Trump poised to win more hispanic votes in spite of strict immigration polic


Platinum Member
Jul 30, 2010
President Trump has overseen the strictest immigration policy of any president in modern political times, and Hispanic community leaders have said that will kill his chances to attract Hispanic voters.

Instead, Mr. Trump enters the home stretch of his reelection campaign poised to keep, and perhaps even increase, his share of the Hispanic vote, according to the latest round of national opinion polls.

Democratic presidential nominee Joseph R. Biden is certain to carry the Hispanic vote overall, but Mr. Trump polls anywhere from about a quarter of the Hispanic vote up to 38% in one survey. On average, he hovers in the low 30s.

That would be an improvement over his showing in 2016, when exit polls suggested that he won the vote of 28% of Hispanics who turned out.

Pollsters offer plenty of caveats. The Hispanic numbers are subsamples of larger polls, and the margin of error can be substantial for such a breakout. But the consistency of the numbers suggests that the president’s handling of the coronavirus hasn’t cost him his chance among Hispanic voters.

“President Trump has only gained support with Latino voters since being elected,” said Ali Pardo, a spokeswoman for the Trump campaign. “The president has consistently delivered for our community, creating jobs, boosting income, and standing up to socialism and communism.”

Obey the Law right wingers.

To establish an uniform Rule of Naturalization, and uniform Laws on the subject of Bankruptcies throughout the United States;

Only illegals ignore express Laws. Only practitioners of the Abomination of Hypocrisy blame the less fortunate.
or maybe because of.

do you think people who work their ass off to be here legally approve of people taking shortcuts and demanding for free what they worked to get?
President Trump has overseen the strictest immigration policy of any president in modern political times, and Hispanic community leaders have said that will kill his chances to attract Hispanic voters.

Instead, Mr. Trump enters the home stretch of his reelection campaign poised to keep, and perhaps even increase, his share of the Hispanic vote, according to the latest round of national opinion polls.

Democratic presidential nominee Joseph R. Biden is certain to carry the Hispanic vote overall, but Mr. Trump polls anywhere from about a quarter of the Hispanic vote up to 38% in one survey. On average, he hovers in the low 30s.

That would be an improvement over his showing in 2016, when exit polls suggested that he won the vote of 28% of Hispanics who turned out.

Pollsters offer plenty of caveats. The Hispanic numbers are subsamples of larger polls, and the margin of error can be substantial for such a breakout. But the consistency of the numbers suggests that the president’s handling of the coronavirus hasn’t cost him his chance among Hispanic voters.

“President Trump has only gained support with Latino voters since being elected,” said Ali Pardo, a spokeswoman for the Trump campaign. “The president has consistently delivered for our community, creating jobs, boosting income, and standing up to socialism and communism.”

And yet he contended a federal judge with an Hispanic surname could not be fair to him. That in a nutshell, is why I'd vote for Satan over Trump. He's a racist, while many latinos are not.

And the corvid response just comes on top of that. I think Trump will win enough counted votes to be re-elected, though
...why would you want MORE workers in the US? your wages get lower and prices get higher?!
President Trump has overseen the strictest immigration policy of any president in modern political times, and Hispanic community leaders have said that will kill his chances to attract Hispanic voters.

Instead, Mr. Trump enters the home stretch of his reelection campaign poised to keep, and perhaps even increase, his share of the Hispanic vote, according to the latest round of national opinion polls.

Democratic presidential nominee Joseph R. Biden is certain to carry the Hispanic vote overall, but Mr. Trump polls anywhere from about a quarter of the Hispanic vote up to 38% in one survey. On average, he hovers in the low 30s.

That would be an improvement over his showing in 2016, when exit polls suggested that he won the vote of 28% of Hispanics who turned out.

Pollsters offer plenty of caveats. The Hispanic numbers are subsamples of larger polls, and the margin of error can be substantial for such a breakout. But the consistency of the numbers suggests that the president’s handling of the coronavirus hasn’t cost him his chance among Hispanic voters.

“President Trump has only gained support with Latino voters since being elected,” said Ali Pardo, a spokeswoman for the Trump campaign. “The president has consistently delivered for our community, creating jobs, boosting income, and standing up to socialism and communism.”

And yet he contended a federal judge with an Hispanic surname could not be fair to him. That in a nutshell, is why I'd vote for Satan over Trump. He's a racist, while many latinos are not.

