Trump pulling out of Paris Climate Accord

Lol, you mean the one that got ratified by Congress? Genius, dave. Fucking genius :lol:

I feel like I'm down at the creek fishing for suckers.

1) The second "A" in NAFTA stands for "Agreement".

2) Congress failed to ratify NAFTA (defeated by Democrats)

3) The terms of NAFTA were written in a bill & passed by the Republican Congress & Bill Clinton signed it.

4) So it is not a treaty because it was never ratified

Now, don't you look like a big, giant asshole?

The second "A" in NAFTA stands for "Agreement".

Was the Paris Accord an agreement?

The terms of NAFTA were written in a bill & passed by the Republican Congress & Bill Clinton signed it.

How many votes did the Paris Accord receive in Congress? When did Obama sign it?

The Paris Accord was an agreement.

Republicans did not need to bring it up because it was not a treaty.

The Paris Accord was an agreement.

Entered without a Senate vote and can be exited without a Senate vote. Easy peasy.

Yep, Trump did it. No one is arguing he couldn't, dipstick. Only that he shouldn't.

You really are fucking stupid.....handicap America while the biggest polluters don't have to change a thing for 13 years. You MUST be a leftard because that is EXACTLY how stupid people think.
I feel like I'm down at the creek fishing for suckers.

1) The second "A" in NAFTA stands for "Agreement".

2) Congress failed to ratify NAFTA (defeated by Democrats)

3) The terms of NAFTA were written in a bill & passed by the Republican Congress & Bill Clinton signed it.

4) So it is not a treaty because it was never ratified

Now, don't you look like a big, giant asshole?

The second "A" in NAFTA stands for "Agreement".

Was the Paris Accord an agreement?

The terms of NAFTA were written in a bill & passed by the Republican Congress & Bill Clinton signed it.

How many votes did the Paris Accord receive in Congress? When did Obama sign it?

The Paris Accord was an agreement.

Republicans did not need to bring it up because it was not a treaty.

The Paris Accord was an agreement.

Entered without a Senate vote and can be exited without a Senate vote. Easy peasy.

Yep, Trump did it. No one is arguing he couldn't, dipstick. Only that he shouldn't.

You really are fucking stupid.....handicap America while the biggest polluters don't have to change a thing for 13 years. You MUST be a leftard because that is EXACTLY how stupid people think.
Well, fuckwad, we are at the levels now because of the US & other developed Nations. Undeveloped countries get some leeway because they are still increasing their energy needs.

How the fuck did you get this fucking stupid?

There are big parts of China without electric service. They still need expansion. That expansion would negate the reduction in existing plants.

Furthermore, everyone needs to reduce their emissions in order to reduce the temperature increases. Us going back to emitting more, as El Cheeto wants will reverse the progress made when intelligent people were in the White House.

You must hate your children. Is that it? You are sofa king greedy that you would subject them to a mote difficult life so you might save a few bucks.
The second "A" in NAFTA stands for "Agreement".

Was the Paris Accord an agreement?

The terms of NAFTA were written in a bill & passed by the Republican Congress & Bill Clinton signed it.

How many votes did the Paris Accord receive in Congress? When did Obama sign it?

The Paris Accord was an agreement.

Republicans did not need to bring it up because it was not a treaty.

The Paris Accord was an agreement.

Entered without a Senate vote and can be exited without a Senate vote. Easy peasy.

Yep, Trump did it. No one is arguing he couldn't, dipstick. Only that he shouldn't.

You really are fucking stupid.....handicap America while the biggest polluters don't have to change a thing for 13 years. You MUST be a leftard because that is EXACTLY how stupid people think.
Well, fuckwad, we are at the levels now because of the US & other developed Nations. Undeveloped countries get some leeway because they are still increasing their energy needs.

How the fuck did you get this fucking stupid?

There are big parts of China without electric service. They still need expansion. That expansion would negate the reduction in existing plants.

Furthermore, everyone needs to reduce their emissions in order to reduce the temperature increases. Us going back to emitting more, as El Cheeto wants will reverse the progress made when intelligent people were in the White House.

You must hate your children. Is that it? You are sofa king greedy that you would subject them to a mote difficult life so you might save a few bucks.

