Trump renews call for negative U.S. interest rates

To put it country simple, and borrowing in agreement from a fellow observer's thought on the matter, the implementation of digital currencies free the central bankers and speculators from having to use slower, clumsier means of manipulating stocks, bonds, commodities, and currencies in order to manipulate currency and other types of value. They'll be able to walk away from their generational crime and fraud at the convenience of a push of a button.
aka...............Global Reset.............Corona beer made me do it..........LOL

They need EXTREME CHAOS to pull this off........seems that is the current intent.
aka...............Global Reset.............Corona beer made me do it..........LOL

They need EXTREME CHAOS to pull this off........seems that is the current intent.

Well, it's a good thing the central bankers have the backing of that newly created space force, in case some bought and paid for third parties around the world decide to zap all of the digital currency with some kind of pulse after they figure out the balance of their payments, which all a sudden aren't worth anything.
aka...............Global Reset.............Corona beer made me do it..........LOL

They need EXTREME CHAOS to pull this off........seems that is the current intent.

Well, it's a good thing the central bankers have the backing of that newly created space force, in case some bought and paid for third parties around the world decide to zap all of the digital currency with some kind of pulse after they figure out the balance of their payments, which all a sudden aren't worth anything.
For well over a decade if not longer we see this coming........They accelerated it after they opened Pandora's Box in 2000...............Didn't take them long to screw everyone with it...........

Then the fix was just more of it........didn't fix a damned thing......just extended the match......and now they are in full hit the gas peddle on it..........Small business getting murdered in the process ......along with what is coming again in the Federal tit dries up on schedule.............People need to be losing everything to OBEY.
To put it country simple, and borrowing in agreement from a fellow observer's thought on the matter, the implementation of digital currencies free the central bankers and speculators from having to use slower, clumsier means of manipulating stocks, bonds, commodities, and currencies in order to manipulate currency and other types of value. They'll be able to walk away from their generational crime and fraud at the convenience of a push of a button.

It was always about bailing out the central bankers. And, man, did they conjur up and sell a good bullshit story on a global scale in order to get people to look the other way and to blame the destruction of the nation's economy on some new concoction of an invisible enemy instead of the real cause of it...the central bankers themselves.

It was always about bailing out the central bankers.

Why would central bankers ever need to be bailed out?

Bailed out from what?
What that means literally is the BIS wants to remove all physical mediums of exchange. That means coin, paper currency, bonds, equities securities, etc. Aka cashless society. And there's a lot more to it than that. They basically want complete and total digital control over your finances. The 10,000 dollar transactions that already get reported to the IRS and to the federal government will gradually decrease. How quaint. And we're even seeing them do that with actual cash transactions in places like Australia now. Those limits will also continue to decrease under this plan so that every little transaction we make gets reported until they weed out physical mediums of exchange completely.

Alright. Just talking to myself here.

Trump is out. Biden has the baton and he's on the next leg.

So I've boldened where we are in all of this now.

But...I think Biden's also gonna try to enforce a tax on people who do not comply with his medical decrees. He's stood in front of the electorate and effectively blamed those who have not complied with his medical decrees for breaking the economy. Pft. Please. Regardless, Biden's judenvermögensabgabe on those particular people he's blaming will likely come sooner than later. So expect to hear the weasels in western cable news entertainment running interference for it and initiating the 'question' of whether such a tax should be imposed. You know how they do. The purposeful division among the electorate has already been initiated by the administration (though he tends to use the term 'unity' for some reason) and by those entities in cable news entertainment whom run interference for the agenda, so such a tax would clearly have support should it come to fruition.

That's more of an aside kind of thing, because the central government does and always has wanted to acquire the power they didn't have previously. Which is to mandate all of our medical decisions with the help of various industry interests. Fascists gonna fascist in order to achieve these goals that couldn't otherwise be accoplished absent the help of the other, I suppose.

But anyway. This is where we are in their game right now. They didn't even do it gradually as I'd thought they would. They went from $10,000 bank reporting on transactions straight down to $600.

This has been a long-term endeavor on their parts and really is quite complex. Every direction we turn, they're ramming us nice and good.

This cat is cheesing...


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To put it country simple, and borrowing in agreement from a fellow observer's thought on the matter, the implementation of digital currencies free the central bankers and speculators from having to use slower, clumsier means of manipulating stocks, bonds, commodities, and currencies in order to manipulate currency and other types of value. They'll be able to walk away from their generational crime and fraud at the convenience of a push of a button.

It was always about bailing out the central bankers. And, man, did they conjur up and sell a good bullshit story on a global scale in order to get people to look the other way and to blame the destruction of the nation's economy on some new concoction of an invisible enemy instead of the real cause of it...the central bankers themselves.

