Trump Runs Out of Promises to Keep

Americans have become so used to their leaders putting foreign interests before theirs. Many are actually shocked to see a US President fighting for Citizens. He's got the Globalists in both Parties on the run. Americans are tired of being screwed by them.

The only thing left for Trump to accomplish, as far as i'm concerned, is getting another Supreme Court Justice appointed. Getting two more would = a Masterful Coup. But if he gets one, it'll make it 6-3 in favor of Pro-America/Constitution Justices. The Globalists will be thwarted for many years to come. I'm prayin he gets that one more Justice. It will save our nation.
Funny, on another thread you said you were retired.
Why can't you make money when you're retired, troll?

Obviously you can. I'm retired and thanks to Trump's economy, making more than ever. :biggrin:
My 401k started making money right after Trump won the election.

If it was not making money before the election it was because the person running your 401k was ripping you off big time.
I know you'd like to prove that but it happened just as I stated. We don't know who did what, but shortly after the election it stopped losing. So the question i have for your lying trolling hide, is why did this guy suddenly stop ripping us off stop after Trump got elected, unless, gasp, it was Obama himself! LOL!

If your 401k was losing money prior to the election it was not because of the economy or the markets or who was sitting in the White House.

There are only 3 options...

1. You are a lying piece of shit
2. Your 401k was grossly mismanaged
3. You were being robbed by your fund manager.

Based upon your typical post I am guessing it is number 1

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Get the Supreme Court. That's what we need most from Donald Trump at this point. We all know the Courts are running our country now. He needs to get one or two more Justices on the Court. If he does that, he will have done all i've asked of him.
Why can't you make money when you're retired, troll?

Obviously you can. I'm retired and thanks to Trump's economy, making more than ever. :biggrin:
My 401k started making money right after Trump won the election.

If it was not making money before the election it was because the person running your 401k was ripping you off big time.
I know you'd like to prove that but it happened just as I stated. We don't know who did what, but shortly after the election it stopped losing. So the question i have for your lying trolling hide, is why did this guy suddenly stop ripping us off stop after Trump got elected, unless, gasp, it was Obama himself! LOL!

If your 401k was losing money prior to the election it was not because of the economy or the markets or who was sitting in the White House.

There are only 3 options...

1. You are a lying piece of shit
2. Your 401k was grossly mismanaged
3. You were being robbed by your fund manager.

Based upon your typical post I am guessing it is number 1

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Well, you can change the stocks in your 401k sometimes but that isn’t the fault of the President if you were in Stock A to start with and then switched to Stock B. The Stock Market—DJIA which is a fatefully faulty indicator of how the market in general is doing—did climb 149% under Obama so the blue chips did well on the NYSE..that is about all it tells you.

The reason I think you’re right is that the 401k is most effective when there is an employer match to the money you invest. If you max out, you can get a nice return but it’s not life changing money in the short-term. The other “catch” is that the match for many (if not most—I’ve worked for both) is that they will match if you buy your own company’s stock.

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