Trump Pockets $1.1 Million in 2020 Campaign Donations

Who cares? If some Russians had anything to do with Trump winning and Hillary losing, I'd gladly buy them all a beer.

And guess what else? I'm also a racist, a white nationalist, an Islamaphobe, a homophobe, a sexist, a bigot, an NRA member, a gun-collector, shooter, and reloader, a Republican, a Trump-supporter, a male chauvinist, and quite deplorable too. I even attended a few meetings of the John Birch Society a few years back.

Isn't that what you guys and girls keep saying? Well now you got it. So what do you think you're going to do about?

Write my name down in a little book?

Go tell someone who really gives a rat's ass about your pathetic little life?
Maybe dress up like a vagina and scream at the sky? :laughing0301:

Actually if you want to know the truth, you're not going to do anything about anything. That's because you can't. You are nothing more than one more self-important weasel with an internet account, and an opinion. But when it comes to actually making a difference in this world or "changing" something, you're impotent.

You two-digit idjits can posture, wail, moan, bitch, and cry but the sad-for-you truth is: No matter how much you rage against "injustice", you're still just caged rats. Get it through your head: You can't change anything. Not even yourselves.


BTW, I also own Page 10. :laughing0301:
Last edited:
This is a big reason why Obama, Hillary and the rest of the Bipartisan Status Quo Fusion Party Permanent Bureaucracy are so desperate to get Trump out of office: the longer he has power, the more at risk they are of being exposed for their complete and utter corruption:

Clinton Foundation Whistleblowers Testify: "It Operated As An Unregistered Foreign Agent"
The Clintons are amateurs compared to the Trump Crime family:

"Trump’s Corruption: The Definitive List

The many ways that the president, his family and his aides are lining their own pockets."

"They don’t even try very hard to hide it.

"President Trump, his family and more than a few of his appointees are using his presidency to enrich themselves.

"They are spending taxpayer dollars for their own benefit. They are accepting sweetheart deals from foreigners. And they are harnessing the power of the federal government on behalf of their businesses.

"There’s a word for this: corruption."

Opinion | Trump’s Corruption: The Definitive List

Anyone who believes the Clintons should die in prison for their corruption without condemning the Trump crime family for theirs is a hypocrite, at least.
  • Thanks
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"On the day Donald Trump became president of the United States, while inauguration festivities were still in full swing, he officially launched his 2020 reelection campaign.

"Donations poured in from more than 50,000 people across the country.

"But according to the latest federal filings, Trump still has not donated a penny of his own, while his businesses continued to charge the campaign for hotels, food, rent and legal consulting.

"That means the richest president in American history has turned $1.1 million from donors across the country into revenue for himself."

How Donald Trump Shifted $1.1M Of Campaign-Donor Money Into His Business

Is Trump smart or just another con man?

Does the confidence heuristic explain why so many Americans still find him credible?
I'll send him even more.

Trump Engaged in Suspect Tax Schemes as He Reaped Riches From His Father

"By age 3, Mr. Trump was earning $200,000 a year in today’s dollars from his father’s empire.

"He was a millionaire by age 8.

"By the time he was 17, his father had given him part ownership of a 52-unit apartment building.

"Soon after Mr. Trump graduated from college, he was receiving the equivalent of $1 million a year from his father.

"The money increased with the years, to more than $5 million annually in his 40s and 50s."
Trump Engaged in Suspect Tax Schemes as He Reaped Riches From His Father

"The president has long sold himself as a self-made billionaire, but a Times investigation found that he received at least $413 million in today’s dollars from his father’s real estate empire, much of it through tax dodges in the 1990s.


"Oct. 2, 2018

"The findings are based on interviews with Fred Trump’s former employees and advisers and more than 100,000 pages of documents describing the inner workings and immense profitability of his empire.

"They include documents culled from public sources — mortgages and deeds, probate records, financial disclosure reports, regulatory records and civil court files.

"The investigation also draws on tens of thousands of pages of confidential records — bank statements, financial audits, accounting ledgers, cash disbursement reports, invoices and canceled checks.

"Most notably, the documents include more than 200 tax returns from Fred Trump, his companies and various Trump partnerships and trusts.