Still funny.
Gold is legal here in Utah

"Utah Restores Gold and Silver as Official Money, Starts Trend. In 2011, Utah became the first state to do so by recognizing gold and silver coins that are issued by the United States as money. Of course, Federal Reserve Notes, the U.S. paper currency, are not backed by gold and silver."

States Restoring Gold and Silver as Money

Some recent, relevant reading...

The Utah Goldback is the first local, voluntary currency to be made of a spendable, beautiful, physical gold.

New Private Currency Uses Bills Filled With Real Gold

"Voluntary Local Currency".....

Also. While I'm here in the thread. Please revisit post #5.

Because that's where we are now.

Cripes, I think you even have to report anything over $600 to the Federal reserve's collection wing, the IRS, now, on paypal and other digital platform transactions. Biden has hired thousands of IRS lemmings to make sure the drones comply, of course. That was tucked away in a recent bill that passed that nobody was paying attention to.

And they're still trying to force the same low transaction reporting on bank accounts, though that did fail in legislation. But it'll be back. Tucked away in another bill. Eventually.

On a side note, I noticed that the Canadian truckers basically played right into the WEF's hands. One of their main lackeys, Justin Trudeau. just basically and openly did what the WEF has maintained to be a benchmark in its own admitted agenda. And i broad daylight, no less.

He flipped the switch and froze their assets. He blocked them from even accessing their currency.

You see how this is working?

Here Schwab boasts about how proud he is that his WEF was able to penetrate the cabinets of young ''leaders'' like Trudeau. He casually mentions that over half of Prime Minister Trudeau's cabinet supports the WEF agenda.

"Vee penetrate zee cabinets" he says.....

American cable news entertainment programming has been predictably silent about this, I'd add. I wonder why that is. Well...actually I don't wonder why that is. Ha.
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Alright. Just talking to myself here.

Trump is out. Biden has the baton and he's on the next leg.

So I've boldened where we are in all of this now.

But...I think Biden's also gonna try to enforce a tax on people who do not comply with his medical decrees. He's stood in front of the electorate and effectively blamed those who have not complied with his medical decrees for breaking the economy. Pft. Please. Regardless, Biden's judenvermögensabgabe on those particular people he's blaming will likely come sooner than later. So expect to hear the weasels in western cable news entertainment running interference for it and initiating the 'question' of whether such a tax should be imposed. You know how they do. The purposeful division among the electorate has already been initiated by the administration (though he tends to use the term 'unity' for some reason) and by those entities in cable news entertainment whom run interference for the agenda, so such a tax would clearly have support should it come to fruition.

That's more of an aside kind of thing, because the central government does and always has wanted to acquire the power they didn't have previously. Which is to mandate all of our medical decisions with the help of various industry interests. Fascists gonna fascist in order to achieve these goals that couldn't otherwise be accoplished absent the help of the other, I suppose.

But anyway. This is where we are in their game right now. They didn't even do it gradually as I'd thought they would. They went from $10,000 bank reporting on transactions straight down to $600.

This has been a long-term endeavor on their parts and really is quite complex. Every direction we turn, they're ramming us nice and good.

This cat is cheesing...


Regarding that $10,000 cap, some states have fought back and have made their own laws to increase that to say ….$16,000 per individual per year. States right Supporters need to amp it up all over the place.
I just don't 'get' this Natural one>>>>>

:oops: ~S~

All in the Name

No matter their suitability for the apocalypse, Goldbacks face their biggest threat from the federal government. If private currencies too closely resemble U.S. currency, the federal government will prosecute its creators for counterfeiting. In 2009, Bernard von NotHaus, the creator of the Liberty Dollar, was arrested for counterfeiting. At its height, there were about $5 million in silver-backed Liberty Dollars in circulation.

Unlike traditional counterfeiters, Von NotHaus was open about the money he manufactured, which didn’t resemble any bill or coin currently in circulation. But he used the word “dollar” and the phrase “Trust in God” on his coins. To the government, this constituted counterfeiting.

Von NotHaus was also rampantly anti-government, according to Gatch. His company’s original name was the National Organization for the Repeal of the Federal Reserve Act and the Internal Revenue Code.

“What you cannot do is pretend that your currency is U.S. dollars,” Gatch said. “Then that’s where the government gets mad at you.”

The government confiscated Von NotHaus’ silver reserves when he was arrested, but returned them in 2014.
I just don't 'get' this Natural one>>>>>

:oops: ~S~

All in the Name

No matter their suitability for the apocalypse, Goldbacks face their biggest threat from the federal government. If private currencies too closely resemble U.S. currency, the federal government will prosecute its creators for counterfeiting. In 2009, Bernard von NotHaus, the creator of the Liberty Dollar, was arrested for counterfeiting. At its height, there were about $5 million in silver-backed Liberty Dollars in circulation.

