Trump must ruthlessly put down Progressive coup

. Only 200 ? Should have been more than that due to the idiocy of the leftist agenda.
That was all the bills they HAD to filibuster... Raising taxes on the bloated rich, investment in the people and the country, real jobs/infrastructure, an immigration bill with a good SS ID card, cheap college and training. You're a brainwashed functional MORON.
. Better than being a leftist.
Actually, we're pragmatic centrists, dupe. And you're flat earth chumps of the greedy idiot rich. The world is aghast at your idiocy..."I know, a tax cut for the rich!".
Centrists? You mean between Stalin and Mao?
Truman and JFK more like...You're quite mad, dupes...

JFK supported tax cuts, self reliance and a vibrant economy, Truman dropped 2 fucking nuclear bombs on our enemies, they'd have NOTHING in common with today's Communist Progressive Party
That was all the bills they HAD to filibuster... Raising taxes on the bloated rich, investment in the people and the country, real jobs/infrastructure, an immigration bill with a good SS ID card, cheap college and training. You're a brainwashed functional MORON.
. Better than being a leftist.
Actually, we're pragmatic centrists, dupe. And you're flat earth chumps of the greedy idiot rich. The world is aghast at your idiocy..."I know, a tax cut for the rich!".
Centrists? You mean between Stalin and Mao?
Truman and JFK more like...You're quite mad, dupes...

JFK supported tax cuts, self reliance and a vibrant economy, Truman dropped 2 fucking nuclear bombs on our enemies, they'd have NOTHING in common with today's Communist Progressive Party

JFK supported programs to help the poor. In fact, JFK originated the food stamp program in 1961. He believed in cutting taxes because the top rate was then 90%.

But he also believed in civil rights, in helping those who are less fortunate, and he never once vilified the poor. He would have no truck with today's Republicans.
That was all the bills they HAD to filibuster... Raising taxes on the bloated rich, investment in the people and the country, real jobs/infrastructure, an immigration bill with a good SS ID card, cheap college and training. You're a brainwashed functional MORON.
. Better than being a leftist.
Actually, we're pragmatic centrists, dupe. And you're flat earth chumps of the greedy idiot rich. The world is aghast at your idiocy..."I know, a tax cut for the rich!".
Centrists? You mean between Stalin and Mao?
Truman and JFK more like...You're quite mad, dupes...

JFK supported tax cuts, self reliance and a vibrant economy, Truman dropped 2 fucking nuclear bombs on our enemies, they'd have NOTHING in common with today's Communist Progressive Party
Everyone supports self reliance and a vibrant economy and we're not fighting the Japanese Empire lol, dupe. JFK's tax cuts were nothing like the Reaganist idiocy/pander to the rich of the last 35 years...
Progressive operatives lurking inside the government and Intel community are staging a coup d'etat and must be dealt with accordingly. Gone are the days when government employees do the work of the American people. This seditious faction nested inside the government is undermining a duly elected President, threatening national security and violating all of our most basis rights and freedoms.

They must be dug out root and branch and prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.

It's sedition, it's a coup and it must be be dealt with accordingly.

Would you suggest declaring martial law? I mean, for the good of the nation, of course.

Or perhaps one of Bannon's aides could burn down the, I mean, the Senate chamber of the capitol building. Then, Trump could declare martial law, round up the Democrats and have some show trials. Of course, all news outlets will have to be temporarily closed until each news bureau is assigned a gov't-approved deputy commissioner of truth to oversee (and approve, of course) all stories prior to broadcast. No doubt Putin could help Trump set that up.
I don't know if Trump will "ruthlessly put down this progressive coup" but it sure is damn nice to see Portland, Oregon law enforcement putting it down. I've watched this several times already and it makes me smile every time. It's is so nice to see the thugs finally forced to obey the law like the rest of society. You want to make obscene gestures in public (illegal) at law enforcement no less (immoral) while approaching them aggressively and invading their personal space (illegal) - well - this is what you get:

Female protester reportedly tries to spit at cops. Bad move.
. Better than being a leftist.
Actually, we're pragmatic centrists, dupe. And you're flat earth chumps of the greedy idiot rich. The world is aghast at your idiocy..."I know, a tax cut for the rich!".
Centrists? You mean between Stalin and Mao?
Truman and JFK more like...You're quite mad, dupes...

