Trump Rallies Happening Across the Country Following Raid

The support from his followers will not waiver.

---FBI Made a Big Mistake: Trump Rallies Happening Across the Country Following Unprecedented Raid on President Trump’s Home — Bedminster, Long Island, Phoenix, Mar-a-Lago, St. Louis---

What laws did the FBI break, and/or what did the FBI look for and take from his home that has you so angry?
What laws did the FBI break, and/or what did the FBI look for and take from his home that has you so angry?
Typical communist babble.
So in the orange universe, those questions are "communist babble". This is as deep as their thought processes go.

Incredible. And not amusing any more.
It's been starting for over 5 years liar.
I'm talking specifically about this legal peril Trump is currently facing. The great thing about cheeto Jesus is that he's such a bumbling moron that he keeps giving the authorities opportunities to lock him up. 😄
The Trump cult sure have their panties in wad, for documents at Mar A Lago, Trump declared were "unclassified".
Why is that?
So in the orange universe, those questions are "communist babble". This is as deep as their thought processes go.

Incredible. And not amusing any more.
This is what obsessed delusion looks like. Is orange your favorite color? That's all you can babble about.
I'm talking specifically about this legal peril Trump is currently facing. The great thing about cheeto Jesus is that he's such a bumbling moron that he keeps giving the authorities opportunities to lock him up. 😄
You mean the latest lie from you vermin? What will you cry about when this goes away?
NPR today is saying Republicans are rallying behind Trump across the country because of the FBI raid.
I'm talking specifically about this legal peril Trump is currently facing. The great thing about cheeto Jesus is that he's such a bumbling moron that he keeps giving the authorities opportunities to lock him up. 😄

Yet he’s never been convicted of anything and will never be locked up.
That desire is simply a manifestation of your desperate need for affirmation. So sad.
My guess is that the younger members probably tolerate you depending on how much you blather about your political views, and the elders only put up with you because they have to…

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