Unlike traditional counterfeiters, Von NotHaus was open about the money he manufactured, which didn’t resemble any bill or coin currently in circulation. But he used the word “dollar” and the phrase “Trust in God” on his coins. To the government, this constituted counterfeiting.

Von NotHaus was also rampantly anti-government, according to Gatch. His company’s original name was the National Organization for the Repeal of the Federal Reserve Act and the Internal Revenue Code.

“What you cannot do is pretend that your currency is U.S. dollars,” Gatch said. “Then that’s where the government gets mad at you.”

The government confiscated Von NotHaus’ silver reserves when he was arrested, but returned them in 2014.

You know what's utterly hilarious, Sparky?

Conterfeiters calling 'counterfeiters' counterfeiters.

The reality is that the Federal Reserve system itself is just legalized counterfeiting. They don't even know what actual money is. Heck of a gig if you can get in on it.
They don't even know what actual money is

Neither do i.....

All know is , we live in this fiat system that's been floundering for quite a while Natural One. We've this paper money with little to no real connection to any 'earth' value, other than trust among banksters and multiple governments .

So it can all go China (pun intended) , because in essence they all ALL counterfeiters



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Regarding that $10,000 cap, some states have fought back and have made their own laws to increase that to say ….$16,000 per individual per year. States right Supporters need to amp it up all over the place.

Yeah, we're seeing a lot more states react to the so-called writing on the wall.

On a side note, most recently, West Virginia passed a bullion tender law.

Not specie. But actual bullion. Also seeing states do away with taxes on commodities in what is clearly a move to generate more interst in different mediums of exchange.

Oklahoma is probably gonna be next to do this. Looks like it anyway.

With regard to the Utah Gold Backs, and as the report indicated, they’re recognized as legal tender not only in Utah but are also legal tender in places like Wyoming, New Hampshire, Nevada, and South Dakota.

So that very small effort has already spread to at least four other states.

Brush fires, Claire. Right?

Oh, they really, really hate brush fires. Particularly in this regard. And here's why. When the receipts for bullion deposits to these state run bullion depositories themselves become a medium of exchange (meaning real money), the whole fiat system will come crashing down by default.

And that's why the central government has been pimping digital ciurrency. They're not actually currencies. That's another trap. Digital currency is just a bunch of corporate coupons. Some people say coopins, but I say coupons.
They don't even know what actual money is

Neither do i.....

All know is , we live in this fiat system that's been floundering for quite a while Natural One. We've this paper money with little to no real connection to any 'earth' value, other than trust among banksters and multiple governments .View attachment 603215
So it can all go China (pun intended) , because in essence they all ALL counterfeiters
View attachment 603223

I dunno, sparky. Looks like you have a pretty firm grasp on the reality of things.
That phrase...

"Voluntary Local Currency'''

Keynesians hate the very notion. The mere sound of it resembles fingernails across a chalkboard.

Right, Toddster?

Heh heh....

Which gold quote are you going to use when you're accepting this "coin" for your goods?
New York? London? Hong Kong? Open? Close? Real-time?
That 10 goldback can buy $19 today. Is the retailer going to discount that?

Seems clunky.
Also. While I'm here in the thread. Please revisit post #5.

Because that's where we are now.

Cripes, I think you even have to report anything over $600 to the Federal reserve's collection wing, the IRS, now, on paypal and other digital platform transactions. Biden has hired thousands of IRS lemmings to make sure the drones comply, of course. That was tucked away in a recent bill that passed that nobody was paying attention to.

And they're still trying to force the same low transaction reporting on bank accounts, though that did fail in legislation. But it'll be back. Tucked away in another bill. Eventually.

On a side note, I noticed that the Canadian truckers basically played right into the WEF's hands. One of their main lackeys, Justin Trudeau. just basically and openly did what the WEF has maintained to be a benchmark in its own admitted agenda. And i broad daylight, no less.

He flipped the switch and froze their assets. He blocked them from even accessing their currency.

You see how this is working?

Here Schwab boasts about how proud he is that his WEF was able to penetrate the cabinets of young ''leaders'' like Trudeau. He casually mentions that over half of Prime Minister Trudeau's cabinet supports the WEF agenda.

"Vee penetrate zee cabinets" he says.....

American cable news entertainment programming has been predictably silent about this, I'd add. I wonder why that is. Well...actually I don't wonder why that is. Ha.

Yes NC, the government has no business what we do with our own money- these current idiots in charge will suffer deserved loses in 2022 and 2024.

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