Trump May End Up Replacing 3, Even 4 Supreme Court Justices in His First Term

Sotomayor and Ginsburg will be fine. Thomas will do the country a favor and croak after the 2020 election to be replaced by a Dem President.
Why do you hate black people, you racist motherfucker?
I don’t hate black people. Just acknowledging what a great day for America it will be when Thomas bites it.
/----/ You racist pig.
Yet you celebrate that old Democrat party. Why?
/--------/ Oh here we go again, one magical night every slave owning democrat was turned into a Republican, and the Republicans who ended slavery became democRATS.
View attachment 204507
Your party celebrates the Confederate flag and their statues. Why? I thought you hated Democrats?
Sotomayor and Ginsburg will be fine. Thomas will do the country a favor and croak after the 2020 election to be replaced by a Dem President.
Ginsburg’s got another 6 years in her? They’ll have to rename it Weekend at the Supreme Court and task the lefty justices with dragging her dead ass around.
With luck, she only has to make it to November and Democrats can block any SC nomination until Trump (or Pence after Trump’s removal) is defeated in 2020.
Sotomayor and Ginsburg will be fine. Thomas will do the country a favor and croak after the 2020 election to be replaced by a Dem President.
Ginsburg’s got another 6 years in her? They’ll have to rename it Weekend at the Supreme Court and task the lefty justices with dragging her dead ass around.
With luck, she only has to make it to November and Democrats can block any SC nomination until Trump (or Pence after Trump’s removal) is defeated in 2020.
LOL...yeah, well good fuckin’ luck!
With luck, she only has to make it to November and Democrats can block any SC nomination until Trump (or Pence after Trump’s removal) is defeated in 2020.

And they claim my ideals are farfetched! if if if if. Like the other poster said: 'good luck'.
With luck, she only has to make it to November and Democrats can block any SC nomination until Trump (or Pence after Trump’s removal) is defeated in 2020.

And they claim my ideals are farfetched! if if if if. Like the other poster said: 'good luck'.
Thanks, idiot. Are you still pretending to be a Democrat? Please hurry up and #WalkAway
Sotomayor and Ginsburg will be fine. Thomas will do the country a favor and croak after the 2020 election to be replaced by a Dem President.
Probably appoint another 3 in his second term.
The fatass will have passed from a heart attack or be in prison before he can ever run for anything again.

You ever tire of time showing how foolish you are?
Sotomayor and Ginsburg will be fine. Thomas will do the country a favor and croak after the 2020 election to be replaced by a Dem President.
Probably appoint another 3 in his second term.
The fatass will have passed from a heart attack or be in prison before he can ever run for anything again.

You ever tire of time showing how foolish you are?
^ ironic
Why do you hate black people, you racist motherfucker?
I don’t hate black people. Just acknowledging what a great day for America it will be when Thomas bites it.
/----/ You racist pig.
Yet you celebrate that old Democrat party. Why?
/--------/ Oh here we go again, one magical night every slave owning democrat was turned into a Republican, and the Republicans who ended slavery became democRATS.
View attachment 204507
Your party celebrates the Confederate flag and their statues. Why? I thought you hated Democrats?
We don't try to erase history as yours does.

It is part of this country's history whether you sensitive people are offended or not.

Got news for you. Your dumb as Hero Zero set back relations a decade or more. I live in the deep South. Hardley day a single Rebel flag until your side started TRYING to devide the nation again. Which is a political tactic to enrage your lunatic base.
Sotomayor and Ginsburg will be fine. Thomas will do the country a favor and croak after the 2020 election to be replaced by a Dem President.
Ginsburg’s got another 6 years in her? They’ll have to rename it Weekend at the Supreme Court and task the lefty justices with dragging her dead ass around.
With luck, she only has to make it to November and Democrats can block any SC nomination until Trump (or Pence after Trump’s removal) is defeated in 2020.
You will try. Hard time with character assassination of his pick. But you BORK your asses off trying.

We already know you are paying millions trying to dig dirt. If you can't find you will make shit up. Just what your side does. If you don't wellw ask if you are sick or something. Because you wouldn't be acting your normal selves.

Dems the party of division and LIES.
Sotomayor and Ginsburg will be fine. Thomas will do the country a favor and croak after the 2020 election to be replaced by a Dem President.
Ginsburg’s got another 6 years in her? They’ll have to rename it Weekend at the Supreme Court and task the lefty justices with dragging her dead ass around.
/——/ Dead democRATs are famous for voting. So why not in the USSC?
Sotomayor and Ginsburg will be fine. Thomas will do the country a favor and croak after the 2020 election to be replaced by a Dem President.
Ginsburg’s got another 6 years in her? They’ll have to rename it Weekend at the Supreme Court and task the lefty justices with dragging her dead ass around.
With luck, she only has to make it to November and Democrats can block any SC nomination until Trump (or Pence after Trump’s removal) is defeated in 2020.
You will try. Hard time with character assassination of his pick. But you BORK your asses off trying.

We already know you are paying millions trying to dig dirt. If you can't find you will make shit up. Just what your side does. If you don't wellw ask if you are sick or something. Because you wouldn't be acting your normal selves.