Here is your "Climate Change", dumb ass.....

Geo-engineering is what is killing the planet and killing our food supply. Wake the fuck up. You spew what you hear by these frauds. The spraying of heavy metal nano-particulates into the ionosphere is the reason for massive die-off of birds, fish and bees. Its killing plankton in the ocean....we are in deep shit but not for the reasons YOU think.
Lol, you mean the one that got ratified by Congress? Genius, dave. Fucking genius :lol:

I feel like I'm down at the creek fishing for suckers.

1) The second "A" in NAFTA stands for "Agreement".

2) Congress failed to ratify NAFTA (defeated by Democrats)

3) The terms of NAFTA were written in a bill & passed by the Republican Congress & Bill Clinton signed it.

4) So it is not a treaty because it was never ratified

Now, don't you look like a big, giant asshole?

The second "A" in NAFTA stands for "Agreement".

Was the Paris Accord an agreement?

The terms of NAFTA were written in a bill & passed by the Republican Congress & Bill Clinton signed it.

How many votes did the Paris Accord receive in Congress? When did Obama sign it?

The Paris Accord was an agreement.

Republicans did not need to bring it up because it was not a treaty.

The Paris Accord was an agreement.

Entered without a Senate vote and can be exited without a Senate vote. Easy peasy.

Yep, Trump did it. No one is arguing he couldn't, dipstick. Only that he shouldn't.

A pointless, expensive "accord" that would have had a negligible effect on CO2 and an even smaller effect on temps.

He definitely made the correct choice to exit.
I feel like I'm down at the creek fishing for suckers.

1) The second "A" in NAFTA stands for "Agreement".

2) Congress failed to ratify NAFTA (defeated by Democrats)

3) The terms of NAFTA were written in a bill & passed by the Republican Congress & Bill Clinton signed it.

4) So it is not a treaty because it was never ratified

Now, don't you look like a big, giant asshole?

The second "A" in NAFTA stands for "Agreement".

Was the Paris Accord an agreement?

The terms of NAFTA were written in a bill & passed by the Republican Congress & Bill Clinton signed it.

How many votes did the Paris Accord receive in Congress? When did Obama sign it?

The Paris Accord was an agreement.

Republicans did not need to bring it up because it was not a treaty.

The Paris Accord was an agreement.

Entered without a Senate vote and can be exited without a Senate vote. Easy peasy.

Yep, Trump did it. No one is arguing he couldn't, dipstick. Only that he shouldn't.

A pointless, expensive "accord" that would have had a negligible effect on CO2 and an even smaller effect on temps.

He definitely made the correct choice to exit.
So, you know more than the scientists? You assshole deniers rather believe the Trumps & fossil fuel industries than climatologists.
The Paris Accord was an agreement.

Republicans did not need to bring it up because it was not a treaty.

The Paris Accord was an agreement.

Entered without a Senate vote and can be exited without a Senate vote. Easy peasy.

Yep, Trump did it. No one is arguing he couldn't, dipstick. Only that he shouldn't.

You really are fucking stupid.....handicap America while the biggest polluters don't have to change a thing for 13 years. You MUST be a leftard because that is EXACTLY how stupid people think.
Well, fuckwad, we are at the levels now because of the US & other developed Nations. Undeveloped countries get some leeway because they are still increasing their energy needs.

How the fuck did you get this fucking stupid?

There are big parts of China without electric service. They still need expansion. That expansion would negate the reduction in existing plants.

Furthermore, everyone needs to reduce their emissions in order to reduce the temperature increases. Us going back to emitting more, as El Cheeto wants will reverse the progress made when intelligent people were in the White House.

You must hate your children. Is that it? You are sofa king greedy that you would subject them to a mote difficult life so you might save a few bucks.

Here is your "Climate Change", dumb ass.....View attachment 134252

Geo-engineering is what is killing the planet and killing our food supply. Wake the fuck up. You spew what you hear by these frauds. The spraying of heavy metal nano-particulates into the ionosphere is the reason for massive die-off of birds, fish and bees. Its killing plankton in the ocean....we are in deep shit but not for the reasons YOU think.
Contrails............Conttails? HAHAHAHAHAHA
Lol, you mean the one that got ratified by Congress? Genius, dave. Fucking genius :lol:

I feel like I'm down at the creek fishing for suckers.

