Trump On Woodward Tape Admitting To Lying About Seriousness Of Coronavirus

There is nothing left to be said.

Are you saying now he should have panicked the public?

No he should of said what he said on March 11:

Mar 11, 2020

We are at a critical time in the fight against the virus. We made a life-saving move with early action on China. Now we must take the same action with Europe. We will not delay. I will never hesitate to take any necessary steps to protect the lives, health, and safety of the American people. I will always put the wellbeing of America first.

If we are vigilant — and we can reduce the chance of infection, which we will — we will significantly impede the transmission of the virus. The virus will not have a chance against us.

No nation is more prepared or more resilient than the United States. We have the best economy, the most advanced healthcare, and the most talented doctors, scientists, and researchers anywhere in the world.

We are all in this together. We must put politics aside, stop the partisanship, and unify together as one nation and one family.

As history has proven time and time again, Americans always rise to the challenge and overcome adversity.

Our future remains brighter than anyone can imagine. Acting with compassion and love, we will heal the sick, care for those in need, help our fellow citizens, and emerge from this challenge stronger and more unified than ever before.

God bless you, and God bless America. Thank you.

What did he know and when did he know it comes to mind.!!

How short your memory is...

Before that address little was known about COVID-19...

Faucci was saying that there was nothing to worry about, and that we didn't need masks.

Pelosi was calling for people to come on down to Chinatown and party.

Biden said that the travel ban from China was "racist, and xenophobic "!!!

Meanwhile, Trump enlisted auto makers to make ventilators, tasked the VP to assemble a task force on the virus, and marshaled ppe for health care workers.

Notice last night when Bret Bair interviewed Biden's press sec. he wouldn't answer the simplest of questions...In fact, he outright lied when he said 4 times that Biden supported the travel ban...

So, excuse me if I'm not impressed with your faux outrage, and armchair quaterbacking...

Let me refresh your memory.

Fauci on mask said that at the beginning of the crisis. He regret saying that ...... that doesn’t mean you don’t wear mask.

Pelosi went to China town February 24, 2020. At that time there were no restrictions. Trump rally February 28 called this a new Democrat
hoax. Pelosi visited her constituents. Why is that a problem? Since when that is a violation of the Coronavirus crisis? Look at Trumps several rallies. Is Pelosi even worth mentioning to deflect Trump hypocrisy?

Biden called Trump travel ban racist and xenophobic. Read links below to refresh your memory. Just because Biden called him xenophobic and racist. Is that an excuse to downplay the severity of this crisis

Trump order of ventilators and other medical supplies for the Pandemic. Trump didn’t place any orders till mid March 2020. That is just placing the order that doesn’t mean supplies will arrive in March. While this country is facing major shortages of medical supplies.

There was a Pandemic Team assembled by the Obama administration after the Ebola outbreak. Designed to handle this kind of pandemic before it even reach US..... Trump dismantle the NSC pandemic in 2018.

Biden press secretary interview with Bret Bair. Big deal...... have you seen Trump interviews with Wallace or others aside from Fox?

Trump's Misleading Comments on Biden and the Coronavirus -

It's how ridiculously partisan you are.

Those Biden and Pelosi statements are totally worth bringing up because they are pointing fingers. If we were just learning from the past to not repeat it, then it wouldn't be a big deal, no. But when they are pointing fingers and their own nose isn't clean, then yeah, it's a big deal.

Note too your partisan bitch statement of Trump that it's "deflection" to bring up Biden and Pelosi's hypocrisy. Again, if they weren't pointing fingers than sure, but they are and so to call it "deflection" that he's pointing out what they did is just how ultra partisan you are.

If you cared about this or science or your country at all, you'd say let's just roll up our sleeves and work together. But you not only look for every opportunity to pounce on Trump, but you want to trip him every step of the way
TRUTH HURTS. I understand.
Roll up sleeves and work together? Has Trump showed that to the democrats? Look at his rallies the democrats the democrat the democrats inciting violence. Like insults of KA MA LA. Instead of working with mayors and governors. He threatened and insults them. You are a hypocrite big time.
Pointing fingers. You are very funny. Look at your fake messiah blaming at Obama of his failures. Trump is a disgusting human being.

