Trump Needs To Enact Insurrection Act In Seattle, Right Now!


Diamond Member
Oct 20, 2013
Asshole mayor of Seattle, Jenny Durkan needs to be made an example of. This jerk is not only reckless and irresponsible, but she has the gall to make light of a very dangerous situation, that she is causing by keeping her police away from the screwballs who have taken over a small section of the city. Some of these thugs are armed, and all of them have declared this area a "cop-free zone".

Durkan also makes the astonishing claim that >> "It is unconstitutional, and illegal to send military to Seattle." FALSE! It is 100% legal, and Durkan would be well advised to keep her nose in the city level , and not try to venture out into federal politics and law. What IS ILLEGAL, is her removing the police from enforcing the law in Seattle, and she should be jailed for doing that.

Several square blocks of Seattle remain under control of a group of radicals who are calling for the defunding of the police department and have dubbed the area the "Capitol Hill Autonomous Zone" – or CHAZ.

So what is going to happen in this area that contains homes and businesses both ? Already it's been reported that the takeover thugs are extorting businesses to pay them "protection money", reminscient of the days of Al Capone's organized crime outfit in Chicago in the 1930s.

This lunacy has gone far enough. People are being robbed, and without police in the area, who knows how many rapes, assaults, or even murders are going on, or will happen in the next days or week ?

Trump has been threatening to send in the troops to restore law and order if local and state authorities can't "straighten it out," the president says. Well, it's worse than that, The idiot or deranged mayor, when asked about the situation, has jokingly smiled and said "Maybe we'll have a summer of love" She apparently has no interest in stopping this lunacy.

The Governor of Washington, Jay Inslee, so far has been just as criminally negligent. He tweeted >> "What we will not allow are threats of military violence, against Washingtonians coming from the White House. The US military serves to protect Americans, not the fragility of an insecure president."

These 2 sentence are chock full of inaccuracies.
1. Inslee WILL allow military intervention by US troops, or he will be sitting in a federal prison, if he does anything to interfere.
2. The "Washingtonians" that Inslee is talking about protecting, are criminal anarchist thugs, who are extorting people, and engaging in treason.
3. The US military is President Trump's business, and none of Inslee's, who should shut his mouth about the US military.
4. Nobody cares about Inslee's opinion of Trump, and tweeting it, only makes Inslee look more like a fool.

Since both of these 2 stooges are doing nothing to stop the takeover of the Seattle streets, and lawlessness going on there, Trump should declare the Insurrection Act, send the US troops in, liberate the area, and arrest the criminals responsible including the 2 loser loons, Durkan and Inslee.

If this ends without them doing immediate jailtime, something will be really wrong here.

Let the voters in Seattle stew in their own mess...
Hard to believe that they would vote for these 2 goofballs. If Trump doesn't bring in the troops, and this spreads to more areas of Seattle, the foolish voters will begin to realize what fools they have been.
Yep, trump needs to sit back and criticize the moron mayor. Make it clear to America how many ridiculous things seattle did for criminal gangsters. . . If trump reacts and solves this problem , and some black man sprains an ankle trump will be pelted non stop by the chinese media. Its times like these you must ask yourself , are you an American, or are you a democrat.
You know what? I don't live in Seattle. I'm not a cop in Seattle. Washington, with the exception of the Navy bases, is a solid blue state. The last interesting thing that happened in Seattle was the 1962 Exhibition.

I'm inclined to let the place burn to the ground. I already have good photos of the Space Needle.
Trump needs to let it go and let Seattle and the state of Washington look at Inslee and Durkan and see how stupid they and their ideas are. If Trump interferes, he will look bad. I live in Washington and public opinion is not in their favor and will continue to deteriorate. My son works for a company in downtown Seattle and no one outside of a few nuts are impressed with the mayor and now they are asking why the governor isn’t stepping in.
Jerky Jenny thinks this whole thing is cool. She is defending the lawless lunatics who have declared an “autonomous zone” on the city’s streets as “patriotic.”

