Trump Says Obama Born In America, Period. Democrats Scream "HOW DARE YOU!!!!"


I was wondering why the mental-midgets here kept bringing up the birther issue after everyone thought it was dead and buried years ago. Now we know why. They wanted to start a massive campaign against Trump this month accusing him of racism, because 5 years ago he badgered Obama into producing his birth certificate. A birth certificate that cannot possibly be the original because it looked like it had been printed up last week. But the media refuses to investigate it.


Here's the facts. Obama is hiding his real original birth certificate.


His mother is a US citizen which regardless where he was born, he can hold dual-citizenship if he was born in a foreign country.
I believe it is highly possible he was born over seas and he's trying to cover it up. Obama registered as a foreign exchange student while attending college and passed himself off as such for over a decade. But the fact remains that Barack, who was known as Barry when he was a child, is a citizen of the United States. So he is qualified to be president.

Trump caught wind that Hillary was planning a massive smear campaign on him to reverse her tanking poll numbers and decided to head her off and put it to rest. Fact is, Hillary's campaign created the issue in 2008. Now her utter hypocrisy is in full display when she demands that Trump apologize for the issue she created. But what else is new. She helped create ISIS and the Syrian Civil War and wants to blame that on Bush, so this is just more SOS.

The Democrats were incensed and came out in force and start screaming racist. They started demanding an apology from Trump. Hillary claims that the damage caused by demanding Obama produce a valid BC is non-reparable. You could have fooled me. What Damage????
Obama is sitting at a 50% approval rating, which is much higher than he deserves, but he's effectively been able to disassociate himself from his own policies, which 70% of America doesn't like and feels takes us on the wrong path.

The truth is, Democrats love creating issues that divide us, and they aren't about to let Trump take one away from them. This is a money maker for them. They act like they're insulted. They called it disgusting. Then turn around and beg for money. Not much different from these folks and the bum you see at intersections with a sign in his hand "I'm Blind And I Need Cash".

They seem to be totally disgusted.......just because Trump said "Obama was born in America, period".



So if you're one of the idiots on USMB who has been trying to bring this issue up again over the last couple of's your award. Remember, this issue was put to rest before Benghazi even happened, so make a copy of it and put it in nice frame and hang it on your wall.


Its not beating a dead relates to Trumps judgment or lack thereof

Trump can declare it over but he still needs to explain why he remained a birther for so long and only abandoned it after it became politically inconvenient

He can also explain his beliefs that:

Ted Cruz's father killed JFK
Hillary killed Vince Foster and Antonin Scalia
Vaccinations cause autism
Thousands of Muslims danced in NJ on 9-11
Hillary dodged sniper fire and never sent or received classified information. And she was suffering from dehydration. Dehydration is a well known cause of seizures.

And you are still bringing it up 20 years later. Why does Trump get to declare...Case closed?

Trumps enthusiastic support of conspiracy theories needs to be responded to
Hillary never issued a retraction like Trump has. She's still lying about her server and the 911 memorial was a little over a week ago.
"But, but, but you said he was born in Kenya, Mr. Trump. How do you explain Obama telling his publisher that he was born in Kenya and letting that fact sit out there for 2 decades. Did you know Obama was President of Harvard Law? How does a stellar legal mind leave that sit for so long- unless it's true?" - JakeStarkey political junkie, right winger CBS DNC news
Brilliant by Trump on over the next few weeks people will get to hear where the whole birther issue originally came from plus, Trump will find a way to slip into the debate ftw.

And lets face it....its gotten to a point where pretty much anything you say about Hilda is going to stick because nobody trusts her for shit!!:2up:

Orr because Trump leads you guys around by the nose and you believe or at least consider every lie he tells.

"I have investigators in Hawaii who found amazing stuff"
Dupes: I knew it, Thanks Trump!
"Obama was born in the US"
Dupes: I knew it, Thanks Trump!

I was wondering why the mental-midgets here kept bringing up the birther issue after everyone thought it was dead and buried years ago. Now we know why. They wanted to start a massive campaign against Trump this month accusing him of racism, because 5 years ago he badgered Obama into producing his birth certificate. A birth certificate that cannot possibly be the original because it looked like it had been printed up last week. But the media refuses to investigate it.


Here's the facts. Obama is hiding his real original birth certificate.


His mother is a US citizen which regardless where he was born, he can hold dual-citizenship if he was born in a foreign country.
I believe it is highly possible he was born over seas and he's trying to cover it up. Obama registered as a foreign exchange student while attending college and passed himself off as such for over a decade. But the fact remains that Barack, who was known as Barry when he was a child, is a citizen of the United States. So he is qualified to be president.