And the corvid response just comes on top of that. I think Trump will win enough counted votes to be re-elected, though
hahahhahahah--you fked up----he said it was a case of conflicting interests
In an interview, Mr. Trump said U.S. District Judge Gonzalo Curiel had “an absolute conflict” in presiding over the litigation given that he was “of Mexican heritage” and a member of a Latino lawyers’ association. Mr. Trump said the background of the judge, who was born in Indiana to Mexican immigrants, was relevant because of his campaign stance against illegal immigration and his pledge to seal the southern U.S. border. “I’m building a wall. It’s an inherent conflict of interest,” Mr. Trump said. think with your emotions and not your brain
or maybe because of.

do you think people who work their ass off to be here legally approve of people taking shortcuts and demanding for free what they worked to get?
Maybe they should vote blue to solve our illegal problem and have no illegal underclass by bearing True witness to our own laws instead of false witness as the right wing prefers.
Trump: Jobs, education, legal immigration and law enforcement.
Biden: Job killing higher taxes and regulation, socialist teacher union kickbacks, open borders and de-fund the police.

Not a hard choice.

Nothing but right wing fantasy. This is the most corrupt administration is US history; most immigrants come here to escape that there.
The OP is more hopeful than what the ground actually looks like with Latino voters.

Hispanic/Latino Vote | Pew Research Center › topics › hispaniclatino-vote

Results 1 - 10 of 182 - More than 23 million U.S. immigrants will be eligible to vote in the 2020 presidential election. Fact Tank | Feb 20, 2020.

There Is No Route to the White House Without Latino Voters › opinion › latinos-elections-trump-biden

Sep 4, 2020 - Historically, Latinos are more likely to vote for Democrats than for ... If Mr. Trump can't attract more Latino voters, he is likely to lose the election.
President Trump has overseen the strictest immigration policy of any president in modern political times, and Hispanic community leaders have said that will kill his chances to attract Hispanic voters.

Instead, Mr. Trump enters the home stretch of his reelection campaign poised to keep, and perhaps even increase, his share of the Hispanic vote, according to the latest round of national opinion polls.

Democratic presidential nominee Joseph R. Biden is certain to carry the Hispanic vote overall, but Mr. Trump polls anywhere from about a quarter of the Hispanic vote up to 38% in one survey. On average, he hovers in the low 30s.

That would be an improvement over his showing in 2016, when exit polls suggested that he won the vote of 28% of Hispanics who turned out.

Pollsters offer plenty of caveats. The Hispanic numbers are subsamples of larger polls, and the margin of error can be substantial for such a breakout. But the consistency of the numbers suggests that the president’s handling of the coronavirus hasn’t cost him his chance among Hispanic voters.

“President Trump has only gained support with Latino voters since being elected,” said Ali Pardo, a spokeswoman for the Trump campaign. “The president has consistently delivered for our community, creating jobs, boosting income, and standing up to socialism and communism.”

Not "In spite of" strict immigration policy.

The media are very disappointed in Hispanic voters
Endlessly, the "experts" told us that Donald Trump’s Republican Party would be a death sentence for the GOP with black and Hispanic voters. The "experts" were wrong.

Trump won a higher share of the nonwhite vote than any Republican in the lifetime of most Americans — 1960 was the last performance this good.

GOP share of non-white vote, presidential elections (%)
1952: 21
1956: 39
1960: 32
1964: 6
1968: 12
1972: 13
1976: 15
1980: 10
1984: 13
1988: 18
1992: 11
1996: 12
2000: 9
2004: 17
2008: 10
2012: 11
2016: 21
2020: 26 (preliminary)
7:35 AM · Nov 4, 2020

Trump increased his share of the black male vote from 13% to 17%. He doubled his share of the black female vote from 4% to 8%. This was among significantly increased black turnout.

He expanded his share of the vote among Hispanic women and men.

Trump won 47% of Hispanics in Florida and 40% in Texas, 40% of Hispanics in Georgia and 39% in North Carolina.

Where he competed for the Hispanic vote, he got more than 40% of it.

In Texas, Trump is winning Zapata County (95% Hispanic), Val Verde County (85% Hispanic), and Hudspeth County (77% Hispanic). Trump improved by 21 points in Lawrence, Massachusetts, which is 80% Hispanic and 40% foreign-born.

It’s clear that the guy branded as the most racist president since Andrew Jackson, has increased his party’s appeal to racial minorities.

These nonwhite voters have really disappointed our commentariat.


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