JFK supported tax cuts, self reliance and a vibrant economy, Truman dropped 2 fucking nuclear bombs on our enemies, they'd have NOTHING in common with today's Communist Progressive Party
Everyone supports self reliance and a vibrant economy and we're not fighting the Japanese Empire lol, dupe. JFK's tax cuts were nothing like the Reaganist idiocy/pander to the rich of the last 35 years...
. You want to make fun of someone bringing up history as if it is irrelevant towards today's issues, and otherwise if it applies ? I want every conservative to hear that, and I want them to use it against the left from now on each time the left brings up the past. Two can play those games.
I don't know if Trump will "ruthlessly put down this progressive coup" but it sure is damn nice to see Portland, Oregon law enforcement putting it down. I've watched this several times already and it makes me smile every time. It's is so nice to see the thugs finally forced to obey the law like the rest of society. You want to make obscene gestures in public (illegal) at law enforcement no less (immoral) while approaching them aggressively and invading their personal space (illegal) - well - this is what you get:

Female protester reportedly tries to spit at cops. Bad move.
. Look what the radical left is causing... So sad. Those poor protestors probably couldn't tell you hardly any history of the nation if asked. Watters world proves it almost every show.
Progressive operatives lurking inside the government and Intel community are staging a coup d'etat and must be dealt with accordingly. Gone are the days when government employees do the work of the American people. This seditious faction nested inside the government is undermining a duly elected President, threatening national security and violating all of our most basis rights and freedoms.

They must be dug out root and branch and prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.

It's sedition, it's a coup and it must be be dealt with accordingly.

It is a well known FACT that most intelligence agents are REPUBLICANS. Trump has insulted them time and time again with his denying their intelligence. So they're going to LEAK information to the media, and I imagine this will continue all the way up until he's impeached. The media will protect their sources under any circumstance. IOW they are bound to not DISCLOSE the name of the person they're getting their information from. This is NOT coming from Obama hold overs, it's coming from Republicans and he'll never find out who they are.

Collusion with a Foreign Adversary to interfere into an American National Election is TREASON. And those phone records never go away.

I don't know if Trump will "ruthlessly put down this progressive coup" but it sure is damn nice to see Portland, Oregon law enforcement putting it down. I've watched this several times already and it makes me smile every time. It's is so nice to see the thugs finally forced to obey the law like the rest of society. You want to make obscene gestures in public (illegal) at law enforcement no less (immoral) while approaching them aggressively and invading their personal space (illegal) - well - this is what you get:

Female protester reportedly tries to spit at cops. Bad move.
. Look what the radical left is causing... So sad. Those poor protestors probably couldn't tell you hardly any history of the nation if asked. Watters world proves it almost every show.



This is the woman's march the day after Trump's inauguration. If you want to see what was going on in your home state go to this link. It's clear they were in the MILLIONS.
Woman's march pictures

This was the night of the election when it was announced that Trump won.

This is Not my President's day--or what happened yesterday.

These are just a couple of the pictures. But it's clear to anyone with half a brain that Republicans are going to get their ass's kicked in 2018. In fact here is what is going on in Republican town halls right now across this country, including in conservative states like Tennessee & Utah--where very few Democrats live.
Republican town halls are getting very, very nasty

Which is why Republicans while on break are deciding not to have a Welcome home town hall.
With Congress out of session, many in Colorado ask: Where are the town halls? – The Denver Post

Republicans are going to get their ass's kicked so bad in 2018 it's going to be history making.


