Trump makes noise with his orange, fat mouth again. This time claiming Earth’s moon is part of Mars

Jesus CHRIST you leftists are pathetic.

The Moon IS a part of NASA's plan to send a manned mission to Mars, and that's clearly what he's referring to.

Nasa will have manned Moon base by 2028 – and turn it into lunar 'gateway' for crewed Mars missions

You idiots are so blinded with TDS it's a wonder you can even put your fucking socks on in the morning.

Oh look, it's the YouTube fascist.

Guess you'll be leaning on Tweeter to force them to change this, huh.


What's that say? I don't have my glasses.

Covfefe that. Oh and do tell us again where "the Bronx" is.

"For all of the money we are spending, NASA should NOT be talking about going to the Moon - We did that 50 years ago. They should be focused on the much bigger things we are doing, including Mars (of which the Moon is a part), Defense and Science!"

He is very plainly stating that a Mars mission involves operations on the moon. I'm sorry you're too stupid to figure this out. Maybe you need to seek meds for your TDS.
Jesus CHRIST you leftists are pathetic.

The Moon IS a part of NASA's plan to send a manned mission to Mars, and that's clearly what he's referring to.

Nasa will have manned Moon base by 2028 – and turn it into lunar 'gateway' for crewed Mars missions

You idiots are so blinded with TDS it's a wonder you can even put your fucking socks on in the morning.
Lol there is nothing about his actual quote that indicates this. I mean maybe this would be slightly believable if it weren’t part of a long list of retarded things Trump has said such as windmills causing cancer lol

The moon is now an unmoon. It has always been a part of Mars. We have always been at war with the moon. To think otherwise is unpresidented.

You watch that kind of thought, or you'll be sent to a very wonderful place in Germany with very fine people.

Make Murka Ignant Again and Shit. Because I love the poorly educated.
Jesus CHRIST you leftists are pathetic.

The Moon IS a part of NASA's plan to send a manned mission to Mars, and that's clearly what he's referring to.

Nasa will have manned Moon base by 2028 – and turn it into lunar 'gateway' for crewed Mars missions

You idiots are so blinded with TDS it's a wonder you can even put your fucking socks on in the morning.

Oh look, it's the YouTube fascist.

Guess you'll be leaning on Tweeter to force them to change this, huh.


What's that say? I don't have my glasses.

Covfefe that. Oh and do tell us again where "the Bronx" is.
whatever nazis (which the moon is a part of )
its a good thing im not a history teacher posting videos or id really be trouble derp

You're saying the president of the USA hasn't heard NASAs plans thats been around for years ?

and cnn is a credible source to
Jesus CHRIST you leftists are pathetic.

The Moon IS a part of NASA's plan to send a manned mission to Mars, and that's clearly what he's referring to.

Nasa will have manned Moon base by 2028 – and turn it into lunar 'gateway' for crewed Mars missions

You idiots are so blinded with TDS it's a wonder you can even put your fucking socks on in the morning.

Oh look, it's the YouTube fascist.

Guess you'll be leaning on Tweeter to force them to change this, huh.


What's that say? I don't have my glasses.

Covfefe that. Oh and do tell us again where "the Bronx" is.

"For all of the money we are spending, NASA should NOT be talking about going to the Moon - We did that 50 years ago. They should be focused on the much bigger things we are doing, including Mars (of which the Moon is a part), Defense and Science!"

He is very plainly stating that a Mars mission involves operations on the moon. I'm sorry you're too stupid to figure this out. Maybe you need to seek meds for your TDS.

This is the sad part of Cult worship. The self-delusion.
Jesus CHRIST you leftists are pathetic.

The Moon IS a part of NASA's plan to send a manned mission to Mars, and that's clearly what he's referring to.

Nasa will have manned Moon base by 2028 – and turn it into lunar 'gateway' for crewed Mars missions

You idiots are so blinded with TDS it's a wonder you can even put your fucking socks on in the morning.

Oh look, it's the YouTube fascist.

Guess you'll be leaning on Tweeter to force them to change this, huh.


What's that say? I don't have my glasses.

Covfefe that. Oh and do tell us again where "the Bronx" is.

"For all of the money we are spending, NASA should NOT be talking about going to the Moon - We did that 50 years ago. They should be focused on the much bigger things we are doing, including Mars (of which the Moon is a part), Defense and Science!"

He is very plainly stating that a Mars mission involves operations on the moon. I'm sorry you're too stupid to figure this out. Maybe you need to seek meds for your TDS.

This is the sad part of Cult worship. The self-delusion.

Jesus CHRIST you leftists are pathetic.

The Moon IS a part of NASA's plan to send a manned mission to Mars, and that's clearly what he's referring to.

Nasa will have manned Moon base by 2028 – and turn it into lunar 'gateway' for crewed Mars missions

You idiots are so blinded with TDS it's a wonder you can even put your fucking socks on in the morning.

Oh look, it's the YouTube fascist.

Guess you'll be leaning on Tweeter to force them to change this, huh.


What's that say? I don't have my glasses.

Covfefe that. Oh and do tell us again where "the Bronx" is.

