Trump should not run again.

Trump is incapable of riding a bicycle,
Yes I voted for him in both victories
I feel his image is to tarnished and destroyed

Desantis has similar views as trump and is far more mentally stable and politically correct
If you let a pregnant rat off the hook by firing the rat extinguisher, you get more rats. The Democrats think if they eat the Constitution to death nobody will stop them. If they mess with President Trump with a supermajority of Republicans in the House and the Senate, we can stop them from replacing the Constitution with upholding the 1954 law banning Communist activities in this country that currently is a threat for destroying freedom and the country that protects the common man against tyranny. I'm voting for Trump because he maintained being a positive influence throughout the phony baloney lies the Democrats chased him with since he announced his first candidacy for President and likely was cheated in the swing state voting polls of 2020 when all is said and done. Since I believe there are more good people than bad, someday the leftist locksteps who aren't communists may see the destruction that spreading Democrat Party convenience lies has done, and that it is the worst imaginable way to destroy human freedom to make way for oligarch rule which is worse than a hearless monarchy because you have more heartless leaders to answer to, who don't give a hoot for the common man and will cheat him out of his one vote if they wind up destroying the Constitution of the United States of America that has been their aim since Hillary stole the presidency away from her husband when he was distracted by pretty interns who fell for his vapid fair weather sexual alliances.
Reagan and W Bush were model Presidents in their decorum, yet democrats disrespected them immensely. That's just who they are.

I'm not talking about respect from democrats. We know that will never happen, just as respect for a democrat President will never be shown by Republicans. I'm talking about respect from the rest of the world...
Desantis has similar views as trump and is far more mentally stable and politically correct
Political Correctness is not what we should be looking for in a candidate. I agree Trump shouldn’t be the candidate but DeSantis is no better. He’s not a walk-the-talk Traditional Conservative any more than Trump. The party has had eight years to find and groom an ideological Traditional Conservative to replace Trump and they haven’t done it.

I, and many others I know will not vote for another Centrist POS like Romney or McShame. We will sit 2024 out like we did in 2008 and 2012.
I'm not talking about respect from democrats. We know that will never happen, just as respect for a democrat President will never be shown by Republicans. I'm talking about respect from the rest of the world...
Putin didn't make his move until Trump was gone. N. Korea was quiet. All the bad actors were fairly quiet. Sounds like respect.
These leftst political elites don't have the gut to go after these people themselves. They 'wee wee up', as the former Kenyan prince used to say, their followers so that the crazy ones carry out their assassinations for them. So far their crazies have been inept for the most part. the other mike
Yes I voted for him in both victories
I feel his image is to tarnished and destroyed

Desantis has similar views as trump and is far more mentally stable and politically correct

I am concerned about his age.

BUT, the principle that we as white guys are allowed to have a voice, is pretty important.

A Trump/Desantis ticket would be the obvious answer.

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