Trump slams Supreme Court for refusing to overturn election, lashes out at Barr


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Gold Supporting Member
Mar 11, 2015
Trump slams Supreme Court for refusing to overturn election, lashes out at Barr

President Trump unleashed an angry tweet storm Saturday at the Supreme Court for dismissing his effort to overturn his election loss — and took a new shot at Attorney General Bill Barr.

He repeated his claims about election fraud and blasted the top court for rejecting the long-shot Texas lawsuit that effectively sought to hand the election to him.

“The Supreme Court had ZERO interest in the merits of the greatest voter fraud ever perpetrated on the United States of America,” Trump tweeted.

Trump issued the broadside before jetting to West Point to watch the annual Army-Navy college football game.

The top court ruled Texas had no standing to object to the voting procedures in four other states that voted for President-elect Joe Biden.

Almost all states with Republican attorneys general lined up behind the Trump-backed suit.

Trump now faces certain defeat when the Electoral College meets Monday to certify Biden’s 306 electoral votes. The president-elect beat Trump by nearly 7 million votes, although the margin was tight in several decisive swing states.

So now what, trump supporters? Is the Supreme Court a bunch of angry democrats out to get trump too? Is that why McConnell held up Garlands seat and rushed in 2 right wing justices in election years? Is the supreme court now the deep state? And what about Barr, is he suddenly a member of the deep state too? trump really believed that Barr and the supreme court worked for him. But don't we have 3 branches of government, Legislative, Executive and JUDICIAL?

trump got checked in the manner the constitution describes. Donald Trump is done. It is finished.

Trump supporters, look at what this man has tried to do this last month then ask yourself; "Was Mueller really wrong, or were you lied to?" Look at what this man has tried to do this last month then ask yourself; Why didn't I believe this man was not capable of extorting foreign leaders to help him win a campaign?" Look at what this man has tried to do this last month then ask yourself; "If he would violate the constitution to try overthrowing a legal election, what else was he doing while president?"

Look at what this man has tried to do this last month then ask yourself; "Why did I support him." His behaviors shows us that all the thing he was accused of he did. And just like with this, he tries shielding himself with plausible deniability using the excuse of voter fraud.

Friends, let this be a lesson, because another "trump" will be coming and the next one will be more skilled.
An Indelible Stain’: How the G.O.P. Tried to Topple a Pillar of Democracy

The Supreme Court repudiation of President Trump’s desperate bid for a second term not only shredded his effort to overturn the will of voters: It also was a blunt rebuke to Republican leaders in Congress and the states who were willing to damage American democracy by embracing a partisan power grab over a free and fair election.

The court’s decision on Friday night, an inflection point after weeks of legal flailing by Mr. Trump and ahead of the Electoral College vote for President-elect Joseph R. Biden Jr. on Monday, leaves the president’s party in an extraordinary position. Through their explicit endorsements or complicity of silence, much of the G.O.P. leadership now shares responsibility for the quixotic attempt to ignore the nation’s founding principles and engineer a different verdict from the one voters cast in November.

Many regular Republicans supported this effort, too — a sign that Mr. Trump has not just bent the party to his will, but pressed a mainstay of American politics for nearly two centuries into the service of overturning an election outcome and assaulting public faith in the electoral system. The G.O.P. sought to undo the vote by such spurious means that the Supreme Court quickly rejected the argument.

Trump slams Supreme Court for refusing to overturn election, lashes out at Barr

President Trump unleashed an angry tweet storm Saturday at the Supreme Court for dismissing his effort to overturn his election loss — and took a new shot at Attorney General Bill Barr.

He repeated his claims about election fraud and blasted the top court for rejecting the long-shot Texas lawsuit that effectively sought to hand the election to him.

“The Supreme Court had ZERO interest in the merits of the greatest voter fraud ever perpetrated on the United States of America,” Trump tweeted.

Trump issued the broadside before jetting to West Point to watch the annual Army-Navy college football game.