"While the records do not include the president’s personal tax returns and reveal little about his recent business dealings at home and abroad, dozens of corporate, partnership and trust tax returns offer the first public accounting of the income he received for decades from various family enterprises."

You dumb cons should have put FRED Trump in the White House instead of his trust-funded, brain-dead offspring.
All that matters is we don’t have a career politician as our president....
Nope, only a career con man.
This is a big reason why Obama, Hillary and the rest of the Bipartisan Status Quo Fusion Party Permanent Bureaucracy are so desperate to get Trump out of office: the longer he has power, the more at risk they are of being exposed for their complete and utter corruption:

Clinton Foundation Whistleblowers Testify: "It Operated As An Unregistered Foreign Agent"
The Clintons are amateurs compared to the Trump Crime family:

"Trump’s Corruption: The Definitive List

The many ways that the president, his family and his aides are lining their own pockets."

"They don’t even try very hard to hide it.

"President Trump, his family and more than a few of his appointees are using his presidency to enrich themselves.

"They are spending taxpayer dollars for their own benefit. They are accepting sweetheart deals from foreigners. And they are harnessing the power of the federal government on behalf of their businesses.

"There’s a word for this: corruption."

Opinion | Trump’s Corruption: The Definitive List

Anyone who believes the Clintons should die in prison for their corruption without condemning the Trump crime family for theirs is a hypocrite, at least.

You are nuts.

"On the day Donald Trump became president of the United States, while inauguration festivities were still in full swing, he officially launched his 2020 reelection campaign.

"Donations poured in from more than 50,000 people across the country.

"But according to the latest federal filings, Trump still has not donated a penny of his own, while his businesses continued to charge the campaign for hotels, food, rent and legal consulting.

"That means the richest president in American history has turned $1.1 million from donors across the country into revenue for himself."

How Donald Trump Shifted $1.1M Of Campaign-Donor Money Into His Business

Is Trump smart or just another con man?

Does the confidence heuristic explain why so many Americans still find him credible?
So, your subject line is a lie. Puts you in the same company as Cohen.
I'll send him even more.

Trump Engaged in Suspect Tax Schemes as He Reaped Riches From His Father

"By age 3, Mr. Trump was earning $200,000 a year in today’s dollars from his father’s empire.

"He was a millionaire by age 8.

"By the time he was 17, his father had given him part ownership of a 52-unit apartment building.

"Soon after Mr. Trump graduated from college, he was receiving the equivalent of $1 million a year from his father.

"The money increased with the years, to more than $5 million annually in his 40s and 50s."
Trump Engaged in Suspect Tax Schemes as He Reaped Riches From His Father

"The president has long sold himself as a self-made billionaire, but a Times investigation found that he received at least $413 million in today’s dollars from his father’s real estate empire, much of it through tax dodges in the 1990s.


"Oct. 2, 2018

"The findings are based on interviews with Fred Trump’s former employees and advisers and more than 100,000 pages of documents describing the inner workings and immense profitability of his empire.

"They include documents culled from public sources — mortgages and deeds, probate records, financial disclosure reports, regulatory records and civil court files.

"The investigation also draws on tens of thousands of pages of confidential records — bank statements, financial audits, accounting ledgers, cash disbursement reports, invoices and canceled checks.

"Most notably, the documents include more than 200 tax returns from Fred Trump, his companies and various Trump partnerships and trusts.

"While the records do not include the president’s personal tax returns and reveal little about his recent business dealings at home and abroad, dozens of corporate, partnership and trust tax returns offer the first public accounting of the income he received for decades from various family enterprises."

You dumb cons should have put FRED Trump in the White House instead of his trust-funded, brain-dead offspring.
All that matters is we don’t have a career politician as our president....
Nope, only a career con man.
There’s nothing more “con” than a career politician...

"On the day Donald Trump became president of the United States, while inauguration festivities were still in full swing, he officially launched his 2020 reelection campaign.

"Donations poured in from more than 50,000 people across the country.

"But according to the latest federal filings, Trump still has not donated a penny of his own, while his businesses continued to charge the campaign for hotels, food, rent and legal consulting.

"That means the richest president in American history has turned $1.1 million from donors across the country into revenue for himself."