1) The second "A" in NAFTA stands for "Agreement".

2) Congress failed to ratify NAFTA (defeated by Democrats)

3) The terms of NAFTA were written in a bill & passed by the Republican Congress & Bill Clinton signed it.

4) So it is not a treaty because it was never ratified

Now, don't you look like a big, giant asshole?

The second "A" in NAFTA stands for "Agreement".

Was the Paris Accord an agreement?

The terms of NAFTA were written in a bill & passed by the Republican Congress & Bill Clinton signed it.

How many votes did the Paris Accord receive in Congress? When did Obama sign it?

The Paris Accord was an agreement.

Republicans did not need to bring it up because it was not a treaty.

The Paris Accord was an agreement.

Entered without a Senate vote and can be exited without a Senate vote. Easy peasy.

Yep, Trump did it. No one is arguing he couldn't, dipstick. Only that he shouldn't.

Why shouldn't he? We the people through our congressmen didn't vote for that shit.

The second "A" in NAFTA stands for "Agreement".

Was the Paris Accord an agreement?

The terms of NAFTA were written in a bill & passed by the Republican Congress & Bill Clinton signed it.

How many votes did the Paris Accord receive in Congress? When did Obama sign it?

The Paris Accord was an agreement.

Republicans did not need to bring it up because it was not a treaty.

The Paris Accord was an agreement.

Entered without a Senate vote and can be exited without a Senate vote. Easy peasy.

Yep, Trump did it. No one is arguing he couldn't, dipstick. Only that he shouldn't.

A pointless, expensive "accord" that would have had a negligible effect on CO2 and an even smaller effect on temps.

He definitely made the correct choice to exit.
So, you know more than the scientists? You assshole deniers rather believe the Trumps & fossil fuel industries than climatologists.

Once again stop posting propaganda, it makes you look like an idiot

Fossil fuel didn't want Trump to pull out

The Paris Accord was an agreement.

Entered without a Senate vote and can be exited without a Senate vote. Easy peasy.

Yep, Trump did it. No one is arguing he couldn't, dipstick. Only that he shouldn't.

You really are fucking stupid.....handicap America while the biggest polluters don't have to change a thing for 13 years. You MUST be a leftard because that is EXACTLY how stupid people think.
Well, fuckwad, we are at the levels now because of the US & other developed Nations. Undeveloped countries get some leeway because they are still increasing their energy needs.

How the fuck did you get this fucking stupid?

There are big parts of China without electric service. They still need expansion. That expansion would negate the reduction in existing plants.

Furthermore, everyone needs to reduce their emissions in order to reduce the temperature increases. Us going back to emitting more, as El Cheeto wants will reverse the progress made when intelligent people were in the White House.

You must hate your children. Is that it? You are sofa king greedy that you would subject them to a mote difficult life so you might save a few bucks.

Here is your "Climate Change", dumb ass.....View attachment 134252

Geo-engineering is what is killing the planet and killing our food supply. Wake the fuck up. You spew what you hear by these frauds. The spraying of heavy metal nano-particulates into the ionosphere is the reason for massive die-off of birds, fish and bees. Its killing plankton in the ocean....we are in deep shit but not for the reasons YOU think.
Contrails............Conttails? HAHAHAHAHAHA

THESE are "contrails"??????

I have taken hundreds of pics just like this, moron...water and soil samples proves that they are doing this. I know more than you because I have made it my mission to learn the truth...political parties be damn...neither one is worth a shit and at the very top they collude with each other. Wake up, little fella, you ain't in Kansas anymore.
I feel like I'm down at the creek fishing for suckers.

1) The second "A" in NAFTA stands for "Agreement".

2) Congress failed to ratify NAFTA (defeated by Democrats)

3) The terms of NAFTA were written in a bill & passed by the Republican Congress & Bill Clinton signed it.

4) So it is not a treaty because it was never ratified

Now, don't you look like a big, giant asshole?

The second "A" in NAFTA stands for "Agreement".