Republicans have awoken a sleeping GIANT and it's pissed. With this Russian connection all over the news it's only going to go downhill from here.
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During the GOP convention The delirious one was promising to dismantle NATO.
Now Pence is in Germany trying to patch up and cover for the prez's comments saying America stands behind NATO.
Meanwhile Bannon is saying in the National Security Council ( he has no business being on ) that NATO should be broken into pieces( making it easier for Putin to strong arm these countries)

Who the hell is in charge?

Meanwhile the Liar in Chief insists everything is running smoothly like a fine tooth comb.

This presidency is a clusterfuck of immense proportions.
During the GOP convention The delirious one was promising to dismantle NATO.
Now Pence is in Germany trying to patch up and cover for the prez's comments saying America stands behind NATO.
Meanwhile Bannon is saying in the National Security Council ( he has no business being on ) that NATO should be broken into pieces( making it easier for Putin to strong arm these countries)

Who the hell is in charge?

Meanwhile the Liar in Chief insists everything is running smoothly like a fine tooth comb.

This presidency is a clusterfuck of immense proportions.

Trump supporters heard all of this throughout the campaign season, and they IGNORED it all. They didn't care, they wanted their "non-establishment candidate."
Donald Trump is a unique threat to American democracy

Clearly Comrade Trump is in very serious trouble. Campaign aids were in contact with high level Russian officials throughout the campaign season, and they have the phone records to prove that. Collusion with a Foreign Adversary to interfere into an American National Election is TREASON.

Look what the radical left is causing... So sad. Those poor protestors probably couldn't tell you hardly any history of the nation if asked. Watters world proves it almost every show.
Really? This is the woman's march the day after Trump's inauguration. If you want to see what was going on in your home state go to this link.
Woman's march pictures
Are you this stupid by nature or are you doing this on purpose. He mentions the ignorance of the left (how they know nothing about U.S. history, the U.S. Constitution) and you want to post pictures of idiots marching and talk about numbers. What does that have to with Beagle9's point about their ignorance? Why can't you tackle the subject matter?
Republicans have awoken a sleeping GIANT and it's pissed.
*Yawn*. You post this same stupid line at the end of every silly post you make. This is your attempt to self-soothe. You're trying to convince yourself that there are many like you (anti-American hatriots) and that a marxist regime is just over the horizon.

Your side of the aisle is exactly the same today as it was on November 8th when Donald Trump wiped the floor with you people. And you'll be exactly the same a year from now too (because....well....that's what happens when one is incapable of learning - they permanently remain in the same place).


This is the woman's march the day after Trump's inauguration. If you want to see what was going on in your home state go to this link. It's clear they were in the MILLIONS.
Woman's march pictures

This was the night of the election when it was announced that Trump won.

This is Not my President's day--or what happened yesterday.

These are just a couple of the pictures. But it's clear to anyone with half a brain that Republicans are going to get their ass's kicked in 2018. In fact here is what is going on in Republican town halls right now across this country, including in conservative states like Tennessee & Utah--where very few Democrats live.
Republican town halls are getting very, very nasty

Which is why Republicans while on break are deciding not to have a Welcome home town hall.
With Congress out of session, many in Colorado ask: Where are the town halls? – The Denver Post

Republicans are going to get their ass's kicked so bad in 2018 it's going to be history making.


Republicans have awoken a sleeping GIANT and it's pissed. With this Russian connection all over the news it's only going to go downhill from here.

Look what the radical left is causing... So sad. Those poor protestors probably couldn't tell you hardly any history of the nation if asked. Watters world proves it almost every show.
Really? This is the woman's march the day after Trump's inauguration. If you want to see what was going on in your home state go to this link.
Woman's march pictures
Are you this stupid by nature or are you doing this on purpose. He mentions the ignorance of the left (how they know nothing about U.S. history, the U.S. Constitution) and you want to post pictures of idiots marching and talk about numbers. What does that have to with Beagle9's point about their ignorance? Why can't you tackle the subject matter?