Pelosi visited China town. SO WHAT? Compared that to Trump rallies.

Trump showed and displayed corrupted, disgusting unfit behavior as a president. A liar..... Only the president of a certain group. He deserves to be trash.
Oh give me a break. Your idiot Dem leadership not only killed 90,000 people in just 6 states with an 8% mortality rate, but are also too weak kneed to shut down the rampant violence in their own cities causing the action the President had to take. People like you shouldn;t be allowed to vote, they should send you down to Gitmo for a little waterboarding to get your mind straight.

This is Trump years. Streets demonstrations peaceful or violent this is Trump years.. 190,000+ deaths are all on Trump.
Are you forgetting something? Right this second this country is in big trouble because of Trump supporters like you.

WE blamed you and the rest for electing an ignorant, tyrannical, unfit and incompetent president of this country.

WE hold you and the rest of Trump supporters responsible for all the sufferings that Americans are facing right now. In order to stop all these carnage caused by moron president. YOU should not be allowed to vote.
That’s the only solution to save this country from going down the sewer.
This country deserves better than this lousy, inept, incompetent president.
Another Brainwashed sheep who believes the corrupt cdc and the idiot box in the living room.comedy gold.
As I have written Trump lied and people died. It is as clear as day now that he was lying the whole time he was downplaying Covid. The two-faced President was telling Woodward just how dangerous it was while telling the people it will magically disappear.

How many people died because of Trump's lies. 20,000..50.,000..120,000?

Trump's apologists will make fools of themselves once arguing that Trump did not say or mean what he obviously said and meant.

Just when you think Trump has hit bottom..he once again proves us wrong by reaching even greater depths of depravity.

He is responsible for the deaths and the dying from this virus, and the economy.

Trump is also responsible for your acne and the mole in your back yard.

Cut the stupid shit. The Chinese are responsible for the people dying. Of course Joe didn't need to try to help them by undercutting the President while he tried to deal with it.

Now Joe's advertising his Biden virus plan ... to do what Trump is doing now ...

Why can’t you guys ever hold Trump responsible for anything?
why do you attack him for everything he does???

he tried to keep the people calm,,,whats wrong about that???

Calm? Like he does at his hate rallies? Do you mean like that?
dont change the subject,,,

So not calm thank you.
what I dont get is why are dems trying so hard to get trump re-elected???
There is nothing that can be said to many Trump supporters to change their minds. They are so encapsulated in Trump’s world, it would break their brains to come to terms with reality.

Is that what you are doing in here? Trying to change minds? And to do that you hurl insults, and slurs at the people you disagree with to accomplish that? Hmmm....I actually think it would "break the brains" of liberals like yourself to admit that Trump has done anything positive....even though you know he has.
How can I change your mind? We’d have to live in the same reality first.

You said you were here to change minds...I didn't say that...How you approach it is up to you....But, the current tactic you are using is a failure...

It's amazing how one leftist after another like colfax and eddiew believe that if somehow they can just convey how much they really, truly, totally hate Trump it will somehow convince us to vote against our own interests for Biden. That while they shallowly deny all the hate coming from Biden, Pelosi, Schummer and company
I know isn’t that comedy,the fact they think their hate for trump will actually change our minds to vote for a globalist that went along with the mass murders of their hero Obama,good luck on thst.hee hee.
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As I have written Trump lied and people died. It is as clear as day now that he was lying the whole time he was downplaying Covid. The two-faced President was telling Woodward just how dangerous it was while telling the people it will magically disappear.

How many people died because of Trump's lies. 20,000..50.,000..120,000?

Trump's apologists will make fools of themselves once arguing that Trump did not say or mean what he obviously said and meant.

