Trump says he'll close down federal gov. to get border money from congress


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2016
I've supported him since the beginning but this is a nut case move.

As a result of this, my stocks have gone done. You're telling me you're going to crash the stock market and screw the government workers because you simply want funding for a border wall between the U.S and Mexico?
The fact is that Americans oppose building a wall. Even Trump's favorite pollster shows that people are overwhelmingly against it. Why do Republicans want to go against the will of the people so much?
Because the hard core of the supporters of the treasonous fat senile old orange clown are inexcusable bigots. Because of the lack of workers, 13 million dollars worth of produce have rotted in the fields in two counties of California.

California Crops Rot as Immigration Crackdown Creates Farmworker Shortage

Vegetable prices may be going up soon, as a shortage of migrant workers is resulting in lost crops in California.

Farmers say they're having trouble hiring enough people to work during harvest season, causing some crops to rot before they can be picked. Already, the situation has triggered losses of more than $13 million in two California counties alone, according to NBC News.

The ongoing battle about U.S. immigration policies is blamed for the shortage. The vast majority of California's farm workers are foreign born, with many coming from Mexico. However, the PEW Research Center reports more Mexicans are leaving the U.S. than coming here.

To make the jobs more attractive, farmers are offering salaries above minimum wage, along with paid time off and 401(k) plans, but even that's not proving enough.

California Crops Rot as Immigration Crackdown Creates Farmworker Shortage

Now there is a lot of whining on this board about Americans out of a job. They should be offered work in the fields, and if they won't take that, then perhaps we are deporting the wrong people.
I've supported him since the beginning but this is a nut case move.

As a result of this, my stocks have gone done. You're telling me you're going to crash the stock market and screw the government workers because you simply want funding for a border wall between the U.S and Mexico?

Fuck federal government career bureaucrats, they are the deep state.
Because the hard core of the supporters of the treasonous fat senile old orange clown are inexcusable bigots. Because of the lack of workers, 13 million dollars worth of produce have rotted in the fields in two counties of California.

California Crops Rot as Immigration Crackdown Creates Farmworker Shortage

Good I hope corporate farmers who fuck over the American worker by hiring cheap foreign labor go bankrupt and kill themselves.

Now there is a lot of whining on this board about Americans out of a job. They should be offered work in the fields, and if they won't take that, then perhaps we are deporting the wrong people.

They need to offer a fair wage commensurate to the intense labor instead of relying on cheap foreign workers.
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I've supported him since the beginning but this is a nut case move.

As a result of this, my stocks have gone done. You're telling me you're going to crash the stock market and screw the government workers because you simply want funding for a border wall between the U.S and Mexico?

I'm sure he knows better than to pull this one. He's probably using something to trap the crooks in Congress.
You're telling me you're going to crash the stock market and screw the government workers because you simply want funding for a border wall between the U.S and Mexico?
The REPUBLICANS had better stop being the Trump obstructionists. We put him in office to do these things. Mitch and Paul better wake the hell up.

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