Was the Paris Accord an agreement?

The terms of NAFTA were written in a bill & passed by the Republican Congress & Bill Clinton signed it.

How many votes did the Paris Accord receive in Congress? When did Obama sign it?

The Paris Accord was an agreement.

Republicans did not need to bring it up because it was not a treaty.

The Paris Accord was an agreement.

Entered without a Senate vote and can be exited without a Senate vote. Easy peasy.

Yep, Trump did it. No one is arguing he couldn't, dipstick. Only that he shouldn't.

Why shouldn't he? We the people through our congressmen didn't vote for that shit.


He shouldn't because we need global action on reducing emissions & we should lead this effort.
Yep, Trump did it. No one is arguing he couldn't, dipstick. Only that he shouldn't.

You really are fucking stupid.....handicap America while the biggest polluters don't have to change a thing for 13 years. You MUST be a leftard because that is EXACTLY how stupid people think.
Well, fuckwad, we are at the levels now because of the US & other developed Nations. Undeveloped countries get some leeway because they are still increasing their energy needs.

How the fuck did you get this fucking stupid?

There are big parts of China without electric service. They still need expansion. That expansion would negate the reduction in existing plants.

Furthermore, everyone needs to reduce their emissions in order to reduce the temperature increases. Us going back to emitting more, as El Cheeto wants will reverse the progress made when intelligent people were in the White House.

You must hate your children. Is that it? You are sofa king greedy that you would subject them to a mote difficult life so you might save a few bucks.

Here is your "Climate Change", dumb ass.....View attachment 134252

Geo-engineering is what is killing the planet and killing our food supply. Wake the fuck up. You spew what you hear by these frauds. The spraying of heavy metal nano-particulates into the ionosphere is the reason for massive die-off of birds, fish and bees. Its killing plankton in the ocean....we are in deep shit but not for the reasons YOU think.
Contrails............Conttails? HAHAHAHAHAHA

THESE are "contrails"??????View attachment 134279

I have taken hundreds of pics just like this, moron...water and soil samples proves that they are doing this. I know more than you because I have made it my mission to learn the truth...political parties be damn...neither one is worth a shit and at the very top they collude with each other. Wake up, little fella, you ain't in Kansas anymore.
There is a spot for you at the local funny farm.

Pesticides are killing pollinators. Agriculture gladly spreads them so they don't need a secret contrail plan.
The second "A" in NAFTA stands for "Agreement".

Was the Paris Accord an agreement?

The terms of NAFTA were written in a bill & passed by the Republican Congress & Bill Clinton signed it.

How many votes did the Paris Accord receive in Congress? When did Obama sign it?

The Paris Accord was an agreement.

Republicans did not need to bring it up because it was not a treaty.

The Paris Accord was an agreement.

Entered without a Senate vote and can be exited without a Senate vote. Easy peasy.

Yep, Trump did it. No one is arguing he couldn't, dipstick. Only that he shouldn't.

Why shouldn't he? We the people through our congressmen didn't vote for that shit.


He shouldn't because we need global action on reducing emissions & we should lead this effort.

How can you have a benchmark for global temperature when stratospheric aerosol injection spraying ( that has been going on in earnest here and all NATO countries since 1997) isn't figured into the equation???
The second "A" in NAFTA stands for "Agreement".

Was the Paris Accord an agreement?

The terms of NAFTA were written in a bill & passed by the Republican Congress & Bill Clinton signed it.

How many votes did the Paris Accord receive in Congress? When did Obama sign it?

The Paris Accord was an agreement.

Republicans did not need to bring it up because it was not a treaty.

The Paris Accord was an agreement.

Entered without a Senate vote and can be exited without a Senate vote. Easy peasy.

Yep, Trump did it. No one is arguing he couldn't, dipstick. Only that he shouldn't.

Why shouldn't he? We the people through our congressmen didn't vote for that shit.


He shouldn't because we need global action on reducing emissions & we should lead this effort.

Sorry we don't elect dictators....

You really are fucking stupid.....handicap America while the biggest polluters don't have to change a thing for 13 years. You MUST be a leftard because that is EXACTLY how stupid people think.
Well, fuckwad, we are at the levels now because of the US & other developed Nations. Undeveloped countries get some leeway because they are still increasing their energy needs.