The top court ruled Texas had no standing to object to the voting procedures in four other states that voted for President-elect Joe Biden.

Almost all states with Republican attorneys general lined up behind the Trump-backed suit.

Trump now faces certain defeat when the Electoral College meets Monday to certify Biden’s 306 electoral votes. The president-elect beat Trump by nearly 7 million votes, although the margin was tight in several decisive swing states.

So now what, trump supporters? Is the Supreme Court a bunch of angry democrats out to get trump too? Is that why McConnell held up Garlands seat and rushed in 2 right wing justices in election years? Is the supreme court now the deep state? And what about Barr, is he suddenly a member of the deep state too? trump really believed that Barr and the supreme court worked for him. But don't we have 3 branches of government, Legislative, Executive and JUDICIAL?

trump got checked in the manner the constitution describes. Donald Trump is done. It is finished.

Trump supporters, look at what this man has tried to do this last month then ask yourself; "Was Mueller really wrong, or were you lied to?" Look at what this man has tried to do this last month then ask yourself; Why didn't I believe this man was not capable of extorting foreign leaders to help him win a campaign?" Look at what this man has tried to do this last month then ask yourself; "If he would violate the constitution to try overthrowing a legal election, what else was he doing while president?"

Look at what this man has tried to do this last month then ask yourself; "Why did I support him." His behaviors shows us that all the thing he was accused of he did. And just like with this, he tries shielding himself with plausible deniability using the excuse of voter fraud.

Friends, let this be a lesson, because another "trump" will be coming and the next one will be more skilled.

And unfortunately there’s ample fear, ignorance, stupidity, racism, bigotry, and hate to give rise to another Trump.
Trump slams Supreme Court for refusing to overturn election, lashes out at Barr

President Trump unleashed an angry tweet storm Saturday at the Supreme Court for dismissing his effort to overturn his election loss — and took a new shot at Attorney General Bill Barr.

He repeated his claims about election fraud and blasted the top court for rejecting the long-shot Texas lawsuit that effectively sought to hand the election to him.

“The Supreme Court had ZERO interest in the merits of the greatest voter fraud ever perpetrated on the United States of America,” Trump tweeted.

Trump issued the broadside before jetting to West Point to watch the annual Army-Navy college football game.

The top court ruled Texas had no standing to object to the voting procedures in four other states that voted for President-elect Joe Biden.

Almost all states with Republican attorneys general lined up behind the Trump-backed suit.

Trump now faces certain defeat when the Electoral College meets Monday to certify Biden’s 306 electoral votes. The president-elect beat Trump by nearly 7 million votes, although the margin was tight in several decisive swing states.

So now what, trump supporters? Is the Supreme Court a bunch of angry democrats out to get trump too? Is that why McConnell held up Garlands seat and rushed in 2 right wing justices in election years? Is the supreme court now the deep state? And what about Barr, is he suddenly a member of the deep state too? trump really believed that Barr and the supreme court worked for him. But don't we have 3 branches of government, Legislative, Executive and JUDICIAL?

trump got checked in the manner the constitution describes. Donald Trump is done. It is finished.

Trump supporters, look at what this man has tried to do this last month then ask yourself; "Was Mueller really wrong, or were you lied to?" Look at what this man has tried to do this last month then ask yourself; Why didn't I believe this man was not capable of extorting foreign leaders to help him win a campaign?" Look at what this man has tried to do this last month then ask yourself; "If he would violate the constitution to try overthrowing a legal election, what else was he doing while president?"

Look at what this man has tried to do this last month then ask yourself; "Why did I support him." His behaviors shows us that all the thing he was accused of he did. And just like with this, he tries shielding himself with plausible deniability using the excuse of voter fraud.

Friends, let this be a lesson, because another "trump" will be coming and the next one will be more skilled.