Wow. Cool man. ........ LOCK HER UP! (either in a jail, or a nuthouse)

Trump needs to let it go and let Seattle and the state of Washington look at Inslee and Durkan and see how stupid they and their ideas are. If Trump interferes, he will look bad. I live in Washington and public opinion is not in their favor and will continue to deteriorate. My son works for a company in downtown Seattle and no one outside of a few nuts are impressed with the mayor and now they are asking why the governor isn’t stepping in.
If Trump doesn't take action, he will be criticized as weak, and not doing the job that presidents are supposed to do. It might take a month or 2 for everyone to get used to it, but they will, and see it as doing what was needed.

Democrat mayors and governors have been getting away with allowing lawlessness, and tying the hands of their police for too long. Time to stop it is now.
Asshole mayor of Seattle, Jenny Durkan needs to be made an example of. This jerk is not only reckless and irresponsible, but she has the gall to make light of a very dangerous situation, that she is causing by keeping her police away from the screwballs who have taken over a small section of the city. Some of these thugs are armed, and all of them have declared this area a "cop-free zone".

Durkan also makes the astonishing claim that >> "It is unconstitutional, and illegal to send military to Seattle." FALSE! It is 100% legal, and Durkan would be well advised to keep her nose in the city level , and not try to venture out into federal politics and law. What IS ILLEGAL, is her removing the police from enforcing the law in Seattle, and she should be jailed for doing that.

Several square blocks of Seattle remain under control of a group of radicals who are calling for the defunding of the police department and have dubbed the area the "Capitol Hill Autonomous Zone" – or CHAZ.

So what is going to happen in this area that contains homes and businesses both ? Already it's been reported that the takeover thugs are extorting businesses to pay them "protection money", reminscient of the days of Al Capone's organized crime outfit in Chicago in the 1930s.

This lunacy has gone far enough. People are being robbed, and without police in the area, who knows how many rapes, assaults, or even murders are going on, or will happen in the next days or week ?

Trump has been threatening to send in the troops to restore law and order if local and state authorities can't "straighten it out," the president says. Well, it's worse than that, The idiot or deranged mayor, when asked about the situation, has jokingly smiled and said "Maybe we'll have a summer of love" She apparently has no interest in stopping this lunacy.

The Governor of Washington, Jay Inslee, so far has been just as criminally negligent. He tweeted >> "What we will not allow are threats of military violence, against Washingtonians coming from the White House. The US military serves to protect Americans, not the fragility of an insecure president."

These 2 sentence are chock full of inaccuracies.
1. Inslee WILL allow military intervention by US troops, or he will be sitting in a federal prison, if he does anything to interfere.
2. The "Washingtonians" that Inslee is talking about protecting, are criminal anarchist thugs, who are extorting people, and engaging in treason.
3. The US military is President Trump's business, and none of Inslee's, who should shut his mouth about the US military.
4. Nobody cares about Inslee's opinion of Trump, and tweeting it, only makes Inslee look more like a fool.

Since both of these 2 stooges are doing nothing to stop the takeover of the Seattle streets, and lawlessness going on there, Trump should declare the Insurrection Act, send the US troops in, liberate the area, and arrest the criminals responsible including the 2 loser loons, Durkan and Inslee.

If this ends without them doing immediate jailtime, something will be really wrong here.