Just when you think Trump has hit bottom..he once again proves us wrong by reaching even greater depths of depravity.

He is responsible for the deaths and the dying from this virus, and the economy.

Trump is also responsible for your acne and the mole in your back yard.

Cut the stupid shit. The Chinese are responsible for the people dying. Of course Joe didn't need to try to help them by undercutting the President while he tried to deal with it.

Now Joe's advertising his Biden virus plan ... to do what Trump is doing now ...

Why can’t you guys ever hold Trump responsible for anything?
why do you attack him for everything he does???

he tried to keep the people calm,,,whats wrong about that???

Calm? Like he does at his hate rallies? Do you mean like that?
dont change the subject,,,

So not calm thank you.
what I dont get is why are dems trying so hard to get trump re-elected???
There is nothing that can be said to many Trump supporters to change their minds. They are so encapsulated in Trump’s world, it would break their brains to come to terms with reality.

Is that what you are doing in here? Trying to change minds? And to do that you hurl insults, and slurs at the people you disagree with to accomplish that? Hmmm....I actually think it would "break the brains" of liberals like yourself to admit that Trump has done anything positive....even though you know he has.
How can I change your mind? We’d have to live in the same reality first.
yours is the alternate reality,,,,
Thing is, Trump isn’t actually dumb, but he thinks you are. Private Trump agrees with me about the seriousness of coronavirus, but it’s better for him if he keeps you guys in his alternate reality where it’s no big deal.
youre just a sad excuse for a moron,,,

Yes. Democrats downplayed it and hyped depending on the politics of it, but we're supposed to ignore that and vote for them anyway
That’s their warped logic they have
As I have written Trump lied and people died. It is as clear as day now that he was lying the whole time he was downplaying Covid. The two-faced President was telling Woodward just how dangerous it was while telling the people it will magically disappear.

How many people died because of Trump's lies. 20,000..50.,000..120,000?

Trump's apologists will make fools of themselves once arguing that Trump did not say or mean what he obviously said and meant.

Just when you think Trump has hit bottom..he once again proves us wrong by reaching even greater depths of depravity.

He is responsible for the deaths and the dying from this virus, and the economy.

Trump is also responsible for your acne and the mole in your back yard.

Cut the stupid shit. The Chinese are responsible for the people dying. Of course Joe didn't need to try to help them by undercutting the President while he tried to deal with it.

Now Joe's advertising his Biden virus plan ... to do what Trump is doing now ...

Why can’t you guys ever hold Trump responsible for anything?
why do you attack him for everything he does???

he tried to keep the people calm,,,whats wrong about that???

Calm? Like he does at his hate rallies? Do you mean like that?
dont change the subject,,,

So not calm thank you.
what I dont get is why are dems trying so hard to get trump re-elected???
There is nothing that can be said to many Trump supporters to change their minds. They are so encapsulated in Trump’s world, it would break their brains to come to terms with reality.

Is that what you are doing in here? Trying to change minds? And to do that you hurl insults, and slurs at the people you disagree with to accomplish that? Hmmm....I actually think it would "break the brains" of liberals like yourself to admit that Trump has done anything positive....even though you know he has.
How can I change your mind? We’d have to live in the same reality first.
yours is the alternate reality,,,,
Thing is, Trump isn’t actually dumb, but he thinks you are. Private Trump agrees with me about the seriousness of coronavirus, but it’s better for him if he keeps you guys in his alternate reality where it’s no big deal.
youre just a sad excuse for a moron,,,
After hearing Woodward’s tapes, we both know I’m proven to be correct.

Trump doesn’t tell you the truth, he saves that for his elitist friends.
whats sad is you think politician ever tells the whole truth,,,

thats why I always base my opinion on their actions not words,,,

and since his actions have caused you dems to lose your friggin minds hes got to be doing something right,,,

These clowns can’t debate,they never address facts like what I have said a thounsand times here that There has never been a president we had that did not lie,not even our last great potus
As I have written Trump lied and people died. It is as clear as day now that he was lying the whole time he was downplaying Covid. The two-faced President was telling Woodward just how dangerous it was while telling the people it will magically disappear.