How Donald Trump Shifted $1.1M Of Campaign-Donor Money Into His Business

Is Trump smart or just another con man?

Does the confidence heuristic explain why so many Americans still find him credible?
I'll send him even more.

Trump Engaged in Suspect Tax Schemes as He Reaped Riches From His Father

"By age 3, Mr. Trump was earning $200,000 a year in today’s dollars from his father’s empire.

"He was a millionaire by age 8.

"By the time he was 17, his father had given him part ownership of a 52-unit apartment building.

"Soon after Mr. Trump graduated from college, he was receiving the equivalent of $1 million a year from his father.

"The money increased with the years, to more than $5 million annually in his 40s and 50s."
Trump Engaged in Suspect Tax Schemes as He Reaped Riches From His Father

"The president has long sold himself as a self-made billionaire, but a Times investigation found that he received at least $413 million in today’s dollars from his father’s real estate empire, much of it through tax dodges in the 1990s.


"Oct. 2, 2018

"The findings are based on interviews with Fred Trump’s former employees and advisers and more than 100,000 pages of documents describing the inner workings and immense profitability of his empire.

"They include documents culled from public sources — mortgages and deeds, probate records, financial disclosure reports, regulatory records and civil court files.

"The investigation also draws on tens of thousands of pages of confidential records — bank statements, financial audits, accounting ledgers, cash disbursement reports, invoices and canceled checks.

"Most notably, the documents include more than 200 tax returns from Fred Trump, his companies and various Trump partnerships and trusts.

"While the records do not include the president’s personal tax returns and reveal little about his recent business dealings at home and abroad, dozens of corporate, partnership and trust tax returns offer the first public accounting of the income he received for decades from various family enterprises."

You dumb cons should have put FRED Trump in the White House instead of his trust-funded, brain-dead offspring.
All that matters is we don’t have a career politician as our president....
When your president is a crony capitalist who found a way to cut out the career politicians, you have the same problem on steroids.

Donald Trump, America’s Ultimate Crony Capitalist
I'll send him even more.

Trump Engaged in Suspect Tax Schemes as He Reaped Riches From His Father

"By age 3, Mr. Trump was earning $200,000 a year in today’s dollars from his father’s empire.

"He was a millionaire by age 8.

"By the time he was 17, his father had given him part ownership of a 52-unit apartment building.

"Soon after Mr. Trump graduated from college, he was receiving the equivalent of $1 million a year from his father.

"The money increased with the years, to more than $5 million annually in his 40s and 50s."
Trump Engaged in Suspect Tax Schemes as He Reaped Riches From His Father

"The president has long sold himself as a self-made billionaire, but a Times investigation found that he received at least $413 million in today’s dollars from his father’s real estate empire, much of it through tax dodges in the 1990s.


"Oct. 2, 2018

"The findings are based on interviews with Fred Trump’s former employees and advisers and more than 100,000 pages of documents describing the inner workings and immense profitability of his empire.

"They include documents culled from public sources — mortgages and deeds, probate records, financial disclosure reports, regulatory records and civil court files.

"The investigation also draws on tens of thousands of pages of confidential records — bank statements, financial audits, accounting ledgers, cash disbursement reports, invoices and canceled checks.

"Most notably, the documents include more than 200 tax returns from Fred Trump, his companies and various Trump partnerships and trusts.

"While the records do not include the president’s personal tax returns and reveal little about his recent business dealings at home and abroad, dozens of corporate, partnership and trust tax returns offer the first public accounting of the income he received for decades from various family enterprises."

You dumb cons should have put FRED Trump in the White House instead of his trust-funded, brain-dead offspring.
All that matters is we don’t have a career politician as our president....
When your president is a crony capitalist who found a way to cut out the career politicians, you have the same problem on steroids.

Donald Trump, America’s Ultimate Crony Capitalist
I just mail mine in and they are tax deductible.
I'll send him even more.

Trump Engaged in Suspect Tax Schemes as He Reaped Riches From His Father

"By age 3, Mr. Trump was earning $200,000 a year in today’s dollars from his father’s empire.

"He was a millionaire by age 8.

"By the time he was 17, his father had given him part ownership of a 52-unit apartment building.

"Soon after Mr. Trump graduated from college, he was receiving the equivalent of $1 million a year from his father.