The people who claim to be in Donald Trump's corner are advising against the use of tactical federal law enforcement teams or military anywhere outside of D.C. on the premise that doing so could cost him the election. So our President faces two possible choices in the immediate treatment of the CHAZ and nationwide looting business. Choice one: do nothing. Place the onus of responsibility for resolving CHAZ squarely on the shoulders of Inslee and other state and local democrat elected officials. Play the long game of making the democrats look as dangerous to the future of America as possible and maybe carry the election with a few million extra votes but come out looking weak and with a bad taste in his mouth. Choice two: send in the troops. A clear show of overwhelming force would deliver a resounding message: don't fuck with liberty and the rule of law. This choice, while possibly the best one for America at large, for preserving our civilization, could turn hatred for our President into a nuclear blast and cost him the 2020 election. My own thoughts on the matter? People, namely radical leftist pretend revolutionaries, need to die—well, some of them at least. A drone strike or three is a good bet for sending that clear, resounding message but risks collateral damage in lives and property. The optics on that one: not good. Best bet? my opinion? A covert ground operation which could be over and done with before anyone but the asshole "citizens" of CHAZ were aware of.
Some people think that maybe CHAZ is not such a bad idea.

If CHAZ can do it, then it's only fair that Americans in other cities can set up autonomous zones, too.

Let's say that people in one of our many violent cities are sick and tired of crime. Well, then, they could set up an autonomous zone that is patrolled by guards whose duty is to keep out bad people.

We already have gated communities. Maybe autonomous zones are just another step in that direction.

And some people say that the United States has a bright future.

Asshole mayor of Seattle, Jenny Durkan needs to be made an example of. This jerk is not only reckless and irresponsible, but she has the gall to make light of a very dangerous situation, that she is causing by keeping her police away from the screwballs who have taken over a small section of the city. Some of these thugs are armed, and all of them have declared this area a "cop-free zone".

Durkan also makes the astonishing claim that >> "It is unconstitutional, and illegal to send military to Seattle." FALSE! It is 100% legal, and Durkan would be well advised to keep her nose in the city level , and not try to venture out into federal politics and law. What IS ILLEGAL, is her removing the police from enforcing the law in Seattle, and she should be jailed for doing that.

Several square blocks of Seattle remain under control of a group of radicals who are calling for the defunding of the police department and have dubbed the area the "Capitol Hill Autonomous Zone" – or CHAZ.

So what is going to happen in this area that contains homes and businesses both ? Already it's been reported that the takeover thugs are extorting businesses to pay them "protection money", reminscient of the days of Al Capone's organized crime outfit in Chicago in the 1930s.

This lunacy has gone far enough. People are being robbed, and without police in the area, who knows how many rapes, assaults, or even murders are going on, or will happen in the next days or week ?

Trump has been threatening to send in the troops to restore law and order if local and state authorities can't "straighten it out," the president says. Well, it's worse than that, The idiot or deranged mayor, when asked about the situation, has jokingly smiled and said "Maybe we'll have a summer of love" She apparently has no interest in stopping this lunacy.

The Governor of Washington, Jay Inslee, so far has been just as criminally negligent. He tweeted >> "What we will not allow are threats of military violence, against Washingtonians coming from the White House. The US military serves to protect Americans, not the fragility of an insecure president."

These 2 sentence are chock full of inaccuracies.
1. Inslee WILL allow military intervention by US troops, or he will be sitting in a federal prison, if he does anything to interfere.
2. The "Washingtonians" that Inslee is talking about protecting, are criminal anarchist thugs, who are extorting people, and engaging in treason.
3. The US military is President Trump's business, and none of Inslee's, who should shut his mouth about the US military.
4. Nobody cares about Inslee's opinion of Trump, and tweeting it, only makes Inslee look more like a fool.

Since both of these 2 stooges are doing nothing to stop the takeover of the Seattle streets, and lawlessness going on there, Trump should declare the Insurrection Act, send the US troops in, liberate the area, and arrest the criminals responsible including the 2 loser loons, Durkan and Inslee.

If this ends without them doing immediate jailtime, something will be really wrong here.

Some people think that maybe CHAZ is not such a bad idea.

If CHAZ can do it, then it's only fair that Americans in other cities can set up autonomous zones, too.

Let's say that people in one of our many violent cities are sick and tired of crime. Well, then, they could set up an autonomous zone that is patrolled by guards whose duty is to keep out bad people.

