Trump should not run again.

Honestly the nation cannot be saved or fixed

We are past the point of any return
You're what's wrong with American voters. Pussies who vote to make things "comfortable" for themselves. We are at war for the soul of this nation.

That's a pretty unfair statement. DeSantis can win that war.

I also voted for Trump twice. I agreed with his policies, especially regarding immigration.

But there's no way to argue that the guy didn't act like a child when he didn't get his way. Name calling, middle of the night twitter rants; it's just not presidential, and it's imperative that the leader of the free world act like the leader of the free world. As much as I supported him, he just didn't do that.

DeSantis would bring to the table similar views on policies, but he would also bring with him an air of decorum that has been absent in the Oval Office for quite some time. If we want the respect of the world, we need to have a President who doesn't resort to school yard antics, or a President who wears a diaper and thinks he was accepted to the Naval Academy.

Ron DeSantis would work for, and I believe get, that respect...
I don't think it'll make much difference with either Trump or DeSantis. I do not see the democrats beating either one, and I don't think the level of vitriol will be any different with either guy as the next prez. There's just too much anger and outright hatred out there on both sides, and IMHO the democrats have stirred the pot just as much as Trump has. I have to be honest though, I won't be sorry to see the end of the Trump era. I'd like to think the level of distrust and disrespect would go down once he's gone, but frankly I don't see that happening. At least maybe it won't be as personal.
Honestly the nation cannot be saved or fixed

We are past the point of any return
This nation has endured worse. Study American History. We are a nation born of conflict with forces that would curtail our personal freedom. We were born in rebellion. Yet, we have a Constitution and a Declaration of Independence that lays out our vision and beliefs. The fact that, as humans, we digress from that, fight with each other, disagree, etc. can all be worked out IF we don't destroy what our Founders bequeathed to us by giving it away to a governmental elite.
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He's more able to pretend everything is not about himself than is Trump...
Not really, I just saw an interview with DeSantis and he was bragging about what he has done for Florida. Not that it bothers me, but all politicians do that. Trump is just more upfront and honest about his bragging. I find that refreshing actually.
Trump tried, and failed, to steal the election. That was the tampering that was done, and proven to have been done. That you choose to live in the same fantasy world as the orange ape is yours and his problem.
No, No, No, Mickey, ya got it all wrong. Trump QUESTIONED the tampered election. He wanted to make sure the vote count was fair. Look, probably more than half the voters voted for Trump. In these cases, there should be a thorough vetting otherwise, half the country will not trust the voting process. Also, keep in mind that Hillary and the Democrats tried and have been trying since 2016, to get rid of Trump by underhanded, illegal, nefarious methods.
Trump is incapable of riding a bicycle

Yes I voted for him in both victories
I feel his image is to tarnished and destroyed

Desantis has similar views as trump and is far more mentally stable and politically correct
Don't be a fool. These people have a pattern. They'll do the same thing to anyone who looks like they will beat their lousy candidates.
Don't fall for it.
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That's a pretty unfair statement. DeSantis can win that war.

I also voted for Trump twice. I agreed with his policies, especially regarding immigration.

But there's no way to argue that the guy didn't act like a child when he didn't get his way. Name calling, middle of the night twitter rants; it's just not presidential, and it's imperative that the leader of the free world act like the leader of the free world. As much as I supported him, he just didn't do that.

DeSantis would bring to the table similar views on policies, but he would also bring with him an air of decorum that has been absent in the Oval Office for quite some time. If we want the respect of the world, we need to have a President who doesn't resort to school yard antics, or a President who wears a diaper and thinks he was accepted to the Naval Academy.

Ron DeSantis would work for, and I believe get, that respect...
Reagan and W Bush were model Presidents in their decorum, yet democrats disrespected them immensely. That's just who they are.

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