Trump says foreign college graduates should automatically get green cards

Back in the 70s & 80s, the 2 Engineering schools I went to were full of foreign students There were very few Americans. Americans tend to go into business & finance.

Most of the foreign students went back to their home countries where they successfully transformed those countries into major powers (Like IRAN). The demand for American engineers in foreign countries.
dropped like a rock.

Some foreigners got jobs here in the U.S. - some taught at the engineering schools.

If educated foreign students want to stay in the U.S., they can get a job and a green card easily - if they have any valuable skills.

Giving green cards to a bunch of liberal arts majors isn't in America's best interests.
Trump is floating a policy that foreign students who come here for college and graduate with a degree should automatically receive a green card upon graduation. I’m curious what Trump’s supporters think about this proposal.

As long as they came here legally through proper channels, I don't think there is anything stopping immigrants from doing this today. There are plenty of people who come here for school, and then find a job. Green cards are already preferentially awarded to immigrants with skills and/or degrees, but one must obtain a job offer to be eligible.

I work with countless great people who have such a status. People with advanced degrees from US universities who are highly skilled and contribute to the American economy and pay taxes and buy homes. They must stay employed, and they must not commit felonies.

We are a nation which welcomes the best and the brightest to join us and contribute, but they should not be allowed to be leeches, since we are going broke, so I am not in favor of automatic award.
I'm generally ok with this one.

I doubt Trumpsters will be in favor of this idea.
Wait until they hear who else was in favor of it long before the blob was...

Angus King,


And this from the Progressive Policy Institute....

:auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg:

Its hilarious... I hope the blob supporters have whiplash insurance....they’re going to need it after reversing course on this one.
We are a racialist nation with an imperialist history.
We are one of the least racist nations in the world and we were an expansionist country at one time as was most of the world but never imperialist. Despite what Germany and Japan did, once they were brought to unconditional surrender and had formed acceptable governments, their lands were autonomously returned to them. We have given all territories their autonomy if they wanted it. The only U.S. territories remaining choose to remain and do not want to be separated from the USA.
Wait until they hear who else was in favor of it long before the blob was...

Angus King,


And this from the Progressive Policy Institute....

:auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg:

Its hilarious... I hope the blob supporters have whiplash insurance....they’re going to need it after reversing course on this one.
Yea. They have differing opinions for now because they haven't received their talking points from right-wing media just yet. But once that happens, whiplash will definitely occur.
Yea. They have differing opinions for now because they haven't received their talking points from right-wing media just yet. But once that happens, whiplash will definitely occur.
Two weeks ago, college diplomas were toilet paper to these “As long as the degree is ______” maybe...sorta....covefe!!!
We are one of the least racist nations in the world and we were an expansionist country at one time as was most of the world but never imperialist. Despite what Germany and Japan did, once they were brought to unconditional surrender and had formed acceptable governments, their lands were autonomously returned to them. We have given all territories their autonomy if they wanted it. The only U.S. territories remaining choose to remain and do not want to be separated from the USA.
. Yes, our administrations of post WWII Germany and Japan are admirable. No right individual from the territories wants to be out of the union.

That is no excuse for us at all, Foxfyre.

Despite all that, our history was racialistic and expansionist, yes. And we have lived past those facts better than most other countries. But when we start 'the blacks were blessed in slavery," we are leaving the fast lane at high speed heading to the ditches.
I know, that is why I qualified my statement. I do think that anybody should come to the USA legally, if we had a nice high school education they could take and graduate from, in the English language. We would also need very inexpensive housing in the big cities and industrial centers. We would also have to bring a substantial amount of manufacturing back to the USA as well.

What's with the nervous laughter reactions?
Wait until they hear who else was in favor of it long before the blob was...

Angus King,


And this from the Progressive Policy Institute....

:auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg:

Its hilarious... I hope the blob supporters have whiplash insurance....they’re going to need it after reversing course on this one.
Exactly, this idea is right out of Progressives for a New US. Priceless. AOC and the Squad should be endorsing the Orange Turd.
I think bringing in smart immigrants makes total sense.
While I understand that Trump wants to favor "smart" legal immigrants over those who are illegal and a financial drain on our society, we have to accept the fact that there actually are "smart" terrorists and those who are against America, coming here for an education. I'm not fond of this idea because of this. Our enemies already have many in place infiltrating our colleges so this would only increase this.

Your entire argument is prefaced on how this will encourage Increased tuition for all. But never explain why or how.
Colleges will know that those people coming are going to have $$$$ and not be getting a loan. They see this as an opportunity to raise the rates. US students will get stuck with bigger loans, and the universities will make record $$$
think of it as millions and millions going forward

If the existence of international students were going to be the cause of a massive increase in the cost of tuition, they would have already.
If the existence of international students were going to be the cause of a massive increase in the cost of tuition, they would have already.
look. Trump is too fucking dumb to ever dream of something like this. The only reason this came up was the Big Donors from California (Silicon Valley) wanting cheaper labor. No need for expensive H1B, no need for a lottery... I might not vote Trump after this one.

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