Trump prepares to lift limits on military gear for police

Ok man. How's your bunker coming?

My biggest worry is after Trump fails, we are going to get a left wing nut like Bernie who is going to screw things up just as bad.

because you disagree with a leftist

Because you guys don't even see your own racism. You pretty much lost your shit because a moderate black man became president and did kind of an okay job.

You know nothing about me and yet you're calling me a racist. I think you're a sandwich short of a picnic.
Ok man. How's your bunker coming?

My biggest worry is after Trump fails, we are going to get a left wing nut like Bernie who is going to screw things up just as bad.

because you disagree with a leftist

Because you guys don't even see your own racism. You pretty much lost your shit because a moderate black man became president and did kind of an okay job.

You know nothing about me and yet you're calling me a racist. I think you're a sandwich short of a picnic.

it is his daily routine

that is why he is not taken seriously
Ok man. How's your bunker coming?

My biggest worry is after Trump fails, we are going to get a left wing nut like Bernie who is going to screw things up just as bad.

because you disagree with a leftist

Because you guys don't even see your own racism. You pretty much lost your shit because a moderate black man became president and did kind of an okay job.

You know nothing about me and yet you're calling me a racist. I think you're a sandwich short of a picnic.

it is his daily routine

that is why he is not taken seriously

I'm going to put him on "ignore". There's no point in arguing with a fool.
Ok man. How's your bunker coming?

My biggest worry is after Trump fails, we are going to get a left wing nut like Bernie who is going to screw things up just as bad.

because you disagree with a leftist

Because you guys don't even see your own racism. You pretty much lost your shit because a moderate black man became president and did kind of an okay job.

Hey Joe, Bernie beat Hillary. He beat Hillary in spite of the DNC trying to torpedo his campaign. In a popular vote, Berni smoked Hillary. Democrats wanted and still want Bernie, FBI investigation and all.

Also, clean up the Army dates. You are starting to fuck up the story.
Stop rioting and obey the law. Problem solved.

Yeah, if you want to live under fascism. Most of us don't.

Law and Order is not fascism. What part of..."No one has the 'right'
to break the law" are you struggling with

The part where we got a fascist government installed by the Russians.

But, please, please, please keep thinking you can beat people into submission. That always works out well.

Just ask Tricky Dick.
/----/ obeying the law is fascism ? Your idiotic beliefs are stinkin up the USMB.
Ok man. How's your bunker coming?

My biggest worry is after Trump fails, we are going to get a left wing nut like Bernie who is going to screw things up just as bad.

because you disagree with a leftist

Because you guys don't even see your own racism. You pretty much lost your shit because a moderate black man became president and did kind of an okay job.
/----/ What racism? You throw that word around but never back it up with facts.
Nope, never wrote that.

Again, if you are attacking people, our police, destroying public or private property, you are the enemy of civilized people and deserve anything you get from authority.

Are you?

I mean, what if the police are doing bad things? What if the govt is doing bad things? What if you're attacking people who's views go against what the country is about?

There are lots of things here, there's no straight answer, especially labeling certain people you don't like as the enemy simply because they oppose what you think should be done.

No, I label them the enemy when they act outside of our laws.

So what if those acting outside of the laws are the very people you support? Or what if the people who make the laws legitimize those things which shouldn't be legitimate?

Legitimize like what? Should we make it legal to attack our police officers? Should we make it legal to not obey the commands of a police officer? Make it legal to destroy public and private property? Make it legal to close down roads to protest?

If somebody on our side acts outside of our laws, they too deserve whatever our authority decides to do to them. But since 98% of the problems in these protests are from the left, it wouldn't bother me all that much.

Legitimize like what?

Okay, campaign funding. When Africans do it, they shout that it's corruption, when Americans do it they say it's campaign financing or something like that.

No, it should not be legal to attack anyone. But it is legal in some circumstances.

What happens if a police officer tells you to kill yourself? Should it be illegal to not obey the commands of that officer?