"The money increased with the years, to more than $5 million annually in his 40s and 50s."
Trump Engaged in Suspect Tax Schemes as He Reaped Riches From His Father

"The president has long sold himself as a self-made billionaire, but a Times investigation found that he received at least $413 million in today’s dollars from his father’s real estate empire, much of it through tax dodges in the 1990s.


"Oct. 2, 2018

"The findings are based on interviews with Fred Trump’s former employees and advisers and more than 100,000 pages of documents describing the inner workings and immense profitability of his empire.

"They include documents culled from public sources — mortgages and deeds, probate records, financial disclosure reports, regulatory records and civil court files.

"The investigation also draws on tens of thousands of pages of confidential records — bank statements, financial audits, accounting ledgers, cash disbursement reports, invoices and canceled checks.

"Most notably, the documents include more than 200 tax returns from Fred Trump, his companies and various Trump partnerships and trusts.

"While the records do not include the president’s personal tax returns and reveal little about his recent business dealings at home and abroad, dozens of corporate, partnership and trust tax returns offer the first public accounting of the income he received for decades from various family enterprises."

You dumb cons should have put FRED Trump in the White House instead of his trust-funded, brain-dead offspring.
All that matters is we don’t have a career politician as our president....
When your president is a crony capitalist who found a way to cut out the career politicians, you have the same problem on steroids.

Donald Trump, America’s Ultimate Crony Capitalist
The swamp consists 100% of Career politicians/deep state people...
Who cares? If some Russians had anything to do with Trump winning and Hillary losing, I'd gladly buy them all a beer.

And guess what else? I'm also a racist, a white nationalist, an Islamaphobe, a homophobe, a sexist, a bigot, an NRA member, a gun-collector, shooter, and reloader, a Republican, a Trump-supporter, a male chauvinist, and quite deplorable too. I even attended a few meetings of the John Birch Society a few years back.

Isn't that what you guys and girls keep saying? Well now you got it. So what do you think you're going to do about?

Write my name down in a little book?

Go tell someone who really gives a rat's ass about your pathetic little life?
Maybe dress up like a vagina and scream at the sky? :laughing0301:

Actually if you want to know the truth, you're not going to do anything about anything. That's because you can't. You are nothing more than one more self-important weasel with an internet account, and an opinion. But when it comes to actually making a difference in this world or "changing" something, you're impotent.

You two-digit idjits can posture, wail, moan, bitch, and cry but the sad-for-you truth is: No matter how much you rage against "injustice", you're still just caged rats. Get it through your head: You can't change anything. Not even yourselves.


BTW, I also own Page 10. :laughing0301:

You forgot to include TRANSPHOBE. That's the newest Prog Cardinal Sin.

Trump Engaged in Suspect Tax Schemes as He Reaped Riches From His Father

"By age 3, Mr. Trump was earning $200,000 a year in today’s dollars from his father’s empire.

"He was a millionaire by age 8.

"By the time he was 17, his father had given him part ownership of a 52-unit apartment building.

"Soon after Mr. Trump graduated from college, he was receiving the equivalent of $1 million a year from his father.

"The money increased with the years, to more than $5 million annually in his 40s and 50s."
Trump Engaged in Suspect Tax Schemes as He Reaped Riches From His Father

"The president has long sold himself as a self-made billionaire, but a Times investigation found that he received at least $413 million in today’s dollars from his father’s real estate empire, much of it through tax dodges in the 1990s.


"Oct. 2, 2018

"The findings are based on interviews with Fred Trump’s former employees and advisers and more than 100,000 pages of documents describing the inner workings and immense profitability of his empire.

"They include documents culled from public sources — mortgages and deeds, probate records, financial disclosure reports, regulatory records and civil court files.

"The investigation also draws on tens of thousands of pages of confidential records — bank statements, financial audits, accounting ledgers, cash disbursement reports, invoices and canceled checks.

"Most notably, the documents include more than 200 tax returns from Fred Trump, his companies and various Trump partnerships and trusts.

"While the records do not include the president’s personal tax returns and reveal little about his recent business dealings at home and abroad, dozens of corporate, partnership and trust tax returns offer the first public accounting of the income he received for decades from various family enterprises."