Trump caught wind that Hillary was planning a massive smear campaign on him to reverse her tanking poll numbers and decided to head her off and put it to rest. Fact is, Hillary's campaign created the issue in 2008. Now her utter hypocrisy is in full display when she demands that Trump apologize for the issue she created. But what else is new. She helped create ISIS and the Syrian Civil War and wants to blame that on Bush, so this is just more SOS.

The Democrats were incensed and came out in force and start screaming racist. They started demanding an apology from Trump. Hillary claims that the damage caused by demanding Obama produce a valid BC is non-reparable. You could have fooled me. What Damage????
Obama is sitting at a 50% approval rating, which is much higher than he deserves, but he's effectively been able to disassociate himself from his own policies, which 70% of America doesn't like and feels takes us on the wrong path.

The truth is, Democrats love creating issues that divide us, and they aren't about to let Trump take one away from them. This is a money maker for them. They act like they're insulted. They called it disgusting. Then turn around and beg for money. Not much different from these folks and the bum you see at intersections with a sign in his hand "I'm Blind And I Need Cash".

They seem to be totally disgusted.......just because Trump said "Obama was born in America, period".



So if you're one of the idiots on USMB who has been trying to bring this issue up again over the last couple of's your award. Remember, this issue was put to rest before Benghazi even happened, so make a copy of it and put it in nice frame and hang it on your wall.


Its not beating a dead relates to Trumps judgment or lack thereof

Trump can declare it over but he still needs to explain why he remained a birther for so long and only abandoned it after it became politically inconvenient

He can also explain his beliefs that:

Ted Cruz's father killed JFK
Hillary killed Vince Foster and Antonin Scalia
Vaccinations cause autism
Thousands of Muslims danced in NJ on 9-11
Hillary dodged sniper fire and never sent or received classified information. And she was suffering from dehydration. Dehydration is a well known cause of seizures.

And you are still bringing it up 20 years later. Why does Trump get to declare...Case closed?

Trumps enthusiastic support of conspiracy theories needs to be responded to
Hillary never issued a retraction like Trump has. She's still lying about her server and the 911 memorial was a little over a week ago.
You really are a fucking loon. :cuckoo:

Clinton says she 'misspoke' about sniper fire -

I was wondering why the mental-midgets here kept bringing up the birther issue after everyone thought it was dead and buried years ago. Now we know why. They wanted to start a massive campaign against Trump this month accusing him of racism, because 5 years ago he badgered Obama into producing his birth certificate. A birth certificate that cannot possibly be the original because it looked like it had been printed up last week. But the media refuses to investigate it.


Here's the facts. Obama is hiding his real original birth certificate.


His mother is a US citizen which regardless where he was born, he can hold dual-citizenship if he was born in a foreign country.
I believe it is highly possible he was born over seas and he's trying to cover it up. Obama registered as a foreign exchange student while attending college and passed himself off as such for over a decade. But the fact remains that Barack, who was known as Barry when he was a child, is a citizen of the United States. So he is qualified to be president.

Trump caught wind that Hillary was planning a massive smear campaign on him to reverse her tanking poll numbers and decided to head her off and put it to rest. Fact is, Hillary's campaign created the issue in 2008. Now her utter hypocrisy is in full display when she demands that Trump apologize for the issue she created. But what else is new. She helped create ISIS and the Syrian Civil War and wants to blame that on Bush, so this is just more SOS.

The Democrats were incensed and came out in force and start screaming racist. They started demanding an apology from Trump. Hillary claims that the damage caused by demanding Obama produce a valid BC is non-reparable. You could have fooled me. What Damage????
Obama is sitting at a 50% approval rating, which is much higher than he deserves, but he's effectively been able to disassociate himself from his own policies, which 70% of America doesn't like and feels takes us on the wrong path.

The truth is, Democrats love creating issues that divide us, and they aren't about to let Trump take one away from them. This is a money maker for them. They act like they're insulted. They called it disgusting. Then turn around and beg for money. Not much different from these folks and the bum you see at intersections with a sign in his hand "I'm Blind And I Need Cash".

They seem to be totally disgusted.......just because Trump said "Obama was born in America, period".



So if you're one of the idiots on USMB who has been trying to bring this issue up again over the last couple of's your award. Remember, this issue was put to rest before Benghazi even happened, so make a copy of it and put it in nice frame and hang it on your wall.


Its not beating a dead relates to Trumps judgment or lack thereof

Trump can declare it over but he still needs to explain why he remained a birther for so long and only abandoned it after it became politically inconvenient

He can also explain his beliefs that:

Ted Cruz's father killed JFK
Hillary killed Vince Foster and Antonin Scalia
Vaccinations cause autism
Thousands of Muslims danced in NJ on 9-11
Hillary dodged sniper fire and never sent or received classified information. And she was suffering from dehydration. Dehydration is a well known cause of seizures.

And you are still bringing it up 20 years later. Why does Trump get to declare...Case closed?