I presumed he was calling every one of these protesters stupid, when clearly it's not they that are stupid.


Trump actually stated this, and studies have shown that Trump supporters are well below par on the intelligence scale. In fact, I doubt most of them could walk and chew gum at the same time.
Donald Trump loves the 'poorly educated' — and they love him

And there are several links to verify this at this link.
So just how stupid can Trump supporters really be? Your answer is here.
Progressive operatives lurking inside the government and Intel community are staging a coup d'etat and must be dealt with accordingly. Gone are the days when government employees do the work of the American people. This seditious faction nested inside the government is undermining a duly elected President, threatening national security and violating all of our most basis rights and freedoms.

They must be dug out root and branch and prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.

It's sedition, it's a coup and it must be be dealt with accordingly.

It is a well known FACT that most intelligence agents are REPUBLICANS. Trump has insulted them time and time again with his denying their intelligence. So they're going to LEAK information to the media, and I imagine this will continue all the way up until he's impeached. The media will protect their sources under any circumstance. IOW they are bound to not DISCLOSE the name of the person they're getting their information from. This is NOT coming from Obama hold overs, it's coming from Republicans and he'll never find out who they are.

Collusion with a Foreign Adversary to interfere into an American National Election is TREASON. And those phone records never go away.

. The (repubs) if guilty will be the ones who are guilty of espionage, and that is just as bad as treason, so I hope the traitors are caught no matter who they are, and I hope the people realize who the real undermining forces are if happen to be Republicans.
During the GOP convention The delirious one was promising to dismantle NATO.
Snowflake....he's 4 weeks into his presidency. On the campaign trial - Barack Obama promised to close Guantanamo Bay. 8 years later he left with it still open.

Funny how you remain dead-silent on that.

Well Dumbass in 4 weeks we have 2 Senate investigations ongoing into Trump's connection with Russia. His Executive orders have caved in under the law. He skirted around the acting attorney General, Sally Watts, called up one of his pom pom squad members Rudi Giuliani to write the order, then fired Sally Watts for telling her staff to not defend because it was unconstitutional. That couldn't have better played out in a comedy T.V. Reality show.
Trump’s Executive Order Is an Unconstitutional Attack on Muslims. It Must Be Struck Down In Its Entirety.

Then he was forced to fire his National Security adviser, General Flynn for lying to Mike Pence, and apparently Flynn also lied to the FBI. He is violation of the Logan Act, and will probably face criminal charges for lying to the FBI.
Flynn reportedly lied to FBI about sanctions talk with Russian envoy

We know now that Trump isn't going to build the fucking wall, because Congress will not appropriate money for something that is worthless, and Mexico isn't going to pay for it either. We know now that he never had any intention of mass deportation, only going after the criminal element like every other President has. We know now that the Dream act will stay in place, not that I mind that, but I sure as hell know you do.--LOL

He has declared terrorist attacks happened when they didn't in several locations, and he fucking LIES all the time. In the last 3 weeks, he has spent 700K per trip x 3 trips in taxpayer dollars to head to. what he refers to as the Southern White House, Palm Beach Florida, every single weekend. He and his sons have spent 11.3 million for travel expenses in the last month outdoing what Obama spent in a YEAR. And he also spent an enormous amount of taxpayer dollars to get down and campaign in Florida last week, even though he won the election.
In a month, the Trump family has cost taxpayers almost as much as the Obamas did in a year

We know now that Trump campaign aids were in continual contact with high level Russian officials while DNC databases were getting hacked into. Those phone records never go away. Collusion with a foreign adversary to interfere into an American National election is TREASON.
Trump aides were in constant touch with senior Russian officials during campaign -

So this is the comrade's accomplishments in the last 4 weeks. You're right he has certainly outdone any other President before him.


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