You dumb cons should have put FRED Trump in the White House instead of his trust-funded, brain-dead offspring.
All that matters is we don’t have a career politician as our president....
When your president is a crony capitalist who found a way to cut out the career politicians, you have the same problem on steroids.

Donald Trump, America’s Ultimate Crony Capitalist
I just mail mine in and they are tax deductible.

Paypal works for me. He also takes Bitcoins, you know. :biggrin:
Who cares? If some Russians had anything to do with Trump winning and Hillary losing, I'd gladly buy them all a beer.

And guess what else? I'm also a racist, a white nationalist, an Islamaphobe, a homophobe, a sexist, a bigot, an NRA member, a gun-collector, shooter, and reloader, a Republican, a Trump-supporter, a male chauvinist, and quite deplorable too. I even attended a few meetings of the John Birch Society a few years back.

Isn't that what you guys and girls keep saying? Well now you got it. So what do you think you're going to do about?

Write my name down in a little book?

Go tell someone who really gives a rat's ass about your pathetic little life?
Maybe dress up like a vagina and scream at the sky? :laughing0301:

Actually if you want to know the truth, you're not going to do anything about anything. That's because you can't. You are nothing more than one more self-important weasel with an internet account, and an opinion. But when it comes to actually making a difference in this world or "changing" something, you're impotent.

You two-digit idjits can posture, wail, moan, bitch, and cry but the sad-for-you truth is: No matter how much you rage against "injustice", you're still just caged rats. Get it through your head: You can't change anything. Not even yourselves.


BTW, I also own Page 10. :laughing0301:

You forgot to include TRANSPHOBE. That's the newest Prog Cardinal Sin.

Sorry, I left that one out. But I do "manspreading" when I sit on the couch, use plastic straws, burn anything that burns in the burn barrel, dump cat litter on the back 40, have a personal gun range in my back yard that the EPA would shut down if they tested the lead content of the ground, drive with the AC all the way up and the radio loud in the Summer, I eat tons of bacon, I like Nativity scenes during Christmas, and like the song "Baby It's Cold Outside."

I also unfriended every zipperhead Democrat I knew back in 2010, and wouldn't piss on a single one of them if they caught on fire. :biggrin:

"On the day Donald Trump became president of the United States, while inauguration festivities were still in full swing, he officially launched his 2020 reelection campaign.

"Donations poured in from more than 50,000 people across the country.

"But according to the latest federal filings, Trump still has not donated a penny of his own, while his businesses continued to charge the campaign for hotels, food, rent and legal consulting.

"That means the richest president in American history has turned $1.1 million from donors across the country into revenue for himself."

How Donald Trump Shifted $1.1M Of Campaign-Donor Money Into His Business

Is Trump smart or just another con man?

Does the confidence heuristic explain why so many Americans still find him credible?
So, your subject line is a lie. Puts you in the same company as Cohen.
I'm not sure what "lie" you're accusing me of making, and I'm obviously in different company from Cohen since I would never work for gangsters.


What about you?
Who cares? If some Russians had anything to do with Trump winning and Hillary losing, I'd gladly buy them all a beer.

And guess what else? I'm also a racist, a white nationalist, an Islamaphobe, a homophobe, a sexist, a bigot, an NRA member, a gun-collector, shooter, and reloader, a Republican, a Trump-supporter, a male chauvinist, and quite deplorable too. I even attended a few meetings of the John Birch Society a few years back.

Isn't that what you guys and girls keep saying? Well now you got it. So what do you think you're going to do about?

Write my name down in a little book?

Go tell someone who really gives a rat's ass about your pathetic little life?
Maybe dress up like a vagina and scream at the sky? :laughing0301:

Actually if you want to know the truth, you're not going to do anything about anything. That's because you can't. You are nothing more than one more self-important weasel with an internet account, and an opinion. But when it comes to actually making a difference in this world or "changing" something, you're impotent.

You two-digit idjits can posture, wail, moan, bitch, and cry but the sad-for-you truth is: No matter how much you rage against "injustice", you're still just caged rats. Get it through your head: You can't change anything. Not even yourselves.


BTW, I also own Page 10. :laughing0301:

You forgot to include TRANSPHOBE. That's the newest Prog Cardinal Sin.