Dems the party of division and LIES.
Yeah maybe we’ll do something like argue he was born in Kenya, YOU MISERABLE PIECE OF TRASH
Sotomayor and Ginsburg will be fine. Thomas will do the country a favor and croak after the 2020 election to be replaced by a Dem President.
Ginsburg’s got another 6 years in her? They’ll have to rename it Weekend at the Supreme Court and task the lefty justices with dragging her dead ass around.
With luck, she only has to make it to November and Democrats can block any SC nomination until Trump (or Pence after Trump’s removal) is defeated in 2020.
You will try. Hard time with character assassination of his pick. But you BORK your asses off trying.

We already know you are paying millions trying to dig dirt. If you can't find you will make shit up. Just what your side does. If you don't wellw ask if you are sick or something. Because you wouldn't be acting your normal selves.

Dems the party of division and LIES.
Yeah maybe we’ll do something like argue he was born in Kenya, YOU MISERABLE PIECE OF TRASH
/-----/ Yeah, not one shred of evidence Obozo was born in Kenya.
Sotomayor and Ginsburg will be fine. Thomas will do the country a favor and croak after the 2020 election to be replaced by a Dem President.
Ginsburg’s got another 6 years in her? They’ll have to rename it Weekend at the Supreme Court and task the lefty justices with dragging her dead ass around.
With luck, she only has to make it to November and Democrats can block any SC nomination until Trump (or Pence after Trump’s removal) is defeated in 2020.
You will try. Hard time with character assassination of his pick. But you BORK your asses off trying.

We already know you are paying millions trying to dig dirt. If you can't find you will make shit up. Just what your side does. If you don't wellw ask if you are sick or something. Because you wouldn't be acting your normal selves.

Dems the party of division and LIES.
Yeah maybe we’ll do something like argue he was born in Kenya, YOU MISERABLE PIECE OF TRASH
That sums up what you say nicely. Your side calls us every name in the book and expect niceness in return. Same as your last post. Calling me trash for calling out your side's tactics.

Your side pays protesters.

Your side riots to avoid hearing others opinions. aka Berkley.

Your side complains about solutions and offer nothing in return. How about your side compromising or growing a set. Offer solutions other than you suck and you are a racist.

Your side has protesters yell in the faces of other Americans then complain when we tell you to FO.

And so on.
Sotomayor and Ginsburg will be fine. Thomas will do the country a favor and croak after the 2020 election to be replaced by a Dem President.
Ginsburg’s got another 6 years in her? They’ll have to rename it Weekend at the Supreme Court and task the lefty justices with dragging her dead ass around.
With luck, she only has to make it to November and Democrats can block any SC nomination until Trump (or Pence after Trump’s removal) is defeated in 2020.
You will try. Hard time with character assassination of his pick. But you BORK your asses off trying.

We already know you are paying millions trying to dig dirt. If you can't find you will make shit up. Just what your side does. If you don't wellw ask if you are sick or something. Because you wouldn't be acting your normal selves.

Dems the party of division and LIES.
Yeah maybe we’ll do something like argue he was born in Kenya, YOU MISERABLE PIECE OF TRASH
That sums up what you say nicely. Your side calls us every name in the book and expect niceness in return. Same as your last post. Calling me trash for calling out your side's tactics.

Your side pays protesters.

Your side riots to avoid hearing others opinions. aka Berkley.

Your side complains about solutions and offer nothing in return. How about your side compromising or growing a set. Offer solutions other than you suck and you are a racist.

Your side has protesters yell in the faces of other Americans then complain when we tell you to FO.

And so on.
Ironic, because your accusations are either false or your side practices them in equal measure. I see my last post went completely over your head. You said only my side lies, but you spent 8 years claiming Obama was born in Kenya.
Ginsburg’s got another 6 years in her? They’ll have to rename it Weekend at the Supreme Court and task the lefty justices with dragging her dead ass around.
With luck, she only has to make it to November and Democrats can block any SC nomination until Trump (or Pence after Trump’s removal) is defeated in 2020.
You will try. Hard time with character assassination of his pick. But you BORK your asses off trying.

We already know you are paying millions trying to dig dirt. If you can't find you will make shit up. Just what your side does. If you don't wellw ask if you are sick or something. Because you wouldn't be acting your normal selves.

Dems the party of division and LIES.
Yeah maybe we’ll do something like argue he was born in Kenya, YOU MISERABLE PIECE OF TRASH
That sums up what you say nicely. Your side calls us every name in the book and expect niceness in return. Same as your last post. Calling me trash for calling out your side's tactics.

Your side pays protesters.

Your side riots to avoid hearing others opinions. aka Berkley.

Your side complains about solutions and offer nothing in return. How about your side compromising or growing a set. Offer solutions other than you suck and you are a racist.

Your side has protesters yell in the faces of other Americans then complain when we tell you to FO.

And so on.
Ironic, because your accusations are either false or your side practices them in equal measure. I see my last post went completely over your head. You said only my side lies, but you spent 8 years claiming Obama was born in Kenya.
I never claimed that. Strawman much. But in retrospect I wish he had been born there and stayed there.

After 10 trillion more in the hole, and continued foreign policy failures, pen and a phone, and dumb ass immigration tactics,....Kenya should have claimed this miserable FAILURE.

While we are at it. Where the hell were you when that piece of TRASH used federal agencies to attack Americans,........ Don't use the standard he didn't know about it BS. Pony up. You know. I know. The American people KNOW he damn well knew about it.

Does your party get it's rocks off attacking other Americans because we disagree.

Finally your side has a lot of nerve calling anyone else Facist.

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