How many people died because of Trump's lies. 20,000..50.,000..120,000?

Trump's apologists will make fools of themselves once arguing that Trump did not say or mean what he obviously said and meant.

Just when you think Trump has hit bottom..he once again proves us wrong by reaching even greater depths of depravity.

He is responsible for the deaths and the dying from this virus, and the economy.

Trump is also responsible for your acne and the mole in your back yard.

Cut the stupid shit. The Chinese are responsible for the people dying. Of course Joe didn't need to try to help them by undercutting the President while he tried to deal with it.

Now Joe's advertising his Biden virus plan ... to do what Trump is doing now ...

Why can’t you guys ever hold Trump responsible for anything?
why do you attack him for everything he does???

he tried to keep the people calm,,,whats wrong about that???

Calm? Like he does at his hate rallies? Do you mean like that?
dont change the subject,,,

So not calm thank you.
what I dont get is why are dems trying so hard to get trump re-elected???
There is nothing that can be said to many Trump supporters to change their minds. They are so encapsulated in Trump’s world, it would break their brains to come to terms with reality.

Is that what you are doing in here? Trying to change minds? And to do that you hurl insults, and slurs at the people you disagree with to accomplish that? Hmmm....I actually think it would "break the brains" of liberals like yourself to admit that Trump has done anything positive....even though you know he has.
How can I change your mind? We’d have to live in the same reality first.
yours is the alternate reality,,,,
Thing is, Trump isn’t actually dumb, but he thinks you are. Private Trump agrees with me about the seriousness of coronavirus, but it’s better for him if he keeps you guys in his alternate reality where it’s no big deal.
youre just a sad excuse for a moron,,,
After hearing Woodward’s tapes, we both know I’m proven to be correct.

Trump doesn’t tell you the truth, he saves that for his elitist friends.

And you've seen the tapes of Democrats downplaying it at the same time and you know that Biden called Trump a racist for trying to act. Yet you pounce on Trump and ignore the Democrats. My point yet again of your utter lack of credibility
You expose him as always same as I
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You are very confused. Pete Navarro letter to Trump is a warning in late January that millions could be infected or deaths. Despite of the warnings at the same time China is in full scale war with the Coronavirus. Trump stupidity downplayed the crisis with the help of Fox News and Limbaugh all the way to April and even today with the 190,000+ deaths. That’s a fact
Can you prove any of those deaths as corona caused? Hahaha hahaha hahaha, cdc can’t . Now you want me to believe you know? Hahaha hahaha hahaha
Yep the cdc has failed to prove they are all deaths caused by corona,yet these clowns think THEY have the answer,don’t you love

There is nothing left to be said.

Because of Trump, and his supporters, half a million Americans will be dead by years end, the economy has collapsed, millions will be permanently out of work, businesses will close and not reopen, the credibility of the country will be gone, we will be a second rate economy, and will have our national security more compromised than may ever be discovered, so a second rate grifter, and his family of second rate hustlers, could use the government to enrich themselves. It will take at least a decade to repair the damage that will be done by the time they are gone. It will take some very extreme, and harsh, but necessary steps to restore the country to what is was before the great undoing, that began in 1968, that has culminated to our current situation.
Turn that around to saying because of the corruption of the dems and their supporters,half a million Americans will be dead by years end,the economy has collapsed,businesses will close and not reopen,and millions will be permanetely out of work because of the dem party,turn that post around to saying that and you nailed it and hit a home
People will starve to death. Demofks still can’t say why glasses fog when worn with masks! They disappear
They disappear ALL the time when you expose facts that do not go along with the government always evading the facts never addressing them just start
It was Dick Cheney, Donald Rumsfeld, and the new american group that gave the CIA the "curveball" information.
Wow I’m impressed,a biden lover who once actually went by facts,that won’t ever happen you biden worshippers always ignore pesky facts that the republican globalists,the neocon mass murderers in the bush administration as well as mass murderer globalist Romney,all hate trump same as the dems because he is trying to drain the
Actually it shows what happens when the white house tells the intelligence agencies what they want from them.