Sorry, I left that one out. But I do "manspreading" when I sit on the couch, use plastic straws, burn anything that burns in the burn barrel, dump cat litter on the back 40, have a personal gun range in my back yard that the EPA would shut down if they tested the lead content of the ground, drive with the AC all the way up and the radio loud in the Summer, I eat tons of bacon, I like Nativity scenes during Christmas, and like the song "Baby It's Cold Outside."

I also unfriended every zipperhead Democrat I knew back in 2010, and wouldn't piss on a single one of them if they caught on fire. :biggrin:

You sound just about perfect - do you have a one ton pick up truck and some hunting hounds?

"On the day Donald Trump became president of the United States, while inauguration festivities were still in full swing, he officially launched his 2020 reelection campaign.

"Donations poured in from more than 50,000 people across the country.

"But according to the latest federal filings, Trump still has not donated a penny of his own, while his businesses continued to charge the campaign for hotels, food, rent and legal consulting.

"That means the richest president in American history has turned $1.1 million from donors across the country into revenue for himself."

How Donald Trump Shifted $1.1M Of Campaign-Donor Money Into His Business

Is Trump smart or just another con man?

Does the confidence heuristic explain why so many Americans still find him credible?
So, your subject line is a lie. Puts you in the same company as Cohen.
I'm not sure what "lie" you're accusing me of making, and I'm obviously in different company from Cohen since I would never work for gangsters.


What about you?
What does "subject line' mean to you?

You see, in order to 'pocket' money, they have to actually put it in their own personal account. Contributions to a campaign do NOT need to be spent right away. In fact, many campaigns don't spend money until they get close to the election season.

Of course, this reply is in, and of itself, a lie. Your delusion does not make someone a gangster.
Who cares? If some Russians had anything to do with Trump winning and Hillary losing, I'd gladly buy them all a beer.

And guess what else? I'm also a racist, a white nationalist, an Islamaphobe, a homophobe, a sexist, a bigot, an NRA member, a gun-collector, shooter, and reloader, a Republican, a Trump-supporter, a male chauvinist, and quite deplorable too. I even attended a few meetings of the John Birch Society a few years back.

Isn't that what you guys and girls keep saying? Well now you got it. So what do you think you're going to do about?

Write my name down in a little book?

Go tell someone who really gives a rat's ass about your pathetic little life?
Maybe dress up like a vagina and scream at the sky? :laughing0301:

Actually if you want to know the truth, you're not going to do anything about anything. That's because you can't. You are nothing more than one more self-important weasel with an internet account, and an opinion. But when it comes to actually making a difference in this world or "changing" something, you're impotent.

You two-digit idjits can posture, wail, moan, bitch, and cry but the sad-for-you truth is: No matter how much you rage against "injustice", you're still just caged rats. Get it through your head: You can't change anything. Not even yourselves.


BTW, I also own Page 10. :laughing0301:

You forgot to include TRANSPHOBE. That's the newest Prog Cardinal Sin.

Sorry, I left that one out. But I do "manspreading" when I sit on the couch, use plastic straws, burn anything that burns in the burn barrel, dump cat litter on the back 40, have a personal gun range in my back yard that the EPA would shut down if they tested the lead content of the ground, drive with the AC all the way up and the radio loud in the Summer, I eat tons of bacon, I like Nativity scenes during Christmas, and like the song "Baby It's Cold Outside."

I also unfriended every zipperhead Democrat I knew back in 2010, and wouldn't piss on a single one of them if they caught on fire. :biggrin:

You sound just about perfect - do you have a one ton pick up truck and some hunting hounds?

Well, close. How about "hunting cats"?

My dogs are only for warning me when scalawags, carpet-baggers, and revenuers are coming up the driveway. They have different barks for different folks. :biggrin:

"On the day Donald Trump became president of the United States, while inauguration festivities were still in full swing, he officially launched his 2020 reelection campaign.

"Donations poured in from more than 50,000 people across the country.

"But according to the latest federal filings, Trump still has not donated a penny of his own, while his businesses continued to charge the campaign for hotels, food, rent and legal consulting.

"That means the richest president in American history has turned $1.1 million from donors across the country into revenue for himself."