How the fuck did you get this fucking stupid?

There are big parts of China without electric service. They still need expansion. That expansion would negate the reduction in existing plants.

Furthermore, everyone needs to reduce their emissions in order to reduce the temperature increases. Us going back to emitting more, as El Cheeto wants will reverse the progress made when intelligent people were in the White House.

You must hate your children. Is that it? You are sofa king greedy that you would subject them to a mote difficult life so you might save a few bucks.

Here is your "Climate Change", dumb ass.....View attachment 134252

Geo-engineering is what is killing the planet and killing our food supply. Wake the fuck up. You spew what you hear by these frauds. The spraying of heavy metal nano-particulates into the ionosphere is the reason for massive die-off of birds, fish and bees. Its killing plankton in the ocean....we are in deep shit but not for the reasons YOU think.
Contrails............Conttails? HAHAHAHAHAHA

THESE are "contrails"??????View attachment 134279

I have taken hundreds of pics just like this, moron...water and soil samples proves that they are doing this. I know more than you because I have made it my mission to learn the truth...political parties be damn...neither one is worth a shit and at the very top they collude with each other. Wake up, little fella, you ain't in Kansas anymore.
There is a spot for you at the local funny farm.

Pesticides are killing pollinators. Agriculture gladly spreads them so they don't need a secret contrail plan.

Bees are being killed that are nowhere near do you explain all these massive die-offs of fish and birds?? Do you know that people in Europe are waaaaay more aware of this issue than we are? There are some incredible documentaries you can find on youtube with English sub-titles. I strongly suggest that you take a little time and do your own research.

The second "A" in NAFTA stands for "Agreement".

Was the Paris Accord an agreement?

The terms of NAFTA were written in a bill & passed by the Republican Congress & Bill Clinton signed it.

How many votes did the Paris Accord receive in Congress? When did Obama sign it?

The Paris Accord was an agreement.

Republicans did not need to bring it up because it was not a treaty.

The Paris Accord was an agreement.

Entered without a Senate vote and can be exited without a Senate vote. Easy peasy.

Yep, Trump did it. No one is arguing he couldn't, dipstick. Only that he shouldn't.

A pointless, expensive "accord" that would have had a negligible effect on CO2 and an even smaller effect on temps.

He definitely made the correct choice to exit.
So, you know more than the scientists? You assshole deniers rather believe the Trumps & fossil fuel industries than climatologists.

So, you know more than the scientists?

Feel free to post the scientists predictions of the results of the Paris Accord, if followed by all parties.

You assshole deniers rather believe the Trumps & fossil fuel industries than climatologists.

You asshole warmers understand about as much about economics as a rutabaga.
Last edited:
Yep, Trump did it. No one is arguing he couldn't, dipstick. Only that he shouldn't.

You really are fucking stupid.....handicap America while the biggest polluters don't have to change a thing for 13 years. You MUST be a leftard because that is EXACTLY how stupid people think.
Well, fuckwad, we are at the levels now because of the US & other developed Nations. Undeveloped countries get some leeway because they are still increasing their energy needs.

How the fuck did you get this fucking stupid?

There are big parts of China without electric service. They still need expansion. That expansion would negate the reduction in existing plants.

Furthermore, everyone needs to reduce their emissions in order to reduce the temperature increases. Us going back to emitting more, as El Cheeto wants will reverse the progress made when intelligent people were in the White House.

You must hate your children. Is that it? You are sofa king greedy that you would subject them to a mote difficult life so you might save a few bucks.

Here is your "Climate Change", dumb ass.....View attachment 134252

Geo-engineering is what is killing the planet and killing our food supply. Wake the fuck up. You spew what you hear by these frauds. The spraying of heavy metal nano-particulates into the ionosphere is the reason for massive die-off of birds, fish and bees. Its killing plankton in the ocean....we are in deep shit but not for the reasons YOU think.
Contrails............Conttails? HAHAHAHAHAHA

THESE are "contrails"??????View attachment 134279

I have taken hundreds of pics just like this, moron...water and soil samples proves that they are doing this. I know more than you because I have made it my mission to learn the truth...political parties be damn...neither one is worth a shit and at the very top they collude with each other. Wake up, little fella, you ain't in Kansas anymore.

