Trump supporters are liberals.


Platinum Member
Dec 21, 2019
This is for fiscal and constitutional conservatives.

Any real fiscal conservatives left around here, who understand the title? Just trying to find some like minded individuals who were also opposed to Trump and his liberal ways.

Spending too much
Supporting FISA
Supporting NDAA
Supporting the Patriot Act
Giving billions in foreign aid to countries like Ukraine
Funding Planned Parenthood
Assaulting our 2A with his bump stock ban
His bad trade agreement with Mexico and China
His pathetic tax cuts, coupled with eliminating tax deductions.
Spending too much
He did but in War and then the covid nonsense.........In regards to my opinion the debt ceiling should never be raised again and all but the enumerated powers should be restored.

But My Genie is on strike so it will not happen.

Supporting FISA
Should gone......It was abused on steroids......

Supporting NDAA
No opinion on donut eating lawyers.

Supporting the Patriot Act
Was abused and gives the gov't too much power.........Be gone.

Giving billions in foreign aid to countries like Ukraine
end it ......we have to borrow to spend.

Funding Planned Parenthood
end it

Assaulting our 2A with his bump stock ban
Should be allowed.........2A not to be infringed.

His bad trade agreement with Mexico and China
Disagree. We are getting screwed by them and are dependent on them for too much stuff......Shortages show us that now......Bad call to depend on them.

His pathetic tax cuts, coupled with eliminating tax deductions.
Had the economy roaring......and historically have always ended up with more revenue.

Now if you can get your Genie to grant our wishes we will be just fine......
This is for fiscal and constitutional conservatives.

Any real fiscal conservatives left around here, who understand the title? Just trying to find some like minded individuals who were also opposed to Trump and his liberal ways.

Spending too much
Supporting FISA
Supporting NDAA
Supporting the Patriot Act
Giving billions in foreign aid to countries like Ukraine
Funding Planned Parenthood
Assaulting our 2A with his bump stock ban
His bad trade agreement with Mexico and China
His pathetic tax cuts, coupled with eliminating tax deductions.
Which makes it a mystery why the left hates him so much.

He's an 80s moderate democrat, who only seems "conservative" (whatever the hell that's supposed to mane anymore) because the Overton window has been dragged so far to the left, as to make guys like Hubert Humphrey and Daniel Patrick Moynahan look like Robert Taft in comparison.
This is for fiscal and constitutional conservatives.

Any real fiscal conservatives left around here, who understand the title? Just trying to find some like minded individuals who were also opposed to Trump and his liberal ways.

Spending too much
Supporting FISA
Supporting NDAA
Supporting the Patriot Act
Giving billions in foreign aid to countries like Ukraine
Funding Planned Parenthood
Assaulting our 2A with his bump stock ban
His bad trade agreement with Mexico and China
His pathetic tax cuts, coupled with eliminating tax deductions.
Trump said the government can provide excellent healthcare to the people. Can't get much more libtarded than that. Still, overall he was a great president, imho.
He did but in War and then the covid nonsense.........In regards to my opinion the debt ceiling should never be raised again and all but the enumerated powers should be restored.

Him and Peelosi suspended the debt ceiling (for 2 years) so the news couldn't report the increase in spending.
No opinion on donut eating lawyers.

No clue as to what you're talking about. Just to clarify, we're talking about the National Defense Authorization Act, that allows the president to bomb another country without a declaration of war. Like we did in Iraq, Afghanistan, Korea and Vietnam. Which means that "we the people" have no say so in it, through our representatives.
Disagree. We are getting screwed by them and are dependent on them for too much stuff......Shortages show us that now......Bad call to depend on them.

We're not really getting screwed. We are screwing ourselves. We buy too much crap from foreign countries. But that's because Trump, or none of the others want to address the Federal Reserve or the over inflated USD. It's why $10 hr is now a poverty wage. And why $15hr will soon be a poverty wage.
American companies can't compete with Mexican and Chinese countries because the value of their currency is so much higher than ours.
Example: In Mexico, their minimum wage is like $7 per DAY. That's a poverty wage for them. But think about us trying to live on $7 per DAY here. If they make $2hr, they're upper lower class or lower middle class.
Taxes and regulations isn't why American manufacturers have move out of the country. It's wages. Our buying power sucks. That's why we have to have at least $15hr to even get by.
Had the economy roaring......and historically have always ended up with more revenue.

Trump increased spending 36%. He, Peelosi and McConnell dump a bunch of money into our economy and only made it look good. It created a bubble. The bubble burst when the debt ceiling came back into play and the bills came due.
In the process, all that money that they dumped into the economy, made the existing money worth less than it was to start.
It's the same game they've been playing since before Nixon.

Now if you can get your Genie to grant our wishes we will be just fine......

I think mine is on strike.
Which makes it a mystery why the left hates him so much.

He's an 80s moderate democrat, who only seems "conservative" (whatever the hell that's supposed to mane anymore) because the Overton window has been dragged so far to the left, as to make guys like Hubert Humphrey and Daniel Patrick Moynahan look like Robert Taft in comparison.

