Trump Results v. the Mindless Resistance


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016
Trump Results v. the Mindless Resistance
Do we want peace and prosperity or nihilistic antics?

Trump Results v. the Mindless Resistance | The American Spectator
22 Nov 19 ~ By David Catron
Americans are enjoying an all-too-unusual combination of peace and prosperity. The probability that you will be killed or lose a loved one in a foreign war has dropped to nearly zero, while the chance that you or anyone you know will be involuntarily unemployed is lower than it has been in half a century. Moreover, real wages are increasing and inflation is negligible. Life isn’t problem-free, of course, but times are genuinely good. Much of the credit for this gratifying state of affairs is unquestionably owed to President Trump. Yet the Democrats assure us that he is a clear and present danger to the republic. He is, they believe, such a menace to our sacred freedoms that the speaker of the House recently issued a press release declaring him too dangerous to leave in office long enough for the voters to decide his political fate. The next presidential election is only a year away, but Speaker Pelosi avers that allowing the democratic process to play out is a “weak response” to Trump’s crimes: “That dangerous position only adds to the urgency of our action, because the President is jeopardizing the integrity of the 2020 elections.” She is, however, oddly vague about the details of this alarming threat.
All of the above, and much more, was accomplished even as President Trump was subjected to the absurd Mueller investigation and the even more asinine “impeachment inquiry.” Imagine what the president might have accomplished if the Democrats had accepted the will of the voters. And, make no mistake, that’s what “the resistance” is about. Speaker Pelosi and the Democrats have refused to acquiesce in the peaceful and orderly transfer of power to the president chosen by the electorate. They have nothing to offer but impeachment. That makes them far more dangerous than Donald Trump.

Imagine what the president might have accomplished if the "Never Trumpers" had accepted the will of the voters. Had the likes of Paul Ryan worked with President Trump from the beginning, the GOP(e) would still control the House and we'd not have to endure the "Schiff Show" going on this month.
IMO, Trump's base cares about the results he's achieved and is against the resistance the Progressive Marxist Socialists have shown.
His supporters don't care if he is rough and sometimes rude. At times it is called for. History has shown us that previous presidents in the 19 and 20th Centuries have been bombastic and been successful. As long as Trump gets results or fights to get those results, he is in good standing with his base.
We endured the Schiff Show and now all of the liberally educated white women in suburbia that voted the Dems into the House now know what they have wrought. I hope that they will come to their senses and vote for Trump this time around. I'm extremely concerned though...many GOP congressmen in Texas and other places are not running for re-election. This is disconcerting and we must encourage the GOP to find qualified candidates to take their place.
Most American voters appreciate President Trump because he is actually using our enormous economic leverage against our enemies rather than sending our boys and girls downrange to interfere in everyone else's business. I am still absolutely stunned at the waste and graft of 20 year wars and the idiotic 'ruling class IMC' that fomented that waste. The same arrogance and idiocy has been on display the last two weeks in the impeachment 'hearings'. Our federal executive service officers are our greatest embarrassment.
Let Trump be Trump.
Good to see your giving fifth grade essays some love.

liberally educated white women are bothersome to you? Lol

Left wing educated white women.

You have never been a liberal.

And I doubt you are educated (if you have diploma, you should ask for your money back).
Trump Results v. the Mindless Resistance
Do we want peace and prosperity or nihilistic antics?

Trump Results v. the Mindless Resistance | The American Spectator
22 Nov 19 ~ By David Catron
Americans are enjoying an all-too-unusual combination of peace and prosperity. The probability that you will be killed or lose a loved one in a foreign war has dropped to nearly zero, while the chance that you or anyone you know will be involuntarily unemployed is lower than it has been in half a century. Moreover, real wages are increasing and inflation is negligible. Life isn’t problem-free, of course, but times are genuinely good. Much of the credit for this gratifying state of affairs is unquestionably owed to President Trump. Yet the Democrats assure us that he is a clear and present danger to the republic. He is, they believe, such a menace to our sacred freedoms that the speaker of the House recently issued a press release declaring him too dangerous to leave in office long enough for the voters to decide his political fate. The next presidential election is only a year away, but Speaker Pelosi avers that allowing the democratic process to play out is a “weak response” to Trump’s crimes: “That dangerous position only adds to the urgency of our action, because the President is jeopardizing the integrity of the 2020 elections.” She is, however, oddly vague about the details of this alarming threat.
All of the above, and much more, was accomplished even as President Trump was subjected to the absurd Mueller investigation and the even more asinine “impeachment inquiry.” Imagine what the president might have accomplished if the Democrats had accepted the will of the voters. And, make no mistake, that’s what “the resistance” is about. Speaker Pelosi and the Democrats have refused to acquiesce in the peaceful and orderly transfer of power to the president chosen by the electorate. They have nothing to offer but impeachment. That makes them far more dangerous than Donald Trump.

Imagine what the president might have accomplished if the "Never Trumpers" had accepted the will of the voters. Had the likes of Paul Ryan worked with President Trump from the beginning, the GOP(e) would still control the House and we'd not have to endure the "Schiff Show" going on this month.
IMO, Trump's base cares about the results he's achieved and is against the resistance the Progressive Marxist Socialists have shown.
His supporters don't care if he is rough and sometimes rude. At times it is called for. History has shown us that previous presidents in the 19 and 20th Centuries have been bombastic and been successful. As long as Trump gets results or fights to get those results, he is in good standing with his base.
We endured the Schiff Show and now all of the liberally educated white women in suburbia that voted the Dems into the House now know what they have wrought. I hope that they will come to their senses and vote for Trump this time around. I'm extremely concerned though...many GOP congressmen in Texas and other places are not running for re-election. This is disconcerting and we must encourage the GOP to find qualified candidates to take their place.
Most American voters appreciate President Trump because he is actually using our enormous economic leverage against our enemies rather than sending our boys and girls downrange to interfere in everyone else's business. I am still absolutely stunned at the waste and graft of 20 year wars and the idiotic 'ruling class IMC' that fomented that waste. The same arrogance and idiocy has been on display the last two weeks in the impeachment 'hearings'. Our federal executive service officers are our greatest embarrassment.
Let Trump be Trump.

If you listen to the left after he was elected, the country would not survive him. Nearly 3 years later and things are pretty good.

By the left's logic, we are in heaven right now.

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