And unfortunately there’s ample fear, ignorance, stupidity, racism, bigotry, and hate to give rise to another Trump.
Sad, but true.
And right on time we get this:

Judge Jeanine Rages Against Bill Barr: 'The Ultimate Do-Nothing Deep Stater'

"Judge" Jeanine Pirro began her Fox News show Saturday night with an angry diatribe directed at pretty much everyone in the government media who isn't actively pushing conspiracy theories claiming Donald Trump actually secretly won the election. And she even went after Attorney General Bill Barr, despite that fact that Barr has openly served Trump's agenda until now.

This turn against Trump's attorney general didn't start with Judge Jeanine, of course. On Saturday, Trump endorsed a call to fire Barr immediately — some folks on the far right are bitter that Barr hasn't pulled out every possible stop to overturn the will of the people by keeping Trump in office. Trump himself reportedly floated the idea of firing Barr this week.

"If you aren't convinced there's a deep state after witnessing the antics of the mainstream media, big tech and the Democrat Party, so determined to destroy President Trump and get him out of office, and prop up Joe Biden to get him into office, then come along with me," Judge Jeanine yelled at to begin her "Justice" opening statement.

Judge Jeanine Rages Against Bill Barr: 'The Ultimate Do-Nothing Deep Stater' (Video) (

Trump can also invoke military tribunals and Fourteenth Amendment

Section 3.
No person shall be a Senator or Representative in Congress, or elector of President and Vice President, or hold any office, civil or military, under the United States, or under any state, who, having previously taken an oath, as a member of Congress, or as an officer of the United States, or as a member of any state legislature, or as an executive or judicial officer of any state, to support the Constitution of the United States, shall have engaged in insurrection or rebellion against the same, or given aid or comfort to the enemies thereof. But Congress may by a vote of two-thirds of each House, remove such disability.

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Trump slams Supreme Court for refusing to overturn election, lashes out at Barr

President Trump unleashed an angry tweet storm Saturday at the Supreme Court for dismissing his effort to overturn his election loss — and took a new shot at Attorney General Bill Barr.

He repeated his claims about election fraud and blasted the top court for rejecting the long-shot Texas lawsuit that effectively sought to hand the election to him.

“The Supreme Court had ZERO interest in the merits of the greatest voter fraud ever perpetrated on the United States of America,” Trump tweeted.

Trump issued the broadside before jetting to West Point to watch the annual Army-Navy college football game.

The top court ruled Texas had no standing to object to the voting procedures in four other states that voted for President-elect Joe Biden.

Almost all states with Republican attorneys general lined up behind the Trump-backed suit.

Trump now faces certain defeat when the Electoral College meets Monday to certify Biden’s 306 electoral votes. The president-elect beat Trump by nearly 7 million votes, although the margin was tight in several decisive swing states.

So now what, trump supporters? Is the Supreme Court a bunch of angry democrats out to get trump too? Is that why McConnell held up Garlands seat and rushed in 2 right wing justices in election years? Is the supreme court now the deep state? And what about Barr, is he suddenly a member of the deep state too? trump really believed that Barr and the supreme court worked for him. But don't we have 3 branches of government, Legislative, Executive and JUDICIAL?

trump got checked in the manner the constitution describes. Donald Trump is done. It is finished.

Trump supporters, look at what this man has tried to do this last month then ask yourself; "Was Mueller really wrong, or were you lied to?" Look at what this man has tried to do this last month then ask yourself; Why didn't I believe this man was not capable of extorting foreign leaders to help him win a campaign?" Look at what this man has tried to do this last month then ask yourself; "If he would violate the constitution to try overthrowing a legal election, what else was he doing while president?"

Look at what this man has tried to do this last month then ask yourself; "Why did I support him." His behaviors shows us that all the thing he was accused of he did. And just like with this, he tries shielding himself with plausible deniability using the excuse of voter fraud.

Friends, let this be a lesson, because another "trump" will be coming and the next one will be more skilled.