Just like Trump just told the whistleblower to stop releasing reports on russian election interference, and concentrate on china and iran.
You just lost your credibility on that debunked Russian interference propaganda,I’m not a trump supporter and I tear into him myself the fact he was an asshole for cutting off aide to Palestine but not doing the same for warmonger Israel kissing their ass,stick to facts like that one if you want to rag on trump for being a jerk but give it up already on that debunked rambling lies of russiagate.hee hee.
They can’t out debate us. Put em in a corner, they go silent
That is the UNDERSTATEMENT of the year.
Business owners have to make decisions on the operation of their business and the threat the virus poses for employees and customers. Families have to decide on social gathers such as weddings and wearing masks, and social distancing. Trump has created an addition crisis in America, who to believe the president or the healthcare people?
So why did they purposely lie about the deaths of 190,000 people? Seems integrity of the demofks is gone
Here we go. The crazy-ass bullshit is their only response.

What 200,000 dead? It's all fake news.
Now your catching on that it’s fake news,the corporate controlled media has never told the truth to us about anything,that’s why it’s comical you now all of sudden believe them,my the
Trump did shutdown foreign travel. He did not shutdown the economy, nor open it. That power was reserved for the states. The president could recommend, create guidelines, use the bully pulpit to support or oppose the governors but in the end the tough job of weighting the misery caused by the virus versus the misery caused by an economic shutdown rested with the governors
So you agree the demofk governors put 20 million out of work! I agree
He don’t want to hear that truth
As I have written Trump lied and people died. It is as clear as day now that he was lying the whole time he was downplaying Covid. The two-faced President was telling Woodward just how dangerous it was while telling the people it will magically disappear.

How many people died because of Trump's lies. 20,000..50.,000..120,000?

Trump's apologists will make fools of themselves once arguing that Trump did not say or mean what he obviously said and meant.

Just when you think Trump has hit bottom..he once again proves us wrong by reaching even greater depths of depravity.

He is responsible for the deaths and the dying from this virus, and the economy.

Trump is also responsible for your acne and the mole in your back yard.

Cut the stupid shit. The Chinese are responsible for the people dying. Of course Joe didn't need to try to help them by undercutting the President while he tried to deal with it.

Now Joe's advertising his Biden virus plan ... to do what Trump is doing now ...

Why can’t you guys ever hold Trump responsible for anything?
why do you attack him for everything he does???

he tried to keep the people calm,,,whats wrong about that???

Calm? Like he does at his hate rallies? Do you mean like that?
All that Make America Great stuff is so hateful to Dimsocialist lemmings.
Trump has demonstrated he doesn’t actually understand what makes America great.

His rallies are peppered with grievances, calling others disgusting names. It’s hate. Pure and simple. Own it.
why wouldnt there be hate against people that would destroy freedom???
Something the dems excel at as proven on this entire thread,this never sinks in with them but this is coming from someone who has always said both parties are evil and one in the same, lol
The virus was clearly as bad as it was made out to be
Post the number of deaths in the same time period of 2018 and 2019, and let’s see. You must have those figures to make such a statement

About 34,000 or so deaths from the flu.
Currently you're at 195,000 from Corona. I'd say that makes it worse than the flu

Where have you been for the last several months? I mean seriously, it's as if you people live in a cave. The numbers are a complete joke. A big fat LIE. The way they've done that has been explained over and over and over.

At this point, I'm thinking that the people who believe this BS are borderline senile senior citizens who don't get out much and get all their info ONLY from the controlled mainstream media.
I don't deal in right-wing, white trash, Deplorable conspiracy theories. I deal in facts. Refute them if you can.