You got me on that. It's always bugged me why the left hated Trump so much. They didn't praise him for the bump stock ban, funding planned parenthood or any of that leftist crap he shoved down our throats.
There's just no pleasing the left.

HA HA HA HA... They don't even like Biden anymore.
You got me on that. It's always bugged me why the left hated Trump so much. They didn't praise him for the bump stock ban, funding planned parenthood or any of that leftist crap he shoved down our throats.
There's just no pleasing the left.

HA HA HA HA... They don't even like Biden anymore.
There is the marginally valid argument that he had the budgetary crap forced upon him by a defiant congress....Flip side being that he demonstrated zero moral courage in vetoing those monstrosities, because he was getting the spending that he did want.

This brings up yet another mystery....The democrats ignored all the scads of readily recognizable evidence that he is more like them than not, and could have used those obvious examples to ridicule republicans in general...Yet they opted to concentrate on using means that were illegal as hell to perpetrate frame-ups and hoaxes.

There's something other than politics animating the left into sociopathic mania they're engaging in.
You got me on that. It's always bugged me why the left hated Trump so much. They didn't praise him for the bump stock ban, funding planned parenthood or any of that leftist crap he shoved down our throats.
Everybody hates Trump...except registered voters.
Romney and the Bushbots still in control of the RNC back then fucked over both Ron Paul and Rick Santorum, to the collective yawns of the party faithful in 2012.

Where were you?
In camp Anyone But Romney.

They [the Republican Primaries] were rigged, but in a way we could and did exploit [in 2016]. The Republicans Moderates had (and have) a structural bias toward moderate candidates...the primaries in the Northeast and the west coast. The far right candidate gets trounced in New Hampshire, New York, Connecticut, Massachusetts, Maryland, California, Washington etc.

We were able to exploit that structural bias by supporting a more socially moderately candidate that still had strong beliefs in areas we agreed with. Badaboom, no Milquetoast Moderate Democrat-lite candidates like Romney and McCain trying to out liberal the liberals.

And what the fuck do you know...we finally won a Presidential election.

The GOP’s Primary Rules Might Doom Carson, Cruz And Trump
This is for fiscal and constitutional conservatives.

Any real fiscal conservatives left around here, who understand the title? Just trying to find some like minded individuals who were also opposed to Trump and his liberal ways.

Spending too much
Supporting FISA
Supporting NDAA
Supporting the Patriot Act
Giving billions in foreign aid to countries like Ukraine
Funding Planned Parenthood
Assaulting our 2A with his bump stock ban
His bad trade agreement with Mexico and China
His pathetic tax cuts, coupled with eliminating tax deductions.
Trump's weird worshipers are authoritarians.
Some Trump Supporters are Democrats , Socially Liberal Turd Party Types & Lie-bertarians , Registered Conservative , No Party affiliation ...
Trump's weird worshipers are authoritarians.
Yeah...we just founded the Ministry of Truth....wait...this just in ... that weren't us...

He did but in War and then the covid nonsense.........In regards to my opinion the debt ceiling should never be raised again and all but the enumerated powers should be restored.

But My Genie is on strike so it will not happen.

Should gone......It was abused on steroids......

No opinion on donut eating lawyers.

Was abused and gives the gov't too much power.........Be gone.

end it ......we have to borrow to spend.

end it

Should be allowed.........2A not to be infringed.

Disagree. We are getting screwed by them and are dependent on them for too much stuff......Shortages show us that now......Bad call to depend on them.

Had the economy roaring......and historically have always ended up with more revenue.

Now if you can get your Genie to grant our wishes we will be just fine......
Look... I didn't want to tell you this but you're Genie has joined a labor Union and refuses to speak with you until he is properly represented.
Now I don't know if that means the three wish thing is in or out...but you'd better get to the table dude!
Fair enough...Even so, the OP is right; Trump's policies are those of a mid-80s democrat.
Not such bad company.....the former group of Dems were not so BATSHIT as the current group of power mongers and perverts. There were a number of them including that obnoxious fairy Barney Frank who actually had some economic acumen. I don't know what the hell is in DC today on either side of the aisle...It's not an improvement I can tell you that for sure. And what's this we call a selection process for POTUS? We tolerate WORLD CLASS CLOWNS in lieu of what should be there instead. Other nations have Scholars at the helm....we have a selection of one of the three stooges every goddamned four years.

It's disgusting and ridiculous.
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Not such bad company.....the former group of Dems were not so BATSHIT as the current group of power mongers and perverts. There were a number of them including that obnoxious fairy Barney Frank who actually had some economic acumen. I don't know what the hell is in DC today on either side of the aisle...It's not an improvement I can tell you that for sure. And what's this we call a selection process for POTUS? We tolerate WORLD CLASS CLOWNS in lieu of what should be there instead. Other nations have Scholars at the helm....we have a selection of one of the three stooges every goddamned four years.
It's disgusting and ridiculous.
It actually is some bad company....It's exactly those "moderates" who kept the steady dripdripdrip of cultural Marxism going in its earliest days, which brought us to where we are now.....With nearly no opposition from the penny loafer country club republicans, we're left with a soft socialist to grab the mantle of "conservatism", to further burnish the Orwellian bastardization of reality.

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