Trump Made Walter Reed Docs Sign NDA's


Diamond Member
Jun 15, 2019
Gold Coast
When Trump went to the hospital at Walter Reed in November 2019, he had the doctors around him sign non-disclosure agreements. Some say that that visit was less than transparent. Speculation was that Trump may have had a stroke or a series of them.
Having the doctors in his care sign an NDA raises further speculation on the President's health. It also is less than transparent.
Knowing this concerning NDA's further adds speculation to his latest hospitalization for Covid at Walter Reed.
Did the doctors again have to sign them? Transparency on the matter needs to be given to the people.
Is Trump not being honest? Hmmm.

"The report raises questions about why Trump was so insistent about doctors signing NDAs given that they are already prohibited from publicly disclosing his medical condition.
Anyone providing medical services to the president — or any other American — is automatically prohibited by federal law from disclosing the patient’s personal health information without consent,” NBC News writes."

Didn’t search,huh?
When Trump went to the hospital at Walter Reed in November 2019, he had the doctors around him sign non-disclosure agreements. Some say that that visit was less than transparent. Speculation was that Trump may have had a stroke or a series of them.
Having the doctors in his care sign an NDA raises further speculation on the President's health. It also is less than transparent.
Knowing this concerning NDA's further adds speculation to his latest hospitalization for Covid at Walter Reed.
Did the doctors again have to sign them? Transparency on the matter needs to be given to the people.
Is Trump not being honest? Hmmm.

"The report raises questions about why Trump was so insistent about doctors signing NDAs given that they are already prohibited from publicly disclosing his medical condition.
Anyone providing medical services to the president — or any other American — is automatically prohibited by federal law from disclosing the patient’s personal health information without consent,” NBC News writes."

:uhoh3: :uhoh3: :uhoh3:
When Trump went to the hospital at Walter Reed in November 2019, he had the doctors around him sign non-disclosure agreements. Some say that that visit was less than transparent. Speculation was that Trump may have had a stroke or a series of them.
Having the doctors in his care sign an NDA raises further speculation on the President's health. It also is less than transparent.
Knowing this concerning NDA's further adds speculation to his latest hospitalization for Covid at Walter Reed.
Did the doctors again have to sign them? Transparency on the matter needs to be given to the people.
Is Trump not being honest? Hmmm.

"The report raises questions about why Trump was so insistent about doctors signing NDAs given that they are already prohibited from publicly disclosing his medical condition.
Anyone providing medical services to the president — or any other American — is automatically prohibited by federal law from disclosing the patient’s personal health information without consent,” NBC News writes."

Well he did claim to be the most transparent POTUS in history. .(chuckle)
Transparent? The a$$hole isn't even translucent.

His need for complete secrecy proves the impeached president trump is a crook of the first order.

When Trump went to the hospital at Walter Reed in November 2019, he had the doctors around him sign non-disclosure agreements. Some say that that visit was less than transparent. Speculation was that Trump may have had a stroke or a series of them.
Having the doctors in his care sign an NDA raises further speculation on the President's health. It also is less than transparent.
Knowing this concerning NDA's further adds speculation to his latest hospitalization for Covid at Walter Reed.
Did the doctors again have to sign them? Transparency on the matter needs to be given to the people.
Is Trump not being honest? Hmmm.

"The report raises questions about why Trump was so insistent about doctors signing NDAs given that they are already prohibited from publicly disclosing his medical condition.
Anyone providing medical services to the president — or any other American — is automatically prohibited by federal law from disclosing the patient’s personal health information without consent,” NBC News writes."

Well he did claim to be the most transparent POTUS in history. .(chuckle)
He is very transparent......and OBama claimed to be it, but then talk about secrets....he did zero out in the open...
Transparent? The a$$hole isn't even translucent.

His need for complete secrecy proves the impeached president trump is a crook of the first order.

You people look REALLY STUPID whining about Trump not being transparent while supporting a candidate who REFUSES to say if he will pack the court. As well as supporting a woman who says we have to pass the bill to see whats in the bill.

Transparent? The a$$hole isn't even translucent.

His need for complete secrecy proves the impeached president trump is a crook of the first order.

Tell us why HIPPA Laws should be suspended for POTUS..?
Maybe because he is the leader of this nation and the people in a democracy should know whether their leader is sickly in body or in head.
The press poll who was covering TRUMP that day has already commented the visit was short @ an hour. So not sure why liberals keep falling for stuff that is easily discredited.

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