Let's settle it - Who started "birther" movement?

Who started "birther" movement

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Jul 8, 2008
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There are so many threads on this, so let's settle it once for all.

Plain and simple, who started it?

It doesn't matter where info is coming from, post what you know, what you think you know, or what someone else told you to think. Video and news articles are welcome.

Out of three possible answers, select one.

Democrats - including Hillary camp in 2008 elections, leftist media
Republicans - including McCain camp in 2008 elections, right media
Not sure - it's all so confusing. For those who require more info.
What difference at this point does it make?
What difference at this point does it make?

It's a subject that's been around for a while. I'm pretty sure Republicans started it, but I'm open to hearing arguments that Democrats did. Perhaps someone who's independent started it, who knows. I'm left wing, but I wouldn't be surprised if Obama wasn't, in fact, born in Hawaii. Personally, I don't care. Ted Cruz wasn't born in the U.S., neither was John Mccain. The whole thing is just silly in my view.
What difference at this point does it make?

They were hoping it would make a difference in their favor.
Hillary's camp blames Trump for being birther.
It backfires when his camp said they started the whole thing.

The best thing out of it is leftist outrage.
What difference at this point does it make?

They were hoping it would make a difference in their favor.
Hillary's camp blames Trump for being birther.
It backfires when his camp said they started the whole thing.

The best thing out of it is leftist outrage.
"They"? LOL

Americano, I offered some levity because I don't really care who started it. That's so kindergarten.

Sorry I participated in your thread. I'll leave now, so those who want to discuss whose to blame, can do so.
There are so many threads on this, so let's settle it once for all.

Plain and simple, who started it?

It doesn't matter where info is coming from, post what you know, what you think you know, or what someone else told you to think. Video and news articles are welcome.

Out of three possible answers, select one.

Democrats - including Hillary camp in 2008 elections, leftist media
Republicans - including McCain camp in 2008 elections, right media
Not sure - it's all so confusing. For those who require more info.

The OP and the poll are misleading. Trumps claim was that the Hillary Campaign started it, all evidence is to the contrary. It may have been a Dem that filed the initial lawsuit, but that wasn't the Hillary Campaign.

Hell I'm a Republican and can remember it. Then of course many in the anti-Obama crowd jumped on the bandwagon in an attempt to discredit, disqualify Obama from being on the ballot as not being a Natural Born Citizen because of the claim depending on flavor that (a) he was born in Kenya, and (b) even if born in the US his father was not a citizen and therefore he didn't qualify even if born in Hawaii and to an US Citizen mother.

What difference at this point does it make?

They were hoping it would make a difference in their favor.
Hillary's camp blames Trump for being birther.
It backfires when his camp said they started the whole thing.

The best thing out of it is leftist outrage.
"They"? LOL

Americano, I offered some levity because I don't really care who started it. That's so kindergarten.

Sorry I participated in your thread. I'll leave now, so those who want to discuss whose to blame, can do so.

When I said "they", I meant Hillary's camp.

Thanks for the "humor".
There are so many threads on this, so let's settle it once for all.

Plain and simple, who started it?

It doesn't matter where info is coming from, post what you know, what you think you know, or what someone else told you to think. Video and news articles are welcome.

Out of three possible answers, select one.

Democrats - including Hillary camp in 2008 elections, leftist media
Republicans - including McCain camp in 2008 elections, right media
Not sure - it's all so confusing. For those who require more info.

The OP and the poll are misleading. Trumps claim was that the Hillary Campaign started it, all evidence is to the contrary. It may have been a Dem that filed the initial lawsuit, but that wasn't the Hillary Campaign.

Hell I'm a Republican and can remember it. Then of course many in the anti-Obama crowd jumped on the bandwagon in an attempt to discredit, disqualify Obama from being on the ballot as not being a Natural Born Citizen because of the claim depending on flavor that (a) he was born in Kenya, and (b) even if born in the US his father was not a citizen and therefore he didn't qualify even if born in Hawaii and to an US Citizen mother.


When you're talking about "evidence", wouldn't be nice if you present it, some of it, if not all?
He who smelt it dealt it. 100% certain, HRC camp.

If they could have made it stick in 07'? they had most to gain. Others simply tried to carry hrc water bucket AFTER.

Follow the money.......

Not worth the effort.

This kind of crap is why I'm so disgusted with politics these day.

Both candidates are crap this cycle and because of that Americans are screwed. We could have put up one of many strong candidates that would be able to beat Clinton hands down. But no, the initial pack was so big it divided the vote so that Trump gets the nomination with a minority (less than 45%) of the primary vote.

What do we do?

Nominate Trump, probably the only one in the United States that could loose to Hillary.

We deserve what we get in either case.

^^^^^^ they tried your RINO.......

Back to topic. Sydney Bloomingthong started it from inside the circle if the beast.

Not worth the effort.

This kind of crap is why I'm so disgusted with politics these day.

Both candidates are crap this cycle and because of that Americans are screwed. We could have put up one of many strong candidates that would be able to beat Clinton hands down. But no, the initial pack was so big it divided the vote so that Trump gets the nomination with a minority (less than 45%) of the primary vote.

What do we do?

Nominate Trump, probably the only one in the United States that could loose to Hillary.

We deserve what we get in either case.


It's true, Trump got less than 45% of the popular votes.

You forgot to mention so did Romney and McCain.
The difference is number of candidates they were running against.
Trump was running up against more but he still got record number of votes in R primaries.
Almost certainly the rumor started with social media or a circulated email when an obscure Hillary campaign staffer in 2008 suggested it--presumably the person was fired from the team over that but who knows? And almost certainly there were Obama opponents on both sides (the Hillary supporters and McCain supporters) in that election who took the suggestion and ran with it. Obama didn't help the situation any by refusing to release the information for so long and being so secretive about who he showed it to when he did. Obama's relatives didn't help the situation when they claimed him as one of their own in Kenya. So the doubts lingered however preposterous and inconsequential they are now.
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Hillary's campaign may have asked the question, but the "movement" has clearly been right wing, anti-Obama and Republican.

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