Trump Recieves a Warm and Loving Reception in London

I'm not sure what all the others have to do with this, but the last one, "economic justice," sounds like it probably does oppose liberty
"Economic justice" is a euphemism for socialism...the practice of removing money from the people who have too much (more than you) and giving it to the people who don't have enough (as much as they'd like to have).

You can bet since the UK is rife with socialist rabble they were highly instrumental in organizing and funding this grand mal public tantrum.
No slick. Economic justice means supporting policies that promote an economy where someone who holds down a full time job can make ends meet without moonlighting. It means opposing extremes of income and wealth disparity. An oligarchy is antithetical to democracy. You people toss "socialism:" around like a rag doll.

To you guys social security is socialism, Medicare and Medicaid is socialism, the graduated income tax is socialism Everything that you don't like is socialism. Let me know when private property is abolished, and the state takes over the means of production and then we can talk about socialism.

As you know, and know well, "economic justice" equals Socialism. Social Security and Medicare do NOT equal Socialism. That's a cute ploy you left wingers try, but it is a lie. I have paid in over $250,000 since first paying in 1960. At a reasonable rate of interest annually, how much do you think that total would be today?

As you know too, workers are paid exactly what they are worth.

Wow! Look at the crowd!! More people attended this historic event that attended his inauguration! Fantastic here are some selected photos :


What a crowd! Lets have a closer look at what these people had to say:


Ouch! That's gotta hurt, or at least it would if you're not Trump. For his part, he probobly takes this as a compliment and something that will surely inspire his base.


And performance art as well. How thoughtful!


And of course there is the petulant, snarling man child balloons . See the whole collection of photos documenting the crowd adulation here:


The Best Photos From The Anti-Donald Trump Protest In London | HuffPost


You Tards and your Butt Hurt....

I don’t think I will ever get tired of it...

Please do some more...
I'm not sure what all the others have to do with this, but the last one, "economic justice," sounds like it probably does oppose liberty
"Economic justice" is a euphemism for socialism...the practice of removing money from the people who have too much (more than you) and giving it to the people who don't have enough (as much as they'd like to have).

You can bet since the UK is rife with socialist rabble they were highly instrumental in organizing and funding this grand mal public tantrum.
No slick. Economic justice means supporting policies that promote an economy where someone who holds down a full time job can make ends meet without moonlighting. It means opposing extremes of income and wealth disparity. An oligarchy is antithetical to democracy. You people toss "socialism:" around like a rag doll.

To you guys social security is socialism, Medicare and Medicaid is socialism, the graduated income tax is socialism Everything that you don't like is socialism. Let me know when private property is abolished, and the state takes over the means of production and then we can talk about socialism.
Just keep the collective to yourselves, leave the rest of us out of it. But then again you fuckers would have no control over people you disagree with… LOL
So in your bizarre world, people who stand up for women, minorities, children, the environment and economic justice oppose liberty? You know, there is another MAGA man here-White_MAGA_Man. He is pretty odd also. You two should hook up.
In the Real World, leftist protesters stand up against women, children, and minorities.

"Economic Justice" is just another way of saying "Totalitarian Dictatorship".

Perhaps you should worry more about hooking yourself up. Plenty of loser victims here to choose from.
The under 40 crowd is the comfort generation. It’s all about fairness and safe spaces and everyone’s an “ist” or an “ism” and just a lot of boo hoo from a generation born into plenty who really don’t have a target of inspiration for themselves so they rail at the achievers who went through some rough and tumble to make it to the top.
That does not make a damned bit of sense.
It does it you have a high school education.

Leftists protest in favor of aborting every child possible.

Leftist protested against Trump Tax Cuts that everyone knew would increase Women owned Businesses and increase women's employment.

Leftist protest against anything good for America, most of which are women and children.
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That does not make a damned bit of sense.
It does it you have a high school education.

Leftists protest in favor of aborting every child possible.

Leftist protested against Trump Tax Cuts that everyone knew would increase Women owned Businesses and increase women's employment.

Leftist protest against anything good for America, most of which are women and children.
Every word of that is idiotic and false. Where do you get your bizarre horseshit from? We want to abort every child possible? The tax cuts help women owned business. Please explain. BTW, I have a masters degree in Public Administration.
Every word of that is idiotic and false. Where do you get your bizarre horseshit from? We want to abort every child possible? The tax cuts help women owned business. Please explain. BTW, I have a masters degree in Public Administration.
Your degree just have been in theoretical PA.

In reality, Trump's Tax Cut Policies have increased women owned, and minority owned businesses. These are facts. Not theoretical wishfullness.
Every word of that is idiotic and false. Where do you get your bizarre horseshit from? We want to abort every child possible? The tax cuts help women owned business. Please explain. BTW, I have a masters degree in Public Administration.
Your degree just have been in theoretical PA.

