Trump policies responsible for at least 200, 000 Covid deaths.


Diamond Member
Sep 16, 2012
Trump’s policies to the Corona virus crisis lead to at least 200,000 dead Americans according to the Lancet, a prestigious medical journal.

The truth is coming out just how many more Americans died that should not have died because of the Trump administration.

Trump lied and Americans died.

“A new Lancet study has accused the Trump administration of causing 461,000 unnecessary deaths in a year - in addition to 180,000 needless COVID-19 deaths - because of inadequate healthcare policies.

The report from the British medical journal - titled Public policy and health in the Trump era - was carried out by 33 researchers from the likes of Harvard and the University of California at San Francisco.”

“Instead of galvanizing the US populace to fight the pandemic, President Trump publicly dismissed its threat (despite privately acknowledging it), discouraged action as infection spread, and eschewed international cooperation,' the report said.

'His refusal to develop a national strategy worsened shortages of personal protective equipment and diagnostic tests. President Trump politicized mask-wearing and school reopenings and convened indoor events attended by thousands, where masks were discouraged and physical distancing was impossible.”

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Trump’s policies to the Corona virus lead an additional,200,000 dead Americans according to the Lancet, a prestigious medical journal.

The truth is coming out just how many more Americans died that should not have died because of the Trump administration.

Trump lied and Americans died.

Uh wow. I read the article. All the crap they complain about has nothing to do with anybody dying from covid and they attribute their number to what the US number would have been if we had been at the average of other countries' numbers.
Trump’s policies to the Corona virus lead an additional,200,000 dead Americans according to the Lancet, a prestigious medical journal.

The truth is coming out just how many more Americans died that should not have died because of the Trump administration.

Trump lied and Americans died.

Thank you for posting this! Agreed
Thank god we had so many incompetent democratic mayors and governors. Imagine if they had not done their best to up the virus death count.
Of course the group assumes that every state and city government would have fallen in line. Would have given over their autonomy to the mandates of the federal government. But of course any slightly educated individual knows that would never have happed. So in a perfect world they may actually have been correct. The problem is that state and city governments did things that went against not only federal guidelines but against basic sense.
Trump’s policies to the Corona virus crisis lead to 200,000 dead Americans according to the Lancet, a prestigious medical journal.

The truth is coming out just how many more Americans died that should not have died because of the Trump administration.

Trump lied and Americans died.

How many will Biden kill?
Then it would be 400,000 had he followed Biden’s advice.
If Biden were President the death rate would be 1/4 of what it is now. Unlike the malignant Trump, Pres.Biden would not have continuously lied about the virus.

Biden was put in charge of the H1N1 pandemic in 2009. He did such an awful job that he and Øbama had the CDC stop testing for that variant because, as they said, we already know it's a pandemic. Duh.

And the death numbers from the Wuhan virus in America are way overstated. As in, where are all the flue deaths since March 2020?

Further, Europe, which was celebrated for doing such a wonderful job, has 750,000 dead from the virus and many of those nations have a stricter definition of death by COVID than we use.

And remember all the stories months back about Europeans shaking their heads over COVID cases and deaths in America?

Or Cuomo in a March 2, 2020 presser:

“Excuse our arrogance as New Yorkers — I speak for the mayor also on this one — we think we have the best health care system on the planet right here in New York,” Mr. Cuomo said on March 2. “So, when you’re saying, what happened in other countries versus what happened here, we don’t even think it’s going to be as bad as it was in other countries.”

I wonder how many lives were lost because people went to Chinatown in the beginning of the pandemic and spread the virus?


Screen Shot 2020-03-30 at 3.44.48 PM.png
Then it would be 400,000 had he followed Biden’s advice.
If Biden were President the death rate would be 1/4 of what it is now. Unlike the malignant Trump, Pres.Biden would not have continuously lied about the virus.
22 million had the Swine Flu before he and obama called a National Emergency.
In late February 2020, Dems were calling on people to get to Chinatown. The Dems in New Orleans went ahead with the Mardi Gras festival. Not one Dem called for a flight ban.
Trump produced so many ventillators he was able to donate to developing countries.
A friend of mine in a poor country is currently connected to one of Trumps ventillators.
He sent medical ships to the major cities, fully staffed and ready, but the Governers said "No thanks, we're gonna put the sick in old people's homes"
He gave the world the Trump Shot in record time.
And most importantly, his daily briefings gave people hope and solace.
Why isn't Biden holding daily briefings??
Trump’s policies to the Corona virus crisis lead to at least 200,000 dead Americans according to the Lancet, a prestigious medical journal.

The truth is coming out just how many more Americans died that should not have died because of the Trump administration.

Trump lied and Americans died.

“A new Lancet study has accused the Trump administration of causing 461,000 unnecessary deaths in a year - in addition to 180,000 needless COVID-19 deaths - because of inadequate healthcare policies.

The report from the British medical journal - titled Public policy and health in the Trump era - was carried out by 33 researchers from the likes of Harvard and the University of California at San Francisco.”

“Instead of galvanizing the US populace to fight the pandemic, President Trump publicly dismissed its threat (despite privately acknowledging it), discouraged action as infection spread, and eschewed international cooperation,' the report said.

'His refusal to develop a national strategy worsened shortages of personal protective equipment and diagnostic tests. President Trump politicized mask-wearing and school reopenings and convened indoor events attended by thousands, where masks were discouraged and physical distancing was impossible.”

There is no reason to believe you, or them.
This is what will happen.
The CDC will change their definition of Covid deaths.
In the past, if you had pneumonia and Covid they put Covid on the death cert.
Soon, they will say put pneumonia (or cancer, or heart disease) on the death cert.
They will only record Covid deaths if there is no other illness.
That will reduce Covid deaths by 96% and Biden will be lauded as the saviour of humanity.
This is what will happen.
The CDC will change their definition of Covid deaths.
In the past, if you had pneumonia and Covid they put Covid on the death cert.
Soon, they will say put pneumonia (or cancer, or heart disease) on the death cert.
They will only record Covid deaths if there is no other illness.
That will reduce Covid deaths by 96% and Biden will be lauded as the saviour of humanity.

I have a hangnail. I should get tested.
If Biden were President the death rate would be 1/4 of what it is now.

You have absolutely no way of knowing that. Furthermore, didn't Lancet have to retract one of their articles last year early into the pandemic because they completely flubbed the information they were putting out? I believe it was over Hydroxychloroquin.

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