Trump suing to end protections for pre-existing conditions


Gold Member
May 8, 2017
Trump’s Talk On Preexisting Conditions Doesn’t Match His Administration’s Actions

“We will always protect patients with preexisting conditions, very importantly.”
President Donald Trump on May 9, 2019 in comments delivered during a White House event on surprise medical bills


Don’t believe Trump when he says it’s a "priority" to protect Americans with preexisting conditions


So do Republicans on the USMB agree that we shouldn’t be protecting people with pre-existing conditions?

We just saw Trump lying about protecting pre-existing conditions at his rally last night. Are his followers so stupid they believe him or do they believe what’s actually going on in the court?
So do Republicans on the USMB agree that we shouldn’t be protecting people with pre-existing conditions?

I'm not a Republican, but - if by "we" you mean government, then the answer is yes, government shouldn't be doing that. Government should be reserved for problems and circumstances where coercive power is actually necessary
So do Republicans on the USMB agree that we shouldn’t be protecting people with pre-existing conditions?

We just saw Trump lying about protecting pre-existing conditions at his rally last night. Are his followers so stupid they believe him or do they believe what’s actually going on in the court?

Forcing insurance companies to cover preexisting conditions raises the cost of health insurance for all of us, Troll King. You bitch about "Big Insurance." You bitch about the cost of health care, but then you bitch about the solutions needed to reign in the costs. You want to magically have it both ways.

If you want to know why health care is so expensive in this country, take a look in the mirror.
You don't get to go through life getting free shit. You can't just assume government is going to be there to cure your fuckin cancer after you smoke a carton of cigarettes a week for 40 years.

I don't even get the shit I'm entitled to as a vet, because the quality sucks anyway and it isn't worth standing in line for days and waiting months to refile the appeal paperwork.

Whatever "pre-existing condition" Deanturd has is probably from huffing paint.

The pre-existing conditions are not going to get rolled back. Too many people support them.
Your own link says the DOJ is not defending a group of lawyers suing to end the entire ACA. Nothing about trump suing.
You are a fucking moron.
The pre-existing conditions are not going to get rolled back. Too many people support them.

No kidding once you give something away its almost impossible to take back...the left knows this , look at Obama's illegal dream act.

The pre-existing conditions are not going to get rolled back. Too many people support them.
The Trump administration is in court right now trying to roll them back. How can you not know that?
Your own link says the DOJ is not defending a group of lawyers suing to end the entire ACA. Nothing about trump suing.
You are a fucking moron.
I don’t know what you’re saying from your nonsensical word salad. I posted links.
So do Republicans on the USMB agree that we shouldn’t be protecting people with pre-existing conditions?

We just saw Trump lying about protecting pre-existing conditions at his rally last night. Are his followers so stupid they believe him or do they believe what’s actually going on in the court?

Forcing insurance companies to cover preexisting conditions raises the cost of health insurance for all of us, Troll King. You bitch about "Big Insurance." You bitch about the cost of health care, but then you bitch about the solutions needed to reign in the costs. You want to magically have it both ways.

If you want to know why health care is so expensive in this country, take a look in the mirror.
This is actually a pretty typical post from the right wing.
When I say their policies are let them die because it’s cheaper, right wingers on the USMB cry foul.

Right wingers policies really are let them die. It’s cheaper. I think that really exposes who the Republicans are. The meanness. The awfulness. It’s why they have no problems putting babies in cages and trying to screw over the elderly. What do you expect from people who accept Nazis in their party?
This is actually a pretty typical post from the right wing.

You mean because what I said is true?

When I say their policies are let them die because it’s cheaper, right wingers on the USMB cry foul.

Right wingers policies really are let them die. It’s cheaper. I think that really exposes who the Republicans are. The meanness. The awfulness. It’s why they have no problems putting babies in cages and trying to screw over the elderly. What do you expect from people who accept Nazis in their party?

And this is why you're the Troll King. You have no interest in meaningful discussion. Your daily goal is just to stir up partisan shit because you have a lonely, miserable existence and nothing else to do with your time.

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