And unfortunately there’s ample fear, ignorance, stupidity, racism, bigotry, and hate to give rise to another Trump.
Sad, but true.
And that fear, ignorance, stupidity, racism, bigotry, and hate manifests solely in the GOP; the next authoritarian Trumpian tyrant will again be a Republican.
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Trump slams Supreme Court for refusing to overturn election, lashes out at Barr

President Trump unleashed an angry tweet storm Saturday at the Supreme Court for dismissing his effort to overturn his election loss — and took a new shot at Attorney General Bill Barr.

He repeated his claims about election fraud and blasted the top court for rejecting the long-shot Texas lawsuit that effectively sought to hand the election to him.

“The Supreme Court had ZERO interest in the merits of the greatest voter fraud ever perpetrated on the United States of America,” Trump tweeted.

Trump issued the broadside before jetting to West Point to watch the annual Army-Navy college football game.

The top court ruled Texas had no standing to object to the voting procedures in four other states that voted for President-elect Joe Biden.

Almost all states with Republican attorneys general lined up behind the Trump-backed suit.

Trump now faces certain defeat when the Electoral College meets Monday to certify Biden’s 306 electoral votes. The president-elect beat Trump by nearly 7 million votes, although the margin was tight in several decisive swing states.

So now what, trump supporters? Is the Supreme Court a bunch of angry democrats out to get trump too? Is that why McConnell held up Garlands seat and rushed in 2 right wing justices in election years? Is the supreme court now the deep state? And what about Barr, is he suddenly a member of the deep state too? trump really believed that Barr and the supreme court worked for him. But don't we have 3 branches of government, Legislative, Executive and JUDICIAL?

trump got checked in the manner the constitution describes. Donald Trump is done. It is finished.

Trump supporters, look at what this man has tried to do this last month then ask yourself; "Was Mueller really wrong, or were you lied to?" Look at what this man has tried to do this last month then ask yourself; Why didn't I believe this man was not capable of extorting foreign leaders to help him win a campaign?" Look at what this man has tried to do this last month then ask yourself; "If he would violate the constitution to try overthrowing a legal election, what else was he doing while president?"

Look at what this man has tried to do this last month then ask yourself; "Why did I support him." His behaviors shows us that all the thing he was accused of he did. And just like with this, he tries shielding himself with plausible deniability using the excuse of voter fraud.

Friends, let this be a lesson, because another "trump" will be coming and the next one will be more skilled.

And unfortunately there’s ample fear, ignorance, stupidity, racism, bigotry, and hate to give rise to another Trump.
Sad, but true.
And that fear, ignorance, stupidity, racism, bigotry, and hate manifests solely in the GOP; the next authoritarian Trumpian tyrant will again be a Republican.

To me Bush and Obama were tyrants and Biden is just the left over mish mash of tyranny.
I swear I must be living in Belarus when I read that some believe the President should use the military and overthrow the Government just because some can not accept Donald the Marvelous was defeated by Sleepy Joe...

This is not directed at the OP but to those responding in this thread about the idea of using Military Force and installing a dictatorship that put Donald the Marvelous as President...

Biden won... The Courts Ruled in favor of Biden either by rejecting the cases or not even hearing the cases...

Even three Justices that Trump appointed were in favor of not hearing the Texas or Pennsylvania cases, and William Barr stated there was not enough fraud to overturn the election!

And yet we have individuals on here calling for Civil War and Military intervention...

Society has lost it mind if either action is taken!
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Trump slams Supreme Court for refusing to overturn election, lashes out at Barr

President Trump unleashed an angry tweet storm Saturday at the Supreme Court for dismissing his effort to overturn his election loss — and took a new shot at Attorney General Bill Barr.

He repeated his claims about election fraud and blasted the top court for rejecting the long-shot Texas lawsuit that effectively sought to hand the election to him.

“The Supreme Court had ZERO interest in the merits of the greatest voter fraud ever perpetrated on the United States of America,” Trump tweeted.

Trump issued the broadside before jetting to West Point to watch the annual Army-Navy college football game.

The top court ruled Texas had no standing to object to the voting procedures in four other states that voted for President-elect Joe Biden.