How Donald Trump Shifted $1.1M Of Campaign-Donor Money Into His Business

Is Trump smart or just another con man?

Does the confidence heuristic explain why so many Americans still find him credible?
So, your subject line is a lie. Puts you in the same company as Cohen.
I'm not sure what "lie" you're accusing me of making, and I'm obviously in different company from Cohen since I would never work for gangsters.


What about you?
What does "subject line' mean to you?

You see, in order to 'pocket' money, they have to actually put it in their own personal account. Contributions to a campaign do NOT need to be spent right away. In fact, many campaigns don't spend money until they get close to the election season.

Of course, this reply is in, and of itself, a lie. Your delusion does not make someone a gangster.
How Donald Trump Shifted $1.1M Of Campaign-Donor Money Into His Business

"On the day Donald Trump became president of the United States, while inauguration festivities were still in full swing, he officially launched his 2020 reelection campaign.

"Donations poured in from more than 50,000 people across the country.

"But according to the latest federal filings, Trump still has not donated a penny of his own, while his businesses continued to charge the campaign for hotels, food, rent and legal consulting.

"That means the richest president in American history has turned $1.1 million from donors across the country into revenue for himself."

Trump's been a gangster/crony capitalist for decades longer than he's been a politician.

Opinion | Trump’s Corruption: The Definitive List

"During Trump’s presidency, his companies have pushed to expand overseas, with help from foreign governments.

"One example: In May, an Indonesian real-estate project that involves the Trump Organization reportedly received a $500 million loan from a company owned by the Chinese government.

"Two days later, Trump tweeted that he was working to lift sanctions on a Chinese telecommunications firm with close ties to the government — over the objections of both Republicans and Democrats in Congress.

"He ultimately did lift the sanctions."

And guess what else? I'm also a racist, a white nationalist, an Islamaphobe, a homophobe, a sexist, a bigot, an NRA member, a gun-collector, shooter, and reloader, a Republican, a Trump-supporter, a male chauvinist, and quite deplorable too. I even attended a few meetings of the John Birch Society a few years back.

Isn't that what you guys and girls keep saying? Well now you got it. So what do you think you're going to do about?

Write my name down in a little book?

Go tell someone who really gives a rat's ass about your pathetic little life?
Maybe dress up like a vagina and scream at the sky? :laughing0301:

Actually if you want to know the truth, you're not going to do anything about anything. That's because you can't. You are nothing more than one more self-important weasel with an internet account, and an opinion. But when it comes to actually making a difference in this world or "changing" something, you're impotent.

You two-digit idjits can posture, wail, moan, bitch, and cry but the sad-for-you truth is: No matter how much you rage against "injustice", you're still just caged rats. Get it through your head: You can't change anything. Not even yourselves.


BTW, I also own Page 10. :laughing0301:

You forgot to include TRANSPHOBE. That's the newest Prog Cardinal Sin.

Sorry, I left that one out. But I do "manspreading" when I sit on the couch, use plastic straws, burn anything that burns in the burn barrel, dump cat litter on the back 40, have a personal gun range in my back yard that the EPA would shut down if they tested the lead content of the ground, drive with the AC all the way up and the radio loud in the Summer, I eat tons of bacon, I like Nativity scenes during Christmas, and like the song "Baby It's Cold Outside."

I also unfriended every zipperhead Democrat I knew back in 2010, and wouldn't piss on a single one of them if they caught on fire. :biggrin:

You sound just about perfect - do you have a one ton pick up truck and some hunting hounds?

Well, close. How about "hunting cats"?

My dogs are only for warning me when scalawags, carpet-baggers, and revenuers are coming up the driveway. They have different barks for different folks. :biggrin:

That works. I loathe cats.

When mr. boe and I finally escape CA someday, I am going to get a redbone coon hound. I hate raccoons too.

"On the day Donald Trump became president of the United States, while inauguration festivities were still in full swing, he officially launched his 2020 reelection campaign.

"Donations poured in from more than 50,000 people across the country.

"But according to the latest federal filings, Trump still has not donated a penny of his own, while his businesses continued to charge the campaign for hotels, food, rent and legal consulting.

"That means the richest president in American history has turned $1.1 million from donors across the country into revenue for himself."