Oh yeah, you're really getting the truth and "facts" from corrupt governments, globalist oligarchs and the controlled corporate media. :lmao: :itsok:
You so much owned him checkmating
The virus was clearly as bad as it was made out to be
Post the number of deaths in the same time period of 2018 and 2019, and let’s see. You must have those figures to make such a statement

About 34,000 or so deaths from the flu.
Currently you're at 195,000 from Corona. I'd say that makes it worse than the flu

Where have you been for the last several months? I mean seriously, it's as if you people live in a cave. The numbers are a complete joke. A big fat LIE. The way they've done that has been explained over and over and over.

At this point, I'm thinking that the people who believe this BS are borderline senile senior citizens who don't get out much and get all their info ONLY from the controlled mainstream media.
I don't deal in right-wing, white trash, Deplorable conspiracy theories. I deal in facts. Refute them if you can.

Oh yeah, you're really getting the truth and "facts" from corrupt governments, globalist oligarchs and the controlled corporate media. :lmao: :itsok:

There are corrupt govts. There are oligarchs. And some media have agendas. But that doesn't explain why you are laughing at the CDC report I put up. You think COVID is a hoax? if so. Prove it. If not, what are you going on about. And in that case STFU you moron.
The one that needs to STFU is you the fact you are not even aware that even the cdc themselves have said they inflated the
So you're saying herd immunity works. But doesn't address the cause of death

When the lethality of the virus is 0.02% you can achieve herd immunity.
The lethality of the coronavirus was 100 times higher. At those levels achieving herd immunity means the death of millions, and not thousands.

So it's a matter of how many people you're willing to sacrafice, and how many are too many.

If you're willing to lose 25 million Americans, then go for herd immunity.
No here you go with bullshit. COVID 19 caused deaths are not above 10,000 remember they count any death as covid related if you have the virus regardless if the virus was the reason for your death.

The CDC currently puts the number of confirmed deaths at about 100,000. But even the “best estimate” 0.26% fatality rate is a significant overestimate because of how the CDC is counting deaths. The actual rate is fairly close to a recent bad year for the seasonal flu. And though public health officials have been transparent about how they are counting coronavirus deaths, the implications for calculating the infection fatality rate are not appreciated.
Thanks for taking him to school.
As I have written Trump lied and people died. It is as clear as day now that he was lying the whole time he was downplaying Covid. The two-faced President was telling Woodward just how dangerous it was while telling the people it will magically disappear.

How many people died because of Trump's lies. 20,000..50.,000..120,000?

Trump's apologists will make fools of themselves once arguing that Trump did not say or mean what he obviously said and meant.

Just when you think Trump has hit bottom..he once again proves us wrong by reaching even greater depths of depravity.

He is responsible for the deaths and the dying from this virus, and the economy.

Trump is also responsible for your acne and the mole in your back yard.

Cut the stupid shit. The Chinese are responsible for the people dying. Of course Joe didn't need to try to help them by undercutting the President while he tried to deal with it.

Now Joe's advertising his Biden virus plan ... to do what Trump is doing now ...

Why can’t you guys ever hold Trump responsible for anything?
why do you attack him for everything he does???

he tried to keep the people calm,,,whats wrong about that???

Calm? Like he does at his hate rallies? Do you mean like that?
All that Make America Great stuff is so hateful to Dimsocialist lemmings.

All that suckers and losers to dead soldiers certainly is! But we know it is just oh so MAGA to you fools.

Feel free to bring those quotes from his rallies.

Watch this dodge......................