Almost all states with Republican attorneys general lined up behind the Trump-backed suit.

Trump now faces certain defeat when the Electoral College meets Monday to certify Biden’s 306 electoral votes. The president-elect beat Trump by nearly 7 million votes, although the margin was tight in several decisive swing states.

So now what, trump supporters? Is the Supreme Court a bunch of angry democrats out to get trump too? Is that why McConnell held up Garlands seat and rushed in 2 right wing justices in election years? Is the supreme court now the deep state? And what about Barr, is he suddenly a member of the deep state too? trump really believed that Barr and the supreme court worked for him. But don't we have 3 branches of government, Legislative, Executive and JUDICIAL?

trump got checked in the manner the constitution describes. Donald Trump is done. It is finished.

Trump supporters, look at what this man has tried to do this last month then ask yourself; "Was Mueller really wrong, or were you lied to?" Look at what this man has tried to do this last month then ask yourself; Why didn't I believe this man was not capable of extorting foreign leaders to help him win a campaign?" Look at what this man has tried to do this last month then ask yourself; "If he would violate the constitution to try overthrowing a legal election, what else was he doing while president?"

Look at what this man has tried to do this last month then ask yourself; "Why did I support him." His behaviors shows us that all the thing he was accused of he did. And just like with this, he tries shielding himself with plausible deniability using the excuse of voter fraud.

Friends, let this be a lesson, because another "trump" will be coming and the next one will be more skilled.
I don't know why he's having trouble, as Trump said himself, the Constitution says he can do anything he wants.
I swear I must be living in Belarus when I read that some believe the President should use the military and overthrow the Government just because some can not accept Donald the Marvelous was defeated by Sleepy Joe...

This is not directed at the OP but to those responding in this thread about the idea of using Military Force and installing a dictatorship that put Donald the Marvelous as President...

Biden won... The Courts Ruled in favor of Biden either by rejecting the cases or not even hearing the cases...

Even three Justices that Trump appointed were in favor of not hearing the Texas or Pennsylvania cases, and William Barr stated there was not enough fraud to overturn the election!

And yet we have individuals on here calling for Civil War and Military intervention...

Society has lost it mind if either action is taken!
There is an attack of lunacy going on here.
Trump slams Supreme Court for refusing to overturn election, lashes out at Barr

President Trump unleashed an angry tweet storm Saturday at the Supreme Court for dismissing his effort to overturn his election loss — and took a new shot at Attorney General Bill Barr.

He repeated his claims about election fraud and blasted the top court for rejecting the long-shot Texas lawsuit that effectively sought to hand the election to him.

“The Supreme Court had ZERO interest in the merits of the greatest voter fraud ever perpetrated on the United States of America,” Trump tweeted.

Trump issued the broadside before jetting to West Point to watch the annual Army-Navy college football game.

The top court ruled Texas had no standing to object to the voting procedures in four other states that voted for President-elect Joe Biden.

Almost all states with Republican attorneys general lined up behind the Trump-backed suit.

Trump now faces certain defeat when the Electoral College meets Monday to certify Biden’s 306 electoral votes. The president-elect beat Trump by nearly 7 million votes, although the margin was tight in several decisive swing states.

So now what, trump supporters? Is the Supreme Court a bunch of angry democrats out to get trump too? Is that why McConnell held up Garlands seat and rushed in 2 right wing justices in election years? Is the supreme court now the deep state? And what about Barr, is he suddenly a member of the deep state too? trump really believed that Barr and the supreme court worked for him. But don't we have 3 branches of government, Legislative, Executive and JUDICIAL?

trump got checked in the manner the constitution describes. Donald Trump is done. It is finished.

Trump supporters, look at what this man has tried to do this last month then ask yourself; "Was Mueller really wrong, or were you lied to?" Look at what this man has tried to do this last month then ask yourself; Why didn't I believe this man was not capable of extorting foreign leaders to help him win a campaign?" Look at what this man has tried to do this last month then ask yourself; "If he would violate the constitution to try overthrowing a legal election, what else was he doing while president?"

