House seats
14 governorships
900 state legislative seats.

We're REALLY gonna miss Obama.
Liberal groups steel themselves to battle Trump

Liberal groups are preparing for war under Donald Trump.

Extensive planning is underway for the “Women’s March on Washington” in the nation’s capital on Jan. 21, the day after Donald Trump’s inauguration. It's unclear how many women will show up for the event, but state leaders are organizing what it is expected to bring tens of thousands of women down to the National Mall.

Hanson Long said that contributions have poured in, many in honor of Hillary Clinton, some even jokingly in honor of Donald Trump. In one instance, a woman moved her wedding registry to donations for NARAL. The group has also received thousands of volunteer signups.

Erica Sackin, a spokeswoman for Planned Parenthood, said the organization is even hearing from worried patients about whether they should get an IUD because it could "outlast the Trump administration as a form of birth control."

CAIR, the nation’s largest Muslim civil rights and advocacy organization, received more than 500 volunteer applications to their website in the two days after the election; they would normally have gotten only one or two. It is participating in conversations online and holding meetings. Hooper said he anticipates future summits of American Muslim leaders to determine how to best protect civil liberties during the Trump era.

“In the next several months, it’s going to get very serious about how you defend civil rights in the time of Trump,” Hooper said. (In his interview Sunday with “60 Minutes,” Trump said it would be “horrible” if minorities feared his presidency, but suggested that the press was exaggerating “every single little incident” of discrimination in recent days.)

The American Civil Liberties Union in particular has benefitted from an outpouring of support — with 120,000 contributions totaling $7.2 million in the five days since the election. The group’s Facebook followers increased by 25 percent to nearly one million people, 400,000 people viewed ACLU’s open letter to Trump on its website and 150,000 new people joined the group’s email list, according to ACLU Executive Director Anthony Romero.

The environmental lobby is also on high alert. On the campaign trail, Trump proposed eliminating the Environmental Protection Agency. He also advocated that the U.S. pull out of the Paris Agreement on climate change and cut federal spending on clean energy.

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