Trump Puts Spygate Coup Plotters on Notice, “TREASON Means Long Jail Sentences, and This Was TREASON

We have hung traitors in the past
lincolns traitorshanging.jpg
Holy shit Trumpybera thinks he's a King who can declare a persons guilt or innocence by EO.

sez the leftarded who insist the king is guilty of collusion

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he was, well his campaign definitely colluded with the Russians...

however collusion with the Russians during the election apparently is not a crime, collusion is not a crime....

it is immoral , unethical, cheating, wrong to do, a national security risk, and totally unAmerican, but it is not a crime...

how wonderful!

how low, can you bring this country down to?

when did you decide to HATE the USA and all that we were proud of and stood for.... how long have you hated your own country, the constitution, and our founding father's wisdom?

Did it begin a decade ago? Two decades ago? When you hired the Con Don?
Oh boy, the coup plotters are now on notice by our bold president. They're lawyering up I bet.

President Trump Puts Spygate Coup Plotters on Notice, "TREASON Means Long Jail Sentences, and This Was TREASON!"
How many threads do you plan on starting about this so-called "treason"?

One less than the number of threads you clowns started on collusion.
Christ we are not going to have to start 150 bogus threads that end up destroyed by Muellers report
A dozen or two from us that Will Materialize in Reality will do it.
Oh boy, the coup plotters are now on notice by our bold president. They're lawyering up I bet.

President Trump Puts Spygate Coup Plotters on Notice, "TREASON Means Long Jail Sentences, and This Was TREASON!"
Since you obviously missed your Civics class, try learning on your own about the US Constitution and the Law!

Whoever, owing allegiance to the United States, levies war against them or adheres to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort within the United States or elsewhere, is guilty of treason and shall suffer death, or shall be imprisoned not less than five years and fined under this title but not less than $10,000; and ...
18 U.S. Code § 2381 - Treason | U.S. Code | US Law | LII / Legal ...

18 U.S. Code § 2381 - Treason
The bigger problem,as I see it, is that no matter what Justice or perceived Justice is achieved, as soon as power flips hands, then next regime will simply pardon and or undo everything the other side considered "progress".

If the Right builds a wall, the Left will tear it down. If the Right builds a strong military, the Left will defund it and let expensive equipment rot. How many felons did Obama pardon at the end of his term? I believe it was in the thousands.

Once again.....
"A Nation Divided Against Itself Cannot Stand"....
Abraham Lincoln

At the current rate, in 50 years, American will be a mere shadow of what it was 50 years ago.

Poverty and decline for all but the 1%.

The Left thinks it's winning by destroying America...but they are going to go down with the ship just like rightwingrs. Everyone will drown. Apparently a favorable outcome for them.

The left isn’t cutting taxes in favour of the 1%. Obama was prosecuting employers of illegal immigrants. Trump stopped that because Trump employs illegals.
Holy shit Trumpybera thinks he's a King who can declare a persons guilt or innocence by EO.


Why not? The mob did it for the past three years led by wanna be kings who who are heartbeats away from being President.
Oh boy, the coup plotters are now on notice by our bold president. They're lawyering up I bet.

President Trump Puts Spygate Coup Plotters on Notice, "TREASON Means Long Jail Sentences, and This Was TREASON!"

The only one that committed treason was tramp and his campaign.

Don't look now but there's been so much smoke blown up your ass it's coming out of your ears now.

I can't wait till we start impeachment proceedings on him and his kids indicted in NY. All of them are crooks and liars. Disgusting family. They are the scum of the earth.
Not going to happen!
Oh boy, the coup plotters are now on notice by our bold president. They're lawyering up I bet.

President Trump Puts Spygate Coup Plotters on Notice, "TREASON Means Long Jail Sentences, and This Was TREASON!"
Since you obviously missed your Civics class, try learning on your own about the US Constitution and the Law!

Whoever, owing allegiance to the United States, levies war against them or adheres to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort within the United States or elsewhere, is guilty of treason and shall suffer death, or shall be imprisoned not less than five years and fined under this title but not less than $10,000; and ...
18 U.S. Code § 2381 - Treason | U.S. Code | US Law | LII / Legal ...

18 U.S. Code § 2381 - Treason
Precisely! You do know we're still at War against terror? Obama gave aid to the enemy many times. Brennan and Clapper were taking orders from him.
The bigger problem,as I see it, is that no matter what Justice or perceived Justice is achieved, as soon as power flips hands, then next regime will simply pardon and or undo everything the other side considered "progress".

If the Right builds a wall, the Left will tear it down. If the Right builds a strong military, the Left will defund it and let expensive equipment rot. How many felons did Obama pardon at the end of his term? I believe it was in the thousands.