In reality, Trump's Tax Cut Policies have increased women owned, and minority owned businesses. These are facts. Not theoretical wishfullness.
"Your degree just have been in theoretical PA."?? That is not even coherent! You're just repeating the same nonsensical crap without explanation or documentation. That is an appeal to ignorance logical fallacy
"Your degree just have been in theoretical PA."?? That is not even coherent! You're just repeating the same nonsensical crap without explanation or documentation. That is an appeal to ignorance logical fallacy
I wasn't repeating anything.

I merely pointed out the ignorance and stupidity of the post I quoted.

Tell me the parts you can't understand and I'll explain with smaller words.
"Your degree just have been in theoretical PA."?? That is not even coherent! You're just repeating the same nonsensical crap without explanation or documentation. That is an appeal to ignorance logical fallacy
I wasn't repeating anything.

I merely pointed out the ignorance and stupidity of the post I quoted.

Tell me the parts you can't understand and I'll explain with smaller words.
It appears that you're to stupid to know how stupid your posts are.
"Your degree just have been in theoretical PA."?? That is not even coherent! You're just repeating the same nonsensical crap without explanation or documentation. That is an appeal to ignorance logical fallacy
I wasn't repeating anything.

I merely pointed out the ignorance and stupidity of the post I quoted.

Tell me the parts you can't understand and I'll explain with smaller words.
It appears that you're to stupid to know how stupid your posts are.
'to' is spelled 'too'.............STUPID!!!!!!! HAAAAAA HAAAAAAA
Like shooting fish in a barrel!
And of course, the left mob never passes up a chance to be violent:

'Nazi scum': Protesters mob, 'milkshake' Trump supporter in London

'Nazi scum': Protesters mob, 'milkshake' Trump supporter in London

The woman who screamed ‘Nazi’ at a Trump supporter has been hounded out of a job.

I don’t approve of people being hounded out of jobs for what they say, or even scream. But I didn’t make the new rules, and they won’t change back to something more civilized unless they’re uncomfortable for the left as well as the right.


A viral clip did the rounds earlier this week of a Trump supporter being shouted at and milkshaked by protesters in London.

One rather pig-eyed woman with a blonde bob can be seen in the video screaming hysterically in his face. She quickly became a symbol of the British bourgeoisie’s particularly nasty case of Trump Derangement Syndrome, which spilled out on to London’s streets during his state visit this week.

Now, she’s been forced to leave a job.

In the hours after the clip hit the internet, people with too much time on their hands got to work to find out who she is. It turns out she is Siobhan Prigent. She runs her own consultancy business and most recently had a contract at University College London Hospitals (UCLH), coordinating clinical trials.

A petition did the rounds calling for her to be sacked and around 1,700 people signed it before she stepped down. The UCLH told the Mail that she left so as to save UCLH or the NHS any more ‘negative attention’. In less than 48 hours, the outraged became the target of outrage.
And of course, the left mob never passes up a chance to be violent:

'Nazi scum': Protesters mob, 'milkshake' Trump supporter in London

'Nazi scum': Protesters mob, 'milkshake' Trump supporter in London

The woman who screamed ‘Nazi’ at a Trump supporter has been hounded out of a job.

I don’t approve of people being hounded out of jobs for what they say, or even scream. But I didn’t make the new rules, and they won’t change back to something more civilized unless they’re uncomfortable for the left as well as the right.


A viral clip did the rounds earlier this week of a Trump supporter being shouted at and milkshaked by protesters in London.

One rather pig-eyed woman with a blonde bob can be seen in the video screaming hysterically in his face. She quickly became a symbol of the British bourgeoisie’s particularly nasty case of Trump Derangement Syndrome, which spilled out on to London’s streets during his state visit this week.

Now, she’s been forced to leave a job.

In the hours after the clip hit the internet, people with too much time on their hands got to work to find out who she is. It turns out she is Siobhan Prigent. She runs her own consultancy business and most recently had a contract at University College London Hospitals (UCLH), coordinating clinical trials.

A petition did the rounds calling for her to be sacked and around 1,700 people signed it before she stepped down. The UCLH told the Mail that she left so as to save UCLH or the NHS any more ‘negative attention’. In less than 48 hours, the outraged became the target of outrage.

She made her own choice.

Is this the sort of person you would want to be associated with your business? Not me. I don't care what she did for a living. If she worked for me and I saw that video, I'd call and tell her to have her desk cleaned out by the next morning.

She has not a clue as to what was being recognized with the State Dinner. This was an incredibly somber, recognition of those, including Queen Elizabeth when she was Princess Elizabeth and her parents were active in deceiving Adolph Hitler as to the location of the Normandy Invasion.

Do you think that blond twit has a clue what was being recognized?

Perhaps she should call this BOY, lying in front of a NAZI pillbox on Omaha Beach that he's a Nazi. If that were me she is screaming NAZI at, I'd have tried to spit in her mouth!

This is a BOY who knew the only way to take out the NAZI machine gun emplacements was to get close enough to throw a hand grenade through that little slit. Each boy knew the NAZI'S in those pillboxes were equipped with their latest machine gun, the MG-42. We knew that gun fired at 1,200 rounds per minute. They were positioned 50 or so yards apart creating a crossfire area.


Do you think that BOY had a man-bun?