Trump Not Interested In CRAP Intel

Tom Horn

Gold Member
Aug 31, 2015
The chattering-class, who this morning consists mostly of bitter leftists, is trying to demean the President-Elect for not caring much for the present CIA's intel briefings. What they purposely ignore is how bad Barry's CIA has been at providing either helpful background or actionable information in time for it to be relevant. Never before has the CIA had so little human-resourced data, depending instead on signal-intel, drones, and satellites click click clicking pictures from outer space. A perfect example is how little we knew about ISIS or the intentions of the Muslim Brotherhood's temporary takeover of Egypt. Of course some of that information was probably ignored by the muslim dickhead in our White House who'd touted the "Arab Spring" while ignoring a rebellion in Iran that could have toppled the mullahs.

Further; Trump has Flynn and Mattis around him, two guys who know what's really going on around the world while CIA director Brennan clinks martini glasses with the Washington elite. He probably gave up on Barry the Fairy having any real interest in anything but avoiding action by "leading from behind". A good example of the Obama CIA being politicized like the rest of our federal agencies was the declaration that the Russians were behind Podesta's email swipe. Wikileak's Assage laughed at that assertion knowing full-well it was DNC staffer Seth Rich who hacked Podesta and got murdered for it by a Clinton mechanic. Trump should base his foreign policy actions on a CIA staffed by an Obama hack? don't think so. Dubya made a catastrophic mistake by keeping George Tenet on at Langley for "continuity" between administrations and it got the World Trade Center knocked down.
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The dirty little secret is that the CIA hasn't been on top of any important event since WW2. It seems that democrat regimes don't trust the Military so they put the CIA in charge of combat operations (how did Vietnam work out?) and walk away from the conflicts. Lets hope that Trump's appointment of "mad dog Mattis" will straighten out the relationship between the CIA and the Military. It should be noted that Bill Clinton's National Security Adviser, arguably the top intelligence post in the Country, became a freaking common thief stealing documents from the National Archives allegedly to cover up his boss's mistakes and the liberal media didn't care about what was stolen when Sandy Berger received a slap on the wrist.
The chattering-class, who this morning consists mostly of bitter leftists, is trying to demean the President-Elect for not caring much for the present CIA's intel briefings. What they purposely ignore is how bad Barry's CIA has been at providing neither helpful background or actionable information in time for it to be relevant. Never before has the CIA had so little human-resourced data, depending instead on signal-intel, drones, and satellites click click clicking pictures from outer space. A perfect example is how little we knew about ISIS or the intentions of the Muslim Brotherhood's temporary takeover of Egypt. Of course some of that information was probably ignored by the muslim dickhead in our White House who'd touted the "Arab Spring" while ignoring a rebellion in Iran that could have toppled the mullahs.

Further; Trump has Flynn and Mattis around him, two guys who know what's really going on around the world while CIA director Brennan clinks martini glasses with the Washington elite. He probably gave up on Barry the Fairy having any real interest in anything but avoiding action by "leading from behind". A good example of the Obama CIA being politicized like the rest of our federal agencies was the declaration that the Russians were behind Podesta's email swipe. Wikileak's Assage laughed at that assertion knowing full-well it was DNC staffer Seth Rich who hacked Podesta and got murdered for it by a Clinton mechanic. Trump should base his foreign policy actions on a CIA staffed by an Obama hack? don't think so. Dubya made a catastrophic mistake by keeping Tenet on at Langley for "continuity" between administrations and it got the World Trade Center knocked down.

Trump simply doesn't have the background to distinguish between bad intel and good intel. And it would be extremely foolhardy of him to attempt to do so and for him to get in arguments with intel experts that know a lot more than he does. This was a major reason for the Iraq War, when Cheney used his power to pressure and intimidate CIA intel analysts regarding the lack of WMD evidence.

This thread is stupid and pointless and written by an unsophisticated, know-nothing Repug dolt.
The chattering-class, who this morning consists mostly of bitter leftists, is trying to demean the President-Elect for not caring much for the present CIA's intel briefings. What they purposely ignore is how bad Barry's CIA has been at providing neither helpful background or actionable information in time for it to be relevant. Never before has the CIA had so little human-resourced data, depending instead on signal-intel, drones, and satellites click click clicking pictures from outer space. A perfect example is how little we knew about ISIS or the intentions of the Muslim Brotherhood's temporary takeover of Egypt. Of course some of that information was probably ignored by the muslim dickhead in our White House who'd touted the "Arab Spring" while ignoring a rebellion in Iran that could have toppled the mullahs.

Further; Trump has Flynn and Mattis around him, two guys who know what's really going on around the world while CIA director Brennan clinks martini glasses with the Washington elite. He probably gave up on Barry the Fairy having any real interest in anything but avoiding action by "leading from behind". A good example of the Obama CIA being politicized like the rest of our federal agencies was the declaration that the Russians were behind Podesta's email swipe. Wikileak's Assage laughed at that assertion knowing full-well it was DNC staffer Seth Rich who hacked Podesta and got murdered for it by a Clinton mechanic. Trump should base his foreign policy actions on a CIA staffed by an Obama hack? don't think so. Dubya made a catastrophic mistake by keeping Tenet on at Langley for "continuity" between administrations and it got the World Trade Center knocked down.