Water vapor. Sounds serious!
The second "A" in NAFTA stands for "Agreement".

Was the Paris Accord an agreement?

The terms of NAFTA were written in a bill & passed by the Republican Congress & Bill Clinton signed it.

How many votes did the Paris Accord receive in Congress? When did Obama sign it?

The Paris Accord was an agreement.

Republicans did not need to bring it up because it was not a treaty.

The Paris Accord was an agreement.

Entered without a Senate vote and can be exited without a Senate vote. Easy peasy.

Yep, Trump did it. No one is arguing he couldn't, dipstick. Only that he shouldn't.

Why shouldn't he? We the people through our congressmen didn't vote for that shit.


He shouldn't because we need global action on reducing emissions & we should lead this effort.

As soon as you fucktards back nuclear as a reliable source of CO2 free energy, I'll stop making fun of your idiocy.
The Paris Accord was an agreement.

Republicans did not need to bring it up because it was not a treaty.

The Paris Accord was an agreement.

Entered without a Senate vote and can be exited without a Senate vote. Easy peasy.

Yep, Trump did it. No one is arguing he couldn't, dipstick. Only that he shouldn't.

A pointless, expensive "accord" that would have had a negligible effect on CO2 and an even smaller effect on temps.

He definitely made the correct choice to exit.
So, you know more than the scientists? You assshole deniers rather believe the Trumps & fossil fuel industries than climatologists.

So, you know more than the scientists?

Feel free to post the scientists predictions of the results on the Paris Accord, if followed by all parties.

You assshole deniers rather believe the Trumps & fossil fuel industries than climatologists.

You asshole warmers understand about as much about economics as a rutabaga.
I understand that it is cheaper to pollute than not.

You just proved you'd rather save a couple bucks than protect the future for our children. You really are a greedy little fuck.

The Paris Accord is a first step in trying to hold the warming to 2 degrees C.

They longer assholes like You & Trump try to end efforts to reduce emission, the less likely that will be possible.

I understand
Well, fuckwad, we are at the levels now because of the US & other developed Nations. Undeveloped countries get some leeway because they are still increasing their energy needs.

How the fuck did you get this fucking stupid?

There are big parts of China without electric service. They still need expansion. That expansion would negate the reduction in existing plants.

Furthermore, everyone needs to reduce their emissions in order to reduce the temperature increases. Us going back to emitting more, as El Cheeto wants will reverse the progress made when intelligent people were in the White House.

You must hate your children. Is that it? You are sofa king greedy that you would subject them to a mote difficult life so you might save a few bucks.

Here is your "Climate Change", dumb ass.....View attachment 134252

Geo-engineering is what is killing the planet and killing our food supply. Wake the fuck up. You spew what you hear by these frauds. The spraying of heavy metal nano-particulates into the ionosphere is the reason for massive die-off of birds, fish and bees. Its killing plankton in the ocean....we are in deep shit but not for the reasons YOU think.
Contrails............Conttails? HAHAHAHAHAHA

THESE are "contrails"??????View attachment 134279

I have taken hundreds of pics just like this, moron...water and soil samples proves that they are doing this. I know more than you because I have made it my mission to learn the truth...political parties be damn...neither one is worth a shit and at the very top they collude with each other. Wake up, little fella, you ain't in Kansas anymore.
There is a spot for you at the local funny farm.

Pesticides are killing pollinators. Agriculture gladly spreads them so they don't need a secret contrail plan.

Bees are being killed that are nowhere near do you explain all these massive die-offs of fish and birds?? Do you know that people in Europe are waaaaay more aware of this issue than we are? There are some incredible documentaries you can find on youtube with English sub-titles. I strongly suggest that you take a little time and do your own research.

View attachment 134285

Bees are being killed by agriculture & is one of the leading causes of hive deaths.

Your mission has become to see just how duped you are by the conspiracy theorists.

As for the honey bees, I am a beekeeper, ] I can guarantee you don't know shit about bees.

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