"For all of the money we are spending, NASA should NOT be talking about going to the Moon - We did that 50 years ago. They should be focused on the much bigger things we are doing, including Mars (of which the Moon is a part), Defense and Science!"

He is very plainly stating that a Mars mission involves operations on the moon. I'm sorry you're too stupid to figure this out. Maybe you need to seek meds for your TDS.

This is the sad part of Cult worship. The self-delusion.


Won't argue with that (my forebears did come from Ireland after all) --- just essplain this...

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no body knows this but the moon is originally from da bronx

The force of the moon being sucked out into space is what caused the Bronx to get flung all the way to a wonderful place in Germany.

Of course --- "get flung" means "not get flung". Just as "would" means "wouldn't".
No matter how you feel about him Trump cant take a shit without the snowflakes losing their minds

stupid shit like this ...

Like staright pride in August
or trump hats
or can we have sane immigration
everythings is nutzo bezerko with them


“We choose to go to the Moon not because it is easy, but because it is Mars" --- JFK, 1962

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Twitter erupts over Trump claim that the moon 'is a part' of Mars

Lol I can’t wait for republicans to try to justify this pure stupidity. Perhaps Trump supporters have no basic understanding about our solar system to begin with and are just blindly assuming Trump is correct about this like any other assertion this stupid orangutan says to them at one of his rallies. I don’t really know. I like to think anyone with an average IQ would know the difference between Earth and Mars and which planet had only one moon. Please tell me republicans are better than this.

You know, if a republican in Bush II’s era said to me “Billy, it’s unfair hyperbole to call Bush a fucking moron. He can’t be THAT dumb.” I would react with “okay, perhaps you’re right. He is intelligent and dignified in SOME ways despite still being among the dumbest of US president.”

However, If a republican said this same thing about Trump, I would call him or her a fucking moron for believing such a thing.

Trump ... trump ... trump ... trump ...


Moon hits your eye

Like a big pizza pie

That's the Martians....
Twitter erupts over Trump claim that the moon 'is a part' of Mars

Lol I can’t wait for republicans to try to justify this pure stupidity. Perhaps Trump supporters have no basic understanding about our solar system to begin with and are just blindly assuming Trump is correct about this like any other assertion this stupid orangutan says to them at one of his rallies. I don’t really know. I like to think anyone with an average IQ would know the difference between Earth and Mars and which planet had only one moon. Please tell me republicans are better than this.

You know, if a republican in Bush II’s era said to me “Billy, it’s unfair hyperbole to call Bush a fucking moron. He can’t be THAT dumb.” I would react with “okay, perhaps you’re right. He is intelligent and dignified in SOME ways despite still being among the dumbest of US president.”

However, If a republican said this same thing about Trump, I would call him or her a fucking moron for believing such a thing.

Trump ... trump ... trump ... trump ...

Yeah, you people are really driving yourselves crazy with your delusional, continued support huh?

Featuring "Brain Damage"

The lunatic in the White House
The lunatic in the White House
The Tweeter hurls his verbal feces to the floor
And every day the internet brings more.

The lunatic is in the head
The lunatic is in the head
He writes the tweet, covfefes abound
He wrestles sanity to the ground.
We lock the door
And throw away the key
There's someone in the head but it's not we

And when the outbursts, thunder in your ear
Cult morons never seem to hear
And if the land you're in starts playing different tunes
I'll see you on the Mars side of the moon
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Trump made a mistake and the responses are funny and clever. So much for Trump destroying Democracy as many top Democrats have said. Yes he takes one step back with his sometimes silly statements and for his crude tweets, but he takes two steps forward with a great economy and acting like a STRONG president. Its hard to imagine Obama ever standing up to Mexico and getting them to HELP us with the border. As you say, "moronic" Trump supporters back him no matter what, but look at his tough stances and understand that they know he has their back!
Jesus CHRIST you leftists are pathetic.

The Moon IS a part of NASA's plan to send a manned mission to Mars, and that's clearly what he's referring to.

Nasa will have manned Moon base by 2028 – and turn it into lunar 'gateway' for crewed Mars missions

You idiots are so blinded with TDS it's a wonder you can even put your fucking socks on in the morning.

If the moon is such an integral part of our mission to Mars, why doesn't he want to go there?
Lol best post of the day.
Wow, a liberal starts a thread mocking average Americans as unintelligent. Meh, we KICKED YOUR ASS and took back the White House SUCK IT! :auiqs.jpg:
Lol ah yes. The go-to “we won an election 3 years ago suck!” It’s really all you asshats have huh?
View attachment 264358
Lol what non sense. The wall couldn’t even get funding before the Dems took the House and for some reason you think this issue is some kind of win for Trump. Also, the economy was already creating jobs before Trump. The boost to the stock market on a short term basis doesn’t somehow translate to a better quality of life for the middle class and poor. You know that right? Also, republicans will never do jack shit about infrastructure. My god your naïveté is astounding.

Were are the bills for Trump to sign on infrastructure?, Health care reform?

Show Trump the bills...

No Billy the democrats only care about party not country

And btw infrastructure spending dropped significantly during the Obama years.

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