Trumps enthusiastic support of conspiracy theories needs to be responded to
Hillary never issued a retraction like Trump has. She's still lying about her server and the 911 memorial was a little over a week ago.

Of course she has...she acknowledged there was no sniper fire a decade is the Republicans who won't let go

As for Trump....he does not get off so easy

As a minimum, he owes the President an apology for his false accusations
Trump Says Obama Born In America, Period. Democrats Scream "HOW DARE YOU!!!!"

Exactly! A fat, orange nobody forcing the nations first black president to "show his papers". And millions of Americans laughing at the insult.

It's the same fucking assholes that cry, the nation is divided. What swine.
Trump Says Obama Born In America, Period. Democrats Scream "HOW DARE YOU!!!!"

Exactly! A fat, orange nobody forcing the nations first black president to "show his papers". And millions of Americans laughing at the insult.

It's the same fucking assholes that cry, the nation is divided. What swine.

When will Trump apologize to Obama?

He accused him of fraud
I was wondering why the mental-midgets here kept bringing up the birther issue after everyone thought it was dead and buried years ago.

There are still remnants of lagging doubt whether Mr. Obama was born here or elsewhere. I am not saying anyone knows for sure, but there is some fairly credible evidence there is a cover-up.

It MAY be a fantasy, but there is too much at stake to treat it like this:

Trump Says Obama Born In America, Period. Democrats Scream "HOW DARE YOU!!!!"

Exactly! A fat, orange nobody forcing the nations first black president to "show his papers". And millions of Americans laughing at the insult.

It's the same fucking assholes that cry, the nation is divided. What swine.

When will Trump apologize to Obama?

He accused him of fraud
And you don't think Obamacare and Climate Change isn't fraud?
This total disregard, of what might be a glaring need to bring greater resolution to the Obama birth records, by having the original birth certificate presented in a press conference and then immediately available online, makes it a thousand times easier for anyone, who was born overseas and came to the U.S. as a toddler, to doctor their papers and become president in the near future without voters raising an eyebrow.

Obviously, no one believes this issue, in a future election, would be of any importance whatsoever. :lol:

I was wondering why the mental-midgets here kept bringing up the birther issue after everyone thought it was dead and buried years ago.

Waaaah Donald Trump hand wave for the last 5 years- "ignore what I said for the last 5 years'.....

And everything I said is Hillary's fault!

Charlotte and Mecklenburg County is run by Commies. The last 2 Republican mayors became Congressional rep and Governor. Check on how many Commie Democrat mayors, city council and county commissioners have been jailed for corruption and other crimes. 'Course, some of them escape punishment and wind up in Congress, like Harvey Gant.

Be that as it may, the redistricting process was controlled by the GOP. You lost your Republican Congressional representative as a result of their redistricting efforts.
A combination of the two is more like it. I know that Republicans are not blameless.
The establishment is making alot of money off of us, and they all seem to be in on it.
They are literally rolling in cash......and they're scared that Trump will put an end to it because he's an outsider.

You mean Trump- the idiot who went full birther for 5 years and suddenly is no longer a Birther?


I was wondering why the mental-midgets here kept bringing up the birther issue after everyone thought it was dead and buried years ago. Now we know why. They wanted to start a massive campaign against Trump this month accusing him of racism, because 5 years ago he badgered Obama into producing his birth certificate. A birth certificate that cannot possibly be the original because it looked like it had been printed up last week. But the media refuses to investigate it.


Here's the facts. Obama is hiding his real original birth certificate.


His mother is a US citizen which regardless where he was born, he can hold dual-citizenship if he was born in a foreign country.
I believe it is highly possible he was born over seas and he's trying to cover it up. Obama registered as a foreign exchange student while attending college and passed himself off as such for over a decade. But the fact remains that Barack, who was known as Barry when he was a child, is a citizen of the United States. So he is qualified to be president.

Trump caught wind that Hillary was planning a massive smear campaign on him to reverse her tanking poll numbers and decided to head her off and put it to rest. Fact is, Hillary's campaign created the issue in 2008. Now her utter hypocrisy is in full display when she demands that Trump apologize for the issue she created. But what else is new. She helped create ISIS and the Syrian Civil War and wants to blame that on Bush, so this is just more SOS.

The Democrats were incensed and came out in force and start screaming racist. They started demanding an apology from Trump. Hillary claims that the damage caused by demanding Obama produce a valid BC is non-reparable. You could have fooled me. What Damage????
Obama is sitting at a 50% approval rating, which is much higher than he deserves, but he's effectively been able to disassociate himself from his own policies, which 70% of America doesn't like and feels takes us on the wrong path.

The truth is, Democrats love creating issues that divide us, and they aren't about to let Trump take one away from them. This is a money maker for them. They act like they're insulted. They called it disgusting. Then turn around and beg for money. Not much different from these folks and the bum you see at intersections with a sign in his hand "I'm Blind And I Need Cash".

