Trump says “If you don’t like our religion…then we don’t want you in our country.”

You don't have anything new to say?

Sorry, I like that joke but I have buku new to say every time I show up. I'll show you where in few.

I shredded you then and I can still shred you today!

Talk is cheap but if what you say there is true then you should have zero problem showing us how it's done. Lemme go find a post in the horse thread in The Flame Zone, probably about Trump cents you are so smitten with him just for you to get busy on

teacher 3.51.png

I know, you'll have some excuse to dodge me...

hemorrhoids won't let you sit down at the keyboard right now, your club foot keeps knocking your PC plug outta the socket, your Mom just made you your favorite meal... already chewed gum and lead paint chips, 'Queer eye for the straight guy is on' and they're teaching how to properly stuff a sausage in your trousers, the radio just played "It's raining men" so you ran outside with a bucket, you, you, you...

I was the best at that web site twenty(20) years ago. Now I'm WAY more betterer.

I could go on but that'll do.
His exact words:

“I will implement strong ideological screening of all immigrants,” the former president vowed. “If you hate America, if you want to abolish Israel, if you don’t like our religion (which a lot of them don’t), if you sympathize with jihadists, then we don’t want you in our country and you are not getting in.”

It's pretty clear his "ideological screening" would include religion.

What is "our" religion?
Micro, Micro-Aggressions Everywhere and Not a Drop to Think

The main commandment of our religion is to trigger GOTCHA! responses from emotionally imbalanced Leftists always looking for ways they can feel offended.
Interestingly Trump said our religion, not my religion. Yes. Telling immigrants that if they have a religious obligation to kill others they will not be allowed to come here is sanity.
This is the stupid shit you get from Trump. We gonna ask a potential immigrant if he/she wants to kill us and if they say "yeah sure" we not gonna let em in. Guess they don't call him a stable genius for nothing.

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