Look at what this man has tried to do this last month then ask yourself; "Why did I support him." His behaviors shows us that all the thing he was accused of he did. And just like with this, he tries shielding himself with plausible deniability using the excuse of voter fraud.

Friends, let this be a lesson, because another "trump" will be coming and the next one will be more skilled.

And unfortunately there’s ample fear, ignorance, stupidity, racism, bigotry, and hate to give rise to another Trump.
Sad, but true.
And that fear, ignorance, stupidity, racism, bigotry, and hate manifests solely in the GOP; the next authoritarian Trumpian tyrant will again be a Republican.

To me Bush and Obama were tyrants and Biden is just the left over mish mash of tyranny.
Obama was no tyrant, but I understand the difficulty some white men who still struggle with the fact have that a brown skinned American citizen actually had nerve enough to run for president and whip two white men in doing so
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Trump can also invoke military tribunals and Fourteenth Amendment

Section 3.
No person shall be a Senator or Representative in Congress, or elector of President and Vice President, or hold any office, civil or military, under the United States, or under any state, who, having previously taken an oath, as a member of Congress, or as an officer of the United States, or as a member of any state legislature, or as an executive or judicial officer of any state, to support the Constitution of the United States, shall have engaged in insurrection or rebellion against the same, or given aid or comfort to the enemies thereof. But Congress may by a vote of two-thirds of each House, remove such disability.

Pay real close attention -

"No person shall be a Senator or Representative in Congress, or elector of President and Vice President, or hold any office, civil or military, under the United States, or under any state, who, having previously taken an oath, as a member of Congress, or as an officer of the United States, or as a member of any state legislature, or as an executive or judicial officer of any state, to support the Constitution of the United States, shall have engaged in insurrection or rebellion against the same, or given aid or comfort to the enemies thereof. But Congress may by a vote of two-thirds of each House, remove such disability."

Trump, those AG's and the 126 names posted in the OP have tried to engage in insurrection. There was no fraud in this election. trump lost and is now trying to overturn an election dictator style.

Trump can also invoke military tribunals and Fourteenth Amendment

Section 3.
No person shall be a Senator or Representative in Congress, or elector of President and Vice President, or hold any office, civil or military, under the United States, or under any state, who, having previously taken an oath, as a member of Congress, or as an officer of the United States, or as a member of any state legislature, or as an executive or judicial officer of any state, to support the Constitution of the United States, shall have engaged in insurrection or rebellion against the same, or given aid or comfort to the enemies thereof. But Congress may by a vote of two-thirds of each House, remove such disability.

Pay real close attention -

"No person shall be a Senator or Representative in Congress, or elector of President and Vice President, or hold any office, civil or military, under the United States, or under any state, who, having previously taken an oath, as a member of Congress, or as an officer of the United States, or as a member of any state legislature, or as an executive or judicial officer of any state, to support the Constitution of the United States, shall have engaged in insurrection or rebellion against the same, or given aid or comfort to the enemies thereof. But Congress may by a vote of two-thirds of each House, remove such disability."

Trump, those AG's and the 126 names posted in the OP have tried to engage in insurrection. There was no fraud in this election. trump lost and is now trying to overturn an election dictator style.
Some of his major defenders are his pardoned criminals Snow and Flynn
Trump slams Supreme Court for refusing to overturn election, lashes out at Barr

President Trump unleashed an angry tweet storm Saturday at the Supreme Court for dismissing his effort to overturn his election loss — and took a new shot at Attorney General Bill Barr.

He repeated his claims about election fraud and blasted the top court for rejecting the long-shot Texas lawsuit that effectively sought to hand the election to him.

“The Supreme Court had ZERO interest in the merits of the greatest voter fraud ever perpetrated on the United States of America,” Trump tweeted.

Trump issued the broadside before jetting to West Point to watch the annual Army-Navy college football game.