They seem to be totally disgusted.......just because Trump said "Obama was born in America, period".



So if you're one of the idiots on USMB who has been trying to bring this issue up again over the last couple of's your award. Remember, this issue was put to rest before Benghazi even happened, so make a copy of it and put it in nice frame and hang it on your wall.


Its not beating a dead relates to Trumps judgment or lack thereof

Trump can declare it over but he still needs to explain why he remained a birther for so long and only abandoned it after it became politically inconvenient

He can also explain his beliefs that:

Ted Cruz's father killed JFK
Hillary killed Vince Foster and Antonin Scalia
Vaccinations cause autism
Thousands of Muslims danced in NJ on 9-11
Hillary dodged sniper fire and never sent or received classified information. And she was suffering from dehydration. Dehydration is a well known cause of seizures.

And you are still bringing it up 20 years later. Why does Trump get to declare...Case closed?

Trumps enthusiastic support of conspiracy theories needs to be responded to
Hillary never issued a retraction like Trump has. .

Clinton never questioned the President's eligiblity.

Donald Trump spent 5 years being your Birther Messiah- King Birther


Not Clinton- Trump.
Trump Says Obama Born In America, Period. Democrats Scream "HOW DARE YOU!!!!"

Exactly! A fat, orange nobody forcing the nations first black president to "show his papers". And millions of Americans laughing at the insult.

It's the same fucking assholes that cry, the nation is divided. What swine.

When will Trump apologize to Obama?

He accused him of fraud
And you don't think Obamacare and Climate Change isn't fraud?

Of course not

What a ridiculous comparison......Birtherism to climate change
"But, but, but you said he was born in Kenya, Mr. Trump.

Great question Frank.

What changed Trump's little mind?

Was it the realization that you Birthers would vote for him if he gunned down a man on 5th Avenue so he is 'pivoting' to rational voters?
Exactly! A fat, orange nobody forcing the nations first black president to "show his papers". And millions of Americans laughing at the insult.

This and all the mockery of the Birther Movement is a roundabout but serious attack on the 1st Amendment.
Do you even understand what the first amendment is?

It doesn't protect you from being mocked for the stupid things you say
Exactly! A fat, orange nobody forcing the nations first black president to "show his papers". And millions of Americans laughing at the insult.

This and all the mockery of the Birther Movement is a roundabout but serious attack on the 1st Amendment.
Do you even understand what the first amendment is?

It doesn't protect you from being mocked for the stupid things you say

Yeah- why do right wing nut jobs think that the First Amendment means 'Freedom from Criticism- by anyone'?

I was wondering why the mental-midgets here kept bringing up the birther issue after everyone thought it was dead and buried years ago. Now we know why. They wanted to start a massive campaign against Trump this month accusing him of racism, because 5 years ago he badgered Obama into producing his birth certificate. A birth certificate that cannot possibly be the original because it looked like it had been printed up last week. But the media refuses to investigate it.


Here's the facts. Obama is hiding his real original birth certificate.


His mother is a US citizen which regardless where he was born, he can hold dual-citizenship if he was born in a foreign country.
I believe it is highly possible he was born over seas and he's trying to cover it up. Obama registered as a foreign exchange student while attending college and passed himself off as such for over a decade. But the fact remains that Barack, who was known as Barry when he was a child, is a citizen of the United States. So he is qualified to be president.

Trump caught wind that Hillary was planning a massive smear campaign on him to reverse her tanking poll numbers and decided to head her off and put it to rest. Fact is, Hillary's campaign created the issue in 2008. Now her utter hypocrisy is in full display when she demands that Trump apologize for the issue she created. But what else is new. She helped create ISIS and the Syrian Civil War and wants to blame that on Bush, so this is just more SOS.

The Democrats were incensed and came out in force and start screaming racist. They started demanding an apology from Trump. Hillary claims that the damage caused by demanding Obama produce a valid BC is non-reparable. You could have fooled me. What Damage????
Obama is sitting at a 50% approval rating, which is much higher than he deserves, but he's effectively been able to disassociate himself from his own policies, which 70% of America doesn't like and feels takes us on the wrong path.

The truth is, Democrats love creating issues that divide us, and they aren't about to let Trump take one away from them. This is a money maker for them. They act like they're insulted. They called it disgusting. Then turn around and beg for money. Not much different from these folks and the bum you see at intersections with a sign in his hand "I'm Blind And I Need Cash".

They seem to be totally disgusted.......just because Trump said "Obama was born in America, period".



So if you're one of the idiots on USMB who has been trying to bring this issue up again over the last couple of's your award. Remember, this issue was put to rest before Benghazi even happened, so make a copy of it and put it in nice frame and hang it on your wall.

He was born abroad to his Marxist white guilt having, America hating mom.

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