How Donald Trump Shifted $1.1M Of Campaign-Donor Money Into His Business

Is Trump smart or just another con man?

Does the confidence heuristic explain why so many Americans still find him credible?
So, your subject line is a lie. Puts you in the same company as Cohen.
I'm not sure what "lie" you're accusing me of making, and I'm obviously in different company from Cohen since I would never work for gangsters.


What about you?
What does "subject line' mean to you?

You see, in order to 'pocket' money, they have to actually put it in their own personal account. Contributions to a campaign do NOT need to be spent right away. In fact, many campaigns don't spend money until they get close to the election season.

Of course, this reply is in, and of itself, a lie. Your delusion does not make someone a gangster.
How Donald Trump Shifted $1.1M Of Campaign-Donor Money Into His Business

"On the day Donald Trump became president of the United States, while inauguration festivities were still in full swing, he officially launched his 2020 reelection campaign.

"Donations poured in from more than 50,000 people across the country.

"But according to the latest federal filings, Trump still has not donated a penny of his own, while his businesses continued to charge the campaign for hotels, food, rent and legal consulting.

"That means the richest president in American history has turned $1.1 million from donors across the country into revenue for himself."

Trump's been a gangster/crony capitalist for decades longer than he's been a politician.

Opinion | Trump’s Corruption: The Definitive List

"During Trump’s presidency, his companies have pushed to expand overseas, with help from foreign governments.

"One example: In May, an Indonesian real-estate project that involves the Trump Organization reportedly received a $500 million loan from a company owned by the Chinese government.

"Two days later, Trump tweeted that he was working to lift sanctions on a Chinese telecommunications firm with close ties to the government — over the objections of both Republicans and Democrats in Congress.

"He ultimately did lift the sanctions."
Again, your link proves nothing.

And color Me shocked that a politician accepts money in return for favorable treatment. Someone tell the rest of the world!

"On the day Donald Trump became president of the United States, while inauguration festivities were still in full swing, he officially launched his 2020 reelection campaign.

"Donations poured in from more than 50,000 people across the country.

"But according to the latest federal filings, Trump still has not donated a penny of his own, while his businesses continued to charge the campaign for hotels, food, rent and legal consulting.

"That means the richest president in American history has turned $1.1 million from donors across the country into revenue for himself."

How Donald Trump Shifted $1.1M Of Campaign-Donor Money Into His Business

Is Trump smart or just another con man?

Does the confidence heuristic explain why so many Americans still find him credible?
So, your subject line is a lie. Puts you in the same company as Cohen.
I'm not sure what "lie" you're accusing me of making, and I'm obviously in different company from Cohen since I would never work for gangsters.


What about you?
What does "subject line' mean to you?

You see, in order to 'pocket' money, they have to actually put it in their own personal account. Contributions to a campaign do NOT need to be spent right away. In fact, many campaigns don't spend money until they get close to the election season.

Of course, this reply is in, and of itself, a lie. Your delusion does not make someone a gangster.
How Donald Trump Shifted $1.1M Of Campaign-Donor Money Into His Business

"On the day Donald Trump became president of the United States, while inauguration festivities were still in full swing, he officially launched his 2020 reelection campaign.

"Donations poured in from more than 50,000 people across the country.

"But according to the latest federal filings, Trump still has not donated a penny of his own, while his businesses continued to charge the campaign for hotels, food, rent and legal consulting.

"That means the richest president in American history has turned $1.1 million from donors across the country into revenue for himself."

Trump's been a gangster/crony capitalist for decades longer than he's been a politician.

Opinion | Trump’s Corruption: The Definitive List

"During Trump’s presidency, his companies have pushed to expand overseas, with help from foreign governments.

"One example: In May, an Indonesian real-estate project that involves the Trump Organization reportedly received a $500 million loan from a company owned by the Chinese government.

"Two days later, Trump tweeted that he was working to lift sanctions on a Chinese telecommunications firm with close ties to the government — over the objections of both Republicans and Democrats in Congress.

"He ultimately did lift the sanctions."
Again, your link proves nothing.

And color Me shocked that a politician accepts money in return for favorable treatment. Someone tell the rest of the world!
True or False?
Trump shifted #1.1 million of (2020) campaign donor money into his business.

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