Corrupt lying Hillary has no problem lining her pockets with foreign donations...
While Clinton was secretary of state, her department approved $165 billion worth of commercial arms sales to Clinton Foundation donors. That figure from Clinton’s three full fiscal years in office is almost double the value of arms sales to those countries during the same period of President George W. Bush’s second term.
Salon: 'Clinton Cash' Donations from 20 Foreign Governments that Hillary Won't Answer
the Clintons receive nothing from the Charity donations, not even a salary for their work.... so NO MONEY lines THEIR POCKETS.
Is there something you know about charity donations that makes you say it lines clinton's pocket?
Eh, you're going to have to do the research on your own, I could offer up plenty of examples for you but honestly we both know I'd be wasting my time and you're not actually interested .. otherwise you already would have researched on your own...
Democrats seem to prefer compulsive lying and corrupt politicians obviously given Obama and the Clintons, such is life.
It's a simple question, how do the Clintons ''line their pockets'' with their Charity's money?
The ANSWER IS: they don't... the Charity's money is NOT their money to play with or use personally in any way.
IN FACT, Hillary donated $21 MILLION of her own money earned through her speeches to the Charity.... her husband donated tens of millions of his own money to the Charity.... They DON'T NEED the Charity for their riches, they could just keep their own money earned if they wanted more money....or wanted to be richer.