Once again.....
"A Nation Divided Against Itself Cannot Stand"....
Abraham Lincoln

At the current rate, in 50 years, American will be a mere shadow of what it was 50 years ago.

Poverty and decline for all but the 1%.

The Left thinks it's winning by destroying America...but they are going to go down with the ship just like rightwingrs. Everyone will drown. Apparently a favorable outcome for them.

The left isn’t cutting taxes in favour of the 1%. Obama was prosecuting employers of illegal immigrants. Trump stopped that because Trump employs illegals.

You're so full of crap.
Obama amnesty extends to businesses that hire illegals
Trump does not comprehend the definition of treason and neither does the OP. thread will just be more echoing of Don the Cons nonsense by his dupes.

Treason is siding with enemies against your country and trying to overthrow the government of whatever country you are a citizen of. Giving aide and comfort to your enemies.

Obama sent billions to our enemies.
Hillary sold our uranium to our enemy, Russia.
John Kerry and Joe Biden's family made deals with our enemies Iran and China.
John Brennan, James Comey, and other's tried to overthrow the government.

This is treason.

Yes that is what tramp and some of his campaign did and his kiddies. Treason.
Over 3 years of investigations and they still can't prove it ever happened.
What that means is they're lying and you're a sucker falling for yet another hoax, or Trump is some evil genius.
Trump does not comprehend the definition of treason and neither does the OP. thread will just be more echoing of Don the Cons nonsense by his dupes.

Treason is siding with enemies against your country and trying to overthrow the government of whatever country you are a citizen of. Giving aide and comfort to your enemies.

Obama sent billions to our enemies.
Hillary sold our uranium to our enemy, Russia.
John Kerry and Joe Biden's family made deals with our enemies Iran and China.
John Brennan, James Comey, and other's tried to overthrow the government.

This is treason.

Yes that is what tramp and some of his campaign did and his kiddies. Treason.
Over 3 years of investigations and they still can't prove it ever happened.
What that means is they're lying and you're a sucker falling for yet another hoax, or Trump is some evil genius.

Who is the spy and who did they spy on?
Trump does not comprehend the definition of treason and neither does the OP. thread will just be more echoing of Don the Cons nonsense by his dupes.

Treason is siding with enemies against your country and trying to overthrow the government of whatever country you are a citizen of. Giving aide and comfort to your enemies.

Obama sent billions to our enemies.
Hillary sold our uranium to our enemy, Russia.
John Kerry and Joe Biden's family made deals with our enemies Iran and China.
John Brennan, James Comey, and other's tried to overthrow the government.

This is treason.

Yes that is what tramp and some of his campaign did and his kiddies. Treason.
Over 3 years of investigations and they still can't prove it ever happened.
What that means is they're lying and you're a sucker falling for yet another hoax, or Trump is some evil genius.

Who is the spy and who did they spy on?
I think what you need to start doing is tune out the media and start paying attention to what everyone is doing. CNN keeps making wild claims that in any other country would get them thrown in prison for sedition.
You need to also look at everything from both sides and figure out what makes sense.
Stop taking the word of people who have plenty to lose if they are convicted of a fraction of what they have done. Trying to overthrow the government is the least of their crimes.
LOL, this is exactly why TRUMP should never stop tweeting. Democrats and the neverTRUMPers have the weight of all forms of media behind them. Among those in congress and the media who support TRUMP few actually hit back and defend him.

TRUMP is a genius strategist. He knew Mueller would find nothing with the Russia collusion or obstruction, so he let the witch hunt go on for 2 years and now he will run for 2020 on continuing to drain the swamp.
Trump does not comprehend the definition of treason and neither does the OP. thread will just be more echoing of Don the Cons nonsense by his dupes.

Treason is siding with enemies against your country and trying to overthrow the government of whatever country you are a citizen of. Giving aide and comfort to your enemies.

Obama sent billions to our enemies.
Hillary sold our uranium to our enemy, Russia.
John Kerry and Joe Biden's family made deals with our enemies Iran and China.
John Brennan, James Comey, and other's tried to overthrow the government.

This is treason.

Yes that is what tramp and some of his campaign did and his kiddies. Treason.
Over 3 years of investigations and they still can't prove it ever happened.
What that means is they're lying and you're a sucker falling for yet another hoax, or Trump is some evil genius.

Who is the spy and who did they spy on?
I think what you need to start doing is tune out the media and start paying attention to what everyone is doing. CNN keeps making wild claims that in any other country would get them thrown in prison for sedition.
You need to also look at everything from both sides and figure out what makes sense.
Stop taking the word of people who have plenty to lose if they are convicted of a fraction of what they have done. Trying to overthrow the government is the least of their crimes.

So you do not know who the spy was and who he was spying on. LOL. But you continue to sprout spy gate.

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