Does it matter when he said them? Watch this dodge does calling America's war dead suckers and losers " Make America Great Again?
thats been proven a lie,,,

No it really hasn't, just because tRump says it's a lie means it is spot on.

then why hasnt anyone that heard it come forward with proof???

oh thats right because it was made up,,,

Ewe said it was proven ti be a lie, prove it.
I did,,,

ROTFLMFAO, of course in that tiny mind of yours you you and you alone.

tRump said he loves the poorly educated, he found ya!!!!!

obama says he loves liars you are needed go spread those Biden lies lol
Boy does Obama ever love liars,I can’t remember one who lied more than him except for maybe his pal
There is a Florida bar owner who is my hero because he is banning customers from wearing masks,true patriot,wish the other businesses would grow some balls and stand up to our corrupt government like he has.
The only thing proven by him, of all people who own a 757 jet, is that he was the beneficary of his daddies wealth, (estimated to be over 400 million) which some have speculated was obtained through tax fraud as well as other questionable endeavors.

If he was truly a self made billionaire(like Warren Buffet, or even his little pet ass licker, Krazy Kanye) with a proven track record of building and sustaining new businesses or turning distressed businesses into profitable ventures , then his self proclaimed business acumen could be taken seriously. By accident of birth, he was spit out with a 24k gold spoon stuck in his fat ass.
This FALSE line has been uttered by Democrats a million times, and refuted 10 times that much. Lots of people were born to rich parents. They were not still rich at the age of 74. Or even 30.

Trump inherited some money when his father died in 1999, but it was insignificant and small, relative to the multibillion $$$ fortune he had already amassed by that time, on his own.

When his father died, Trump was already 53 years old, and had been a multibillionaire for decades.

That statement has been highly questioned by credible money management experts for years.

Since you are a gullible, blindly loyal Trump worshipper, you refuse to acknowledge that the true valuation of his net worth has been a mystery long prior to 1999.

He has fought with Forbes for years over their estimate of his actual net worth wealth, and since no one truly knows the extent of his tax liabilities, the only barometer there is to gauge his wealth are public records, which do not support his claim of being a "multi billionaire" for the duration of time that he and his sheep like you claim.
The proof is in the sky >>







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Don't expect Trump to gives two shits.
He doesn't care, the Trumpsters don't care.

When this first broke, I was anxious to see how the Trumpsters would react. I knew they'd rally around him, of course, but I didn't know how. How in the world can you deny something that came out of his own mouth?

So far, most of them are going with "fake news", even with the tapes fully public. They're just flat-out ignoring what he said. It didn't happen.

This whole time just continues to evade description. The term "denial" seems so inadequate, pedestrian, unsatisfying. This whole pathology just doesn't make sense to me.

It's not that Trump didn't say these things Mac, it's about how you people twist, pull out of context, and use things like hindsight, name calling, and bull shit narratives to constantly attack this President over this...Example, it is clear that Cuomo is responsible for the explosion of senior citizen deaths inside nursing homes due to his policy of shoving Covid positive patients into these facilities. Even when this President sent him MASH forces, and an entire Hospital ship ready to help, that weren't use by that dolt...Yet, I'll bet you a dime for a dollar that you'll defend that POS.....
Your maki g way too much sense for macs tiny little brain to hee hee.
Don't expect Trump to gives two shits.
He doesn't care, the Trumpsters don't care.

When this first broke, I was anxious to see how the Trumpsters would react. I knew they'd rally around him, of course, but I didn't know how. How in the world can you deny something that came out of his own mouth?

So far, most of them are going with "fake news", even with the tapes fully public. They're just flat-out ignoring what he said. It didn't happen.

This whole time just continues to evade description. The term "denial" seems so inadequate, pedestrian, unsatisfying. This whole pathology just doesn't make sense to me.

It's not that Trump didn't say these things Mac, it's about how you people twist, pull out of context, and use things like hindsight, name calling, and bull shit narratives to constantly attack this President over this...Example, it is clear that Cuomo is responsible for the explosion of senior citizen deaths inside nursing homes due to his policy of shoving Covid positive patients into these facilities. Even when this President sent him MASH forces, and an entire Hospital ship ready to help, that weren't use by that dolt...Yet, I'll bet you a dime for a dollar that you'll defend that POS.....
Your maki g way too much sense for macs tiny little brain to hee hee.
That's for sure. No one is as smart as an obedient Trumpster 'n stuff.

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