We already have gated communities. Maybe autonomous zones are just another step in that direction.

And some people say that the United States has a bright future.


I support this idea...

Some people think that maybe CHAZ is not such a bad idea.

If CHAZ can do it, then it's only fair that Americans in other cities can set up autonomous zones, too.

Let's say that people in one of our many violent cities are sick and tired of crime. Well, then, they could set up an autonomous zone that is patrolled by guards whose duty is to keep out bad people.

We already have gated communities. Maybe autonomous zones are just another step in that direction.

And some people say that the United States has a bright future.


Dear TheParser
This can be done legally. It's called buying out your own town.
Compensating people who consent to either transferring ownership
or electing you democratically.

Here is the nonprofit way to take over control financially
by investing in nonprofit management of medical services:

If you want to renovate public housing to create sustainable campuses:
Or build a whole series of campus towns, such as along the border
to get rid of criminal gangs, cartels and trafficking:
Trump needs to let it go and let Seattle and the state of Washington look at Inslee and Durkan and see how stupid they and their ideas are. If Trump interferes, he will look bad. I live in Washington and public opinion is not in their favor and will continue to deteriorate. My son works for a company in downtown Seattle and no one outside of a few nuts are impressed with the mayor and now they are asking why the governor isn’t stepping in.

Yes I agree that if the citizens and mgmt of Seattle
cannot work out a safe agreement, they should
work with the State to bring in voluntary law enforcement
or other professionals to train the locals in security procedures.

Where the Feds might come in:
If any of the business owners, taxpayers or citizens
don't agree to have leadership or policies THEY DIDN'T ELECT,
they can ask for the right to be compensated for
losing their Constitutional right to security in their persons,
property and interests, their equal protections of liberty
and due process, and demand that either the State or Federal
Govt provide equal resources, costs and compensation for them to move elsewhere.

Either the people taking over their area need to compensate them for their losses.
Or the State or Federal Govt if they are enabling this unjust takeover without due process.
The people who claim to be in Donald Trump's corner are advising against the use of tactical federal law enforcement teams or military anywhere outside of D.C. on the premise that doing so could cost him the election. So our President faces two possible choices in the immediate treatment of the CHAZ and nationwide looting business. Choice one: do nothing. Place the onus of responsibility for resolving CHAZ squarely on the shoulders of Inslee and other state and local democrat elected officials. Play the long game of making the democrats look as dangerous to the future of America as possible and maybe carry the election with a few million extra votes but come out looking weak and with a bad taste in his mouth. Choice two: send in the troops. A clear show of overwhelming force would deliver a resounding message: don't fuck with liberty and the rule of law. This choice, while possibly the best one for America at large, for preserving our civilization, could turn hatred for our President into a nuclear blast and cost him the 2020 election. My own thoughts on the matter? People, namely radical leftist pretend revolutionaries, need to die—well, some of them at least. A drone strike or three is a good bet for sending that clear, resounding message but risks collateral damage in lives and property. The optics on that one: not good. Best bet? my opinion? A covert ground operation which could be over and done with before anyone but the asshole "citizens" of CHAZ were aware of.
It's possible if the LEADERS of this lunacy were to be apprehended and taken out of the picture, the whole takeover would be left with a large bunch of mindless and clueless robots. With direct threats of military intervention, these followers would finally follow what little common sense they have, and go home.

Then, FBI step in and arrest crazy mayor and governor. Send a message.
Yes I agree that if the citizens and mgmt of Seattle
cannot work out a safe agreement, they should
work with the State to bring in voluntary law enforcement
or other professionals to train the locals in security procedures.

Where the Feds might come in:
If any of the business owners, taxpayers or citizens
don't agree to have leadership or policies THEY DIDN'T ELECT,
they can ask for the right to be compensated for
losing their Constitutional right to security in their persons,
property and interests, their equal protections of liberty
and due process, and demand that either the State or Federal
Govt provide equal resources, costs and compensation for them to move elsewhere.