The top court ruled Texas had no standing to object to the voting procedures in four other states that voted for President-elect Joe Biden.

Almost all states with Republican attorneys general lined up behind the Trump-backed suit.

Trump now faces certain defeat when the Electoral College meets Monday to certify Biden’s 306 electoral votes. The president-elect beat Trump by nearly 7 million votes, although the margin was tight in several decisive swing states.

So now what, trump supporters? Is the Supreme Court a bunch of angry democrats out to get trump too? Is that why McConnell held up Garlands seat and rushed in 2 right wing justices in election years? Is the supreme court now the deep state? And what about Barr, is he suddenly a member of the deep state too? trump really believed that Barr and the supreme court worked for him. But don't we have 3 branches of government, Legislative, Executive and JUDICIAL?

trump got checked in the manner the constitution describes. Donald Trump is done. It is finished.

Trump supporters, look at what this man has tried to do this last month then ask yourself; "Was Mueller really wrong, or were you lied to?" Look at what this man has tried to do this last month then ask yourself; Why didn't I believe this man was not capable of extorting foreign leaders to help him win a campaign?" Look at what this man has tried to do this last month then ask yourself; "If he would violate the constitution to try overthrowing a legal election, what else was he doing while president?"

Look at what this man has tried to do this last month then ask yourself; "Why did I support him." His behaviors shows us that all the thing he was accused of he did. And just like with this, he tries shielding himself with plausible deniability using the excuse of voter fraud.

Friends, let this be a lesson, because another "trump" will be coming and the next one will be more skilled.

And unfortunately there’s ample fear, ignorance, stupidity, racism, bigotry, and hate to give rise to another Trump.
Sad, but true.
And that fear, ignorance, stupidity, racism, bigotry, and hate manifests solely in the GOP; the next authoritarian Trumpian tyrant will again be a Republican.

To me Bush and Obama were tyrants and Biden is just the left over mish mash of tyranny.
Obama was no tyrant, but I understand the difficulty some white men still struggle with the fact that a brown skinned American citizen actually had nerve enough to run for president and whip two white me in doing so
I think people confuse tyranny with an inability to compromise with the opposition. In Obama's case it was an intrangident GOP that wanted to make him a one-term president. In Trump's case it was his inexperience in government and his CEO mindset. When the opposition won't deal with you or you don't want to do the heavy lifting of making law you use various Executive documents as a shortcut.


Trump can also invoke military tribunals and Fourteenth Amendment

Section 3.
No person shall be a Senator or Representative in Congress, or elector of President and Vice President, or hold any office, civil or military, under the United States, or under any state, who, having previously taken an oath, as a member of Congress, or as an officer of the United States, or as a member of any state legislature, or as an executive or judicial officer of any state, to support the Constitution of the United States, shall have engaged in insurrection or rebellion against the same, or given aid or comfort to the enemies thereof. But Congress may by a vote of two-thirds of each House, remove such disability.

Pay real close attention -

"No person shall be a Senator or Representative in Congress, or elector of President and Vice President, or hold any office, civil or military, under the United States, or under any state, who, having previously taken an oath, as a member of Congress, or as an officer of the United States, or as a member of any state legislature, or as an executive or judicial officer of any state, to support the Constitution of the United States, shall have engaged in insurrection or rebellion against the same, or given aid or comfort to the enemies thereof. But Congress may by a vote of two-thirds of each House, remove such disability."

Trump, those AG's and the 126 names posted in the OP have tried to engage in insurrection. There was no fraud in this election. trump lost and is now trying to overturn an election dictator style.
Some of his major defenders are his pardoned criminals Snow and Flynn
Funny how that happens. Paxton is the next Pardon.
I know. Anyone with a brain cell knew the SUPREME COURT WAS JUST AS CROOKED AS THE OTHER TWO BRANCHES WHEN THEY FOUND OBAMA CARE CONSTITUTIONAL. I sure hope when Arizona finishes up dragging biden out of the White House all you welfare bums crawl back under your government rocks


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