Let's go back to the Civil Rights' movement. What happens when the people with power are white and they make it illegal for black people to do things. Is it okay to fight back? Is it okay to break those laws?

Were those who fought against discriminatory laws "the enemy"?
/---/ what a stupid question. A police officer can not order you to break the law. You have a right to defend yourself.
Fascism is on the move when leaders encourage the police to start treating the populace like an enemy.

When they act like the enemy, that's the way you treat them.

Them who? Let me remind you of a tried and true axiom of human governance: If they will do it to "them" they will do it to you.

When you have leftist thugs disobeying orders, attacking people, attacking police, screaming in the streets they want the death of police officers, sorry, but they are the self-proclaimed enemy of the people.
Quit letting whatever it is that you call news tell you to live in fear. These "leftist thugs" are everyday Americans and have the exact same rights as you do, how many rights are you willing to forfeit in an attempt to shut these people up?

I don't want to shut anybody up. I want people to behave in a civilized manor. I don't want people attacking other people for different political views, I don't want to see Town Hall meetings closed down because of the threat of violence, I don't want to see our representatives cancel rallies or speaking engagements because of the threat of violence, I don't want to see college campuses stopping anybody on the right from speaking because of threats of violence. I don't want to see our police attacked, public or private property destroyed. That's what I want.

Now if you want differently, then you don't belong in a civilized society.
I'd love to live in a civilized manor.
fuck you leftist troll

your only argument ever is -you are a racist -you are nazi -you are alt right blah blah blah

oh and another thing all you do is lie

Again, you turned the country over to a crazy person because the mean old black man scared you.

that's totally on you guys.
/----/ Bwhahahaha Bwhahahaha You got nothing- nothing Bwhahahaha Bwhahahaha
You know nothing about me and yet you're calling me a racist. I think you're a sandwich short of a picnic.

Yeah, the thing is, you have any extended conversation with Trump supporters, and they usually out themselves as racists...

SO I'm' just cutting the to chase.
/----/ one example of this racism would be appreciated
Hey Joe, Bernie beat Hillary.

No, he didn't.

Hillary got 16,914,722 votes and won primaries in 34 states, including all of the major ones.

Crazy Bernie got only 13,206,428 votes and only won 23 states


Also, clean up the Army dates. You are starting to fuck up the story.

Um, no, my story has been pretty consistent. That you lack the ability to follow it isn't my problem, bud.

/----/ obeying the law is fascism ? Your idiotic beliefs are stinkin up the USMB.

The law says we have the right to demonstrate and petition our government for the redress of greivences. Everything else is just blabber.

He wants to militarize the police for when he declares himself president for life .

Do you moron even have an idea of what shrinking the size and scope of the government does? It reduces the power of the government and ensures the tyrannical government can't be created. This is something Trump and conservatives are striving for. This is exactly why the FF wrote the bill of rights the way they did.

However you uneducated socialist do not realize when you increase the size, power and responsibility of the government the you are on the road toward a tyrannical oppressive government and make what you claim you are against not only possible but likely.

Morons like you will say the NAZI were the far right, but they were socialist who increased the size, scope and power of the government which allowed the all encompassing tyrannical government that couldn't be stopped. The people suffered as a response. That is the danger of too big and power government that leftist numbnutz like you want. It happens everywhere the government becomes too big: NAZI Germany, North Korea, USSR, Cuba, Venezuela etc.

Get a clue fucko

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Stop rioting and obey the law. Problem solved.

Yeah, if you want to live under fascism. Most of us don't.

Law and Order is not fascism. What part of..."No one has the 'right'
to break the law" are you struggling with

The part where we got a fascist government installed by the Russians.

But, please, please, please keep thinking you can beat people into submission. That always works out well.

Just ask Tricky Dick.

The only fascist I see running around are dressed in black calling
themselves antifa...or the one's that are black under the guise of BLM.
And that group is calling for the execution of American Police Officers.

Deal with it boy...

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