Either the people taking over their area need to compensate them for their losses.
Or the State or Federal Govt if they are enabling this unjust takeover without due process.
First, the lunatics engaging in this lunacy are not going to compensate anybody for anything. They have already demonstrated that they are nothing but low life thieves, robbing business owners, under the guise of selling them "protection". Al Capone reborn.

Second, there is no "if". So far, the city and state ARE enabling this takeover to occur, and Dunce Durkan refers to it as "Summer of Love", and calls the thugs "patriotic." Perhaps the ones who should compensate the folks incurring losse$, should be the dum dum voters of Seattle and Washington, who put these screwballs into office. The anarchists knew before they pulled this stunt, that they had the support of the mayir and governor, and that the police (against the police chief's will0 woul dbe removed from the scenario.
Asshole mayor of Seattle, Jenny Durkan needs to be made an example of. This jerk is not only reckless and irresponsible, but she has the gall to make light of a very dangerous situation, that she is causing by keeping her police away from the screwballs who have taken over a small section of the city. Some of these thugs are armed, and all of them have declared this area a "cop-free zone".

Durkan also makes the astonishing claim that >> "It is unconstitutional, and illegal to send military to Seattle." FALSE! It is 100% legal, and Durkan would be well advised to keep her nose in the city level , and not try to venture out into federal politics and law. What IS ILLEGAL, is her removing the police from enforcing the law in Seattle, and she should be jailed for doing that.

Several square blocks of Seattle remain under control of a group of radicals who are calling for the defunding of the police department and have dubbed the area the "Capitol Hill Autonomous Zone" – or CHAZ.

So what is going to happen in this area that contains homes and businesses both ? Already it's been reported that the takeover thugs are extorting businesses to pay them "protection money", reminscient of the days of Al Capone's organized crime outfit in Chicago in the 1930s.

This lunacy has gone far enough. People are being robbed, and without police in the area, who knows how many rapes, assaults, or even murders are going on, or will happen in the next days or week ?

Trump has been threatening to send in the troops to restore law and order if local and state authorities can't "straighten it out," the president says. Well, it's worse than that, The idiot or deranged mayor, when asked about the situation, has jokingly smiled and said "Maybe we'll have a summer of love" She apparently has no interest in stopping this lunacy.

The Governor of Washington, Jay Inslee, so far has been just as criminally negligent. He tweeted >> "What we will not allow are threats of military violence, against Washingtonians coming from the White House. The US military serves to protect Americans, not the fragility of an insecure president."

These 2 sentence are chock full of inaccuracies.
1. Inslee WILL allow military intervention by US troops, or he will be sitting in a federal prison, if he does anything to interfere.
2. The "Washingtonians" that Inslee is talking about protecting, are criminal anarchist thugs, who are extorting people, and engaging in treason.
3. The US military is President Trump's business, and none of Inslee's, who should shut his mouth about the US military.
4. Nobody cares about Inslee's opinion of Trump, and tweeting it, only makes Inslee look more like a fool.

Since both of these 2 stooges are doing nothing to stop the takeover of the Seattle streets, and lawlessness going on there, Trump should declare the Insurrection Act, send the US troops in, liberate the area, and arrest the criminals responsible including the 2 loser loons, Durkan and Inslee.

If this ends without them doing immediate jailtime, something will be really wrong here.

No no no NO NO!

Trump needs to find out who is funding and organizing the insurrection
Some people think that maybe CHAZ is not such a bad idea.

If CHAZ can do it, then it's only fair that Americans in other cities can set up autonomous zones, too.

Let's say that people in one of our many violent cities are sick and tired of crime. Well, then, they could set up an autonomous zone that is patrolled by guards whose duty is to keep out bad people.

We already have gated communities. Maybe autonomous zones are just another step in that direction.

And some people say that the United States has a bright future.


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