Trump simply doesn't have the background to distinguish between bad intel and good intel. And it would be extremely foolhardy of him to attempt to do so and for him to get in arguments with intel experts that know a lot more than he does. This was a major reason for the Iraq War, when Cheney used his power to pressure and intimidate CIA intel analysts regarding the lack of WMD evidence.

This thread is stupid and pointless and written by an unsophisticated, know-nothing Repug dolt.
ISIS is J/V anyway.....Obamas intelligence reports told us that.....
The dirty little secret is that the CIA hasn't been on top of any important event since WW2. It seems that democrat regimes don't trust the Military so they put the CIA in charge of combat operations (how did Vietnam work out?) and walk away from the conflicts. Lets hope that Trump's appointment of "mad dog Mattis" will straighten out the relationship between the CIA and the Military.

I can tell you from first-hand experience that the CIA did a pretty fair job in Vietnam because they listened to what our recon teams told them. Anybody who's ever been through a spook debriefing will tell you they were totally suspicious of all the information they got and almost defiant about believing what they were told. You leave one of those encounters worn out thinking they were idiots but a few days later find that they'd used what they'd learned effectively.
Trump hasn't even started and the moonbats on the left are already unglued, unhinged, and irrational.

Wait until he starts slaying their sacred cows....:rofl:
Trump simply doesn't have the background to distinguish between bad intel and good intel. And it would be extremely foolhardy of him to attempt to do so and for him to get in arguments with intel experts that know a lot more than he does. This was a major reason for the Iraq War, when Cheney used his power to pressure and intimidate CIA intel analysts regarding the lack of WMD evidence.

This thread is stupid and pointless and written by an unsophisticated, know-nothing Repug dolt.

Hopefully you've sent your life-savings ($31) to Jill Stein's recount effort.
What makes you think that Flynn and Mattis have better Intel? Because you happen to like the words that spill from their mouths?
What makes you think that Flynn and Mattis have better Intel? Because you happen to like the words that spill from their mouths?

No, because the Joint-Chiefs gave up on CIA intel in about 2006 and started winning the Iraq war. Both Generals have their networks, networks that don't have a political agenda. Trump will come into office knowing what is instead of what could be.
What makes you think that Flynn and Mattis have better Intel? Because you happen to like the words that spill from their mouths?

No, because the Joint-Chiefs gave up on CIA intel and started winning the Iraq war. Both Generals have their networks, networks that don't have a political agenda. Trump will come into office knowing what is instead of what could be.

Best intelligence comes from combining all sources, not just one. Wasn't it that lack of interchange one of the problems that came out of the 9/11 investigation? So now we're going to have a president who will depend on only one source? Oh brilliant.

They ALL have political agendas, particularly once they are in the political system.
Thread summary:

"Who needs real intel when you have kook racist conspiracy blogs?"

Most Trump fans really are the stupidest people to ever walk planet earth.
I doubt anyone in the Trump administration is using you DU as a reference.....:lol:
The chattering-class, who this morning consists mostly of bitter leftists, is trying to demean the President-Elect for not caring much for the present CIA's intel briefings. What they purposely ignore is how bad Barry's CIA has been at providing neither helpful background or actionable information in time for it to be relevant. Never before has the CIA had so little human-resourced data, depending instead on signal-intel, drones, and satellites click click clicking pictures from outer space. A perfect example is how little we knew about ISIS or the intentions of the Muslim Brotherhood's temporary takeover of Egypt. Of course some of that information was probably ignored by the muslim dickhead in our White House who'd touted the "Arab Spring" while ignoring a rebellion in Iran that could have toppled the mullahs.

Further; Trump has Flynn and Mattis around him, two guys who know what's really going on around the world while CIA director Brennan clinks martini glasses with the Washington elite. He probably gave up on Barry the Fairy having any real interest in anything but avoiding action by "leading from behind". A good example of the Obama CIA being politicized like the rest of our federal agencies was the declaration that the Russians were behind Podesta's email swipe. Wikileak's Assage laughed at that assertion knowing full-well it was DNC staffer Seth Rich who hacked Podesta and got murdered for it by a Clinton mechanic. Trump should base his foreign policy actions on a CIA staffed by an Obama hack? don't think so. Dubya made a catastrophic mistake by keeping Tenet on at Langley for "continuity" between administrations and it got the World Trade Center knocked down.

Trump simply doesn't have the background to distinguish between bad intel and good intel. And it would be extremely foolhardy of him to attempt to do so and for him to get in arguments with intel experts that know a lot more than he does. This was a major reason for the Iraq War, when Cheney used his power to pressure and intimidate CIA intel analysts regarding the lack of WMD evidence.

This thread is stupid and pointless and written by an unsophisticated, know-nothing Repug dolt.
The people who decide what goes into the briefings are Obama appointees, and since Trump regards Obama's policies on security and foreign policy with such contempt, he will wisely wait until he appoints people he can trust before Making any decisions based on these reports. Meanwhile, he has Pence keeping track of what the Obama appointees think is important.
Best intelligence comes from combining all sources, not just one. Wasn't it that lack of interchange one of the problems that came out of the 9/11 investigation? So now we're going to have a president who will depend on only one source? Oh brilliant.

They ALL have political agendas, particularly once they are in the political system.

Wrong. The best intelligence comes from analysts who's sole duty is to provide the President with solid information without any recommendations on how to use it. That's the agency's job. Appropriate Cabinet members then plot courses of action and the CIC decides which he'll pursue. An admin trying to mine down into conflicting information leads to nothing being done with it.....that's what we've had 8 years of with your boy.

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